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"Promises are a big thing in life. When having a child, the parents are promising to take care and raise the child to the best of their ability. My father didn't keep that promise. When becoming a police officer, you promise to protect your community from those who don't follow the law. Shane didn't do a very good job of that. If there's something I truly hate, it's when people don't keep their promises."

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CAROLINE STAYED BACK WITH Beth, Carol, Carl, and the baby while the men went to go question the woman just a few yards away.

While Beth and Carl stayed in the cell with Carol, the blonde girl stood near the door, listening on the conversation.

"We can tend to that wound for you, give you a little food and water, and then send you on your way. But you're gonna have to tell us how you found us and why you were carrying formula."

"The supplies were dropped by a young Asian guy with a pretty girl." The woman answered and Caroline's eyes winded.

Glenn and Maggie. 

"What happened? Were they attacked?" Hershel asked, wondering what had happened to his daughter,

"They were taken."

"Taken? By who?" Rick questioned.

"By the same son of a bitch who shot me." She answered.

"Hey, these are our people." Rick pressed and Caroline watched as Rick grabbed her wound, "You tell us what happened now!"

The woman raised her finger at him and Daryl raised his crossbow, "Don't you ever touch me again!"

"You'd better start talking. You're gonna have a much bigger problem than a gunshot wound."

She glared at Daryl, "Find 'em yourself."

Rick pushed Daryl's crossbow, "Put it down." He took a step towards the dark-skinned woman, "You came here for a reason."

"There's a town." She began, "Woodbury. About 75 survivors. I think they were taken there."

"A whole town?"

"It's run by this guy who calls himself the Governor. Pretty boy, charming, Jim Jones type." She continued,

"He got muscle?" Daryl asked,

"Paramilitary wannabes. They have armed sentries on every wall." She answered,

"You know a way in?" Rick questioned.

She nodded, "The place is secure from walkers, but we could slip our way through."

"How'd you know how to get here?" Rick narrowed his eyes,

"They mentioned a prison, said which direction it was in, that it was a straight shot."

Rick pointed the at the older man, "This is Hershel, the father of the girl who was taken. He'll take care of that."

Daryl and Rick made their way over to the door and Caroline stepped back. They walked through and Rick gave her a nod before he kept walking.

"When are we going?" Caroline asked the hunter.

He shook his head, "You ain't comin'." 


"Daryl, Caroline!" They turned to see the group gathering by the far set of stairs, "C'mon." They both nodded before walking over,

"How do you know we can trust her?" Oscar asked,

"This is Maggie and Glenn. Why are we even debating?" Caroline stated, crossing her arms,

"We ain't. I'll go after them." Daryl replied,

"Well, this place sounds pretty secure. You can't go alone." Rick responded,

"I'll go." Caroline said and Daryl shook his head,

"Nah, you ain't. Not on that leg." He motioned to her ankle, "We just got you back, Care."

"Maggie's my best friend." Caroline argued.

Rick grabbed her arm, "Care, I need you here. Alright? Protect the others."

Caroline looked into Rick's pleading eyes before pulling her arm away.

"I'll go." Axel stated, stepping up.

"I'm in." Oscar spoke up.

"I wanted to help. Maggie and Glenn were my friends. I can shoot. I can protect myself. Hell, I was out there by myself for most of the winter. I helped the others find shelter. So why wouldn't they let me help with this?"

They began packing up and Caroline stood by the door into the cell block, her arms crossed. She watched as Daryl packed up the car, placing weapons inside. He finished talking to Carl before he looked back at her.

He gave the boy a pat on the back before walking up to her, "Care-"

"Don't." She sighed, stepped off the wall, "Just... promise me you'll come back?" She asked, looking into his light blue eyes, "This is different. We're not dealing with walkers, we're dealing with people. Dangerous people and... We don't know a lot about this group, just that they've got the muscle." Tears filled her eyes, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Daryl nodded, looking down at his boots before into Caroline's eyes, "I promise, Care."

Caroline wrapped her arms around Daryl and buried her face into his neck. Daryl placed his hands around her waist and the two didn't let go until Rick called for him,

"You protect this group, okay? That's your job. You're not being tossed aside. You're not useless."

"See you soon." Caroline smiled, wiping away her tears,

"See you soon." Daryl repeated, kissing her forehead before going over to Rick.

"What I didn't know was that I wasn't seeing him anytime soon. He was going to leave. Just like everyone else."

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