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"It was getting colder. And I was getting tired of waiting. Waiting for someone to strike first. We were preparing, yes, but mentally I don't think anyone was ready. We'd have to kill people, real live people. Not the walking dead."

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CAROLINE ROCKED JUDITH GENTLY IN HER ARMS AS SHE WALKED TOWARDS THE CELLS. She was about to put the baby down for a nap when she heard an argument. She looked up towards the upper set of cells where Merle and Daryl looked to be in a heated discussion.

"Shut up, man!" Daryl growled at his brother before descending the stairs.

"Everything okay?" Caroline asked as he walked in her direction.

"'M fine." He mumbled, walking past her without even looking at her,

"Daryl!" She called out for him but he kept on walking. Caroline narrowed her eyes up at the older Dixon before heading up the stairs, keeping the baby close to her chest, "What did you say to him?"

"Nothin' that ain't true, missy." Merle responded, turning away from her,

"Merle!" Caroline hissed and grabbed Merle's arm, "Look, I don't know if you're mad about Daryl not finding you in Atlanta or whatever, but... don't do this to him."

"Do wha'?" Merle turned and pointed a finger at himself, "I'm not doin' nothin' but tellin' my brother whats right. We're blood, me an' him. Nothin' else should matter."

"Don't put doubts in his head. Look, he really looks up to you. But you guys are adults, he's his own person. Don't make him feel like he's anything less. He's no one's bitch. Not yours, not Rick's, and certainly not mine. Let him think for himself." Caroline turned to go back down the steps to set the baby down.

She went to go find Daryl, to figure out what was going on. Caroline stepped outside and turned to look at Maggie, "Have you seen Daryl?"

Her friend pointed towards the gates, "Yeah, he left a few minutes ago to go hunting. He looked a bit pissed, everything okay?"

"Merle's messing with things again." Caroline sighed, standing beside the brunette, "He keeps putting these doubts in Daryl's head."

"So get rid of them." Maggie stated,


Maggie rolled her eyes, "Look, you love him, don't you?"

Caroline's eyes widened, "I... I wouldn't go that far. I like him, and we've kissed a few times, but-"

"Okay, well, I guess I'll save you the trouble. I've seen the way you look at him and I've seen the way he looks at you. You love each other, end of story. So the only way to get rid of those doubts is to prove to him you aren't going anywhere. Prove Merle wrong." Maggie shrugged, "Knock his ego down a bit."

"Asshole deserves it." Caroline crossed her arms,

"Let Daryl cool off a bit, then talk with him." 

Caroline sighed, "Yeah, alright." She turned to go back inside and continue working on their weapons that Rick acquired.

"I needed to know what Merle said to him. I know what it's like, to have someone put you down over and over again. And Daryl doesn't deserve that. Not after everything that he's been through."

The blonde looked over at Merle's cell, where he was sharpening the knife he puts on his contraption of his. Caroline stood up and approached him. She sat down across from him, watching him sharpen his knife,

"Why do you hate me so much?" 

Merle scoffed, "I don't even know you, girl."

"Then why say all those things to Daryl about me? Why make him feel like shit-"

"Cuz women don' stick around the Dixon men for long. Not even our ma." Merle narrowed his eyes, "So why would you?"

"How am I supposed to prove myself if you won't let me?" Caroline asked,

"Die for him, I guess." Merle smirked,

She narrowed her eyes, "Thanks."

Merle watched her for a moment, "Why Daryl? Rick could protect ya just fine. Glenn," Merle shrugged, "maybe. There's other men out there."

"Because Daryl understands what I went through. And I understand what he went through." Caroline stated,

"What the hell is that suppose' to mean, girl?"

Caroline held eye contact with the older Dixon, "Because we have the same scars."

"I've never seen them with my own eyes, no, but I knew they were there. And that's how he knew, just by looking. But that's how I knew he had gone through the same thing, too."

"So yer daddy hit ya, too." Merle sighed, leaning back and letting go of his knife, "Did Daryl kill him for ya?"

"No." Caroline sat up straight, "I did."

"Impressive, girl." Merle stood up, "I guess I underestimated you."

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