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"I know nothing could've prevented Lori's fate. That I knew. But maybe I could've saved T-Dog. Could've saved Carol. Or been there to help Maggie."


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WHILE CAROLINE RAN TO THE INFIRMARY, mostly everyone else was outside. Rick, Glenn, and Daryl went outside the fences. T-Dog, Carol, and Maggie went to bring the vehicles outside the cell block. And Lori, Beth, and Carl stayed inside with Hershel. Caroline found some crutches for Hershel to use and made her way into his cell, tapping Carl's hat as she walked past.

Hershel was sitting up on his bunk and Caroline smiled at him as she handed him the crutches, "Time for your big moment, Hershel."

"Just take your time." Lori told him as he grabbed on to them.

"Daddy, don't push yourself." The younger blonde said as Hershel stood, testing his balance,

"What else am I going to do?" He questioned, "I can't stand looking at the bottom of that bunk." The metal clinked on the concrete floor and Hershel tested the crutches, everyone holding their arms out in case he fell.

He took a few steps forward, "You know? I can go pretty steady."

"That's a good start. Want to take a rest?" Lori asked,

"Rest? Let's go for a little stroll."

Caroline grinned, "I think it's a beautiful day for that."

They all stood close to the older man as they walked towards the door. They help him up the stairs, Caroline standing behind him in case he fell backwards. Carl opened the door, filling their faces with sunlight. Hershel began walking down the stairs and he lost his balance.

"I got you here if you need it." Lori stated,

"Just take your time on those steps." Beth told her father.

They made it to the bottom with no incident and began looking around all the work everyone did.

"You cleared all those bodies out? It's startin' to look like a place we could really live in." Hershel commented,

"Hey, you watch your step. Last thing we need is you falling." Lori said, one hand out to help him and the other on her back.

She was close to giving birth. She was already overdue, who knew when she was going to pop. But at least Hershel can be there now when she does go into labor.

"Alright, Hershel!" Caroline looked out to see the boys inside the fences.

"You're doing great, Daddy." Beth commented,

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