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"It had been at least 12 hours since the others went on a run to get medicine. There hasn't been a sign of them yet. Not that I expected one. 50 miles wasn't too far in the old world. Now, it could take days to get there and back. If they haven't ran into any problems."


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Caroline went out hunting early that morning, brining back a few squirrels and a rabbit. But it wasn't enough to feed everyone.

The sick got the food first, they needed to keep their strength up. Then the elderly and the young got food next. After that, there wasn't enough left for anyone else.

Caroline was bored. She couldn't even talk to Maggie, or Beth. They weren't exposed like she was. She had to stay away to keep them safe.

It was too quiet.

The prison used to be full of activity. Children playing, Rick farming, people eating in the courtyard. Now it was dead. Those who weren't sick were cowering in their cells.

"I hated being alone. The last time I was alone, I was hiding in the tombs, thinking about T-Dog's body being torn to shreds. Before that? My father had shot me and I left him to be eaten. Me being alone was always the result of some tragedy. I don't think I can handle it again."

A large cluster appeared on the fence line in the north and Caroline rushed down. She grabbed a tire iron and tried to take out as many walkers as she could.

Maggie eventually appeared, trying to help out,

"You shouldn't be near me, Mags." Caroline grunted,

"We don't have the numbers to be arguing, Care." Maggie grabbed a fire poker, "Glenn and Sasha are sick, daddy's in there trying to help." She smirked over at the blonde, "Looks like we're the last two standing."

Caroline smiled, "Who would've thought." She stabbed another walker before wiping the sweat from her forehead, "We gotta get rid of this cluster."

The sound of tires in dirt caught their attention as they spotted the green car driving towards the gate. the two girls ran over to the opening and Caroline grabbed the ropes to open the first set of gates while Maggie got the second set.

Rick drove in and Caroline's eyebrows furrowed as she only noticed one figure in the car.

Caroline quickly closed the gates before turning towards the stopped car, "How come every time you go out there you come back with one less person?"

He ignored her question, "Carl, Judith, are they okay?"

Maggie nodded, "Yeah. Where's Carol?"

"Glenn, Hershel, Sasha?" He continued,

"Yeah, it's bad, but they're fighting it." Maggie answered,

"Daryl's not back yet." Caroline stated and Rick went back to the car, "Rick." She jogged to catch up to him, grabbing his arm to stop him, "Rick, where's Carol?"

He sighed and turned towards her, "It was her. She killed Karen and David."

Caroline let go of him and stepped back, trying to process the information, "She was trying to stop it from spreading." He explained, "Tyreese is gonna be back here soon, so I didn't think she should be here. And I couldn't have her here. She has a car, supplies, she'll figure it out." He glanced over at Maggie, "I'll tell your dad. Don't tell anyone else yet."

Caroline nodded, "Okay."

Rick noticed her change in demeanour, "Would you have brought her back?"

She bit her lip, "She said she did it?"

He gave her a nod, "Yeah."

"Then you were right to send her away." Caroline told her, "I don't know if I could have."

Rick squeezed her shoulder, "You could have, Care. You've done harder things. Don't doubt yourself." He let go of her arm and went back to the car, "We don't get to anymore."

"Rick, the cluster's getting bigger than the one that took the fence down." Maggie said once she processed what he had told them, "We need to do something."

"We will." He said before closing the door and driving back up to the prison.

"I knew Rick was gonna have me tell Daryl what had happened to Carol. According to Carl, last time Rick gave him bad news regarding leaving someone behind, Daryl ended up trying to fight Rick. Why are all the bad things happening all at once?"

"You okay?" Maggie asked her as they went back to the fence,

"'M fine." Caroline mumbled, "Let's just focus on the problem in front of us."

"Which one?"

Caroline let out a small huff of laughter before grabbing the tire iron and stabbing a walker.

"We need a plan! There's no more pigs, my dirt bike is gone, how are we gonna get these walkers out of here?" Caroline grunted,

"For now, we need to reinforce the fence." Maggie replied, "The men were cutting down trees to put against the stakes, but they're all sick."

Caroline nodded, "I'll get Rick and we can put them up."

After finding Rick leaving the A Block, they found the truck with long logs in the back. They drove it down by the fence and the three of them began setting up the logs to keep the fences from falling.

"I just talked to your dad." Rick told Maggie as they grabbed another log, "He looks good, all things considered."

"If Carl were sick, would you be up there with him?" Maggie asked him,

"If I thought I could help." Rick answered,

"You don't think I can help?" Maggie questioned as they set the log against the fence.

A walker that was near the ground grabbed Rick's ankle and pulled him down. Rick let out a shout and Maggie reacted quickly, grabbing an axe and hacking the arm of the walker off.

"Damn." Rick grunted as the two women helped him up, "I'm just glad you're out here with me."

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