Chap 1

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  Yall will know what I'm talking about below in the second paragraph, its like the Jake and Inna thing with their side and their will still be geman
  We were on the BVB bus on our way home from tour. Even though this was our tenth tour, I wasn't exactly sure I had lost count, in the past two years we still couldn't get used to it we were always so excited. And before every show Ashley had kept his promise, he would kiss me to calm my nerves before we played.
   Over our two years as a band we had grown extremely popular and had made such amazing music that it was unreal. Ashley and I hit a few bumps in our relation ship, it wasn't bad it was either he went out and partied and got a bit to drunk and unknowingly and accidently flirting with a girl which was basically a wink or smirk nothing bad, but we worked it out we always did and we only really fought twice about it.
    Ashley and I had also started our one band on the side called Holy Sin. Me and Ashley weren't breaking off of Black Veil Brides we were just touring when Black Veil Brides wasn't. It was our project together, and of course Ashley still played bass. I played guitar, but we both sang. And on top of being part of two bands Ashley and I were still planning our wedding, we were just so busy that we hadn't found a date but everything else was accounted for the invites, the dress which I still needed to buy I had reserved it, the bridesmaids, decorations, the place, everything but the date.
   Juniper and the girls were still making music for Set In Stone but it was hard with Juniper still at Stetson. But I think they should have been joining Black Veil Brides at warped tour coming up.
   Alexandria and Frank have been married for a year, and Alexandria was expecting her baby soon. After high school she went to a school of Art in san Francisco before starting her own painting school and making art work. Ashley's fashion line had also gone up within the two years, which had made Ashley constantly busy with new clothes. Luke had graduated early, in his jr year the reason being was his football scholar ship from freshman year so now he was playing football for the USC Trojans
   Andy was currently on his bunk passed out, jinxx was at the table video chatting with Aries, jake was sitting on the floor playing video games with Ashley, while cc and I were.... well in the guys words, annoying everyone with our pranks and childish behavior. Lets just say being around CC a lot I sort of reached his level of crazy all the while still being sane and calm
      "Hiiii Ariessss how have you been?" I asked excitedly as I popped up from the couch. Both jinxx and Aries jumped
    "Holy shit Anubis you scared the living hell out of me" Aries said clutching her chest. I laughed
    "Vell at least I scared my home out of you" I said
   "Jesus Anubis, what the hell were you thinking?" Jinxx asked as he turned around
    "I vas thinking that I vas going to say hi to Aries since ve haven't talked in a vhile" I stated as I placed my head on the top of the couch "be lucky I didn't jump on you because I almost did"
    "That's wonderful" Jinxx said sarcastically
    "I'm doing fine A, that was before you scared me. Hey since you guys are coming home we should all have dinner" Aries suggested
    "If we're having dinner we're doing it at Ashley and Anubis's place" Jake said
    "Vhy our place?" I asked
    "Because you guys have the biggest place" Jake said "and you make amazing food"
     "That is true" Jinxx said. It wasn't a lie, me and Ashley's house was huge. Of course I wanted something a bit small but Ashley had gone all out. We had a huge two story house the size of a palace. The walls were made of slightly bronzed stone and all the halls were open which I had loved, and pillars holding up the balcony. The front door entrance had been framed by two have pillars against the wall, the  arched door a deep shiny mahogany color. Off two the side of the house was a huge garden filled with all sorts of beautiful flowers and some of the green vines grew on the pillars, and the back of the house was a huge pool and the ground made of cobble stone. All the doors and windows were arched. The house had a small Hispanic touch to it, but it was cozy and considering the halls were open and outside it was flowy. I did love the openness to it, of course their were some closed in halls towards the living room, some of the bedrooms, and bathrooms. The only place where the open walls were was the interior parts of the house, the garden, and the back. Surprisingly the house didn't even cost that much it was cheap.
     And the best part the house wasn't to close to the city, it was in between the country and the city. The neighbors weren't even close it took ten minutes to walk to the neighbors.
   "Plus all of our cars are at you house" jake added.
    "Ill call the girls in a bit and let then know that we're eating at your house" Aries said.
    "Hey Anubis want to play a prank on Andy?" CC asked. I looked at him to see his wide grin. He held up a water bottle and Air horn
    "Hell yes" I said getting up quickly and walking towards CC
    "you do realize that you are asking to die right? You know how Andy is when people wakes him up from his sleep or when he doesn't get sleep" Ashley said as he glanced at me and CC. I flashed Ashley a small smile
    "Andy can't catch me, ve all know this" I said
   "Yea your practically a fuckin snake hybrid thing. You just shoot out like a dart and bam. Gone" jinxx said. We all laughed
   "Its funny because it's true. CC vhat do you vant to do air horn or vater?"
    "Air horn. What the hell type of question is that?" CC asked as he handed me the water bottle. I took and popped a whole into the cap, a large whole, looking at CC
    "that's true" I said. Slowly we tip toed over to the bunks. I quietly opened the door before CC slipped inside, me following him. Andy was all the way in the back. His face was buried in the pillow as the blankets he had were scattered. He only wore a pair of Batman sweat pants. CC got closer to Andy. He placed the air horn next to him as I readied the water bottle.
    "One..." CC whispered "two... three" and with that CC pressed down as a ear splitting sound went of. Andy jumped up in surprise, eyes wide. He hit the bunk above him as I squeezed the water bottle completely drenching Andy. Me and CC laughed hysterically as a look of shock crossed Andy's face as I ran out of water and cc let go of the air horn
    Suddenly Andy's face went from shocked to pissed in less then three point five seconds
    "Peace out my dudes" I said quickly before running out of the room, dropping the water bottle. I startled Jinxx, yet again, and jake causing him to lose the game before I dove under the space between the table and couch. I held my breath and stayed as still as possible, sticking to the shadows. I listened to Jake curse under his breath at losing and Ashley cheering happily as I saw CC's feet run past followed by Andy's.
    "Dude can you not scream?" Jinxx asked
    "Well you try being woken up by an Air horn and water bottle to the face and not get pissed" Andy snapped. Jinxx sighed
    "Hold in sweet heart, in going to go get my head phones" Jinxx said before I felt him shift and get up from his seat.
    "Ashley where the fuck is your fiancee?" Andy asked
   "I have no idea where she went, how should I know?" Ashley asked. I bit my lip, trying to hold back a grin
    "Well she is your soon to be wife" Andy said before I heard him stomp over to the couch and sit down right above me when Jinxx walked back out and slid into his spot
    "I was in the middle of a game with jake dude" Ashley said "a game in which I won"
    "That's a first" CC said jokingly  "By the way were eating at Ashley's"
   "I can just get her back then" Andy said 
   "Dude that's what you think, you know she's a master at hiding and getting away, their is no way you're getting her back you may as woo just give it up" Jake said
    "Especially because you still cant get her from last year at new year when she covered your entire room in silly string and confetti" Ashley said
    "Which was absolutely ingenious, I'm upset that I didn't think of it" CC said 
     "Oh no I'm still finding strands of silly string and confetti in my room" Andy said
    "Seriously? That's awesome" CC said laughing
     "I cant wait to get home its been too Long" jake said " I can't wait to see lexi"
    "We know you keep talking about it" Andy said
    "It isn't like you are any better, you keep talking about Eva" Ashley said
    "Hey you have your girl on the bus with you so don't complain. Juniper is still in Florida, I haven't seen her in two years, the video chatting doesn't help" CC said. At this point I just decided to give up before sliding out from my hiding spot
     "Don't vorry, I have a feeling that she'll be back soon. I can feel it" I said
    "Where the hell did you come from?" Andy and CC asked in unison. I shrugged as I sat in between Ashley's legs, his arms around me as he was playing another round with jake
     "Vell of you paid attention or even bothered to look around you vould have known that I vas hiding under vhere jinxx vas sitting" I replied casually
    "I cant believe that you it under there, I cant even fit under there" andy said
    "That's because you're ten feet tall dude, your a freaking giraffe" CC said. I laughed
    "Yea yea, you're only mad because you're short"
    "One its called being a compact human being, and two I am an average sized man if you want shot look at Jinxx" CC said. Everyone laughed as Jinxx turned around and flipped him off " I'm just stating the obvious"
    I snuggled into Ashley's chest, burying my face into the crook of his neck. I had gotten used to all the physical contact that had come  with Ashley, especially in public.
      "I am super boredddddddddd" CC said as he flopped down on the couch
      "There are plenty of things to do what are you talking about?" Jake said "just plug in the third controller and play with us"
    "Really?" CC asked sitting up quickly. Jake had never let CC play this specific game with him, I had no idea what the game was called all I knew was that it was a war game  in fear of CC getting overly excited.
  "Yes really. Hurry up before I change my mind" Jake said pausing the game. CC got off the couch and plugged in the third controller before they began playing again
   "Andy can you do me a favor and get me the ice cream out of the fridge?" I asked
    "Ugh fine but only because I'm nice. But you have to stop pulling pranks on me" Andy said getting up and walking over to the fridge before grabbing my chocolate fidget ice cream and tossing it to me
    "(1) Danke"
    " (2) bitte. Its bitte right?" Andy asked  
     "Yes it is" I said laughing as I unwrapped my ice cream, setting the wrapper in my lap, before eating it.
    "Yay I actually got something right" Andy said
    " (3) es wird lange dauern, bis du fließend deutscher Andy anfängst. komm nicht zu hochmütig" Ashley said
    "Dammnnnn" CC said "you just got one upped again"
    "Oh shut it you show off" Andy said. Ashley laughed. Ever since we had graduated I helped Ashley with his german, he was actually really good at it. And he said some really really perverted things.
    "I'm just utilizing my knowledge" Ashley said.
    "Hey mister, you got cocky your self and messed up plenty of times" I chided as I licked my chocolate covered lips before licking my ice cream
    "Hey I had a valid reason for all of that" Ashley said.
    "Mhmmm sureeeeee" I said. All the sudden Ashley took a huge bite out of my ice cream "thats mine. Go get your own ice cream"
    "What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine" Ashley said, sticking out his tongue as he watched the screen before he squished his face 
    "Haha karma is a bitch" I said 
    "You're so mean"
     "Just stating a fact"  I answered "I can show you a cold heated bitch if you vant?" I suggested
    "Nooooo" everyone said at the same time
   "We don't need that, especially because we all know what you're like when your monthly demon friend comes out and its not pretty" Jinxx said. I laughed. Everyone learned the hard way how moody I was when time came I was either happy or a stone cold bitch. It was always one of those things where I could switch back and forth real easily, like a light switch. It was better to keep me happy when time did hit.
    "OK now thats settled" I said as I finished my ice cream. For the next half hour or so I watched as they played games before andy changed into actual clothes
    Finally we had reached or house. Home. I sighed in relief as we all grabbed our stuff and got off the bus, the guys putting their stuff in the car before following me and Ash to the door. Odd. I didn't hear barking from Berlin or icy at all. Normally they were practically scratching the door down trying to get to us
     As we walked up the drive CC had began complaining about something. I wasn't sure what it was  because I jar spaced out but had to be something about travel. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, Ashley and the guys close behind me. I walked towards the living room when I noticed someone standing in the living room. But it wasn't just Anyone. It was Juniper, Berlin and Snowflake
     We all stopped In our tracks, mouths dropped open. She held up my old escape the fate, the one she spilt paint on when we first met.
     "You know I'm still really sorry for spilling paint on your jacket" Juniper said. I dropped my bags and ran over to her, enveloping her in a big hug. She hugged back laughing
     " vhen did you get here? How? I thought you verent supposed to be back for another year" I said
   "Well I graduated. I figured that I would come back. I couldn't leave you guys, even though I didn't want to leave Florida was awesome" Juniper said
    "Vhy didn't you tell us that you graduated, ve vould have come down" I said as I broke the hug, CC automatically taking my place and peppering her with kisses. She laughed
    "You guys were touring. I missed you guys so much" juniper said
    "Don't tell the girls that Juniper is here, it has to be a surprise. I'm going to out up my stuff and ill be right back. You can show her around CC" I said as I walked back over and grabbed my bags before walking towards my room, Ashley behind me as we went to put our bags up
     "You have to show me your and logo you and Ashley have when your done" she called out
    "I cant believe that she's finally back, this is exciting" I said as I threw my bag on me and Ashley's large king sized four posted bed with deep blue, nearly black, curtains . Across from the bed was our dresser with a large ninety nine inch flat screen tv that sat on top of it. The bed sat under neath a large window and on each side sat dark brown and class night stands with lamps, covered with paper and pencils along with an alarm clock. To the side of the bed sat a set of French glass double doors that lead to the balcony. The balcony overlooked the back yard where the pool was and the whole ten Acres of property we owned. I spotted out two horses just grazing in the back ground. One was a beautiful Arab with a shiny coat named Coco and the other was also an Arab but with a shiny black coat named shadow. Thank god our yard was fenced to where they couldn't get out seeing they were excellent jumpers.
     "Yea now CC wont be so sad anymore. Its good to see him so happy" Ashley said as we unpacked
    "Yea that's true. But now ve are all together again" I said as I put my suit case up along the wall knowing we would have to leave for warped tour soon.

Translations (match the numbers)
     1) thank you
     2) you're welcome
     3) it is going to take a long time before you start to fluently speak german Andy. don't get to cocky

The house

The garden off to the side

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The garden off to the side

The garden off to the side

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The back of the house

The back of the house

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The arab

The black arab

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The black arab

The black arab

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