Chap 22

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*Ashley POV*
   I had woken up at least an hour early and without Anubis waking up. Greta had helped me with setting breakfast up as I went to get a few balloons, well a shit ton, and a few black and red roses. When I had come back Greta had everything already laid out ready to go. Their was a bunch of sausage and liverwurst,cheese, bread rolls, fruits, yogurt, butter and strawberry jelly, a really good looking fruit covered oven pancake, and a couple of hard boiled eggs. The kitchen had smelled delicious. I walked in as I noticed Greta pouring a small cup of tea
    "it smells amazing in here" I said. Greta laughed and looked up
     "Of course it is, it's German" she said
     "This is a lot, are you sure she's going to finish it?" I asked curiously. She looked at me
    "There is a few things you should know about German food, all of this isn't a lot, but it vill hold you over until lunch time. Two this is a normal sized breakfast, this may be a little bigger because you're sharing vith Anubis and she's pregnant, three this doesn't really require cooking and that's about it" Greta said "vhats vith the thousands of balloons?"
    "Every year for her birthday I but a thousand balloons for her and a few flowers. That's how her first birthday was celebrated when she moved up here"
    "You do realize she's going to kick your ass right"
     "She wouldn't, even though she says she will"
     "I vouldnt get to cocky if I vere you" Greta said as she grabbed her bag and headed towards the door  "now I have to head over to Sarah's for a project. Can you tell Anubis I said happy birthday?"
     "Of course" I said. Once I heard the door shut I had put everything on the tray and carefully walked towards our room. Anubis had been curled up in a ball on her side, blankets pilled on top of her as she clutched my pillow burying her head into it. I chuckled quietly as I set the tray on the night stand next to me before I slowly climbed over Anubis and peppered her cheek and neck in kisses. Anubis groaned
     "Stop itttttt" she whined
     "You have to get up baby girl" I said softly before kissing her cheek again. She just groaned and shifted a bit  
     "I'm sleeping, go away" she said
    "Please get up fo me" I whined playfully. Anubis just sighed and opened her eyes, looking at me with a deadly glare "yayyy you're up now"
     "Vhy did you vake me up?" She asked.
    "Because I have something for you" I said before I kissed her softly
     "Is that seriously vhy you voke me up?" Anubis asked once I broke the kiss.
     "I'm offended. No it isn't" I said as I carefully reached over and grabbed the balloons and flowers before handing them to her. She laughed "happy birthday my beautiful baby girl. You can now also legally drink"
      "Ashley, these are beautiful" Anubis said happily as she sniffed the roses, setting the balloons aside. She set down the roses and grabbed my torso, pulling me into a kiss "thank you outlaw I love them. Although I tell you to stop buying me stuff"
    "Well I like buying stuff for you. Beside you still have your gifts waiting for later tonight" I said beaming. She just laughed again as she sat up some and tangled her fingers in my hair
      "And thank you for reminding me how old I vas getting"
      "You aren't that old at all. And you only get finer and hotter with age, you look absolutely stunning"
     "Vhats vith all the smooth talk, not that I don't enjoy it at all"
      "That's because I'm prising my goddess. And besides you haven't even got the best for part yet I worked really hard on trying not to wake you up so it could get done" I pouted playfully. She just laughed and set everything to the side as I reached over and grabbed the tray before setting it on her lap. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. I smiled as she looked at me
      "You did this?" She asked
       "Some of it. Greta helped put together the rest" I answered. Anubis just leaned over and kissed me happily
      "This is amazing. I haven't had a German breakfast in years" Anubis said "I love it. But you are helping me eat this because this is vay to much for me to eat alone"
      "Hey it's your birthday, anything you want I will do" I said as I crawled next to her and 'latched' onto her side
      "Such a child" Anubis said jokingly as she started on the yoghurt
     "I am. I'm your child, you cant resist the adorableness that I give off" I said causing her to laugh more as she stuck a spoonful of yogurt in my mouth. As we ate I joked around causing her to turn red. She ate a majority of the breakfast which was great, at least she had been eating. I didn't eat the liverwurst though it was gross. I didn't understand how she ate it. I even made a joke about how she had to brush her teeth before she had kissed me again which only resulted in her playfully smacking my face
     After finishing I had taken the tray from her, set it aside, and climbed back over her into a huge tickle war. She squealed and squirmed laughing as she did
     "No pl-pleease st-topppppp" she said laughing.
    "What's the magic word?" I asked smirking. Through her tear stained eyes I could see her glare at me but she had the biggest grin on her face
    "There is no magic vord..." she said laughing.
     "Ohhhhhh no. Did my baby girl forget what the magic word was? That's a shame,  hate seeing my baby girl suffer" I said teasingly.
     "You're such an asshole" Anubis said
     "You're so lucky I cant do anything to you, other wise I would punish my baby girl" I said as my hand slowly slid down to her thigh and tracing the top of her socks. I held the underside of her thigh tightly as I continued to tickle her sides
     "Vhatever you ass. I have Vays of getting revenge" she said. I finally stopped and she took the chance to flip us over and straddled me, her hands on my chest
    "I absolutely love the view I have" I said lowly as I eyed her. Anubis blushed furiously
     "Yea yea, lets just go vatch a movie" Anubis said. She got up and walked into the living room, I got up and followed as fast as I could.
     "What's movie do you want to watch?" I asked. She looked at me
     "How many time do I have to tell you, ve always start offing vith the crow" Anubis said sassily.
    "I feel like your abusing your power of being twenty one" I said jokingly.
     "You know if I had a ball I'd throw it at you" Anubis said as I switched the TV and put in the crow. I turned around to see Anubis all bundled up in blankets
    "Your so vicious, but I cant help but love it" I said as I picked her up and set her on me as the movie started 
     "Viciousness is a quality of mine" Anubis mumbled. I just shook my head. After a few hours Juniper and cc had came over both dressed in their pajamas and a shit ton of movies with them. We ended  up making a huge blanket fort on the ground and by me I meant CC and I. Anubis wanted to help but Juniper said not to because it was her birthday and the whole pregnant with twins. In all honesty I didn't mind, Juniper had explained how bad being pregnant was I was going to have to do a lot of things for Anubis because it would be at least ten times harder for her.
      Around midnight we had left for dinner. We ended up riding out to me and Anubis's spot. We all sat on a large red and purple blanket with little t candles next to it. Juniper had made salad, wings, potatoes, and chicken nuggets because juniper had really wanted them. And along with it she had made Black forest cake which both of them had eyed hungrily. I sat next to Anubis, her head on my shoulder as she ate.
      "So since I'm godfather to the little cuties that your having, you should tell me some of the names that you're thinking of" Juniper said as she looked at Anubis. 
     "Ve don't know the genders yet I don't vant to say names that ve might not even get to use" Anubis said 
   "That's fine. I was just curious, which by the way we have news to tell you since we want you two as our babies godparents. We're having a baby boy and his name is going to be Jared Michael Coma, well Mora, but still. You guys should be the first to know" Juniper said
     "That's amazing, it really is" Anubis said happily  
     "A boy huh? Lets hope he doesn't get as crazy as you" I said as I shoved CC back some. He just grinned
     "Hey if Juniper loves this crazy ass then she'll love the baby. Its a mix of both of us he's going to be crazy as hell" CC said back
    "Oh great so we'll be surrounded by not two, but three maniacs" I said jokingly
     "Oh I don't think so, we are nowhere near as bad as you and Anubis. You guys are absolutely insane" Juniper said
    "I can vouch for that, tour last year was completely insane man. When you two had fucking went off after performing and started that paint war in the crowd. And if that wasn't enough you just had to go out and start a damn mosh pit" CC said "and lets not forget about Italy"
     "OK that vasn't my fault at all" Anubis defended "Andy and Jake started that vhole ideal"
    "Mhmm I'm sure they did" CC said 
     "Why do I miss all the fun stuff?" Juniper asked poutingly 
     "The downside of college" CC said
     "Hey I'm still in college technically" Anubis said
    "And I enjoy the fact that I have a super hot, super smart, wife" I said kissing her temple  
     "You know what this reminds me of" Juniper stated
    "And vhats that?" Anubis asked
     "You're eighteenth birthday. When we all went on a double date for your
Birthday "
      "That was a pretty good date" CC said "speaking of which does your grandma still own the place?"
     "Yea. Their actually thinking about expanding" I said nodding. Juniper took a sip of her drink
      "Alright. We need to open gifts before we head home and I want this cake because it looks absolutely delicious and I'm getting hungry just looking at it" Juniper said as she handed Anubis a bag.
     "You guys seriously didn't have to" Anubis said as she took the bag
    "Of course I did. It would be breaking party rules" Juniper said. Everyone laughed as Anubis pulled out a bunch of band t shirts and nail polish. Anubis smiled as she saw a hand drawn card covered in glitter and rainbow sharpies.
    "This so doesn't scream gay" Anubis said jokingly before she read it. After she did she looked up and smiled before leaning over and hugging her "its beautiful. Danke Schön"
       "Not a problem" Juniper said "and I better see you wearing those shirts I had a hard time finding them, especially because you listen to a lot and Ashley couldn't name them all"
     "Of course I'm going to vear them, they're going to cover up my baby belly" Anubis joked 
      "Oh they will until they reach four or five months, that's when you cant fit into anything" Juniper said. Anubis looked at me
     "Looks like I'm vearing your sweat pants for all of tour" She said. I smiled
     "Fine by me, as long as your comfortable." I say as I wrap my arm around her. Anubis put everything back in the bag as I handed her a large metallic orange wrapped square.
    "Please tell me this vasn't expensive" Anubis said. I just shrugged and smirked
    "Maybe it was maybe it wasn't. But I guarantee that you will love it" i said. She eyed me suspiciously as she opened it. When she did her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. It was a framed picture of me and on our third date back in high school. Anubis had worn a skeleton tank top, Black shorts, ripped fishnets, and combat boots. Her hair had been braided and pulled to the side. I had my arm wrapped around her waist as she buried her head in my side, pulling my jacket over her head. We had  leaned against the bridge above a river. On the gold frame Happy birthday baby girl had been inscribed on it
      "Ashley...." Anubis said, her voice in a whisper.
       "I told you that you would like it" I said sweetly.
      "I absolutely love it" she said "this is amazing"
    "I thought you would" I said chuckling. She leaned over and kissed my cheek "and I'm still waiting on the second one to come in, which actually is supposed to come today . Unfortunately it didn't make it in time"
     "You went with it?" Juniper asked gasping. I looked at her and nodded
      "Hell Yea, like I would pass that up, my baby girl deserves the best of if the best" I said
    "That's amazing. I'm actually sort of jealous of you" Juniper said. Anubis looked confused
      "Vhat are you talking about?" She asked.
      "Nothing, its a surprise" I said.
      "I officially hate surprises" Anubis said. CC laughed
     "Well get used to it because prank time is coming up" CC said laughing
      "Dude everyday is prank day for you" Anubis and I said at the same time.
     "Yea but this is the one time everyone will be trapped in one bus, its easy targets" CC said.
   "Just so you know, if you get me I swear to god I'm going to make you regret even getting me" Anubis said
      "Nope. I promised juniper no getting pregnant women. The rest have to suffer my wrath for the entire tour" CC said
     "Don't make me put a leash on you" Juniper said jokingly
   "Kinky" CC laughed
    "Hey we're already half way there" I said as I moved Anubis's hair out of the way, showing off the collar.
     "How the hell did I not notice this?" Juniper asked. I shrugged. After a few minutes of talking and moving onto cake  we rode home. Juniper and CC left just as the mail man stopped by and dropped the package off while Anubis had finished up with the horses. When she finished she walked in and looked at me, sitting on the couch with a large box on my lap
     "I'm guessing that's the second half?" She asked as she walked over and sat down.
     "Yes it is" I said as I handed it to her. I watched as she opened it revealing a  glossy ashy gray bass with a black outline. On the bass in a bronze semi cursive semi Gothic font was my wedding vows to her. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes again 
       "I'm speechless... Ash, this is... it's gorgeous just absolutely gorgeous" She said   
     "Hey it's gotta be perfect for my precious Angel" I said. She carefully set the bass down, grabbed my shoulders and kissed me deeply, lovingly. I kissed back as I pulled her closer to me, trying to feel her warmth 
      "You have made this the best birthday in my entire life" she sad softly, her lips barely grazing over mine as she kissed me again but softly  
    "I'm glad you enjoyed it" I said "because you being happy makes me happy, I hate it when ever you're sad or stressed or whatever that isn't happy"   
     "You know that you always make me happy" Anubis said
     "Well.." I said chuckling. She just glared at me playfully "but I'm seriously glad that you enjoyed it. Especially before warped tour"
      "This year is going to be interesting" Anubis said "thank god packing is done and out of the vay"
      "You know I find it funny that we've been back for at least a week or twice since our honeymoon and we still didn't unpack for that"
     "Ve didn't? I thought that ve did"
    "Nope. And watch us forget to unpack for warped"
     "Not really, ve still have to do our tour" Anubis pointed out
     "True. But we all know how that goes" I replied
       "Dammit that's true too"
        "I'm not the only who's smart" Anubis laughed.
      "Vell ve only have a few hours to go, and it isn't like I can get pregnant anymore right now, so you can still finish up your pictures that you started and maybe.... have a little more fun"
     "That sounds really good" I said lowly. She smirked as she grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the couch and down the hall to our room
     "Then Vhat are ve vaiting for, time is running out" Anubis purred. I felt shivers run down my back as I watched the sway of her ass. I bit my lip as I did, my heart racing in my chest. Once we reached out room I shut the door behind me.
     Grabbing the camera off the night stand I turned on the camera and found Anubis sitting on the bed looking as innocent as can be, somehow making it look extremely hot, sitting as dirty as possibly
      "That's a good girl" I said as I began to take her pictures "daddy will reward you when you're finished"
    "Oh I look forward to seeing that"
   "You better hurry, this isn't going to be an all night thing, although I wish I could make it last longer "
    "That's on your own pace, not mine" Anubis said teasingly as she slowly pulled off my hoodie. I bit my lip, growing with anticipation "but if I vere you I'd make it good and last. You vont be able to do this for quite long long time"
    "Oh I definitely plan to" I said


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