Chap 37

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     I was with Lexi as we shopped for thanksgiving food and baby supplies seeing Ashley and I had no baby clothes Whatsoever which was sort of odd considering all the other stuff we got.
      "And this is why we needed the baby shower" Lexi pointed out laughing. I rolled my eyes.    
      "Yea yea yea I'll remember that the next time I get pregnant" I said sarcastically as we walked down the isles for baby clothes.
      "Hey don't get sassy with me,  I'm not the one who procrastinated on getting clothes" Lexi pointed out
     "Anyways,  vhat are you doing for thanksgiving?  Juniper and I are trying to make a list of vhos coming so ve have a round about idea on how much food to make" I said.
      "I'm going down to Mexico to visit my family.  I thought I told you that" Lexi replied as we headed into the frozen isle
      "Last time you told me you said you veren't sure if you vere going or not especially because Jake hasn't met your family yet after how many years of dating now"
     "Oh shut up he only met my mom.  The only down side though was I'm going to have to miss a few days of school but I found somebody to send notes and everything" Lexi said as I grabbed a ham and a couple things of broccoli
     "How's that going by the vay?  I don't get to see you that much anymore.  Or anyone for that matter of face besides Jake vhich is so unfair by the vay" I said,  jokingly at the last part. Lexi glared at me playfully
    "Yea yea.  It's been good,  great actually. I love it,  although it's a lot of work I swear the human body is so freaking complicated it's the world's biggest maze" Lexi said.  I chuckled
     "And you haven't been to any college parties have you?  Those can get you off your path"
      "I only went to one but I ended up leaving early so your fine I'm not that dumb enough to fuck up my career" Lexi said before she walked over to  the chicken  "do you need any chicken? " 
      "Actually I do. I'm planning on making baked chicken for thanksgiving because vhy not" I said
       "Damn I always miss the good stuff" Lexi pouted
    "Vell you don't have to go to Mexico,  you can always stay here " I teased
     "As much as I want too,  and you know I do,  I have to go visit"
     "I know" I said
     " So who's going to be there anyways? "
      " Juniper and her parents,  Aries,  Jackie,  Luke and his girlfriend,  Isabella,  Grandma Purdy,  Jake,  and I'm still not sure if Aunt Marcy is coming yet " I answered " That's everything,  time to leave"
      "Here let me push the car before you break your back" Lexi said as she moved me aside and started pushing the heavy cart which over flowed with food for next week
      "I'm not going to break my back" I said
     "So I have something awesome to tell you.  You know how Jake and I have been talking about having a kid since it also seems that everyone is having their own" Lexi said
      "Yes" I said suspiciously
      "Well we still want to have our own but we ended up adopting a kid from your orphanage" Lexi beamed. my eyes lit up as a smile spread across my face.  I wasn't happy about her adopting from me,  I was happy she did that but,  she was taking in a kid who didn't have a home.  That was the greatest thing ever.
     "Lexi that's amazing" I said happily as I hugged her "you're going to be a great mom"
      "Thanks. I'm so excited,  I can't wait to see the look on Jakes face when he sees her for the first time" Lexi said as I broke the hug
     "Vell vhats her name? Vhen are you going to get her? " I asked
     "Her name is Maria,  she's seven and she came from Britain. I'm supposed to pick her up at eight tonight" Lexi said
     "Vell then what are you doing here vith me you should be getting ready for Maria's arrival" I said as we made it to the line
     "I had some time to kill and I did want to spend some time with my friend.  Like you said I never get to see any of my friends" Lexi chided
     "Screw that I said,  kids are important" I said bewildered
     "I know you're having two of them"
      "Hey it vasnt like I vas planning on having twins that just  happened" I said " I know I vas planning on a kid "
     "Hahaha" I laughed as we checked out and loaded up the cars
     "So you don't mind if Maria and I come over for dinner tonight? " Lexi asked as I shut the trunk
     "Of course not,  I think Juniper and Greta vould like that" I said smiling as we got in the car before  headed to Jake and Lexi's apartment
       "Speaking of Greta how is she doing?  With the whole Michael incident it's only been a week right" Lexi asked
       "Yea I mean I haven't heard anything about anything yet but she's happier.  The only issue I've had so far vas vith Michael's sister.  Their mom doesn't see a problem vith it and said that they both deserve vhat they got but Savanna keeps trying her luck vith me" I said. Lexi looked down and grabbed my phone out of the center console.
      "Hey Ash texted" Lexi said
      "Vhat did he say? " I asked
      "He said that the what you sent him sounded great.  It's the German overlapping the English for one of your songs on your album" Lexi said
     "Sweet. Tell him I said alright and I love him" I said.  Lexi nodded
      "You know good thing I'm not your messenger all the time because just reading the messages he send you....  Wow...  You know,  not the lovey dovey stuff" Lexi said
      "Vhy are you reading my messages" I asked,  gasping slightly and blushing from embarrassment.
      "You gave  me your phone" Lexi defended
      "That doesn't mean read my messages,  that's private. I don't read through your messages'"
       "Then you should have never given me your phone" Lexi said.  I glanced at her
     "Excuse me,  you picked up my phone " I said back
     " But you asked me to text him back" Lexi said trying to be tricky
      "Yea I said text him,  not read my stuff"
     " What ever" Lexi said playfully,  eventually pulling up to her apartment complex and stopping "well I'll see you in a few hours"
       "Alright. And don't be late either" I said grinning. Lexi laughed
       "I'll try to make it so I don't come between you and your love for food" Lexi added.  This time I laughed
         "Smart ass" I said " See you in a bit "
         And with that I headed home and put all the groceries up before starting dinner. I was planning to make pan fried pork chops,  mashed potatoes,  and green bean casserole.  Juniper wasn't home yet and before I started dinner I took Berlin and Icy for a walk.
       I had all the widow's open as I was putting batter in the porch chops,  my hands covered in the flower when all the sudden I heard squealing come from the front door
        "Anubis I have something cute and exciting to show you" I heard Juniper squeal as she walked on,  car seat on her arm.  I watched as she sat the car seat down and took out Jared,  a bag in her other hand,  before she put him in the high chair and gave him puffs before running over to me
"Look at how cute these turkeys are"
     I looked in the bag to see multiple small glass turkey name holders wearing a pilgrim attire.  I smiled and looked up at her
      "Those are cute,  vhere did you find them? " I asked
        "This store had them on sale. They were so cute I just had to get them I figured we could use them for thanksgiving. By the way did you ask if Lexi she was coming? "
     "She's going down to Mexico.  But I vould still count on Aunt Marcy coming though" I said before looking at juniper "and speaking of vhich she's coming over for dinner vith her new kid"
       "She adopted? " Juniper asked a bit happily.
       "Well why didn't you tell me" Juniper said before she set the bag down,  washed her hands,  and started to help make dinner when someone knocked on the door
      "I'll be right back" I said going to answer the door.  I had to stand in front of Berlin to make sure she didn't dart out of the door when I opened it. In front of me was a young woman,  maybe in her thirties.  She was a bit on the shorter side and very thin with light tan skin,  emerald eyes and light red hair.
     "Yes  can I help you? " I asked
      "Is Ashley home? " The lady asked a bit eagerly.  I felt myself get a bit jealous
      "No. Can I ask vho you are and vhy you're at my house? " I asked.  The lady blinked,  looking confused.
     "Your house.  I thought this was Ashley Purdy's  house, did he move? "
The lady asked
      "No he didn't,  he's on tour I'm his vife. Now can you please tell me vho you are and vhat you vant vith my husband" I stated.  The Ladies eye widened
      "I never knew he had a wife. I'm Karen your next door neighbor.  You see Ashley and I met a few months ago... He helped me fix my bike and he told me that if I had anymore problems with it to come get him and he would fix it. " The lady,  Karen,  explained
     "Vell ve got married back in August but ve vere engaged for two years vhen ve moved in" I said.  Something about her seemed off,  really off,
       "Oh well then let's throw a welcome to the neighbor hood pool party, " She started.
       "Look,  not to be rude but it's two years passed overdue for a velcoming party. I'm also in the middle of cooking dinner so... "
        "Oh im sorry I didn't mean to tale you away from your task. It was nice to meet you.... " Karen started
      "Anubis. Would you let me know when Ashley gets back so he can fix my bike" She asked.  I smiled
      "Of course. You have a great day" I said back. I was going to ask Ashley about Karen first before I did anything I had a very bad vibe about her and I didn't trust it
      "Thanks. Ok bye" She said quickly before walking back down the drive way. I shut the door and walked back into the kitchen.  Juniper looker up at me
       "Who was that? " She asked as I started cooking again.  I shook my head
      "Apparently one of the neighbors.  She vas asking for Ashley" I answered
     "That's odd" Juniper said.  We continued to cook and after all the pork chops were done I washed my flour covered hands.  Juniper and I joked around as I set the table  " Ok sooooooooo I have an idea "
      "And vhat vould that be? "
      "So you know how people decorate for Halloween and Christmas? "
      "No I thought they vere just crazy and thought that vas their attic and stuff" I said sarcastically.  Juniper looked at me,  hands on her hips
       "Anubis as much as I love you and your sarcasm,  and how I greatly appreciate sarcasm now is not the time" Juniper said sassily. I laughed throwing my hands up in defeat
      "Alright,  you vin" 
       "Anyways so I was thinking that we could decorate for thanksgiving,  I'm not saying that we should get a ten foot inflatable turkey and stick in he front yard but every year I make thanksgiving decorations out of flowers and everything and I'd think it vould be cool to make it festive " Juniper said
      "That's a fantastic idea. Just let me know vhat you need and I'll get them" I said before I heard another knock on the door
      "Helloooooo,  is anyone home? " I heard Lexi call out.  Berlin and icy got up barking happily as Lexi walked in,  a little girl behind her.
      "Just in time,  dinners ready" I said smiling as they made their way into the kitchen.
     "And who's this little cutie behind you? " Juniper asked as she kneeled down after throwing away the batter bag. Slowly the little girl came out.  She was pale but had beautiful silt wavy brown hair and gorgeous Hazel eyes.  She wore a white sun dress with a light pink jacket,  white stockings,  pink slippers,  and a punk flower head band in her hair. 
     "Come in don't be shy" Lexi said gently "they aren't going to bite. This is Juniper"
      "Hi Juniper I'm Maria" Maria said quietly. Juniper smiled 
     "What a lovely name" Juniper said as she hugged Maria " You're going to love Lexi.  But not as much as me though "
     "Hey don't try and still my daughter" Lexi said as Juniper broke the hug and everyone laughed "and this is Anubis.  But you can also call her Auntie"
     "Thanks a lot Lexi I feel the love" Juniper said sassily, but playfully,  as she walked over to Jared and carefully took him out of his high chair carefully as she headed towards his room "and to think I made you Aunt"
      Lexi rolled her eyes, smiling,  as Maria slowly walked towards me wide eyed
     "Hello Auntie" Maria said.  I smiled
     "It's nice to meet you.  Your new mom vas telling me all about you today,  you're a lucky girl she's going to be the greatest mom ever. Velcome to the family Maria" I said.  She smiled
     "She's shy at first but once she warms up she'll talk" Lexi said.
     "That's fine,  I vas the same vay" I said as Maria touched my stomach softly. Her hands were literally like silk  just as Greta walked in  along with Juniper and Jared
     "What are you waiting for it's time to eat" Juniper said happily.  I chuckled and grabbed the food on the stove and brought it to the table as everyone sat down
    "Danke" Greta said.
     " Yes thank you for making dinner " Lexi said.
     "It's not a problem.  I enjoy the company" I said as I sat down,  everyone making their plates Lexi helping Maria
     "So how have you been Lexi?  Long time no see I thought you were dead for a couple of months" Juniper said grinning.  Lexi shot her a look
      "Nice to know you care. College is keeping me busy" Lexi answered
     " Oh I remember that.  The good old days,  speaking of which I forgot to talk to Miranda " Juniper said
     "And who's Miranda? " Lexi asked
     "My bestest friend in the whole wide world " Juniper answered.
      "Thanks juniper just replace me.  I'm hurt" I pouted as I picked at my green beans before eating it
     "Anubis you're my sister,  nobody replaces you" Juniper said
     "For a special I thought you were going to say wife and I was about to say back off" Lexi said.
     "I can say the same for you,  she's mine" Juniper said back
     "Nooo Anubis belongs to me,  I knew her longer then you" Lexi challenged
     "Soooooo, Anubis and I are super close" Juniper fired back playfully
     "Vhen did I become property again? " I asked.  But the two ignored me and Greta shot me a playful smile as Maria was to focused on the food in front of her to pay attention
     "We were married before Anubis and Ashley started dating"
      "And" Juniper said sassily "she likes me better then you"
      "You didn't just go there" Lexi gasped.  Juniper smirked
      "Oh I did"
      "It's on.  Starting tomorrow we'll have a competition on who Anubis likes better"
      "You're going down"
      "If I'm allowed to say something,  I don't belong to anyone except for maybe,  I don't know ,Ashley. Other then that I'm not property" I said
     " Ashley is just a side hoe" Juniper said "I'm really your one true love"
      And that point all three of us started laughing
     "I can't believe that this is happening right now" I said as I shook my head
     "You best believe it sweetie" Lexi said being as sassy as possible.  Juniper and I just laughed again.
      "See this is why I love my friends because we have the greatest conversations" Juniper said as we calmed down from our laughing fit
     "Trueeeeee" Lexi said "but anyways what drama have I missed since I've been gone? I haven't seen much of Eva lately,  like at all text or nothing. I stiffened as Juniper's grip on her fork tightened,  the room instantly got quiet " What happened? "
      "Eva's died. " Juniper said coldly "she died the third month in warped Tour"
     "Oh my god, how? " Lexi asked.
     " She beat on Anubis,  saying that her and Andy had a fling and then went after me when I told Andy she was cheating on him.  She went for my stomach and I pushed her back out of self defense.  She fell on a rickety bridge that gave out and she fell " Juniper said
      "Oh" That was all Lexi could say,  what else could she say.
      "Can ve just change the subject? " I asked. I didn't want to think about that day,  I wanted to forget about it completely.
     "Yea,  so I almost died yesterday" Lexi said before she launched herself into her story on how she almost died a taco Bell. It was amazing,  we all laughed and talked as a normal family of friends would and dinner had seemed to fly by. Lexi and Juniper insisted that I relax while they did the dishes. I was currently outside with Maria as she stood in the stool to lean over the stall to pet coco.
      "She's pretty" Maria said.  I smiled
      "Yes she is" I said as my hand ran over cocos soft fur on her neck
      "I never rode a horse before.  Mommy said she was going to teach me but she never did.  I wonder what it's like" Maria said. I looked at her and I felt sad
      "Vell you're always velcome to come over here vhenever you vant.  I can teach you to ride if you vant " I offered
      "You would do that? " Maria asked,  looking at me with wide eyes.  I smiled and nodded
      "Of course.  Horse riding is one of the best things ever" I said
        "Oh thank you so much" Maria said as she hugged me before she returned to petting coco. Maria had the biggest grin on her face,  her eyes sparking
      "No need to thank me" I said
       "Do you speak Spanish? " Maria asked as she stared at coco.  Coco tried liking Maria as she chuckled.
      "I do happen to speak Spanish" I answered "vhy? "
     "Momma is trying to teach me Spanish.  I was wondering if you could help me,  you seem like someone who can help"
      "That sure does sound like Lexi" I said chuckling " Of course "
       "Come on Maria it's time to go" Lexi said.  Maria looked at Lexi with a pouting face
       "Can't I stay a few minutes? " She asked.  Lexi and I chuckled
       "No,  we have to go so you can meet you new dad before someone's husband steals the computer" Lexi said looking at me
       "That's not on me" I said as Maria got down and hugged my legs
       "Bye Auntie" She said before she ran over to Lexi and they both walked back to the house. Maria was such a doll.  I grabbed the stool and out it up before I grabbed Shadow and Cocos oats.


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