Chap 9

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   Ashley and I had decided to take a day off for ourselves, that meant no answering anything for anyone we were cut off from the rest of the world. We both needed quality time, no stress, no work, no drama just us.
    We had told Juniper our wedding song and we got my dress ordered so we decided I keep it away from Ashley so he wouldn't see it. We also took up dads offer about that island for the honeymoon. And somehow we got lucky because they guy who owned Isla Iguana island  in Panama/the Caribbean had allowed us to rent the island for our wedding, the best part being their were little huts and everything for people to stay in, along with a wood dock for food and dancing right in front of the water.
      The funny past was the island was uninhabited so knowing all of this was funny. But the island was absolutely beautiful and all the guests would have to go to a neighboring island and take a boat over. Ashley and I were currently in our back yard riding Coco and Shadow, something we hadn't done in a while. I wore my bikini top and a pair of faded blue shorts while Ashley was Ashley and wore his hat and a pair of shorts. We rode side by side, hands intertwined
     "You know what" Ashley said
      "I think that we are going to be fine"
     "Fine as in?"
      "Baby girl, we're going to be fine in every aspect, in life..." Ashley said as he looked at me. I smiled
    "Of course ve are, ve're a power couple"
    "Just one more thing, please tell me that we wont be that couple that once we're married we stop having sex" Ashley said. I laughed "I'm being dead serious"
    "Outlaw, you do realize that this is you ve're talking about right? Vith you their is no stopping hell ve'll probably be sixty and still be at it. You vont stop especially during our honeymoon" I said.
    "Yea that's true. Then again this was your doing I told you once I got my hands on you it wouldn't stop" Ashley said. I nudged him
    "Like that vas all my fault" I said
     "If I do remember this correctly, your teasing had an invitation to it"
      "Ahh but before that you had used that pick up line the guy at the music store said"
     "I only said a line, I didn't invite myself"
    "Yea yea think of vhat vould have happened if I didn't invite you"
    "Dear god I would have driven you crazy until you caved anyways, you're just so easy mess with"
    "I am a human being, I am not to be toyed vith" I said
    "Hey I only did it once"
     "Vait, vhat?"
     "Nothing" Ashley said quicky
      "You better tell me outlaw, or you vont like the consequences"
      "I'd rather deal with you mad at me then the consequences you have to offer"
     "I'm not going to be mad, and I vouldnt say that because you really vouldnt like this one" I said.
    "I didn't say anything, what are you talking about" Ashley said before looking at me, dead in the eyes. After a while we both burst out in laughter
    "Oh my god you jerk" I said laughing
    "Awe I'm so hurt, I thought you loved me" Ashley said jokingly
    "If I didn't love you, vould I do this?" I asked mischievously as I smirked. I let go of his hand and pushed him back some before I kicked Shadow into a gallop.
    "Hey" I heard Ashley shout
    "I love you outlaw" I shouted back, laughing as I did. I felt the wind rush through my hair as I felt Shadows steady hoof beat hit the ground.
I looked behind me to see Ashley trying to keep up. Their was no way he could keep up with me, shadow was just to fast for Coco. And unfortunately Shadow had been my favorite, I told myself I wasn't going to pick favorites. Thirty minutes later I had finally arrived at me and Ashley's spot, a small wooded area nestled next to a calm stream. I hoped off of Shadow feeling the soil between me toes. 
      Shadow walked over to the stream and started drinking just as Ashley showed up. He hoped off of Coco and ran directly towards me
    "Why is it that you always have to get yourself in trouble?" He asked as he grabbed me from behind, pinning my arms. I laughed 
     "Vhat are you talking about, I don't get into trouble" I said. He chuckled darkly
     "Sure you dont, you're just a trouble magnet, a huge one at that" he said in my ear
    "No you are"
    "Nuh uh you are"
    "No you"
     "You are"
     "You are. See you're already getting in trouble, arguing with your daddy. Tsk tsk tsk, you're just digging yourself in an even bigger hole, you're practically begging to be punished aren't you"
     "Oh but I love my daddys punishments, they feel so good ~" I purred
    "Well you'll get plenty of that later" Ashley said against my neck, kissing my jaw line. "But sooner or later your going to learn that you're only a baby lion" I wiggled my way out of his grip and tackled him to the ground smirking
    "Baby lions always grow up to be big lions" I said, sitting on top of him keeping him pinned to the ground. He smirked at me
    "That's true but I will always be the king lion"
    "Nope, that place is already taken by me. Sorry your Highness but your time is up, you've been replaced by me. I vin"
     "That's what you think, although I don't mind the view from down here. I gotta say I love the fire, it makes me feel... tingly"
    "Oh you don't think that I can take you down?" I asked, smirking as I cocked an eyebrow and smirking
     "Sweet heart you can try but it wont work"
    "It isn't vise to underestimate me, purdy"
    "Look at you being so professional and official, but pretty soon that will be your last name and you wont be able to say that without getting yourself in trouble" he said before flipping us over. He smirked "now look who's on top"
    "You so sure about that? I have my ways" I said before I flipped us again
    "Oh so were doing this again are we now?" Ashley asked cockily "you know that I'm going to win again right"
      "I wouldn't be so sure of yourself outlaw, last time you cheated" I said.
     "I did no such thing"
     "Oh so tickling some one to get them to lose their focus isn't cheating? Because last time I checked that vas considered cheating" I said
     "Nope not cheating, anything is fair in the game of what ever the help this is"
    "Mhmm sure it is" I said as Ashley flipped us again. This went on for twenty minutes until we had both rolled us into the stream, startling Coco and Shadow. I laughed as I sat up, the water only waist high
    "At least I vas vearing my bathing suit" I said
    "Yea lucky you. I'm not"
     "That's on you my friend, that is on you"
     "So supportive"
     "Hey I can show you unsupportive" I chide "and on top of that I vin"
     Ashley just stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed. Ashley just pushed me back, falling back in the water. I got up and splashed water in his face.
     "Well..." Ashley started wiping his face and spitting out the water in his mouth "the last time I had anything thrown in my face was when I was trying to pick up some girl at a bar. That wasn't a pretty night"
    "Then maybe you shouldn't pick up vomen at a bar" I said "and this vas how long ago?"
     "Maybe around freshman year, a little bit before I dated Eva" Ashley said. His face fell as soon as he said it "opps"
     "You... you vhat?" I asked, my heart sinking in my chest. Out of all the time Ashley and i had been together he hadn't mentioned this to me
    "Vhen vere you going to tell me?" I asked, my throat starting to swell and my voice cracking. I didn't know why but I felt tears form in my eyes
    "Baby-" he started. I got up quickly him doing the same
    "No, don't" I said hurt "vhen vere you going to tell me?"
     "I was but I didn't know the correct time and I didn't think it was a big deal-"
     "Just calm down and take a deep breath"
     "Don't tell me to calm down" I snapped
   "I'm sorry, I should have told you-"
    "You think. Ve have been engaged for two years and you still didn't tell me. And the months before that vhen Ve vere dating you could have told me but you didn't. Vhat happened to no secrets between us, ve vould tell each other anything? Did that slip your mind too?" I asked. I was hurt beyond belief neither Ashley or Eva had bothered to tell me any of this
    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you-"
    "You have no idea how hurt I am. How vould you feel if I told you that me and one of the guys dated years before but not tell you. You vould be in the position I am in right now, hell I don't know if I can trust you anymore"
    "But I swear to god she doesn't mean anything to me anymore. That was a long long time ago, we both moved on and to be honest it only lasted  a two days. I moved on, I have you now"
      "Did you sleep vith her?" I asked looking into Ashley's now sorrow, hurt filled ones
     "Answer the question"
     "Yes, I did"
      "You take her virginity?"
      "Yes" he said sighing. He looked up at me and went to say something but I held up me hand and he stayed silent
    "Don't just don't" I said quietly. I was beyond hurt. I couldn't deal with this right now, how could Ashley not have told me? Why didn't Eva? Normally this would have hurt, don't get me wrong it did hurt, but it hurt a thousand times more seeing that we only had a few more weeks until we got married "I'm going home and... and I'm going to get my stuff and stay vith juniper for a vhile"
    "Just stop, before you make It vorse for yourself" I said, tears running down my cheeks. It was a stupid reason I know but this hurt, it hurt more them I could have imagined. I grabbed Shadow and hopped on. I cast on glance at Ashley who had just stood there before I took off. I held back my tears. Once I reached the house I out Shadow up and rushed inside and grabbed a few clothes before I went out the door. I may have over reacted but it hurt, how would anyone feel knowing their loved one had a relationship with their friend and not say a thing to you, especially when they... well you know... it had also explained the occasional long glances Eva had given Ashley that I noticed over the time we were together. Just the thought of them being a couple and kissing it holding hands hurt, it got under my skin
     I hoped in my car and headed over to Junipers. The drive seemed to take forever and I didn't even bother turning on the radio. Finally I had pulled into Junipers drive way and parked the car. Shutting it off I grabbed my bag and headed to the door before knocking on the door. After a few minutes Juniper answered the door
     "Hey what a surprise An- oh my god what happened?" Juniper asked concerned. I looked at her as she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug
    "I'm sorry for the intrusion... I just... I didn't know vhere to go.." I said as I cried into her shoulder. She rubbed my back comfortingly
    "Hey hey its ok. Lets get you inside and you can tell me what happened" Juniper said. She pulled me in and shut the door behind her. She lead me down a long narrow hall, the floors were a soft white carpet and the walls were white.
     We reached a large brown leather couch before she set me down. I looked at her
    "Tell me what happened" Juniper said. She already had a small baby belly already
    "I don't know... one minute me and Ashley vere sitting their having fun... and then... then... Ashley said that him and Eva vent out... no one told me about it not eva not Ashley... he didn't tell me out of all the time ve have been together.... I know I probably over reacted but I couldn't help it, it hurt.... it hurts so much I thought he vould have told me something as important as that... I just don't know vhat to do"
    "Oh my gosh, Anubis I am so so sorry, I didn't know about this either. But you didn't over react at all you have a right to feel this way I would be pissed if I had found that out myself with CC if he and Alex ever date for example. How Ashley didn't tell you with all you guys have been through and how long you guys have been dating is a total dick move. Hell I'm about to go over there and kick Ashley and Eva's ass" Juniper said
    "I just thought that ve didn't have anything between us..." I said as I tried drying my eyes
    "Sweetie this isn't your fault at all, I am so sorry this happened but I know you will work through this"
     "How do you get past your fiance and friend sleeping together?" I asked as I looked up at her, sniffling
    "Oh wow.... I'm sorry. I can't even imagine how you feel right now" Juniper said
      "Hey don't stress over it. I'm here to help, for anything"
     "I don't vant to add more stress on you, I didn't know vhat to do, but can I stay here for a few days? If not I can always leave and ask Alex or Aries..."
    "Oh no you're fine. Of course you can stay as long as you need. It'll be just like high school" Juniper said
    "Thank you so much" I said "I cant thank you enough"
    "Its not a problem you are always welcome here" Juniper said smiling at me. She showed me the spare room I would be staying in and I thanked her again.
*Ashley POV*
    I did it again. I hurt Anubis, I didn't mean to but I did. All I could do was watch her ride off, my heart breaking in the process. Why did I have to be so stupid, why didn't I tell her about me and Eva's old flame before.
    After she was gone I rode back  to the house in silence. How could I have been so stupid? I thought I put up Coco when I reached home, no doubt Anubis had already left by know. I was left with a knotted stomach and heart ache
   Just as I walked in Eva and Andy. I forgot they had a key, but hadn't I told them not to come today.
    "Hey Ash" Eva said cheerfully. I only glared at her, I couldn't deal with this not now
    "Whoa what happened to you Ashley? You look like shit" Andy said
    "Now is not the time" I snapped
    "Geez calm down. Where's Anubis?" Eva asked
    "Not here. And she's not going to want to be around any of us for a couple of days" I said
     "What are you talking about? Whatever you did had nothing to do with me" Eva said. I stares at her
    "Oh yes it does," I said. She seemed to catch on and her eyes widened.
   "No" eva whispered.
    "What's going on? What don't I know?" Andy asked. No one knew that Eva and I had dated we had told each other that we wouldn't speak a word of it to anyone at all.
    "I should have told her... I should have told Anubis from the beginning... it would have been better that way, I screwed up" I said with a shaky breath "long long ago... freshman year-"
    "Ash dont. You promised" Eva said
    "He deserves to know and he'll find out anyways chances are Anubis already told Juniper and I cant hold this like in anymore " I snapped "back in freshman year before you and Eva started dating. Eva and i... we dated. It was a two day thing we broke it off....
    "You... you two dated... and not one of you said anything" Andy said his voice shaking. He looked exactly like Anubis had, shock and hurt written on his face.
     "Andy i-" eva started
     "Dont. I just found out my best friend and girl friend had dated, knowing Ashley also slept with, each other and I didn't know for all the years we dated. I need some space right now" Andy said walking off. Eva looked at me with tears in her eyes
    "You just had to say something didn't you" She said
     "What was I supposed to do huh? Continue to lie to my fiancee, if she still wants to get married now, when I should have told her before. What good would that have done? None whatsoever. We should have just told​ the truth from the beginning" I shouted before breaking down "I really hope that I didn't loose Anubis"
      My world had cone crashing down, I had screwed up big time and I needed to fix things I couldn't lose Anubis, I just couldn't. Right now wasn't the time and try to talk to her it would only make this mess worse. She needed space right now and that's what I was going to give her which would give me enough time to figure out how to fix things. Anubis I am so so sorry
    Suddenly I heard my phone ring and I got up seeing it was Juniper. I sighed and picked up the phone, knowing that this call was going to happen sooner or later
    "Hello?" I asked putting the phone on speaker.
     "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" Juniper whisper shouted, Anubis was their and must have been asleep because Juniper would have screamed
      "I di-"
    "You think I don't know that. I screwed up big time Juniper... I hate myself for it, for hurting her. I was being stupid..." I said
    "YOU THINK... but you need to fix things ASAP both you and Eva need to. I hope you learned your lesson" juniper said before hanging up.

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