Chap 13

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*Anubis POV*
My feet were absolutely killing me, I had been dancing with a lot of the guests including the guys, Juniper, Alex, and Mrs. Purdy now known as Grandma for me.
I made my way through the crowd to see Ashley and Garcia talking. I smiled as I reached them
"Hello Garcia its so good of you to make it" I said. She looked at me and smiled
"And miss a week stay at a beautiful Caribbean island and my favorite idols wedding day? There was no way I could miss this I would have to be insane. And thank you for inviting me, your ceremony was absolutely beautiful it was like a fairy tale" Garcia said happily. I laughed
"Vell thank you I'm so glad you enjoyed it" I say
"Enjoyed it ha, I will relive this day for the rest of my life"
"So Garcia is good with anything electronic. She could help with our music videos" Ashley. I beamed
"Really? Could you help us vith that, our last guy sort of bailed on us" I said. She grinned
"Of course I can, you're talking to the Queen be on Computers and everything their isn't anything I can't do" she said. We all laughed
"Thank you so much, you have no idea how grateful I am" I said happily as Ashley wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer
"No need to, their isn't anything that the amazing Penelope Garcia can't do" she said causing us to laugh again
"Ladies and gentlemen lets clear the dance floor for the bouquet and garter toss shall we. I need the bride and groom to make their way to the dance floor" the DJ said. People laughed and cheered, a few wolf whistles were heard.
"Seriously I just valked up here" I groaned throwing my head back as Ashley started to lead me down the small path that had been made
"Awwe my poor baby, do you want me to carry you?" Ashley asked teasingly
"No I'm good" I said shaking my head. Ashley laughed
"Well you're getting carried anyways so deal with it" Ashley said before picking me up bridal style. I squealed
"Ashhhhhhhh put me downnnn I said I could valk"
"Nope sorry baby girl but I'm not putting you down"
"This is literally the only thing that you don't listen to me about"
"Like I said, you get flustered and you're cute when your flustered" Ashley said simply before we reached the dance floor and setting me down. I playfully punched his chest blushing before Juniper walked up and handed me my bouquet
"Thanks" I said
"Not a problem" she said before walking back to where she was standing before, next to the girls.
"You guys ready?" I asked
"Yes we are now hurry your slow ass up" Alex said jokingly. I laughed before I turned my back towards them. I took a deep breath in before I threw the bouquet over my head. As soon as the flowers left my hands I turned around and looked at the girls who were practically acting like animals as the flowers flew in the air until Aries caught it. People cheered wildly as she laughed happily a small blush in her face.
Suddenly I was pulled back into a chair but none other then Lexi
"Thanks for the varning Lexi, I could have died" I said. She looked at me and rolled her eyes
"But you didn't so calm down. You aren't going to die on your wedding day" Lexi said gesturing for the DJ to change the song. I blushed furiously. I may not have listened to any pop sings but I knew that this was one of those sexy songs. I was going to kill juniper she had done this on purpose but I did still love her though.
"Don't be nervous baby girl I won't bite" Ashley said laughing. I glared at him, still blushing furiously as he walked up to me and got on his knees before lifting the bottom of my dress over his head.
I bit my lip nervously as people stared at us, a low ohh going through the crowd like a people pointing out their friends crush in a childish manner. I felt Ashley's lips graze my thigh sending a large spine tingling shiver through me. He grabbed the garter with his teeth before slowly sliding the silky material down my leg before fully taking it off my leg and sliding out from under my dress. The garter hang from his mouth as people whistled and shouted in joy.
Ashley got up and took the garter from his mouth before flinging it to one of the guys. Ashley had beamed as he offered me his hand and helped me up. I buried my head in the crook of his neck trying to hide my embarrassment as I looked over and saw that Jinxx had caught the garter mainly because it had landed on his face.
I bit back a laugh as I felt Ashley's laugh vibrate through me. It was a wonderful feeling, I could have listened to it all day.
After a while we had finally went to sit down and eat. I was starving beyond belief. Ashley and I sat at our table which was a huge rectangular table with a dark blue and purple silk table cloth. In the center sat a white candle, which was lit, with swirling patterns were carved into it. Around it sat little marbles and two champagne glasses filled with champagne.
I sat next to Ashley in the white rose covered chair. He held my hand and set it on the table slowly rubbing my knuckles as I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Why are you eating of my plate? You have plenty of food on yours" Ashley said as he looked at me. The whole time we were eating I had decided to steal of his plate
"Because I'm awesome like that" I said laughing before kissing his cheek "and ve are married now it's my official duty and right to eat off of your plate. Just like you cam do vith mine"
"Fine then" Ashley said playfully before he began eating off my plate. I just laughed quietly and shook my head "you know I cant believe that we finally got married. It feels like a dream"
"I know, but know its a dream come true. I can't believe ve vaited two years to do this, but it vas vell vorth the vait" I said
"Hell yea it was. But I'm glad that we actually did it. This is the best thing that's happened in my life"
"I thought meeting me vas the best day of your life?" I asked jokingly. He glared at me, a little glint in his eye.
"Baby girl that was the best day in my life, but without that day I would have probably never even met you. But I would say marrying you and making you mine would be even better by far" Ashley said sweetly before he kissed me gently
"Hello ladies and gentlemen its time for the toasts to the beautiful couple" Juniper said. Both of us looked at juniper who stood in the make shift stage a mic in hands. Everyone began to quiet down "first we'll have the best man give his speech before I do then its open mic"
CC walked up and took the mic, kissing Junipers cheek before she walked off
"I must have repeated a speech in the mirror a thousand times for this day but it isn't going to work" CC started "Ashley and I have been friends for a long time, as long as I can remember, and he's family their isn't anything that I wouldn't do for him. I knew Ashley like that back of my hand I knew when he was angry, happy, sad and so forth but nothing could have prepared me for this. Now Ashley being Ashley when he had his sights set on a girl he was absolutely relentless.
"He didn't stop until he got what he wanted. When Ashley first saw Anubis, seeing that he saw her first before they actually talked, I thought nothing of it really. It was a typical routine he would ask around to see if anyone knew her but the weird thing was he had pushed away every girl that had thrown themselves on him. Finally a little later that day they finally met, no more stalker stuff.
"When I saw the way Ashley had looked at Anubis everything was different he didn't have lust in his eyes, he didn't look her up and down, he talked to her differently then other girls, he blushed and when some asshole girl came and started talking crap about Anubis he got defensive, he had never been like that over any girl. And when she was upset he ran after her to comfort her. Hell later that day he skipped a party and worked on school work all because of Anubis
"Ashley I am so happy for you, you found your soul mate, the girl you want to spend the rest of your life with. You are good for Anubis just as Anubis is good for you and she isn't afraid to out you in your place when you need it. And Anubis, you're one of my best friends you are an amazing, talented, and one of the super smartest girls I've ever known. I'm glad I know you and you've helped Juniper and I on more then one occasion and I cant thank you guys enough for that ever, you guys are family and I couldn't be more happier for you two. You guys deserve each other, you guys make each other happy. You are a incredible team I hope you guys have the best long marriage in your life"
People cheered and I smiled, CC was so sweet. Juniper had walked up and took the mic.
"I knew Ashley the girls and guys longer then I knew Anubis because she had moved here. I knew of Ashley's old ways so when Anubis had moved here, my priority was to protect her. She was a small girl new to LA life from a small town in DeLand. She became a sister to me and I didn't want any of Ashley's shenanigans to hurt her because Anubis is a sweet, passionate, helpful soul and is much more that I could list on but I'm not going to.
"So when they started dating that first day they met I made sure I kept a close eye on those two. I admit I was a little over protective but then again I was watching out for my friend. I thought the relationship wouldn't last and Ashley would drop her but when their relationship lasted longer then I thought and I noticed all the lovey dovey crap that I've never seen Ashley do I was at a loss for words Anubis changed Ashley for the better. That's when I knew that they were going to last and it would be an amazing relationship.
"And here they two years later, finally getting married and living a fairytale love life. My warning still stands Ashley, you two maybe soulmates but you hurt her and I will hurt you. Cheers to Anubis and Ashley" Juniper said. I laughed
"She's always such a doll" Ashley said. I just rolled my eyes
"Oh hush" I said noticing his sarcasm just as Alex walked up
"Hey guys, I'm Alex one of Anubis's and Ashley's friend more Anubis though. Anubis and I were and still also close. I remember she we met, it was before lunch when you met Ashley, it was our second period English class. You looked so alone and I told you a really bad pun, first time besides kellin who laughed at them. Anubis you are such an amazing person, you're a joy to be around, and you've helped me with my problems more then one time even when you didn't have to.
"After all you've been through you deserve happiness and Ashley gives you that. I've never seen you so happy unless Ash was there. The way you two look at and care for each other is absolutely amazing, Ash treats you like queen and you treat him like he's the only important thing in your world. Their isn't a thing that can separate you from each other and I've seen it like when you fought Tiffany to get her to stop putting you down and trying to split you guys up, when your mom hurt you Ashley was their. When you had been shoved in front of a truck my Tiffany and had amnesia Ashley was there. When you two got into a minor fight, you made up. When girls and guys threw themselves at you guys, you stayed loyal. And when you were kidnapped for those three months Ashley never gave up looking for you even when hope seemed lost he was determined to get her back no matter what
"You two are a inseparable couple where you would find Anubis Ashley wasn't far behind and so on. Hell even your initials are the same now. There isn't anything you guys cant tackle together and get through. You are literally a power couple and I wish you guys the best of luck, you guys deserve each other."
I clapped along as best as I could before Alex and luke switched places
"I just vanted to start offing by saying that I am happy for you. Growing up Anubis sacrificed a lot of things for me, she vasn't a sister to me she vas a mother taking care of me instead of herself. Vithout her teaching and raising me I vould have turned out vorse. Growing up I vatched Anubis suffer through her days like she was lifeless, vaiting to find that one thing she vas missing. And she found it, it vas Ashley, from the moment you met each other it vas already a sealed deal and I knew that you vere already family. Pretty good for a girl vho married her first and only boyfriend. Anubis you are the best thing anyone can ask for and anybody vould be lucky to have you in their lives, just like Ashley
"I may have caused trouble for you guys before but it made you guys strong. Ashley all I have to say is that you better not hurt her, she's all I have left and I don't vant her to get hurt. You'll be there for her vhen I can't be, you'll support her vhen I can't be there to support her. But I'm glad that you found the one you cant to spend the rest of your life vith" Luke said
"That wasn't half bad" Ashley whispered to me jokingly. I laughed and playfully nudged him
"Hey that's not nice, that's your brother in law now" I said
"I know it is that's why I did it" Ashley said making me laugh again
     "Oh you're so mean" I said sarcastically. After a while of people giving their speeches and finishing our food Juniper had declared it cake time as Aries and Alexandria had carried out a huge square four tier white icing cake. On the white icing had been thin black swirling patterns and at each bade of each tier was thick black icing strip with a semi thin red ribbon like strip. On the top was two silver hearts that were intertwined together and three fresh red roses.
      Ashley and I got up and walked over to where Juniper was standing as she handed us a large silver cake knife. I took it before Ashley and I held the knife, his huge warm hand on mine before we actually cut the cake. Picking up our own pieces and linking arms before we fed each other and me smashing the cake on his face, being the good wife I am.
     "Oh you're so in for it" Ashley said as he smashed the rest of mine in my face before grabbing me and pulling me close to him. I squealed and tried to get away but it wasn't working so well.
    "Hey dont get anything on that dress" Juniper chided. Ashley just laughed before looking at me
     "Not until you clean it off my face" Ashley said.
    "Vell if you vould give me my arm maybe I could clean it off" I said back sassily
    "Oh sassy. But I'm not giving you your arms back, you can lick it off" Ashley said.
    "Then you can have cake on your face because I'm not licking it off of you" I said. He let go of one of my arms and sighed quietly. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed a napkin before cleaning off his face
   "You got so lucky purdy" Juniper said as she walked over to us.
   "Which one, their are two Purdy's now?" Ashley asked sarcastically. Juniper just glared at him
    "Very funny"
    "He's got a point" I pointed out as I set the napkin back on our table.
   "Come on lets get you changed, we cant let you ruin your dress" Juniper said "save me a slice"
    "Of course" Alex said before we walked off. I held Ashley's hand as we headed towards the cabana.
    "So where are you guys going it your honeymoon?" Juniper asked curiously "you guys never told me"
    "Vhere ever our heart takes us, I guess. Vere probably going to go a few islands down"
     "Wouldn't you like to know" Ashley said sassily. I chuckled
   "Of course I would like to know that my sister is safe especially since no one will have contact with you at all" Juniper said frantically
    "Juniper ve'll be fine, I promise. Ve'll have enough gas for the boat too so ve can get back" I said reassuringly.
    "Alright" she said sighing "oh and both of your suit cases and full gas can are in the boat. I left out a outfit for you guys to change into. Ill take these with me when we head home"
    "Thanks" I said as we finally reached the cabana. Juniper dragged me into a separate room as Ashley went in his room to go change. Juniper helped me out of my dress and removed my make up before I gave her my house key before she left to rejoin everyone else after wishing Ashley and I fun on our Honeymoon.
    I threw on a  black spaghetti strap mid thigh high low dress and I had undone my hair before pulling it in a high pony tail, which had end up with mostly curls from the braid. Suddenly I heard a knock on the wall and I turned around to see Ashley leaning against the wall. His hair was still like before but all his paint was washed off. He wore black dress pants and a black button up, a small smile in his face
     "Can I come in beautiful? Or are you busy doing something?" He asked playfully
    "Of course you can dork." I said. He laughed as he walked over and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his hands on my waist
    "Today was absolutely magical" Ashley said smiling softly
    "It vas. It vas the most magical night in my life. Everything came out perfectly"
    "I know it came out great. Those will make great pictures to hang around the house"
    "Definitely. But you are going to have to put all them up because I am to short to reach high up"
    "You're practically as tall as I am" Ashley said
    "Vith hells. And I am not vearing heels to put up pictures" I say.
    "Alright. But only because I love you and I know you'll yell at me if I don't"
    "I don't yell at you" I said
    "In a rare occasion you actually yell at me"
    "Only vhen you do something stupid, not because you didn't do something I asked dork"
   "What's with this dork nickname all the sudden, I am no dork"
     "Vell I find dorks adorable and you are my dork so nah" I said sticking my tongue out 
     "Well every dork has to have its own nerd" Ashley said laughing lightly before he kissed me gently "come on, juniper is going to kill us if we don't join the rest of our guests"
    "Hahaha" I laughed before we walked back out. We rejoined the group and danced and talked a bit more before it was time to leave, everyone giving us meaningful goodbyes and throwing bird seeds at us, before I had left I had seen dad and talked to him in private. I was happy he could make it.
    Ashley got behind the boats steering wheel as I climbed on board 
    "Bye guys I love you all" I shouted as Ashley headed off in the direction dad had told us to go. Everyone shouted back, waving as we got further and further away from them. I smiled before walking behind Ashley and hung in Ashley's back.
   "Now its time for our own privacy, with no one to bug us for a week" Ashley said

Anubis second outfit

Anubis second outfit

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    Wedding cake

    Wedding cake

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