Chap 7

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   I must have fallen asleep because I felt some one shake me awake. I groaned and tried to sit up the best I could.
   I looked up to see dad with a look of worry on his face. But he stayed silent and held up my necklace.
   "I remember" he said "I remember everything"
   "Vhat are you talking about? Vhat do you remember?" I asked
   "Im sorry I didn't believe you, I'm so sorry i let you suffer through all that and vhat happened.... I'm so sorry I vasnt believing you vhen you said I vas your dad" Dad said
    "Its fine... you didn't remember. That isn't on you" I said. He shook his head and put the necklace on me before unlocking the chains and helping me up, wrapping the blanket around me
    "Ve don't have a lot of time. You're mother is a lot stronger then I remember." Dad said as he walked us out, well more like cares me since I could barely use my legs, and into the hall way
    "Vhere are ve going?" I asked.
    "Shhh" he said. Instantly I quieted down as I heard my moms screams echo of the walls
    We snuck past the room, and I caught a glimpse of mom tied and bound to a chair. Finally we reached the outside. The sky was pitch black with very few stars in the sky. A large black truck sat out front as samson packed up what looked like gear, I looked back to see that we in an old abandoned factory with trees all around
    "Im dropping you off at your house" dad said
   "You're driving Samson" dad said as he tossed him the keys
    "Why are you giving everything up for this girl?" Samson asked as he caught the keys
    "Because she's my daughter now get in the god damn truck and drive" dad snapped. Startled, Samson climbed into the drivers seat as dad and I climbed into the back. Dad laid me down on the back seat as he tried to clean me up and take care of me as Samson drove. Dad pulled out his phone
    "Yes... I just saw Ilsa Armbruster go into the abandoned meat factory on the edge of LA... ok bye" dad said as he hung up "are you ok?"
    "Im fine" I said coughing a little as I looked into he eyes. They weren't stern anymore, instead they were just as I remembered them, soft and kind "believe me I put up vith this for years"
     "I still cant believe I couldn't remember. I knew their vas something about you vhen I saw you..." dad said
    "Things happen. How you didn't die, I don't know. Im still a little shocked you're alive and a bit hurt that you didn't find me or luke but amnesia is amnesia I vent through it myself" I said "you have to meet luke. Please, please don't leave us again... I know that you're hiding from the law and all but I vant us to try and be a family again"
    "I don't know, it'll be hard..." dad said. I looked at him with pleading eyes and he sighed "of course I vill, I vould like to see my son. I missed too much of your lives to miss anymore, but it vill be a bit harder to see you both. I hope you know that I vont be able to Valk you up too your door, their are FBI agents at your house along vith a few occasional reporters. I had Samson scout the house"
     "I know... I Vish you could come in and stay..."
    "I do to" dad said as he rubbed my head "but I vill always be hear vith you, vatching over you vhere ever you go"
    "Thanks, because thats not creepy at all" I said jokingly. Dad chuckled
    "But one thing you are coming to is my vould mean the vorld to me.... obviously you cant Valk me down the isle but you being there is enough for me" I said coughing a bit. Dad smiled.
    "Of course I vill, I vouldnt miss it for the vorld" Dad said "but I vant to meet this man first"
    "You vill, although it vill be hard to explain. But you'll love Ashley" I said
    "Ve'll get to that later, right now ve need to get you home and into safe arms" dad said. I nodded as I felt my eye lids get heavy as I felt the sway of the truck. Dad tied helping me and washing out open cuts
    "Don't vorry... I vont say that it vas you" I said just before I had closed my eyes. Maybe twenty minutes had passed when I had been woken up abruptly as the truck stopped.
    Dad wasn't lying, I saw two FBI cars out front and some reporter at the door. No one answered they were probably fed up with seeing them. We were parked about a block away. Dad quietly got out before carrying me out and through the woods, quickly and quietly, going unnoticed.
   The reporter stood their for a good twenty minutes, and we stayed in those bushes next to the house for those twenty minutes before he finally left calling it a night. I listened to the soft chirping of crickets as dad had run to the front door quickly before silently leaning me on the door
     "This is vhere ve say good bye for now (1) mien kliner schakal" dad said smiling softly before kissing the top of my head
     " (2) auf weidersehn" I said, my voice a bit raspy from all the coughing I had done. And with that dad disappeared back into the shadows, disappearing until he showed up again. I missed him already but I pushed the heart ache aside and stood at the door holding the blankets closer to me. My heart pounded in my chest as I bit my lip, debating of I should knock or walk in.
     What the hell was I thinking, this was my house to why was I asking to knock? Despite my arms being sore and tired and practically  immoveable
I grabbed the door handle and pushed it open gritting my teeth. From inside I heard a bit of yelling and what sounded like Ashley crying. Was Ashley really crying? I went to shut the door and accidently slammed it before everyone went silent
     "Whos there?" A deep rumbling mans voice asked. I went to speak but I couldn't find my voice. I stepped forward slowly, bursts of pain  shooting through my body. I could barely walk
    "I SAID WHO'S THERE? ANSWER ME. WE ARE ARMED AND ARE NOT HESITATE TO SHOOT IF YOU DINT ANSWER" another masculine voice shouted. I tried  answer but like before I couldn't find my voice. I fell onto the wall with a thud
    "IM NOT TELLING YOU AGAIN" the voice shouted again. Finally I reached the living room seeing three people plush Ashley standing there, all with looks of shock on there face. Instantly the two lowered their guns as Ashley ran towards me as I fell onto the ground, my weak legs giving out underneath me.
    "Oh my god..." the short blond said. I felt Ashley pick me up and hold me close to his body, tears in his eyes and running down his cheek
     "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry baby girl this is all my fault I wasn't here to keep you safe like I promised... look at what this bastard did to you... I'm so fucking sorry..." Ashley said. Slowly I lifted my hand to his cheek wiping away the tears
     "Guys I need an ambulance, Anubis Armbruster just showed up". One of the men said
     "It isn't your fault Ash... none of us knew that this vas going to happen...don't blame yourself please" I said.
     "I swear to god this will never ever happen again... I will find that-"
    "It vas mom Ash mom got out...." I said before I coughed some more.
    "You're safe now ok, you're safe she cant hurt you anymore" Ashley said as the other two agents ran over to me. In the distance i could here sirens heading our way, did dad make it out ok?
    "Who did this to you? Did Torsten?" A talk older dark haired man asked
     "My mom did... she hurt me only her" I said before I felt tears in my eyes. A huge wave of relief had washed over me as knowing that I was back in Ashley's arm, after three months I was finally by his side
    "Come on lets get her outside" the muscled dark skinned man said. Ashley picked me up as we all walked outside, back into the night air
   *Ashley POV*
    I carried Anubis outside, just as a ambulance pulled up along with that reporter. I growled and held Anubis closely, trying not to hurt her more then she already was, this guy would not give up.
    "I nee-" he started
    "No you dont. Now back up and give us some space, as a matter of fact leave is the hell alone" I snapped. As soon as I got to the ambulance the EMT's put Anubis on the gurney. Anubis reached for my hand
    "Please Ash.... don't leave me" Anubis said. The female EMT looked at me  
   "Sir are you riding along, we don't have much time" the EMT said. I nodded and climbed in, I wasn't letting Anubis go this time not again, as I held Anubis's hand. The doors slammed shut and we were off rocketing towards the hospital. I hurt me so much to see her like this, all bruised and burned and bloodied to weak to move. It hurt like hell, my entire heat had crumbled It felt worse then when she was taken. But how did she get out? How did she make it here?
    I pushed those questions aside  all that mattered and all I care about was Anubis, right here right now, I could give damn about what was happening in the world right now. After a few minutes we finally got to the hospital, and her weak hand slipped from mine as I was stopped yet again as they took her back, by the same lady from two years ago when Tiffany shoved Anubis in front of that truck. I paced in the waiting room as I texted everyone that Anubis was back and at the hospital
    "Is that you Mr. Ashley?" A familiar little girls voice asked. I stopped and looked to see a seven year old Amber, from two years ago. I gave a small smile
    "Hello Amber, what are you doing here?" I asked squatting down as she ran over and hugged me.
   "I told you mommy always comes to see the doctor, only this time its a different doctor" Amber stated as she broke the hug "is your wife here?"
    "As a matter of fact she is"
   "What happened?"
    "She was really badly hurt"
    "Like last time?"
    "No, not like last time. A little worse"
    "She'll be ok, I can feel it. Do you think that I could see her again. I never got to see her when she was awake" Amber said. I smiled
     "Of course you can, I think she would want to meet the voice she heard when she was sleeping" I said. 
   "Yay" she said. Amber explained that her mom had been staying here all night to help one of the doctors with his "sleep issue" so the staff had grown accustomed to seeing her walk around. And since she had made patients cheerful and happy they let her visit them, plus her Aunt also worked on the staff.
    After what seemed like hours the lady got us and we walked towards Anubis's room. She laid in bed, wires connected to her and in a night gown. Just like last time except that she was awake and she was arguing with the doctor, needle in hand. Anubis wasn't necessarily to fond if needles, she wasn't scared of them they just brought up some bad memories, and after I heard when she was taken she was injected with something I didn't remember the name to but it can be lethal.
    " (1) was zum Teufel ist das. sie besser halten, die Nadel so weit Weg von mir wie möglich oder ich schwöre ich werde schieben sie sich ihren Hintern, nicht glaube, ich pflegt" Anubis said. The doctor looked at her
    "Just hold still, it will only pinch for a second you need this. And please speak English I dont speak German" the female doctor said, quite rudely night I add
    " (2) wie Hölle. alle Ärzte sagen, dass aber sie nicht bedeutet es, ist es immer schmerzt. und ich kann sprechen meine Muttersprache, wenn ich möchte" Anubis said back. The doctor sighed and I bit back a laugh.
    I winced when the doctor out the needle in Anubis's arm, right underneath her burn. Anubis cried out in pain before the doctor looked at her and pulled it out before taking notes on her clip board. I knocked on the door frame and both of them looked up, a smile on Anubis's face
   "Ashley" she said happily
   "What do you want? And please tell me that you don't speak German" the doctor said
    "I can speak it but not as well as  my wife here" I said.
   "You can come in, I'm done here anyways" the doctor said before walking out.
    "Rude much" I said as she walked down the hall
    "Don't worry, she's like that to everyone. Aunty says that she has a stick up her ass" Amber said. Me and Anubis laughed before we walked over to her
     "Vhos this?" Anubis asked. Amber smiled
    "You sound funny. I'm Amber, Ashley's friend. Its so nice to meet you last time I did you were sleeping" Amber said
    "So you're the mystery girl" Anubis said. Amber giggled
    "Not any more" Amber said happily "you're so beautiful. Ashley is lucky to have you as his wife, I'm jealous" both of us laughed again
    "Vhy thank you, but I'm no vhere near as beautiful as you" Anubis said smiling
     "I'm going to ask Aunty if I can live with you guys. Mommy isn't home all the time and Aunty doesn't have enough space to live but she's been looking for me to stay I'll be right back." Amber said before running off.
    "She's a little bundle of joy and energy" Anubis said as we watched her run off. I laughed and pulled up a chair next to the bed
   "She is" I said
    "So I've been you're vife for two years now" she asked, laughing only a little bit without wincing, giving me a small smile.
     "I knew that when we first me that you were going to be mine forever. And we will be soon so what's the difference" I said smiling "I am so glad that you're back. You don't know how much it hurt me, not knowing where the hell you were or if you were hurt... I couldn't handle it. What happened to you?" I asked my voice cracking
    "If I tell you this.... you cant tell anyone  about this, not even the FBI"  she said. She looked at me desperately her eyes pleading
    "Of course" I said. If she didn't want me saying anything I wouldn't. She sighed softly
      "The people vho took me didn't hurt me, aside from being chained to the ground they didn't do a thing. They took care of me they fed me, bathed me... they could honestly care less that I vas there. Mom did all of this, but the two guys... one of them vas my dad, I vouldnt lie about this. I almost didn't believe it myself... after mom vent ballistic dad and my half brother pulled her off of me, they chained her up and they brought me back home... dad took care of me" she said. She was right it did sound unbelievable, how was her dad alive? He was supposed to be dead.
     "That sounds unbelievable, and why would your dad take you? You would think that he would at least remember his one child" I said angrily    
      "I know Ash. But he must have gotten amnesia. If he didn't remember me he vould have never let me go... he vould have let me die and mom sure did recognize him as her dead husband" Anubis said "hell he even called me by my old nick name be used to call me before" . I sighed, despite everything sounding made up, what people would pass by as trauma, I believed her, their was no way she would make up something like this, never in a million years even after she was hurt.
     Inside she was torn about it though, you could see it in her eyes all that worry. Its not everyday that you get kidnapped and find out its your dead dad who's been alive for months with amnesia. That was hard to take in.
    "You dont have to explain yourself  I believe you" I said before I leaned over and kissed her head "all that matters now is that you're back and your safe"
     "You have to meet him" she said looking at me. I smiled softly as I grabbed her hand and rubbed her knuckles gently
    "Of course. Did... did you know that you have extended family from your dad's side? Their here now, I briefly met with them... a bunch of stuck up pricks in my opinion"
     "Family? Vhat are you talking about? I only know of luke, my mom, dad, and now half brother"
    "That's strange" I said. Slowly She had fallen asleep and I smiled, she looked so peaceful. I couldn't have been more happy, she was back, all thanks to her dead dad who brought her back. That was all I could ask for

Translations (match the numbers)
      1) what the hell is this. you better keep that needle as far away from me as possible or i swear i will shove it up your ass, dont think i wont
      2) like hell. all doctors say that but they dont mean it, it always hurts. and i can speak my native tongue if i want to

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