Chap 2

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    Juniper and I were in the kitchen cooking dinner while the guys were hanging around watching a football game. On the counter I had my sketch book with the symbol I had drawn fir Holy Sin. It was a black and red heart with a silver Roman cross through it, the words Holy Sin emblazoned across the heart in a gold German Gothic font it. One wing was a torn and frayed dark gray demon wing an the other was a Angel wing. The heart had horns and a spiked tail but also a halo.
"Anubis this is beautiful" Juniper said as I threw the potato salad into the fridge
"Vhy thank you. Ashley had thought of the name just as ve vere about to sleep" I said as I walked over to the baked beans in the oven and checking on them before I began to season the pork chops
" so have you and Ash decided in a date to get married yet? Its been two years" Juniper said as she leaned on the granite tower looking at me. I sighed.
"No. Between balancing Holy Sin and Black Veil Brides, all the stuff around the house... its been to hectic lately but ve are planning it to be this year I know ve don't vait any longer" I answered as I flipped the pork chops and did the other side
"I believe the hectic part I hear that you two officially have stalkers" Juniper said. I looked at her
"Yes and its driving us crazy. One of the reasons ve also vant to hurry and get married"
"And I thought you guys wanted to get married now because of your picture perfect, fairy tale, love yall share" juniper said jokingly
"Oh trust me ve do, but this is a reason to not vait any longer" I said. I put the pork chops in a pan before putting it in the oven and washing my hands off.
"I am still the maid of honor right? We settled that with Andy?"
"Yes. You are Maid of Honor, Alex is going to valk me down the isle, Lexi is going to marry us, Aries offered to do Ashley and I's (?) Engagement and wedding pictures, Eva is helping set up..."
"You have everything down to a t don't you?"
"Like I said everything but the date" I answered. I looked up at the guys who sat on the couch, laughing and drinking, as I heard the front door open and a bunch of laughing voices. Icy and Berlin got up excitedly, tails wagging, as they ran to greet the guests at the entrance.
"Anubis something smells really really good" I heard Alexandria say
"When doesn't her food smell delicious" I heard Eva say
"That's true. Reasons why we have dinner over here," Alex said.
Suddenly a very pregnant Alexandria, Frank, Eva, Alex, Lexi, Michaela, and Aries walked around the corner and into the living room.
"Hey guys vhats up?" I asked as I looked at them as they all hugged the guys as a welcome home, "how have you been Frank?" I asked
"I've been good" Frank answered as he sat on the couch
And with that, after catching all the other girls attention, Alex jumped over the back of the large black leather sofa and towards the counter tackling Juniper to the ground in a huge bear hug.
"YAYYYYY JUNIPS BACK" Aries and Eva shouted before joining Alex and Junipers dog pile in the floor. Juniper laughed before they all got up
"You aren't supposed to be back for another year" Alexandria said as she slowly made her way over and hugged juniper
"Yea well. I already graduated. Be grateful because I almost decided to live my life out in Florida" Juniper said jokingly "but enough about me, look at you. How far along are you?"
"In due any day now. Anubis is the godmother of little Oliver" Alexandria said beaming.
"Thats amazing" Juniper said as all the girls, after reuniting with the guys, grabbed a bar stool and sat along the counter
"So Anubis, what happened on tour? Did you and Ashley get into a fight again?" Eva asked, whispering the last question. When Ashley and I fought it was recent, last week recent. But that was about the partying the whole flirting thing was a little more then a year ago.
"No, actually nothing since. Except you know the hurt fan girls vho usually insults you because their idol isn't giving them the attention they vant" I answered
"More of those?" Alex asked
"Yea. Except this time they tried lunging themselves at me. Security had to hold me back" I said " but a lot of them vere really great and sweet and amazing"
"Wait when did you and Ashley fight? And what about? Why wasn't I informed?" Juniper asked
"It vasnt bad just a bit to much partying and getting a little to drunk but vere fine. And I did try to get to but you vere in class" I answered
"Boy he is so lucky that I didn't here about the before, otherwise he would be getting his ass beat" Juniper said.
"We all know Ash wont have a chance" Lexi said causing us all to laugh
" I wont have a chance against what?" Ashley asked as he walked into the kitchen and behind me, placing his arms around my waist as they settled on my stomach, before he kissed the top of my head
"Nothing important"I said
"Well its obviously important is my name came up in it" Ashley said jokingly
"You wish you were as important as me in Anubis's life" Juniper said
"Mhmmm. You need help with anything baby girl?" Ashley asked
"Everything is pretty much done" I said as I set my hand on his
"You sure?" He asked
"Alright, ill be back I have to go to the store we ran out of soap, do you want anything?"
"Ve ran out of milky vays" I said. I felt Ashley's grip tighten. He knew that we couldn't have a house without Milky ways unless he wanted to sleep on the couch and deal with my grumpy ass. He learned that the hard way.
"Ill he right back" he said
"And ve need milk" I added
"Well if someone didn't always drink it all maybe we would actually have some to last" Ashley said jokingly. I flushed with embarrassment as he chuckled
"I'm sorry I like milk" I defended
"Aww look at how embarrassed she is" Aries and Lexi teased
"You guys are the vorst. Vhy do I feed you guys if you tease me" I grumbled.
"Because you love us" Michaela stated matter of factly
"Don't be baby girl, I find it cute and I don't mind it." Ashley said "alright ill be back in a second"
And with that Ashley left. I fed the dogs as the girls kept talking, catching up on everything that Juniper missed, Junipers tales while she was away, talking about music and things.
Ashley had come back just as dinner got done and I had set the table before we all settled
"I'm so excited this will be our first tour" Alex said excitedly
"Calm your tits Alex, its not for a while" Eva said flicking a bean at her and hitting her on the face. She just picked it up and ate it
"I know but its all so exciting" she said
"OK guys what better, US touring, European touring or world touring?" Aries asked
"I don't know I prefer US touring" Frank said
"I like the the European touring. They have some good food over there" jake said
"You only like it because of the sushi" Jinxx said. Jake laughed
"Thats true"
"I think that me and Anubis can agree we like touring in general" CC said "she wasn't lying about how pretty it can be there. But its so different from here like they don't have box springs and you can not repeat the same thing in a care for like coffee. Because if you ask for it then times thinking someone didn't hear you they did and you'll end up with exactly ten cups of coffee"
"Really?"Lexi asked laughing
" oh yea CC had learned the hard way. He drank all ten cups too" Andy said
"Well I know what I'm doing when we reach Germany" Juniper said laughing
"Did you ever visit your home town?" Alexandria asked
"No, ve didn't have time. But I'm hoping that next time I can" I answered
"Ill tell you what, thank god Anubis is German because other wise we would have been lost because holy shit confusing town. And it made it a lot easier for her to be the translator because some of them didn't speak English well" Jinxx added
"The only part I hated about the European tour was during the vinter, I vas absolutely freezing. I forgot how cold it gets over there" I said
"I had to bundle you up in blankets and carry you from place to place during the winter" Ashley said laughing.
"Now in excited" Michaela said. She had started her band, Deaths Resurrection, last year. Her uncle was enthused by the idea which had made her happy, along with Vic asking her out after five months of flirting. She had only done US tours, never European
"Oh by the way, how are your college classes Anubis ?" Frank asked
"their good, they have a bit of a challenge to them but they're still too easy. I have two more years too go before I finish"
"Two more years?" Juniper asked "I thought those classes didn't take long"
"You'd think they are but their is a lot of knowledge to cover. But at least I'm learning something I love"
"That is true. Like taking unnecessary math classes all four years of high school for a career you're not even doing that has math in it" Lexi said
"that's because the school system loves to torture kids with unnecessary stuff that doesn't even relate to real life and they fed us poison" Andy added
"The one thing I don't miss about high school is all the bull shit drama that it had"Michaela said
"Exactly, I'm so glad that's over" Eva said
"Oh I so forgot to ask, besides how did you get here. Who are you staying with?" Aries asked
"She's staying with me, no ifs ands or buts" CC said. We laughed
"That's what I figured seeing the two year separation between you guys" Alex said
" and as for how i got here I asked some truck driver to give me a ride" Juniper said
"What have I told you about taking rides from strangers" Aries chided
" I'm just kidding gosh. I rented a truck and rode up here. Oh and Anubis I think you might want to make your address private. I found it online on my way here" Juniper said
" I know. Girls keep sending Ashley their lingerie to him and I'm starting to get annoyed" I said
"Do you keep them?" Eva asked. I looked at her as Ashley choked on his drink
"Why the hell would she keep it? She could get AIDS or something" Alexandria said
"No I don't keep them, that's gross. I burn them" I said
"Im surprised you don't get anything considering what happens on tour all the time, or the interviews" Andy said
"Oh no she does" Ashley growled, his jaw clenching "and the next person who does something like that again I will hunt them down and beat the living shit out of them" I remembered how Ashley flipped out from the last thing I was sent. It gave me nightmares for a week straight
"What happens during tours and interviews?" Juniper asked
"A lot of inappropriate things, you would have to see to understand its hard to explain" Jinxx said. Out of the band, besides Andy and I being close, Jinxx was like a protective older brother towards me.
"Hey anyone want to play a game?" Alex asked
"What game?" Jake asked
"I don't know, any game. Its just something to pass the time" Alex replied. After a few more minutes everyone finished and moved into the living room as Ashley and I cleaned up the table and did the dishes.
As Ashley went to feed the dogs I went out, getting shadow and Coco, before bringing them to the stables and cleaning them before I fed them and walked inside.
"Hey guys I'll be back, Im taking a shower. I feel gross" I said
"Well hurry your ass up so we can play a game before we goooooooooo" Michaela said. I laughed
"I'll hurry" I said before I walked back to my room, grabbing my pajamas, and heading towards the bathroom.
*Ashley POV*
I sat on the couch between CC and Frank as everyone was debating on a game to play. I was honestly bored and tired, this years tour had taken a lot out of me. Especially when Anubis and I fought. I hated that feeling, the idea of fighting with her, I couldn't do it and I wasn't going to let it happen again.
"You know I wanted to get a tattoo but I never got the chance to" Alex said
"Same" Juniper added
"Anubis is going to get some new tattoos tomorrow actually. He's coming over for three days, and he offered to do some tattoos for her. Im sure she would want you guys here if you want some done and I'm sure he wouldn't mind. They're good friends" I say.
"Really? That would be awesome" Alex said "I should start planning what I want"
"Sameeeeeeee" Juniper said.
"You know I always wanted to get one but I'm just to afraid of needles" Eva said
"Man and I was planning to get matching tattoos for us babe" Andy said laughing
"I can try but I'm not ready just yet" Eva said biting her lip nervously
"Hell Ashley already has a lot of tattoos, Anubis is practically already there. They're out tattooing all of us" CC said
"That's true" Frank said
"Hey what can I say we both love ink, and I've reached my biker look so I'm good. I know Anubis still wants too get her belly button pierced" I added
"Hey then we could be twins" Alex said
"You and twining with everyone" Michaela said. Alex shrugged
"I cant help it, its a habit" she said back
"Anyways. When are you picking a date for your guys wedding, you've been engaged long enough and its time for you to tie the knot already" Jinxx said
"Well I was going to suggest on the day we first met, which is coming up in a few months". I said
"And it'll give you guys a good solid month before warped tour starts" Jake said
"Man Im so excited for your guys wedding" Aries said
"You aren't the only one" Juniper said
"We all know you're excited you're the maid of honor that's like the best thing you can get at a wedding" Alex said
"No walking the bride down the isle is. I wanted to do both because I'm awesome"
"Hey stop complaining you kicked me out of that spot. We planned it before Ashley even proposed" Andy said
"Wait you were going to be maid of honor?" Michaela asked laughing. Hell I had to bite back a laugh
"Yes yes I was. Then I was replaced" Andy pouted.
"Well we all knew Andy had a feminine side to him" CC said causing us all to laugh. After a few minutes I heard a thud, and it came from me and Anubis's room.
"What was that?" Lexi asked.
"I have no idea, but I'll be right back" I said getting off the couch and heading to our room. I walked inside seeing it empty so I headed for the bath room. When I opened the door I saw Anubis, wrapped in her towel, leaning over the toilet puking
I rushed over to her and held her hair up, rubbing her back, as she continued
"Just let it out baby girl" I said. For ten minutes she kept puking until she finally stopped. I got up and grabbed a cup off the sink and filling it with water before crouching down and handing her the water. I rubbed her back a she rinsed her mouth out before spitting it back up in the toilet. I took the cup from her as she flushed the toilet.
"Hey are you ok?"I asked. She looked at me
"I.. I don't know I vas just taking a shower vhen I felt the urge to just puke..." she said, her voice slightly shakey.
"How are you feeling?" I asked as I felt her head but she felt fine. Odd.
"I feel fine now... I'm just super tired" she said "but the odd thing is that I don't ever get sick."
"You don't feel hot"
"I don't know but I think it vas something I ate. Ill be fine tomorrow I just need to sleep" she said. I helped her up and got her changed into her pajamas before I carried her to our bed and tucked her in
"Ill be right back baby girl" I said before I walked back down stairs
"It took you long enough. Where's Anubis?" Lexi asked
"She went to bed early, she's sick, she thinks it maybe something she ate" I said. I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I would have gotten medicine but it never worked on Anubis. If she took pamphrin for her period it wouldn't work, if she took ibuprofen for a headache it wouldn't work, if she took any cold or allergy medicine it wouldn't work. Anubis had to sit there and suffer through whatever she had going on.
And it was very, very rarely the she got sick, she had always seemed to avoid it which is why I was worried that she was sick now
"Awww, tell her I said that I hope she gets better" Juniper said
"Same" Alexandria said. I nodded
"Of course" I said as Berlin and icy ran towards me and Anubis's room
"We should probably go if she isn't feeling well and trying to sleep" Alex said before they all got up
"Which is odd because she never gets sick" Jinxx said.
"It is a bit odd. Anyways we'll see you later" CC said
"Bye guys" I said as they left. I walked back upstairs and into our room.

. Anubis looked up at me as I set the glass in the night stand next to her  
    "Thanks" she said
    "Its not a problem" I said as I changed Into my sweat pants and climbed into bed, after turning off the lights, before wrapping my arms around her. 
    "Ash Im going to get you sick" Anubis said.
   "Who cares. I don't care that you get me sick" I said kissing her cheek before kissing her softly
   "You are veird" Anubis said as she closed her eyes. I smiled
   "Im you're weird" I said as Icy and Berlin jumped on the end of the bed as I fell asleep

The Holy Sin symbol (I didn't get the chance to color it)

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