chap 30

67 4 4

Sorry for the delay my mom has no internet at her house but enjoy and sorry if its short

   I caught my breath as Ashley and I finished our set. I looked over at Taylor who was also catching her breath.  She wore a black River island crop top with schic (?) Long sleeves,  a fishnet choker,  black leather pants with silver angel wings on them, combat boots and rings.  Her eyes we're framed in a glittery green eyeshadow.
     The crowd took to Taylor surprisingly well because she was here for the experience.
Taylor looked at me grinning
     "That was absolutely amazing. " Taylor said happily before she laughed. I put my guitar down,  letting the strap hang off my body.
     "I told you" I said laughing
     "Now I know what it's like to be a Rock star.  That was absolutely fantastic,  what a wonderful experience" Taylor looked at me "and now that I've tried it,  do you want to try being a pop star for a day? "
     I looked at Taylor and chuckled,  gripping the mic in my hands
     "No offense Taylor but I don't vant to be a self absorbed,  drama filled,  super fake,  artificial artist. It's nothing against you but I can not stand pop artist now a days they're all so...  Fake.  But I do appreciate the offer" I said as the crowd cheered louder,  jumping up and down like crazy.
     "This has been an amazing last day to wrap up warped Tour" Ashley said before he smiled,  looking at me "you guys made this an amazing tour for the both of us.  We love you all so much,  we couldn't do this without any of you. We'll see you on tour"
     And with that Ashley grabbed my hand and pulled me off stage. I laughed as he spun me around and into his chest as he gave me a big sweaty hug.
    "Ashleyyyyyyyyyyy stop it you're all sweaty and grosssssssssss" I whined as Taylor walked past us, getting a water bottle 
     "Oh shush you big baby you love my sweaty hugs" Ashley said childishly as he kissed my cheek,  holding me tightly.
     "No I love your hugs, I didn't say anything about loving your sweatiness " I pointed out.
    "Really,  that hurts" Ashley said as he faked hurt. I glanced over to see Ashley's puppy dog face.
     "Awwww I'm so sorry.  Is their anything I can do to make my outlaw happy? " I asked. I saw a little glimmer in his eyes as he smiled
     "Well we don't leave until eleven tonight and it's six.  How about a date? I never got to take you on one before we left. How does that sound? " Ashley asked
     "That's a great idea. As long as it isn't too fancy" I said smiling.    
    "Of course not. Just a simple dinner for you" Ashley said as he turned me around,  holding me lovingly as his hands rested on my hips as my hands rested on his chest. He leaned in and kissed me softly. 
      I kissed back,  our lips moving in perfect harmony.  It was like that first five minutes when I heard some one squeal.  Breaking the kiss I looked over to see Taylor and izekil fan girling.  
      "You guys are so adorable.  I wish I had some one like that in my life" Taylor said swooning. 
      "I have some one waiting for me at home.  I can't wait to see her again" Izekil said happily,  his face lighting up. All the sudden juniper came running up as fast as she could, a smile on her face
     "Guys,  CC and I have a amazing way to celebrate the last day of warped Tour before we leave" Juniper squealed excitedly.
      "I'm sorry juniper but Ash and I vere planning to go on a date before ve left" I said
     " Oh no that's fine,  I see how it it" Juniper said playfully " But seriously,  you and Ashley haven't been on a date in a while.  You two deserve to have some time to yourselves but we need to get you ready then"
       And with that Juniper grabbed my arm, pulled me out of Ashley's embrace,  and ran towards her bus. Once we got in,  seeing it was empty again,  juniper lead me to the bunks and set me down before digging through her bags
     "You know I could always vear some pants and a t shirt" I said as I ran my fingers through my hair " I don't have to wear a dress"
     " Yes you do" Juniper said gasping " You have to look amazing for Ashley,  so he can show you off"
     " I don't vant to be shown off"I said as juniper glanced up at me
    "You know what I mean Anubis. And I know you look beautiful in everything but I want to make Ashley fall to his knees when he sees how radiant you are.  I want him to realize how lucky he is too have you in his life"
     " I think he and I both know that "I said smiling as I fell back on the bed carefully.  Juniper looked up with a playful expression written on her face
      " You know what you're sort if killing my vibe here" She said as we both laughed "but seriously.  He's really fucking lucky because if bad my way when y'all get together I would have pulled the whole Rapunzel scenario except without the tower"
     "You vould but I don't think that vould vork either"
     "And why not? " Juniper asked as she looked at me
    "I vould have found a vay to get out.  Or Ashley vould have found a vay to get me out.  You know how he is"
      " That is very true. Aha there it is" She said.  She grabbed a black mid thigh sweater dress with a v neck and mid Sleeves. She also handed me a pair of black tights with abstract red that almost looked like blood splatter and black ballet flats. I looked at juniper
    "Vhat are you doing? " I asked. She looked at me
     "I'm giving you clothes for your date obviously" Juniper said but cut me off before I could even protest "don't even try to disagree.  Now get your ass in the bathroom and change"
     I agreed,  mainly because I knew juniper was just going to drag me in there anyways and probably change me myself. I tool of my clothes and pulled on Junipers.  The fabric was cool and smooth,  comfortable. And surprisingly they fit very well to my surprise I was small.
    I fixed my black choker with a  long red tear drop Ruby and pulled my hair into a messy ponytail. I wanted out and juniper looked at me,  her smile widening. 
      "How come you look absolutely amazing in everything? " Juniper asked. I smiled and bit my lip
      "I don't always look amazing in everything" I said
     "Yes you do.  And you shouldn't be ashamed of how beautiful you or your body are"
    "If you say so... " I said as I took a deep breath in
     "Oh honey I know so. Now where is Ashley? " Juniper asked as she grabbed her phone and texted someone.  Once her phone dinged and she looked down she almost face of palmed. "Right. I knew that"
     "Knew vhat? " I asked confused as juniper grabbed my arm again and dragged me  back out through the crowd
      "That Ashley was at your guy's bus to get ready" She said.  I laughed before we finally reached the bus.  She dropped me off at the door and kissed my cheek "be careful and gave fun.  Don't do anything stupid"
     "Juniper I'm pregnant,  I can't do that anymore remember" I said laughing as I grabbed the door handle. She just grinned wildly
     "Oh I know but it's still fun to say" She said as she disappeared off to who knows where.  Shaking my head,  I walked back inside,  the only person in sight was Andy who sat on the couch on his phone.  He looked up before his jaw dropped just a bit
     "Wow...  You look amazing" He said.  I laughed as I sat next to him,  waiting for Ashley
      "Thanks I guess. It just something casual" I said.  Andy shrugged
    "You still look good,  casual or fancy" Andy said.  I just smiled before he looked at me "let's take a selfieeeeeeee"
      "Ughhhhh fine" I said.  He just grinned and too a selfie as I stuck my tongue out.  We both laughed as he took multiple.  In all honesty I loved off guard picture sometimes,  when they didn't make you like hideous
     "You ready baby girl? " Ashley asked as he walked out.  He wore a metallic t shirt,  red and black flannel, jeans and his boots.  His hair was neat.  And when he got closer I could smell the cologne on him,  it wasn't much but it wasn't little.  He looked at me and smiled she he offered me his hand and I took it as he helped me up
     "Of course.  Thanks,  see you Andy" I said as Ashley lead us out of the big and through the crowd.
     "I can't believe it's our last day for varped tour. It was great,  I think it gets better as the years progress" I said as I stayed close to Ashley,  his arm around my shoulder.
     "Yea,  it was a great tour...  Minus a few bumps in the road.  But I enjoyed it,  and izekil did a great job"
      "Right, I think ve made a great decision" I said as we walked off the grounds and headed into town.  We talked and laughed as we searched for  a place to eat before we finally settled on a diner on a corner street next to an antique pawn shop that I practically had begged Ashley and I to go in after we ate.
     The diner was small but open and welcoming.  A large bar like area was towards the back m near the kitchen.  Tables had lined the brown wood floor as booths had lined the gray walls decorated with old newspaper clippings and pictures.  Not a lot of person were in here,  just a few as the air was filled with a delicious steak smell.  I felt one of the babies kick and I laughed as a waitress walked up.  She wore a light purple old diner girl dress that hugged her tall thin  body.  Her long brunette hair was pulled into a high bun and her light brown eyes had complemented her tan skin. She gave a thin smile as she looked at me before looking at Ashley with googly eyes. Typical.  I should have been user to it by now but I wasn't,  truth be told I don't think i would ever.
      "Hey welcome to Aunt Sarah's,  how many? " She asked.
    "Two" Ashley said.  Her smile seemed to falter just a bit but she quickly snapped herself back into shape.
     "Alright follow me" She said before she turned on her heels and walked us towards the back and stopping in front of a small family of four. Some of them gave us a dirty look,  mainly Ashley. I slid into the dark red cushion seat across from Ashley as he held my hand across the table
    "My name is Stacy,  what can I get you guys to drink? " She asked as she set the menus down,  popping her chest out for Ashley.  I rolled my eyes as Ashley just ignored her.  
     "Tea please" He said before looking at me
      "Vater please" She just sort of glanced at me before walking off towards the back
      "I can't believe that you'll be gone in a veek" I said sadly as I looked at him
      "Trust me I wish I could be there for you but it isn't smart for you to do anymore touring while you're pregnant" Ashley said.
    "I vouldnt mind it if it vas an American tour but this is European,  you'll be on the other side of the vorld in another country" I said.  It was the truth but I know I couldn't change that and I wanted him to go and have fun but I would miss him
      "You'll have Juniper there at the house with you to help you out nd keep you company" Ashley said as he gave me a weak smile trying to cheer me up
     "I love juniper and all but I'm still going to miss you,  after all you are my husband" I said smiling
     "I know,  I'm irreplaceable" Ashley said jokingly.  I laughed even more as he grabbed a napkin and tore a piece off of it before rolling it up and throwing it at me
     "Really?  This again? " I asked laughing.  Ashley just grinned
    "Always" He replied casually making me chuckle again.
    "Don't even think about trying to get it down my shirt" I said as I playfully glared at him.
      "Ok,  fineeeeee" Ashley said whining before he looked at me dead in the eyes and smiled softly "you know,  you look absolutely beautiful" I blushed
     "Ash" I said sheepishly
     "Look at that blush.  How in the hell so you make it look so cute? " He asked smiling
      "Stoppppppppp" I whined,  trying to hide myself from his teasing but that didn't stop him as he put his arm on the table and set his head on his hand as he looked at me like a child on awe,  eyes wide and sparkling.
      "How can I when I have the most perfect thing in front of me? " Ashley said.  My heart fluttered in my chest
      "You know vhat this reminds me of" I said as I looked at him
     "And what's that? " I asked
     "Our fourth date, on your birthday at that pizza place next to the theatres. "
     "That was a great day.  Even when I was a blushing mess" Ashley admitted.  I cheered
    "Finally you admit that" I said grinning
    "Only because you look adorable.  And none of that gets said to anyone" Ashley said
     "Vhat are you going to do it I do? " I challenged playfully,  cocking and eyebrow. Ashley just mumbled under his breath as the waitress came back and gave us our drinks before taking our orders.  As I we talked I heard the conversation from the table behind us.  They were 'whispering' that Ashley had been abusive which was why I was supposedly a free to leave him,  that he would mentally and physically abuse me and he was also 'using' our kids as leverage if I tried leaving. They were just being rude towards him and it started to piss me off greatly.
       I watched as Ashley's face fell when her heard it.  It hurts me to see him like this,  all he wanted for us was to go on a small date and have fun,  just the two of us with no problems.  But these idiots wanted to run their mouths about something they didn't know at all.  Ashley wouldn't hurt anyone unless he had a reason to and he never,  ever hurt or abused me in anyway. I got up as Ashley looked at me confused and grabbed my hand
     "Baby girl what are you doing? " He asked.
      "Putting an end to this bullshit,  you don't deserve to be treated like this" I said. I walked over to the table and crossed my arms "is there a problem you'd like to tell me about? "
     "What are you talking about?  We don't have a problem" A girl with short blond and orange hair said.
     "Really?  Because it sounds like your talking lies about my husband " I growled out.  A boy with big green eyes looked at me
     "But he does abuse you,  he's controlling you.  You wouldn't say anything to give  him up about what he's done to you" He said.  I laughed bitterly.
    "Let's get something straight here right now.  Ashley has never,  ever abused me in anyway ever since ve started dating and he vouldnt hurt a fly unless he had to,  Ashley is an amazing, loving,caring person he isn't cruel,  he's loving.  Trust me the only person vho ever abused me vas my mom and Ashley is far,  very far,  from her so get your god damn facts straight ok. Ashley has shown me nothing but love and loyalty and the fact that you sit here and think that he's abused me is literally the stupidest and dumbest thing I've ever heard in my entire life.
       "He isn't keeping me against my vill,  I'm choosing to stay vith him,  and you vant to know vhy? Because I love him,  ve love each other. And I vould very much appreciate it if you didn't talk shit about him and call him things he isn't.  Fans like you are ridiculous,  you grab at anything and believe it,  you think of your feelings and not vhat you idols feel. You make up crazy shit and don't think of the fucking consequences.  I'm sick of it,  learn some manners,  don't assume that you know the vhole fucking truth. " I growled.  
      They all looked shocked as I turned back around and sat back down.  Ashley had a smile on his face
     "Thank you, Anubis. You didn't have to do that" Ashley said as he set his hand on top of mine.  I looked at him
     "Of course I did  I love you and I don't vant to see you hurt. Vhat kind of vife vould I be if I didn't,  even if it vere a lie. I did it because I love you" I said.
     "What did I do to deserve a girl like you? " He asked. I smiled and shrugged
    "You saved me" I said. Ashley just smiled happily and leaned over,  kissing me softly.  I kissed back feeling his soft lips against mine.  After a while we paid and left,  seeing we had a few minutes to spare we went to a music shop and accidentally buying an acoustic guitar before we went to a play ground. Ashley Sat on the swing as he played the beautiful dark blue guitar.  I sat on the grass,  cross crossed with a few daisies,  that Ashley picked,  in my hair.  I'm listed as I started making a flower crown for Ash
    "When I see your smile
Tears run down my face
I can't replace
Now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold
And it breaks through my soul and I know
I'll find deep inside me
I can be the one

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's ok
It's ok
It's okayayay

Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and 
Stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
'Cause you're my
You're mine
My true love
My whole heart
Please don't throw that away
'Cause I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay
Use me as you will 
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be ok
Though my skies are turning grey (grey)

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you send me to heaven

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven"
    I got u and smiled,  kissing Ashley's cheek as I put the flower crown on his head. And that's when it started to rain.
     I laughed as Ashley put the  guitar up and grabbed my hand.
     "Vhat are you doing? " I asked curiously.  He grinned
    "Dancing" He replied. And with that we started dancing in the rain,  having the time of our lives.  This day couldn't have gotten better

Taylor outfit

Anubis outfit

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Anubis outfit

Anubis outfit

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