Chap 17

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    yall are going to hate me for the next chapter 😂I don't listen to her but its for an idea
  Uggghhhhhhhhhh this is so longgggggggggg" Ashley whined as he sat his feet up on the desk and leaned back in his chair. We had just sent out another contestant for the drumming auditions and we had been at it all day. I looked at him, his red flannel falling open. The building we rented out had a broken A/C unit so he had opened his shirt because he was hot.
      "Vell no one said this vas going to be easy. I told you that you should have just asked CC to tell all his friends and people he knew. And don't lean back in the chair, you're going to hurt yourself" I said. Ashley just stayed laid back but looked at me bewildered 
      "This was everyone CC had told. I swear he did this on purpose" Ashley said.
    "Oh its not that bad, ve only have...." I started looking the the list " one more. Izekil"
     "Well not to be rude but Izekil needs to hurry. I want to go home and sleep, this week had absolutely killed me" Ashley said. It had been a week since the grand opening of my bar happened. Things had been crazy, trying to pull together auditions and everything for our music video was time consuming. And at this point in time we only had a few days before we got ready for warped tour. Holy sin and Black Veil Brides were touring with each other, which was the first time ever and going to be interesting. But we were still sharing a bus.
      "You don't see me complaining" I said jokingly as I set my pen down. "But you should seriously sit right before you bust your ass"
     "Oh yea and what will my baby girl do about it?" He asked smirking. Like the sudden he had grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him
       "Vhat are you doing?" I asked
       "Enjoying the view and feel of my precious baby girl" Ashley said. I just chuckled and kissed him softly.
      "You are going to get us in trouble" I said against his lips. He chuckled as his arms went around my waist
     "You enjoy the bad boy side of me. The rule breaker side"
      "Sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I said rolling my eyes.
      "I actually have something for you. It should help keep any guys away from you" Ashley said as he reached over and grabbed a thin but long box wrapped in a black and red wrapping paper. I sat up as he handed it to me. I looked at him suspiciously
      "Dare I ask vhat this is?" I asked as my fingers traced over the paper.
      "Just open it" Ashley said. I ripped the paper and opened the box, finding a black leather collar. Two metal circles were at the end and held together by a heart shaped lock. On one side of the collar in diamonds had Baby written on it and girl on the other. My mouth dropped on shock, this was absolutely beautiful. I looked at Ashley
     "Ash its beautiful" I said
     "It reminded me of you. And I figured maybe guys would leave you alone"
     "I highly doubt that. Just curious but are you into BDSM?" I asked. I had been meaning to ask but it kept slipping my mind. He sort of nodded and shrugged
     "Ehhh... just a little bit I'm not big into it, sex is sex for me and I could really care less. But I thought this would look hot on you . Here lets put it on" Ashley said. He grabbed the long black cord necklace around his neck that unlocked the lock. I felt as the cool black leather slid around my neck and he out the lock back on, putting the keys around his neck. I smiled.  
    "Ich liebe dich" I said quietly. Ashley just smiled as his hands rested on my hips
     "I love you two baby girl" he said "now seeing your birthday is only three more days away I was thinking that I take you on a proper date and maybe go on a midnight stroll"
    "That sounds like fun. Just not an expensive fancy Restaurant I hate vhen you spend so much on me"
     "But I love too do that. I'll see if I can find a inexpensive restaurant for my baby girl" Ashley said. Suddenly the door few open startling both Ashley and I. I got off of Ashley and sat in my seat as he sat forward. I said it was the same girl from a week ago in the bar. She wore a large over sized long sleeved white sweater with a cat face on it, a white beanie, and ripped black skinny jeans with boots to pull it off.
     "Hello Izekil, how are you today?" I asked smiling. She just smiled happily      
     "I'm doing great. I'm super pumped to be here". She said happily.
     "So tell us a little bit about yourself" Ashley said
     "Well I'm twenty one I'm trans, so I'm not a girl I'm a guy. I'm super hyper, very loud and childish, I can be  bit reckless and I'm very hot headed." Izekil said.
    "Ok. Vhat made you vant to audition for Holy Sin?" I asked.
     "Well I've always wanted to play Drums for a band, its always been my dream. Traveling around the world, making music. I know with your band I'm not a main person and I'll be apart of the Holy Sin staff or crew or whatever but its still worth it. And even though people put me down about drumming its still worth a shot" Izekil said. I smiled and looked at Ashley who had the same look as I did. So far Izekil had checked off our list and was better then the previous answers but did he have the talent?
      "Show us what you got" Ashley said. Izekil smiled and hopped on the drums, spinning the drum sticks in between her fingers
     "Oh by the way I'm playing hail to the king by avenged sevenfold" Izekil said. I nodded and he began to play. I tried not to hum along as best as I could, despite every part of my body crying out to sing. One this was for sure, Izekil could play. He had a lot of energy and he moved fast and swiftly, not missing a beat. He was almost as good as CC, he was right under him. I looked at Ashley again and grinned.
      He seemed to think the same thing. After a while of jamming out Izekil stopped, not even breaking a sweat of catching his breath like the others had.
      "So how was that?" Izekil asked.
       "It was amazing, just absolutely awesome" Ashley said happily.
       "That vas an amazing performance. Just sit outside vith everyone else and ve'll call you all in and let you know vho the lucky drummer is" I said smiling. Izekil nodded and headed back out the metal double doors and disappeared into the narrow hall. I turned to Ashley "now its time to pick. And no bias ve talk about everyone"
      "Ughhhhhb fine. Daryll was actually good I just felt that their wasn't enough energy to it"
      "That's vhat I vas thinking. I mean he does have potential but if he just put in more time and vas enthusiastic about it" I said "vhat about sarah?"
     "To snobby. The way she answered your question and how she looked at you. It didn't sit right with me. Plus she could use more practice she wasn't bad but she wasn't great either"
     "All of them vere like that. Some had more of a bad attitude then others. The only one I can think of that matched vho ve vere looking for is Izekil he actually had amazing skill and he isn't money hungry and had that passion for performing  even if it vere just on the side."
     "Definitely. Plus when we went on tour he would create drama or anything. We'd be able to just chill and get along. Unlike Mike" Ashley said
    "Vell then I think our mind is made up unless you have another decision?"
     "Nope. I'm fine with Izekil, more then fine actually he's a great choice" Ashley said. I got up
     "Vell let me go get them and deliver the news" I said.
      "Don't take to long" Ashley said as his fingers grazed my hands. I laughed as I walked out the door and through the narrow hall. The walls were white with some of the paint beginning to peel and the lights above began to occasionally flicker on and off. It was a crappy building but it was last minute so we had to make do with what we had. I walked into the large waiting room seeing all fourth of the contestants, well auditioners, all chatting with each other.
     Some were excited, others nervous, some even talking about drama or trying to make friends. I cleared my throat and instantly everyone looked up at me
     "I need all of you to follow me back" I said. I turned around and walked back as they all followed now more nervous then ever and talking in low voices. When  I walked back to the room Ashley had been on his phone, lost in thought. He must have been looking at new ideas for his line.
      He looked up at me when he heard the door open and smiled, putting his phone down
      "Hope I vasnt too long" I said sarcastically. He laughed
      "Mmmmm just a bit but I'll let it slide just this once" Ashley said as I sat back down. Everyone had lined up in a long line fidgeting with their shirts or jacket.
      "You are suck a kid. You vant too start this off or do you vant me too?" I asked
      "I'll do it" Ashley said as he sat up and cleared his throat "I want to thank all of you guys coming out here to audition. This was definitely an experience it wasn't just about skill it was getting to know you as a person and seeing how well we could work with you-" Ashley's phone went off and he groaned. He had been expecting a really important phone call so he had to answer all phone calls.
       "Go ahead" I said
      "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded
       "Yes. I can take care of this you have to answer that. Go"
       "I'm sorry baby girl. Ill be right back" he said before getting up, kissing the top of my head and walking out into the hall answering his phone.
      "Anyways. All of you vere great some of you have real potential to pursue A musical career and join a band. Some of you still need a bit more practice, like daryll you have amazing potential but you just lack energy if you just add enthusiasm and time you vould be absolutely amazing. Some of you lacked in... vell just being rude, or snobbish. Its like its only you not the others you're vorking vith and its just the greed.
      "Those people vho came here today behaving like that can become better musicians, Artists, when you open up and not be rude or greedy, vhen you realize that this is your dream, music is vhat you really vant to pursue In life because its your dream and makes you happy and its isn't about how famous you are or the paycheck you get. But I, ve, really do appreciate you coming out here and giving your best. Izekil Summers, congratulations you're Holy Sins new drummer"
      "Really?" He said shocked, covering his mouth. I nodded and smiled
     "Dead serious. You have the skill, you're absolutely phenomenal on the Drums and you have the makings of  a Rock Star"
     "Oh my god this is amazing I cant believe that I made it" Izekil said happily.
     "As for the rest of you I vant to let you know that this vasnt an easy decision for me, I mean it vhen you had talent but practice and being true to yourself is key. I hope to run into you guys again somewhere in the near future and living your dream happily" I said.
      All of them mumbled a thanks as they filed out the door before Izekil walked up to me
      "I just wanted to say thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity, I promise I won't let you down" Izekil said
     "It isn't a problem, you earned it. Thank you"
      "I was wondering when rehearsal would be and stuff and how would I be able to get ahold of you" he said
     "Vell in five days ve leave for varped tour so I vould go home and practice all the songs at home tonight. Ve'll be splitting a bus vith bvb because Ashley and I are part of bvb so also pack and I'll give you my address so ve can load the bus. But here is my number if you ever need to get ahold of me. And ve leave for varped tour around seven in the morning so I'd say be at my house around six I'll text you the address" I said as I wrote my number on a spare paper and handed it to him. He smiled 
      "Thanks I'll get right on that. Ill see you in five day" Izekil said before he walked off doing a little dance. I chuckled and stood up, collecting both Ashley and i's papers before tucking the chair in. Through the semi dirt stained window I saw Ashley on the phone pacing back and forth, looking a bit agitated. I sighed softly and pushed our chairs in before and walked out
      "no- I don't care how it gets done but it needs to be done-dont tell me to calm down. You're making things way more stressful and harder then they should be-you know what I'll just go over and check it out myself since you seem to be having a hard time getting it done yourself-you know what I'm hanging up now, I'm not doing this on the phone right now" Ashley said before he hung up
      "You ok?" I asked. Ashley turned around and looked at me.
     "I'm fine"
     "You sure because that didn't seem like fine. And you're tense" I pointed out
      "Its nothing important" Ashley said brushing it off. I looked at him, cocking an eyebrow and sat him down in the chair closest to him
     "It definitely  seemed important. Come on vhats vrong?" I said. He sighed
     "Jessie... he doesn't listen. I told him to put all the clothes out on the shelves, order more and just leave them in the back. He bought them and then shipped them to some store in Canada. I asked him to update our website too and he just priced everything wrong and it isn't the first time he's done that and its starting to get on my nerves"
     "Vell if he cant do his job correctly then you need to fire him. In not saying it to be rude but all he's doing is putting stress on you and holding everything back" I said
     "I know... I was just sort of trying to help him out seeing he needed money to help support his family but... I don't know"
     "Don't stress over it just relax. Stressing is going to make everything vorse" I said as I kissed the top of his head "if you vant I can go over to the store and fix it for you"
     "I appreciate the offer baby girl but I'll do it"
      "Are you sure?" I asked
      "I'm sure. It shouldn't take longer then twenty minutes, I'll be home sooner then you think. Go home and relax"
    "Fine. But you better hurry I don't vant to be home alone all night" I said, chuckling a little bit. He smiled
     "And what if I don't?" He asked defiantly.
     "Oh I don't know...... its such as shame that our future kids vould have to vait a vhile before they can see their amazing father" I said teasingly. I watched as his eyes light up, that small sparkle in his beautiful brown eyes.
     "Then I'll try and hurry" Ashley said. I rolled my eyes, smiling
    "I have to go to the store so I vont be home for a vhile" I said. I kissed him gently "I'll see you vhen I get home"
     "Bye. I love you baby girl" he said as I started to walk off
    "Ich liebe dich" I called out before walking out into the late cracked pavement in front of the two story, semi damaged metal building, commonly known as the parking lot. I walked over to my car and got in before pulling out of the lot and into the open road. I saved at Ashley quickly as he walked out.
     I made a mental list of  what we were missing at the house. Dog food was one, along laundry detergent, soap, breakfast stuff, paint, and more paper. I'm pretty sure their was more but I just couldn't remember what it was, well they, but still. On the way to the store I had rolled down the windows and blasted my music jamming out. I was pretty sure I got looked at weirdly but who gave a fuck on what they thought. After a few minutes I finally reached the store and parked the car. Once I got out I adjusted my outfit. I wore a black veil brides tank top, Ashley's black leather biker jacket, black leather high waisted pants with six bronze colored buttons, black combat boots with stars and studs, a gray beanie, chain mail bracelet, and my many rings, one including a silver snake finger ring.
        I grabbed a cart and pushed it inside, the stores cold air wrapping around my body as I walked through the automated doors.
       I felt more eyes on me then I had ever felt before when I came here. And it wasn't in a good way either. I bit my lip nervously as I walked down the isles trying to find what I was looking for, I had to improvise in a few things due to the fact that they didn't have what i was looking for at all. Honestly today had been a shitty day, minus finding a drummer, and this just added to it. And that's when someone had bumped into me causing me to fall into the shelf. I hissed in pain as the metal caught my side
     "Oh my god I am so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you I wasn't paying attention" A female voice said. I turned around coming face to face with someone I didn't expect to run into at all.

Psst their is a new character, Izekil, played by my friend Rae1600
   Let me know if any of yall reading this wanna join in on the story.

The collar

The outfit

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The outfit

The outfit

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