Chap 19

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So imma update tonight since I wont be able too tomorrow
Juniper and I had been in the photoshoot for the tragic times albums for hours. Ashley and I got ours done, and he got his single ones done to. So did juniper and i, along with her and Ashley, so now we were doing it together.
Ashley gad been sitting in one of the chairs just lounging about on his phone, texting Andy. Juniper had originally wore a blue long silk and cheik (?) Dress with leg chains and a sapphire necklace. She wore a long slightly curly blue hired wig, with light blue lipstick and dark blue eyeshadow. That was her old time outfit. Her modern outfit, which she had on currently, consisted of a dark blue crop top and velvet blue skater girl skirt, blue heels, a dark blue choker and lipstick with a sapphire ring.
My older time one was a top with dark brown rock like patches with tan materials that had made it look like lava rocks attached to my skin, a long flowy orange skirt that left the sides of my legs bare. My skin had thin red lines to make it look like fire had ran through my veins and as an illusion my hair had been made of fire. My modern outfit was a black bra with the crop top long sleeved mesh top, black leggings with rips down the front, spider web fingerless gloves with dozens of rings. My eyes were framed in a deep red with a black choker that had a huge black and red stone hanging off it.
After a few more pictures we were done. Juniper sighed in relief
"Finally" Juniper said happily. I laughed "I just hope when he does that he photoshops me back to my skinnyness because of this big belly"
"Hahaha. Im sure he vill but it doesn't really matter if you have a baby stomach or not" I said as I grabbed my water bottle and took so drink
"Yea but you k ow how I am about that. I just have to look my best" juniper said. "By the way me and Ashley are hanging out today, because one of the reasons is I have to talk to him, so don't be mad when he shows up late"
"Vhy vould I be?" I asked "besides I'll probably hang out vith Andy or Alex"
"Sweet. LETS GO ASHLEY WE HAVE SHIT TO GET DONE TODAY," suddenly Ashley shot up startled before walking over
"Holy shit juniper are you trying to give me a heart attack? I know I'm going to die someday but I don't want that day to be today"
"Oh get over it" juniper said sassily, rolling her eyes "besides you're driving"
"Fine. I'll be back later baby girl, keep the bed warm for me?" He asked as he kissed me. I smiled
"Always. Just don't keep me vaiting" I said. He just chuckled and kissed me again before walking off with Juniper. I walked back to the changing room and grabbed my clothed, not even bothering to change or wipe off any of my paint. I grabbed my phone and called Alex. The wait wasn't long, only a few rings before she answered.
"Hello" I heard Alex say
"Hello Alex"
"Are we playing the hello game again?" She asked laughing. "What's up?"
"Oh nothing much. Ve just got done vith our photoshoot for the album"
"That's great"
"Right. I'm super excited about this one"
"Same. You and Ashley sound great together"
"Vhy thank you. Anyways juniper and Ashley vent out and ve only had one car, I vas vondering if you could pick me up and maybe ve could hang out seeing ve don't get to hang out much. I don't vant to burden you or make you feel obligated to do anything"
"Oh no nothing like that sweetie its just.... kellin and I had plans to go visit his parents today...."
"No its fine. Go have fun besides like I said I vas just vondering"
"I know but its like you said we never get to hang out and all-"
"Its fine. Ill just call and and see if he'll give me a ride"
"Are you sure?" She asked, slightly sad and slightly worried
"Alex I'm positive, go have fun"
"Alright, bye I love you girly"
"Bye. And call me girly one more time I vill kick your ass" I said. I heard Alex laugh as I smiled. I finally got outside into the warm air, this was nice. As soon as Alex hung up I called Andy who had answered immediately as I sat down in the curb
"Whats up my little German friend, how can I help you today? Do you need me to rob a bank?" Andy answered. I laughed, used to our normal crazy ass phone calls and greetings.
"Not yet, that's for next month" I replied
"Dammit I could have sworn it was this month"
"Nope. Can you come and pick me up. Juniper and Ashley are hanging out today and ve only brought one car vhich they have. Maybe ve could just hang out today or something"
"Of course. Where are you at?" He asked
"Johnson studios and photography" I replied.
"I'll be right there" he said before hanging up. I put up my phone and looked up at the clouds, humming to myself as I did. The sky was extremely blue and the clouds were a bright white. After a few minutes, more like ten to be exact, I heard a truck pull up. I look over to see a shiney black truck slowly pull up in front of me before the window was rolled down and Andy popped his head out, a wild grin on his face.
"Hop in we have shit to do" Andy said. I laughed as I grabbed my stuff and headed around the truck before hopping into the passenger seat and throwing my stuff into the back
"Thanks for getting me" I said as we began to pull out onto the road. Andy looked at me
"Well I cant leave my best friend stranded on a street corner" he said winking "by the way that outfit looks hot on you"
"You sure you should be saying that, Eva and Ashley vould kill you" I pointed out
"Well they can get mad all they want, I cant help it that's its true and I'm being honest about it and when was it a crime to complement my bestest friend in the whole wide world" Andy said shrugging. I chuckled and looked out the window as buildings passed by before Andy cleared his throat "so hoe was the photoshoot?"
"It vas good, I think it vent really vell but it vas a pain in the ass as usual"
"Yea true. Speaking of which...."
"Ughhh please don't tell me that ve have another one coming up" I said groaning as I leaned my head back on the seat. Andy laughed
"Yes we do"
"Vell if this doesn't already make me feel like jumping off a damn cliff I don't know vhat else vill"
"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Andy said "you cant die on me yet"
"And Vhy not?" I asked. Andy just sat there and thought about it "that's exactly vhat I thought"
"Wha- that wasn't evem enough time to think" Andy defended, pouting
"Ahhhh but its the fact that you had to think about it" I pointed out
"Fuck you"
"No thanks I got Ash for that" I said jokingly before laughing. Andy laughed, but it wasn't his normal laugh it was a little bit less cheerful and almost what sounded like disappointment. That wasn't right, he couldn't be disappointed. "Something vrong?"
"Nothing. I'm fine" Andy said quickly "I was just thinking on what we could do today"
"Hmmm.... ve could always go see a movie or something" I said shrugging
"A movie sounds good. Can you see what's playing?" Andy asked "because I'm going to be a responsible driver for once and not use my phone"
"Congrats you are now a leading role model to the kids" I said laughing as I pulled out my phone, Andy slapping my arm "ABUSE, SOMEONE HELP ME I'M BEING ABUSED" I cried out playfully
"Stop it before someone thinks I kidnapped you" Andy chided playfully
"Vhy are you kidnapping people Andy? Don't you know that its illegal to kidnap people. Its very bad"
"I didn't kidnap anyone... yet"
"I'm just going to climb out the window now" I said jokingly before I had went on one of the movie theater sites and found the movies "so their is Ouija, Hotel Transylvania, krampus, mars, it, lights out, and that Daddy's home movie are playing right now"
"One thing is for sure, we are not watching another horror movie, I don't even want to know whats going on inside of your murderous head of yours" Andy said "we're going to watch Daddy's home because right now I am dying for some comedy movies"
"Fine buzzkill" I said jokingly before buying the tickets online and putting my phone up in my pocket
"I am not a buzzkill, I will have you know that I am very very fun" Andy said as he tried giving me a serious face but slipped and ended up looking like he had been constipated. I bursted out laughing as he did. I had pulled my hair into a pony tail and pulled on my leather jacket as we had gotten out of the truck when we reached the theater. It wasn't a grand theater it anything, just a small normal little theater. The outside had been made of a light red brick color. We had got luck when their weren't any fans around, don't get me wrong I loved them all but sometimes they got a bit to hectic. But everyone their had thought we were a couple as per usual.
While we had waited for the movie to start, we had sat in a small rectangular room with dark purple cushioned seats filled with a few other people not a lot, we had cracked jokes and playfully slapped each others face or hands. I ended up dumping his pop corn onto the floor by accident because he had gotten a gummy work in my hair
*Ashley POV*
Juniper and I were currently at the mall shopping for a gift for Anubis's birthday
"So what are we actually doing for Anubis's birthday because I want to be apart of that" Juniper said. I sighed
"Well I know Anubis wanted to stay home and sleep all day and I was planning to take her out to dinner but its sort of hard because I want to go to one of those fancy places because she deserves it but she doesn't want that so I'm literally running out of ideas because I want it to be really special"
"Well how about you guys start it off just staying at home, and then later me and CC will come over and build forts and watch movies and stuff and then we can have like this midnight picnic sort of thing. Unfortunately I can't drink but still I think it would be pretty cool to do" Juniper said. I thought about it for a second
"Actually that's a great idea" I said "we have a place that we could set it up"
"You guys live in a freaking Castle, of course you have enough room to do that" juniper said sassily. I laughed as we walked into hot topic "so on Anubis's birthday CC and I will be at yalls house around twelve so all can have the morning together"
"Alright" I said as I started to surf through all the band t shirts on the shelf, juniper helping me "speaking of which I heard a little story yesterday from Anubis from you yesterday about how you wanted to raise your and our kids together" juniper looked at me, a gleam in her eyes
"Yeeessssssss, that was actually the next thing I was going to talk to you about that. How the help is she not pregnant yet huh? You need to get on that shit seriously" Juniper said as she pulled out a slipknot and korn t shirt. I looked at her.
"You think I don't know that, we've been trying but like Anubis said it usually takes time. But we're not going to stop trying obviously. Although I have noticed a few thing different about Anubis's behavior though" I said. I noticed she had gained some weight but I didn't mind it at all. She was perfect as she was
"Well you guys need to get on it faster. And what do you mean changes? Stalker much" She said as we started looking through the chokers
"Well one it isn't stalkerish because that's my wife and I'm allowed to look at her. I can't help but stare at her, it'd be a crime not too". I pointed out "and I noticed that she walks a little differently, she gets sick in the morning its not much but still sick,she's constantly going to the bathroom,she's tired out easily which isn't like her, she's eating a lot more then she used to. The weird part is she started eating sourcraut (?) and she absolutely hates sourcraut"
"Hmmm I'll have to talk to her about it when I see her again. But it the mean time hurry up and have kids, I want that cliche dream I told Anubis"
"Calm your tits dude" I said laughing
"Don't tell me to calm my tits" Juniper said sassily. Suddenly a tall skinny blond with huge boobs and a really bad spray tan walked up. She gave a huge fake smile
"How many months are you?" The girl asked, her voice still high pitched. She had to be just coming out of high school because she was incredibly young.
"I'm six months" Juniper said smiling
"That's amazing. I love kids, you guys will make amazing parents" the girl said. She had put a strain on the word parents. I shook my head
"Oh no we aren't a couple" I said. A happy look crossed her face
"You're not?" She asked
"This is my friend" Juniper said.
"Oh well in that case. I'm looking for a guy who can help give me a child, my own child, and I was wondering if you could help" she said looking at me
"Oh hell no, you are not sleeping with my best friends husband at all, you little skanky ass bitch. He has a kid on the way, why would he throw everything he has away for a girl like you with a horrible spray tan and fake ass tits" Juniper screeched. the girl looked frightened before she ran off. Juniper looked at me "don't even think about leaving Anubis for a bimbo like that"
"Never" I said " and we don't have a kid on the way yet"
"Oh but you will i just feel it." Juniper said. We finally finished shopping, my hands full of band shirts, a couple of chokers, a dozen band bracelets, and black and red nail polish. We walked up to the counter and paid for it before leaving
"Where to know?" I asked
"Lets find the closet music store" Juniper said
*Anubis POV*
I was currently in a splash war with Andy. We had gotten back from the movie a while ago so we went back to my house. We had decided to go out but before I could have even made it to the back yard Andy had pushed me into the pool. As revenge of had pulled him in, which turned into an all out splash war.
"Dammit Andy stop it" I said laughing.
"Why should I you started it" Andy said cockily. I could hear the smirk on his face.
"Me? You shoved me into the pool you asshole" I said back. All the sudden I felt a huge wave of nausea wash over me. Then the splashing stopped
"Hey are you ok?" Andy asked concerned. I held my stomach, as the urge of puking had come.
"I don't know.... I need to go to the bathroom" I said. I got out of the pool and darted inside, the cold air hitting my wet skim and making me colder. I left the door open and ran into the nearest bathroom.
I threw open the door and kneeled down to the toilet, just it time too, as I started puking. I held my hair back with one hand and held the toilet with the other, my arms shaky. All the sudden I heard Andy run in before he walked over and held my hair for me, rubbing my back like Ashley had done. It wasn't the first time this had happened, it had been happening for a week or so. I would have these brief moments I felt sick and these cravings. After a while I finally stopped.
Andy helped me up as I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth out before Andy got me a towel to dry off before sitting me on the couch
"Are you sure you're ok?" Andy asked again. I nodded
"I'm fine, honestly. It's been off and on all veek. I just cant figure out vhy its happening, but its not bad"
"If that's happening then you should probably see a doctor" Andy said.
"Im fine, I don't need a doctor"
"Oh well you're going. Go get changed and I'll take you to the doctors. If's ands or buts."
"Ugh your such an ass" I said as I got up
"Hey I'm only worried for your health" Andy said. I walked into my room and changed before walking back out to Andy's truck. As soon as we got in we headed to the doctors, the whole twenty minute ride had been completely silent. It was awkward. I had kept fidgeting nervously in my seat before we finally reached the doctors.
Andy insisted that he go in with to make sure but I had told him that it was fine and he could go home. After a few minutes of arguing he caved in and left. I walked into the small waiting room filled with people and signed in before sitting down and waiting my turn patiently, trying not to fidget as best as I could but it didn't help especially when people looked at me and whispered to one another. That's when my phone buzzed
Luke:hey how have you been sis?
Me:I'm good. How about you? How are your classes?
Luke: their good, just exhausting
Me: tell me about it, I'm still not finished with mine either
Luke: you've been busy. Im just ready to start the season off. Our first game is on Saturday
Me: I'm not going to be able to make that we leave for warped tour on Friday
Luke: its fine their are other games
All the sudden one of the nurses walked out into the waiting room
"Anubis Purdy" she called
Me: I have to go, I'll talk to you later
I got up and walked over to her. She gave a small smile as she led me down to a room.
"Dr. Mari will be with you in a moment" she said before she shit the wood door behind her. I waited patiently on the bench table thing for a few minutes before Dr. Mari walked in
"Hello Anubis, how are you today?" She asked. She had long black hair and brown eyes. She was tall and lean and obvious hints of Native American in her. She was the sweetest person you could ever meet
"You know me, I've had better days" I said back. She laughed
"So tell me, what is it this time that made be in the grace of the mighty Anubis?" She asked back jokingly
"Vell, and Ashley doesn't know this, for at least four veek I've been feeling nauseous and I have to constantly go to the bathroom. My head hurts and my back starts to too, I have been completely exhausted. Hell I'm eating more then I normally do" I said
"Hmmmm" Dr. Mari said as she began her check up "I don't see anything wrong but I'm going to take some blood to run a few tests"
"Of course" I said. She turned around and grabbed a syringe and rubbing alcohol. She whipped the alcohol on my skin on my forearm before she put the needle in my skin. I hissed just a bit as I felt a small pinch
I watched as she slowly took some of my blood, the once clear container filling up with thick red blood.
"You're free to go. I'll call you in the morning when I get the results back" she said as she took the syringe.
"That vasnt long". I said as I got up
"I try not to make your visits to long" she said. I laughed as we walked back out to the lobby before I paid and left starting my walk home. I wondered why I had pushed it off, I wondered what was wrong with me

Anubis outfits

Anubis outfits

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Juniper outfit

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Juniper outfit

Juniper outfit

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