chap 32

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    Sorry again I was at my mom's again she has no internet and I need it for school and stuff and sorry if it is short or sucks

    I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and  light breeze floating into the house as the suns soft,  light waves filled out room. I laid on my back,  my head propped up on the pillows behind me.  I yawned as I looked over,  seeing Ashley on his side his head propped up on his hand as he looked at me with a gentle smile on his face.
     "Good morning beautiful,  how'd you sleep? " Ashley asked softly.  I smiled
    "As good as it can get. Vhat about you? " I asked
    "Wonderful, besides all the moving you do " He said jokingly.  I playfully smacked his chest as he laughed
     "I do not" I said
    "I'm just messing with you baby girl" Ashley said sweetly as he kissed my forehead
   "You're so mean" I whined
   "But you love me" He said as he started at me,  placing his hand gently on my stomach.  I smiled
    "So vhy Vere you vatching me sleep? " I asked as his thumb slowly traced circular patterns.
     "I love watching you sleep,  you look so adorable and peaceful. And I wanted to memories your beautiful face before I leave today" He said.  
     "Vhy did you have to remind me about that. Now I'm sad,  I don't vant you to leave" I said pouting playfully.
     "I know baby girl,  I know. I want to stay with you until after the pregnancy but I have to. Like I said we can always Skype or video chat. Whatever makes you feel better"
     "It vont be the same but it vill vork" I said softly. All the sudden Ashley got up and hovered over me and lowered himself to my stomach,  kissing it gently
     "Hey guys this is your daddy speaking. I don't know if you can hear me yet or not but I just wanted to say that you guys are some lucky kids because you have the most awesome parents in the world, Your mother is the most beautiful woman in the entire world she's the most sweetest,  caring person in the world and you're so lucky to have someone like her to take care of you. I need you to watch over mommy for me while I'm gone,  she's a bit of a trouble maker so just watch out for her and not give her so much of a hard time,  you've got part of me" He said chuckling and I smacked him upside the head lightly as I smiled "I love you guys,  so so much,  mommy and I both do and I can't wait to hold you guys"
       "That's so sweet. " I said lovingly. Ashley looked up at me
       "Looks like you rubbed off on me" Ashley said jokingly as he leaned forward and kissed me, his lips soft and filled with love.  I kissed back,  placing my hand on his cheek
       "I think it's time to get up so we can spend some time together before I read over to the airport" Ashley said against my lips. I sighed quietly.
     "I know. I'll take you to the airport,  it's on the vay to the airport anyways" I said. Ashley got up and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.  I walked over to the dresser and grabbed a long sleeve off the shoulder skull sweat shirt with rips in the sleeves,  ripped jeans,  combat boots,  and a gray beanie. I pulled on a pair of ankle high black heeled boots and put on my rings.
     I walked into the kitchen and started making bacon. I was really craving bacon,  at least it wasn't sauerkraut That was a really weird morning.  My phone rang and I answered
     "Hello" I answered
     "Hey" Juniper said cheerfully but grumply "so are you taking Ashley to the Airport? Because I'm going to need a ride to the orphanage because CC wants to leave the truck their and he left all the baby stuff in the other car"
      "Of course. I'll put the car seat and everything in the back right now so you can sit in the back vith Jared" I said as I put the bacon in the pan.  A couple of days after Tour juniper finally gave birth to Jared.  I remember because she wanted me to be there so at two in the morning I was at the hospital along with CC and Ash. Nobody else knew about it until after Juniper gave birth and put it online. Then again Alex and Ari's hadn't really talked since Set in Stone had officially split up. Juniper,  after meeting Brendon Urie during Warped Tour,  claims she pulled a Brendon Urie. None the less they were all happy
      Aries had got a job at my bar and Alex had also got a job from me for the orphanage along with painting on the side.
      "Oh thank god I thought I was going to get stranded here" She said in relief.  I laughed as I switched the bacon,  putting new ones in the pan and the other on the plate
     "I vould have got you anyways. You're already at the Airport? "
     "Oh no not yet.  We're at a store near the airport though, Jared needed more diapers"
      "Ahhhh,  oh by the vay your room here is already set up so you don't have to vorry about anything" I said
      "Sweet. It's like high school all over again except its at your house and it's literally for four months" Juniper chuckled.  "And Jackie is going to be there,  she wanted to just hang out with us for the day and see what she could help out with you know"
     "Of course,  ve're going to need all the help ve can get" I added
    "No you mean you,  you're the owner" Juniper chided. I chuckled
    "Vell I made a last minute decision and made it both of ours.  Everything is fifty fifty"
     "No way" Juniper said in shock before getting excited "are you serious right now?you're joking  right? "
     "I'm dead serious. Happy three months early Christmas or something close to that" I said
     "Shit I just realized something" Juniper said almost sadly
    "Vhats that? " I asked.
    "The guys won't be here for Christmas or thanksgiving. CC will miss Jared's first thanksgiving and Christmas"
     "You're right.  I didn't even think about that"  I said starting to get a bit  sad.  In all honesty I didn't even think about what holidays were coming up.
     "Well,  we'll have an amazing thanksgiving and Christmas without them,  just the two of us" Juniper said
    "I thought  you're family vas visiting you. I know Ashley's family and Luke are supposed to be coming over. You're family could eat vith us and all" I suggested
     "True. I'll talk to them about it but I don't know if they will be able to make it since dad went back to the Navy and all"
     "He did? " I asked
     "Yup,  right after I went to college. Mom went with him too,  I thought I told you this"
     "College remember"
    "Right" Juniper said in realization " Alright well I have to call you back.  See you love "
     "Bye" I said before she hung up.  Putting my phone in my pocket and finishing up the bacon I turned of the stove and did the dishes letting the bacon cool as Ashley came back down,  his hair a bit damp. He wore a tank top,  flannel,  and jeans and he had his bags already out down by the couch
    "So that was bacon I smelled" Ash said as he walked over and a stole a piece before he walked behind me and wrapped his arms around me setting his chin on my shoulder "something wrong? "
     "No it's fine,  nothings vrong" I said as I scrubbed the pan letting the hot water run over my hands
     "Are we seriously going to do this again? " He asked sighing
     "Do vhat again? I'm not doing anything" I stated
      "Avoid what's wrong. You do it all the time when something is bothering you"
     "Ashley I'm fine,  nothing is vrong ok, can we just drop it" I snapped. I didn't mean too but it happened.  But in all honesty nothing was wrong "I'm sorry"
     "I know you're under a lot of pressure right now but you need to tell me what's wrong" Ashley said as he turned off the water and turned me around putting his hands on my cheeks "I worry about you and in a few hours I won't be here,  you have to tell me what's wrong. You will do that right? "
     "Of course" I said. He just kissed my forehead and I sighed softly "but I'm not lying, nothing is vrong I'm just extremely hormonal" Ashley chuckled
     "Well no one said pregnancy was easy" Ashley said casually
     "Yea thanks for reminding me of that" I said before I turned around and finished the dishes.  Ashley wasn't any help at all because he kept kissing my neck "I better not go to the orphanage vith hickeys on  my neck you jerk"
     "Oh relax,  you don't have any of those...although I wish I could" He said as his lips brushed my ear "but they wouldn't just be on you're neck"
     "Ashley" I said,  a shiver running down my back.  He chuckled
    "You know it's true baby girl,  no need to be so shocked about it" Ashley said lowly as he slapped my ass before squeezing it. I yelped in shock as he chuckled and went back to the bacon
     "No,  you need to back off the bacon I didn't get any yet" I said as I playfully pushed him to the side before taking the plate and trying to run off with it
     "Oh no you don't" Ashley said as he quickly caught me by my belt loops before pulling me into his chest.  I held out the plate from him
     "Back off" I said trying to get away "let me goooooo"
     "Not until you share" Ashley said playfully. I could hear the smirk on his voice
     "Make your own bacon this is mine" I said
     "Sharing is caring" Ashley pointed out "don't make me tickle you for it"
     "You vouldn't" I gasped
    "Oh baby girl I will,  you know I will" Ashley said as I felt his fingers on my sides
     "Ashley Purdy,  tickle me and I swear to god you vill never ever get any more bacon and you'll sleep on the couch for the rest of your life" I warned
     "Then give me the bacon" He said
     "This is bribery" I said as I gave him the plate but not after stealing a handful of bacon. Ashley let go of me and I ran onto the couch "oh by the vay,  ve're taking the car.  I have to put the car seat stuff in for Juniper"
     "I'll do it, you sit" Ashley said as he set the plate on the counter before heading to the nursery and getting the car seat thing before heading out to the car. It was easier if we used  ours and we didn't have to take Junipers out of hers those things were a pain in the asses to constantly switch around.        
      I turned on the news and ate before I decided to change it to Riverdale because I had nothing better to do. And besides in a few minutes I was going to have to drop Ashley off anyways. Sighing I finished eating and grabbed his bags before walking outside and seeing Ashley halfway in the back seat trying to fix the seat. Twirling the keys in my hand I opened the trunk and put Ashley's bags in just as he got done. 
      "Ready to go? " I asked as I shut the trunk and looked to him as he shut the back door
     "Trying to get rid of me already? " He asked chuckling.
     "If I vanted to get rid of you I vould have done it a long time ago" I said laughing
     "Of course. "
      "I'll lock up" I said as I went back inside.  Shutting off the TV I made sure all the doors and windows were locked and shut before heading back out and getting into the drivers seat. Ashley held my hand as we pulled out and onto the road. I rolled down the windows as Ashley looked at me "vhat? "     
      "Nothing beautiful" He said as he smiled
     "I'm sure it is" I said jokingly. The ride was unusually silent, the radio was even off. Once we pulled into the Airports parking lot Ashley grabbed his bags before we  walked in talking, more like arguing,  about which was better tacos or quesadillas
      "You're insane" I said as I rolled my eyes smiling
       "Yeah right,  you're the insane one" Ashley shot back as we entered the large light blue and tile airport.  Thousands of people milled around talking,  laughing, arguing, or just being silent. Some were rushing to get to their planes, some were shopping and others were heading home.
    "Ve all know that I'm insane" I said as we reached Jake
    "Who's insane? " Jake asked as Ashley Sat down one one of the black chairs
     "I am. Vhere's Lexi? " I asked
     "She had a surprise class to go to  this morning" He said as he scratched the back of his neck
      "This early? " Ashley asked
      "She's going for medical to be a doctor remember. She's got to be ready whenever" Jake said just as Jinxx walked up
     "Hey mama Jinxx" Jake and Ashley.  Jinxx just gave them a death glare as I hugged him, and returned the hug
     "Vhats vrong? " I asked. Jinxx sighed
     "Nothing important" Jinxx said,  brushing off the question. I frowned
     "Anubiisssssssss you're hereeeeeeeee" I heard Andy call. Laughing I looked behind me to see Andy running towards me before giving me a big hug.
     "Dude don't kill me" I said laughing
     "If you accidentally kill her I'm going to accidentally kill you" Ashely said causing us all to laugh. Eventually CC and Juniper showed up.
      We just talked and hung out as we waited for the guys flight. I was too busy paying attention to Jared, along with Juniper, to notice that the guys we're trying to get attention
      "See,  it's the same thing with Jake all over again.  I'm losing my love to someone younger then me" Ashley said as he stood in front of me,  his arms wrapped around my waist. I just rolled my eyes as I heard their first label number get called.
     "Don't even start.  I love you, behave ok,  don't let me hear that you got in any trouble either otherwise I'm going to come and kick your ass myself. Call me vhen you land,  I vant to know that you're safe,  all of you-"
    "Relax beautiful" Ashley said as he looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes "I'll stay out of trouble. The guys will make sure of that,  no need to panic ok. And I'll call you once we get to the hotel unless I'm already passed out in the floor but still"
     "Alright" I said as he kissed my forehead "I'll miss you"
     "I'll miss you too, better steal a kiss while I can"
     "You better make it good Purdy, it's the only one you're getting for three months" I said smirking. Ashley just smiled and pulled me into a kiss,  holding me as if it were the last time he was ever going to see me. The kiss was fierce and fiery but filled with passion and love 
    "Come on you two love birds we don't want to miss the plane" Jinx called out. Ashley broke the kiss before he let go of me and grabbed his bag. I set my hand on my stomach as I watched them make their way to the gate. Ashley turned around quickly and blew me a kiss before he and the guys disappeared. I felt my heart sink a little but I brushed it aside as I turned to Juniper and smiled.  She wore a peachy colored loose sweater,  black tights,  a opal charm necklace,  and light pink high top converse her hair pulled up in a messy bun.  She held the car seat on her arm as Jared slept
    "You ready? " I asked.
    "As ever. I'm so excited and still trying to recover from shock on what you said earlier I even annoyed CC with it by accident.
    " Hahaha,  nice " I said laughing as we walked out to the car.  Juniper sat in the back with Jared,  the diaper in the front seat and we left. "You seem tired"
     "Oh yeah,  this little guy has kept me up all night for the past five nights he's a little pain in the ass" She said as she smiled looking at Jared with love as she,  what I assumed,   softly stroked Jared's face "but you're my pain in the ass,  and I still love you"
    "I have a feeling that none of us are going to adopt the no swearing around our kids rule" I said chuckling as I turned into the highway. Juniper laughed
    "That's true. Both of us have too much of a dirty mouth for that,  it just flows naturally"
     "Oh yeah" I said "I honestly don't care that my kids curse as long as it isn't around a teacher and after they're in middle school.  Ve don't need fifth graders vith filthy mouths running around the school and causing trouble"
    "Let me guess it's happened to you" Juniper stated.  I shook my head.   
    "Oh yeah,  I learned the hard vay. Not a fun experience"
     "And as long as they don't curse you out,  like the f bomb"
     "That's true. People who curse the most tend to be the most honest" I said 
    "Just look at you all high and mighty" Juniper said jokingly.  I glared at her through the rearview mirror
     "Yea yea" I said "at least I'm honest"
    "Dude I couldn't imagine if you weren't honest. Like it's a scary and unbelievable thought"
     "It is isn't it. I never really thought of it being a big deal but it vould make me very uneasy and I'd break"
    "Right. I'm literally the same way"
    "Vell you did say that ve vere sisters" I said chuckling.

Anubis outfit

Anubis outfit

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Juniper outfit

Juniper outfit

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