Chap 36

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   I know I'm late but I can't believe this is the last warped Tour.  I'm sad because I've never been and I don't think I'll be able to go Whyyy cruel world. Anyways enjoy
    I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear.  Groaning I turned it off and got up,  I only had a couple minutes before I had to take Greta to school to fix this Micheal situation. I got up quickly getting ready and rubbing the lotion on my stomach.  I wore a black sleeveless leather jacket with a skull on the back with Ashley's name and bronze stars and studs,  faded blue Jean shorts that looked white with a skull and cross bones in black at the bottom of one side,  Purdy girl on the other,  and the AP logo on the back along with black mid calf cowgirl boots
      After I brushed my hair I pulled it into a braid and pulled it to the side before walking out into the kitchen.  Great was already there,  sitting at the counter eating breakfast as she read a book.
     "1)  Guten Morgen" I said as I grabbed a piece of a notebook paper and pen. Great looked up at me and smiled. She wore a  white Ariana Grande tank top,  light blue jeans,  and a light baby blue jacket. Her hair was up in a messy bun held up a pencil
    "Guten Morgen"
    "2) wie haben sie schlafen?"
    "3) so gut wie nie"
     "4) und das ist?" I asked smirking
      "5) ich schlief groß. was ist sie? wie haben sie schlafen?" Greta asked as she set her phone down
     "6) über sowie jede Schwangere Frau schläft. aber ich muss sagen, gestern Abend war einer der bessere Nächte" I said.
  Don't panic I just went to drop of Greta and deal with a certain situation.  I should be back soon but you know where everything is if you need anything at all.   
     I set the pen down,  along with the paper and looked at Greta
      "7) sind sie bereit zu gehen?" I asked
      "8) als ich jemals" Greta said. I grabbed my keys and we walked right the car.  Getting in Greta slid into the passenger seat as I slid into the driver seat.  I started the car and it roared to life before I pulled out.  For twenty minutes the ride was silent as Greta looked out the window
      " Are you ok? " I asked as I looked back at the road
       "Yea I'm fine" Greta answered, still looking at the passing cars.
       " Are you sure?  You don't have to be afraid to tell me anything "  I said comfortingly.  
       "It's nothing.  I'm just nervous on vhat today is going to bring" Greta answered
        "I vas the same vay,  don't vorry about it. Everything vill be fine"
       "Vhat do you vant to do later tonight? "
       "Vhat do you mean? " Greta asked as she looked at me. I smiled gently
       "Ve never get to do things together.  I figured that ve could go to the movies or the mall or something. Vhatever you vant to do" I said
     "Really? " Greta asked happily.  I nodded
      "Of course"
      "Can I let you know vhen I get home? " She asked.
       "Sure. I have to stop by the studio real quick but if you vant I can pick you up"
     "Nah,  I'll be fine" Greta said.  I shrugged.  Eventually we pulled up to the school and I felt the memories flood in slowly. I could practically see my old self roaming the halls along with Ashley and the others. Taking a deep breath in  stepped out into the semi full parking lot.  Shutting,  more like slamming,  my door I walked to the front office next to Greta.  Kids have me glanced,  some looking as if they had remembered me or knew me,  but more of the rude nasty glances.  I  walked into the same small semi pale office with the same reception lady
     "Hello? " She asked,  still looking at her nails which she was currently filing
      "I'm here to speak vith the principal" I said.  She looked up before her eyes widened
     "Anubis Purdy"
     "Let me go get him. Just sign in" She said quickly before she got up and practically ran down the Hall,  her heels clicking on the floor. Quickly I signed in before  I walked over to the wall that was decorated with a few pictures from senior year and down the Hall I could see a trophy case.
        "So you did go here for school" I heard Greta say.  I turned around and looked at Greta
       "Just my senior year" I said "some of the things that happened here I try not to remember
     " I heard about the Mr. S incident " Greta said. I shuddered
      "That's definitely one incident that I don't like to remember" I said as the lady walked back out clearing her throat
     "Mr.Fuentes will see you now" The lady said  clearing her throat " Please follow me".  Greta and I followed behind the lady as she led us down the narrow halls passing many doors and offices. I never knew these existed or what the principals office looked like ever since I had gone here.  I felt my anxiety start to pick up so I tried taking a deep breath in which only failed.  The lady opened the door to a large office and stepped aside.
     Greta and I both stepped in as the brown wood and frosted glass door shut behind us. The ground was the same tile as the floors at the front of the main office,  the walls which were decorated with awards,  pictures,  and certificates were a soft pink.
     Four  black leather seats sat in from of a glossy mahogany desk covered with papers a few pictures and a computer,  and behind that was a large black chair in front of a large bookcase.  Mr. Fuentes,  still the same as I remembered him,  say in the chair reading the file in his hands. He barely glanced up from his file before he shut it and set it on his desk,  smiling.  He instantly stood up and shook my hand
     "Anubis it's so good to see you again,  how have you been? " Mr. Fuentes asked.  I smiled
    "I've been great,  how have you been? " I asked.
     "Oh the usual high school stuff.  It's stressful but I love it.  Anyways I gather that you aren't here in a social visit so what can I help you with? " Mr. Fuentes asked as we  all sat down
      "Vell its Actually about Greta and one other student" I said as I looked at Greta
     "His name is Michael Badensin " Greta said before she started telling her story in detail from the very beginning. I was so caught up on her story I didn't notice the bell for first period had rung.  The principal listened intently looking concerned. After she finished he looked at me
     "I'm just trying to keep him away from Greta I don't vant him anywhere near her at all.  Do you know of anything? " I asked
     "Has any of this happened in campus? " Mr.  Fuentes asked.
     "Yes sir,  a few times" Greta answered
     "Well he's most likely getting suspended,  I don't know for how long yet. I could get an AB contract and whatever classes he has with her get will get switched out of"
     "It's vhatever vorks" I said
     "Let me get the contracts and call him down and we'll be good to go" Mr.  Fuentes said before walking out of the room and into another
      "I can't believe this is happening" Greta said shakily
      "But you vont have to deal vith any of this anymore " I said reassuringly as I set my hand on her shoulder.  She gave me a small smile before she fidgeted with her fingers. I sat up in the chair as best as I could. Mr. Fuentes came back in,  a couple of papers in hand
     "Well he should be in at any minute" Mr.  Fuentes said as he sat back down before looking to Greta "if he breaks this contract you need to let me know immediately along with Anubis"
     "Of course" Greta answered.  An awkward silence filled the room for a couple of minutes before a tall  lanky boy with dark brown hair in a fade and dark brown eyes with pale skin.
     He had a look that had bad news written all over him.  And the girl next to him was the same way.  She was tall and slender with porcelain white skin, light Hazel colored eyes, and long brunette colored hair that faded into  velvet purple
     "What's going on? " The girl asked as she glanced at Greta before looking at Mr. Fuentes.  She definitely had an attitude problem.
     "Savanna I asked for your brother,  not you" Mr. Fuentes said sighing
     "You get both of us, you know that" The girl,  Savanna,  said.  So the boy was Micheal.  
     "Michael,  you need to sign this AB contract with Greta.  You are not allowed to talk to,  look or go near Greta at all.  All your classes with Greta will be changed and you will finish out a months suspension" Mr.  Fuentes said.  Micheal looked flabbergasted as Savanna's face looked pissed
     "For doing what?! " Savanna boomed,  a fire in her eyes
     "How about forcing girls to do something they don't vant to do and physically harming people" I growled defensively.  Savanna looked at me
     "Michael would never do anything like that,  I know him. This bitch is making up lies" Savanna shot glaring at Greta
     "Savanna watch your language" Mr. Fuentes shot.
      "Greta vould  never lie about anything like that.  Especially because I know vhen people are lying" I snapped as I glared at Savanna  
     "Oh yeah and where's your poof? " Savanna asked smugly
      "Greta,  can you please show them" I asked.  Greta nodded and slowly lifted up her jacket sleeves showing the slightly discolored bruises on her arm.  Savanna and the principles eyes widened "Greta came home vith these on her last night.  I know she's a good girl and she does vhat she's supposed to and there is no vay she got those randomly.  I don't vant you and your brother anywhere near Greta at all"
     " Who do you think you are? " Savanna hissed
     "Her  legal guardian and cousin.  And you need to mind your manners,  that is not how you speak to your principle,  much less an adult,  vith an attitude like that" I said,  staring her in the eyes. 
     "Alright let's just calm down. Micheal just sign the papers and I'll deal with you and your punishment later,  behavior like this is not tolerated at all" Mr.  Fuentes said as he held up the pen towards Micheal. Micheal hesitantly looked at the pen,  before looking at Greta with a look of guilt
     "Micheal don't sign it,  this is bull  shit you did nothing wrong. You don't need to sign anything because this fake bitch wants to make up lies about you" Savanna hissed. Greta looked down at the ground ashamed
     "Savanna, two weeks detention" Mr. Fuentes said
     "You better vatch your tongue " I growled
     "This is so unfair,  these are all accusations. You can't just do that" Savanna said
     "No Savanna,  I did do this.  I deserve it,  I knew I was going to get caught sooner or later" Micheal said as he took the pen and signed the paper
     "This is harassment.  You'll be hearing from my mom,  she's a important lawyer" Savanna said smugly. I rolled my eyes
     "Like I'm scared of a lawyer.  Stop being petty and but hurt,  just grow up and be mature.  I have never met some one so spoiled in my entire life, oh vait I have and it didn't end vell for them" I said
      "What ever prick" She said before storming.  Mr.  Fuentes sighed as Micheal finished signing
     "I'm sorry for her behavior" He said
      "No need to apologize for her behavior,  that's not your fault" I said.  Once Greta finished signing we all stood up
    "Well now that that's over with I'll write both of you passes.  Have a nice day Anubis and again I'm sorry  for Savanna's behavior" Mr.  Fuentes said.  I smiled before looking at Savanna
    "(9) sie haben einen guten Tag, OK. ich sehen sie, wenn ich nach Hause. sie lassen sie mich wissen, wenn sie etwas oder wenn etwas passiert," I told her
     "(10) ja, natürlich werde ich" Greta answered "danke"
     "Bitte. Tchüss" I said before I walked out as Mr. Fuentes dug through his drawers.  Shortly I reached the car and got in before I headed off towards the studio.  My blood was still boiling  from before so I turned on the radio as usual to help settle my nerves.
      Before I knew it I arrived at a big gray at stone building with a glass front door and a white and red sign that read  'Nakari Recording Studio' in bold red lettering.  Parking the car in the small cramped, and semi cracked,  parking lot before getting out and headed towards the building.  Ashley and I always came here to record our albums.  Even if the owner and I didn't get along at times,  but the quality of our work was great.  In all honesty I didn't even know why Rick,   the owner,  even called me.
      I opened the glass door and stepped into the large waiting room. The cool air hit me instantly as the door shut behind me.  The floors were a soft gray carpet and the walls were white. All sorts of posters and records hung in the walls.  I walked out of the room and into a long narrow Hall that got  bit smaller and bare the color shifting from White to Gray. Before I knew it I passed through a strand of beads and found myself in a large concrete room that smelled a bit like cigarette smoke.
        A large dirty purple couch was pushed again the wall behind a cheap brown wood coffee table covered in papers.  A tall chunky man with a red hair and small beard sat in a chair with headphones on in front of a large board with thousands of keys,  his pale skin barely visible in the dull movie theater lights.  In the recording booth was a very scrawny black man with tattoos covering his body as thousands of large gold chains hung off of his neck like his oversized clothes that wouldn't stay on.  He wore a head set as he rapped into the mic.
      Two other men sat on the couch as they smoked what looked like a blunt,  dressed exactly like the guy in the booth except one was deathly pale,  but you couldn't notice because of all the stupid,  immature,  tattoos that covered his body.  I wasn't against tattoos,  I absolutely loved them,  but seriously the stuff that he put on he body would offend anyone.
     "Man that ain't the stripper we ordered dog.  She pregnant,  she ain't no good" The pale guy said before they both laughed as Rick,  the guy in the chair with the head sets,  turned around
     "But she's hot,  especially for a pregnant bitch.  I wouldn't mind seeing what's under those clothes" The other man said as he took another drag before stuttering on the smoke a bit.
     "That's no stripper,  it's one of my clients" Rick said as I shot the guys a look.  Both looked terrified now,  and since I was still pissed off this didn't help the situation at all.
      "Say something like that to me again and see if you valk out of here vith your balls" I growled
     "I wouldn't try her,  she'll do it" Rick said before he turned around back to the board and hit a button causing the guy in the booth to stop.  He looked out to us both.  
      "What the hell dog? " The guy,  more like stated,  asked
      "Tyreek its coming along great but let's take a break for right now.  I have something I have to fix with the girl next to me's album.  It's a really quick fix and we'll get right back into your song dog" Rick said
      "Who?  The scary pregnant chick next to you? " The guy said as he looked at me
     "Yea man but like I said just a few adjustments and we'll jump right back into yours and hey after this we'll head over to my house,  have a party invite a few girls.  That sound good dog? " Rick asked.  The guy in the booth smiled showing off one of his fake gold teeth
     "Ai't" The guy said before he took off the head set and walked out.  Rick looked at me
     "Vhat did you call me for? " I asked
     "I know how you and Ash already have it the way you guys want to sound but I wanted to try something to see if it works" Rick said.  I looked at him
     "Vhat do you vant me to do? " I asked, sighing in annoyance
     "For the begging of downfall I wanted to see if we could do something with the guitar. So I need you to do the  whole entrance to the beginning of downfall.  Tyreek can you hand me that guitar behind you" Rick said. I stared at Rick as Tyreek grabbed a Ruby red guitar  
      "The vhole entrance?  Really? And you didn't think to do this a month ago vhen be vere recording this try something like this " I asked,  sort of pissed.
     " I didn't think of it until now" Rick Stated as I grabbed the guitar 
     "Fine" I grumbled as I walked into the large tan padded booth. I grabbed a stool to help me balance as I plugged in the guitar and put the headphones on.
     "Great,  now try singing it in German instead,  and just pick up the pace a bit" Rick sad through the speaker.
     I took a deep breath in and began to play,  my fingers gliding over the strings before I leaned in towards the microphone
    "(11)  gehen sie vor und sitzen in ihrem Thron
       es wird nicht dort für lange, weil ihre Untergang kommt
       die Zeit gekommen ist für sie zu Kapitulation
         ich werde es zu beobachten, wie sie kommen zu ihrem Ende
        ich hoffe, sie hatte die Zeit ihres Lebens denn jetzt hier ich komme zu bringen sie ihre Untergang
     sie können versuchen und Kampf mich aber sie werden nicht gewinnen" I sang softly as I played faster. I let the beat of the music flow through me,  granted their was no drums or anything. After a few minutes  I stopped and opened my eyes.  Rick gave me a thumbs up as the guys behind him gave that nasty look as everyone else who hated rock gave
     "I think that was the first time I recorded anything in a clean first try" Rick said " You can come out now "
    I took off the headphones and set them down before I walked out,  adjusting the strings.  It wasn't bad when we were recording but it needed to be tuned. I stood on the wall tuning the guitar as Rick had his head sets on messing with the keys.
     The room was filled with an awkward silence. I swore I felt someone's eyes burning into me
     "Hey sweet heart,  you wanna  go fetch me some beer.  Oh wait you can't you're pregnant" One of the guys said trying to be funny.  I just shot them a glare
    "Look  at this bitch  trying to look all scary and shit,  you ain't ever gonna be scary so stop tryin. Or is your man makin you this way,  a perfect lap dog ever since he got your dumb ass pregnant" The other one added in
     " I may be pregnant but I can still kick your ass and show the vhole vorld the weak ass pussy you are. You don't ever talk to vomen like that ever,  vould you talk to your mom like that?  No,  I didn't think so and just so you know I don't care of you think I look scary or not and I don't dress to please anyone"  I spat
     "What did you say?  " Tyreek asked getting up and walking towards me "you wana say that again,  bitch"
      "You heard vhat I said" I growled as I set the guitar down
      "What makes you think that you can talk to me and my homies like that" He asked
     "I don't have to tell you shit"  I snapped back "(12) aber dann wieder das ist, was ich zum im Gespräch mit einer Reihe von selbst zentriert unwissend Idioten"
      "That's it" Tyreek said before he went to lunge at me. I prepared myself for the impact but Rick had stepped in front of him,  holding him back "let me go dog"
      "If you think you're going to survive her your wrong,  you do not want to be on her bad side at all and all hell will break loose if her husband finds out"
     "I ain't scared of another guy" Tyreek said
     "It's not him you should be scared of,  it's her " Rick said as I glared at Tyreek who was forced to sit back down
     " You're so lucky I'm pregnant " I snapped before  I turned my attention to Rick

Translations (match the numbers)
    1)  good morning
    2) how did you sleep?
     3) as good as ever
     4) and that is
     5) I slept great.  What about you? How did you sleep?
     6) about as well as every pregnant woman sleeps.  but I have to say last night was one of the better nights
      7) are you ready to go?
       8) as I'll ever be
       9) you have a good day, ok.  I'll see you when  I get home.  you let me know if you need anything or if something happens
     10)  of course i will
      11) go ahead and sit in your throne
      it won't be there for long because your downfall is coming    the time has come for you to surrender
         I'll be there to watch as you come to your end 
       I hope you had the time of your life because now here I come to bring your downfall
      you can try and fight me but you won't win
       12) but then again that's what I get for talking to a bunch of self centered ignorant morons
Anubis Outfit

  you let me know if you need anything or if something happens     10)  of course i will      11) go ahead and sit in your throne       it won't be there for long because your downfall is coming    the time has come for you to surrender          I...

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