Chap 23

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*Anubis POV*
     "Holy shit that's a big bus" Izekil said "and a big fucking house"
    I chucked as the long black bus pulled up. I wore a black leather corset that stopped at my belly button with a lace up back and studs, black leather shorts with an Ammo belt, black fishnets and studded combat boots.
    Suddenly all the guys stepped, well raced out.
    "Hey guys" I said  
    "Whats up mama to be?" CC asked as everyone laughed 
     "Im doing pretty good" I said.
     "Where is Ashley?" Jinxx asked curiously
    "Recovering" I answered. Jinxx looked at me confused
    "Why is he... oh.... ohhhhhh" Jinxx said as a look of realization covered his face "can you still even do that?"
     " I honestly have no fucking idea, I mean ve did it the four veeks I vas pregnant so I mean I guess you can for  little bit" I answered. Jinxx looked over at Izekil.  "Whos the girl?"
      "Oh I'm a he. My name is Izekil, I'm Holy Sins new drummer" Izekil said. 
     "Oh sweet so your that dude" CC said. Jake cleared his throat and grabbed my bag
    "Here let me put this up for you. You go in the bus" Jake said
    "Are you sure?" I asked " just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't do it myself"
    "Just get in the bus" Jake said. Suddenly Andy picked me up and carried me inside the beautiful bus before setting me on the leather couch and sitting on my lap "Andy vhat the hell are you doing? Get off of me" I said
     "No can do. Im making sure you stay here" Andy said 
     "You're such an ass" I grumbled
      "So are you telling the fans?"
      "I'm going to try to keep it secret for know until they figure it out themselves, those people are like fucking hackers, I need to take my address down off the Internet. I know it isn't going to do anything but I'd feel safer"
     "Trust me I know the feeling" Andy said " I always thought of the fans as FBI Agents, they find out everything"
    "Think more like CIA, they find out everything"
     "Or homeland security, their everywhere" Andy pointed out
    "That's also true" I said. "So vhere are our bunks?"
      "Nice try" Andy said. I looked at him confused.  
      "Vhat the help are you talking about?"
    "Trying to get me up to show you your bunk so you can run off the bus" Andy said. I just laughed
    "No I vas just curious so I didn't accidently fall asleep in anyone's bunk" I stated.
     "Oh well in that case its all the way to the back behind the door" Andy said "besides I'm fine with you crashing on my bed. It happens, when you're tired you're tired. Hell I fell asleep in, well in, my fridge once because I didn't notice how tired I was." I laughed and rolled my eyes
    "You dork" I said. Suddenly Andy's face light up and he jumped up 
     "Oh I almost forgot your birthday gift. Don't go anywhere" Andy said as he ran towards the bunks
     "Not you too, you know I don't like vhen people buy me things" i whined as Andy walked out and gave me a look, a small box in his hand.
     "Oh well you are going to love what I got you. I know you don't like celebrating your birthday because of your dad but I figured that you would love this" Andy said as he handed me the box. That struck a nerve, I hadn't told anyone that my dad was alive but how was I supposed to say that, 'hey my dads actually alive sorry you cant meet him but he's wanted all around the world and I only met him when he kidnapped me'
     "I didn't say I vasnt going to like it" I said as I opened the box. When I did my mouth dropped. It was a German flag dog tag with the bird in the center and right above it said Deutschland.
     "I figured you would love it, seeing it was German" Andy said as I put it on 
     " (1) das ist, weil Deutschland ist erstaunlich. deutschen sind die besten, sind wir Nummer eins" I said
     "Did you just insult me?"
    "No I didn't, I just said that Germans and Germany are the best" I said
    "Hey buddy vithout the Germans you vouldnt have submarine advances, the printing press, and so much more" I pointed out laughing. Andy just rolled his eyes playfully.
     "Hey baby have you seen where I put the picks at?" Ashley asked popping his head through the doorway. I was surprised he was already up.
     "They should be on the counter" I said
    "Alright, I'll be right back" Ashley said before he disappeared again
    "I'm glad you like the necklace" Andy said. I could have sworn their was a light blush on his face
     "Andy I absolutely love it" I said. After a few more minutes everyone got on the bus, all sitting down as the bus started moving. Ashley had wrapped his arm around me as I laid my head on his shoulder.
    "Now its time to start the pranks, you better hope I don't get you" CC said
     "That was the only thing I didn't miss about tour" Jake said
     "Oh shit" Jinxx stated
     "Haha I'm safe from all pranks" I said. Jinxx looked at me  
      'Hey you're luck you get a free pass from all this "Jinxx said
     "Vrong I don't get a free pass, in nine months im going to be pushing out to babies and that practically rips your vagina open. You don't know the extreme pain that comes vith because you don't have to push a kid out, I vould most likely deal vith the pranks" I said
     "That's true" Jake said.
     "And I vant all of you guys to know that you're family and you always vill be, that's vhy all of you our uncles to these two" I saidm everyone cheered happily as I looked at Ashley "you don't mind tattooing the babies names on me after he figure them out right?"
   "Of course not, anything else you want?" Ashley asked I shook my head
     "Not at the moment" I said as I curled up into a ball 
      "This is going to be a new start for us all" Jake said
     "Oh hell yea I'm ready for that" Andy said. Suddenly my Phone rang and Andy looked over "hey Anubis his 386-77-"
     I got up quickly and took my phone, I wasn't supposed expecting my dad to call, even when he said a couple of months he would call. I walked over to the bunks door as everyone's eyes were on me 
     " (2) Groß gott" i answered
     " (3) Hallo mein kleines schakal. Wie gehts? " dad said his voice rough
      " (4) mir gehts gut. Und Ihnen?"
     " (5) gut. ich sah sie verlassen auf einem Bus an diesem Morgen. ich kam durch zu sagen Hallo. ich brauchte, um zu sehen sie und ihnen sagen, etwas"
     " (6) was haben sie möchten, mir zu sagen?" I asked a bit panicking
     " (7) ich kann nicht sagen, über das Telefon es ist zu gefährlich. es wird setzen sie in Gefahr, aber seine über Samson" he said. My eyes widened
    " (8) was passiert?"
    " (9) ich muss sagen, Angesicht zu Angesicht. wo möchten sie Überschrift?"
     " (10) San fransisco für warped Tour. Papa was ist Los? ich wissen müssen jetzt so dass ich nicht verletzt meine Kinder"
    " (11) was?" Dad asked slightly shocked and stunned  
     " (12) ich bin schwanger" I answered as a lump grew in my throat
     " (13) ich sehen sie in einem Bit. ich habe zu gehen. Bye kleine schakal" dad said. And with that he hung up. I started at my phone for a bit, getting a sick feeling in my stomach. I quickly snaooed out of it and put my phone up before sitting back down on the couch next to Ashley
    "So who was it? Is everything fine?" Jake asked
     "It vas a Vrong number" I said shrugging it off.
     "And they just happened to speak German?" Jinxx asked suspiciously. I rolled my eyes
     "Vell they did start talking to me In German so yea". I answered.
     "Something is wrong baby, I know it. You want to talk about it" Ashley whispered in my ear. I shook my head as they all looked at me suspiciously
      "Vhat? Vhat the hell did I do?" I asked  
      "You didn't do anything" Izekil said. Ashley suddenly got up and grabbed my wrist before pulling me towards the bunks and shutting the door behind him. He sat on the bed before he pulled me on his lap and looked at me intently in the eyes
      "Hey what's wrong. You know that you can tell me anything right?" Ashley said. I sighed and shook my head "what's bugging you beautiful?"
      "Dad called... he said he had something he needed to tell me... about Samson" I said Ashley flinched at the name "he vouldn't tell me vhat it vas though, he said it vas too dangerous and he had to tell me in person. I'm vorried, I can't help but panic-"
       "Hey, baby girl look at me" Ashley said as he placed both his hands on my cheek "I wont let anything happen to you, no one will ever touch you, including Samson, over my dead body. Because as long as I'm here I will always protect you and I will fight with every bone in my body to keep you and our kids safe. And besides your dad is the most wanted man in the world, its dangerous for him to use the phone"
      "I know". I said as I looked down disappointedly
      "Don't worry, everything will be fine, ok?" Ashley said as he made me look into his loving eyes "don't stress yourself out. Can you do that for me?"
      "Of course. Im probably just going to take a nap to just clear my head" I said. Ashley nodded   
      "Alright beautiful" Ashley said as he got up and laid me down and kissing my forehead and pulling the blankets over me. "You get some rest, I'll come to check on you in a few minutes" and with that Ashley left, shutting the door behind him. I laid on the the bed and took a deep breath in before closing my eyes and falling asleep
     ~I found myself in a large cold room standing dead center of a flickering light. I could feel the walls were closer and I looked down to see rusty iron clad shackles around my ankles. I ground not again. I suddenly felt a pain in between my legs as a laugh echoed off the walls, it was a sinister laugh that sent chills down my spine
     "Ashley?"  I asked, my voice rough and scratchy.
     "Oh no I'm not Ashley sweetheart but lets just say..... Ashley isn't coming back for a long long time" a voice said. All the sudden Ashley's body rolled into the light. His chest had been cut and bloody, his once warm loving welcoming eyes were now cold as they started back at me. I cusped my hamda over my mouth holding back a cry as tears raced down my face, my heart shattering into a million pieces. Ashley couldn't be dead, he just couldn't.
    "Do you like my gift?" The voice asked  
     "FUCK YOU YOU MONSTER" i screamed despite the burning sensation in my throat preventing me from screaming and only coming out raspy "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM"
     "oh sweetheart he was only getting in the way. You see while you were asleep he was interfering with my plan and just wouldn't sit still as I had my doctor remove your babies. I told him what would happen if he didn't sit still and he paid the price. Its quite pathetic really. But our kids will be better, and its better that we have our own. Kids that wouldn't be mine would get in the way and sooner or later they find out the truth, I'd have to kill them anyways so I might as well do it now" the voice said.
     I looked down to see blood running down my legs and I nearly screamed. I stumbled back and hit the ground feeling sick to my stomach. I grabbed my stomach as tears raced down my cheeks. I looked over to see two tiny baby arms in the corner and I gagged
     "Oh but doll you don't get the big picture. Those kids weren't mine they weren't innocent" the man said
      "Like hell, I'll never have your kids" I spat. The man chuckled
     "Oh but you don't have a choice. You see you're chained to the floor, in the middle of god knows where and no one can find you."
      "I'd rather die then let you touch me" I hissed
     "Oh but that's what you want. Im not going to let you die, you think that if you're dead you can join your pathetic excuse of a husband and unborn kids but you won't. Newsflash there is nothing after death, I'm not putting you out of your Misery"
      "That's vhat you think. Not vhat I think" I said. Suddenly the guy leaned forward and my blood went cold.
    "You can tell yourself that but it isn't true now is it doll. You better get ready we have a long few months ahead of us" Samson said before he disappeares. I cried as I drug myself over to Ashley's body, my hands shaking as some of Ashley's blood got on my hands.
    I woke up screaming, my head covered in sweat as my heart raced in my chest to the point where I thought it was going to fly out. I took in deep breaths to calm my nerves as I sat up. Suddenly Jinxx, Ashley, and Andy burst through the door. Jinxx mumbled under his breath and Ashley got over to me and held me, wiping the tears of my face 
     "Hey are you ok?" Jinxx asked concerned "we're all worried about you"
     "Yea... I'm fine I just had a nightmare... I didn't mean to vorry you all" I said fighting against the tears.  
      "We could tell you don't ever scream when you sleep, especially that loud" Ashley said as he rubbed my back gently
   "You want to talk about it?" Andy asked. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I burst into tears. I cried into Ashley's shoulder. I felt him motion for them to go out and I heared shuffling.
      "Baby, baby just calm down and take deep breaths. In and out. Relax and take a few minutes to catch your breath" Ashley said calmly as he comforted me "just slowly tell me what happened"
    " (14) Warum. warum passiert mir das immer?" I cried harder trying to forget the horrors that I had just dreamt about. There was no way that I could unsee what I saw, that would stick with me for the rest of my life.
      "Hey you're safe, it was just a dream. Nothing is going to happen to you. It was a silly dream, I'm here now and that's all you have to think about"
" (15) du verstehst das nicht... its hard to explain" I said crying even more. Ashley rubbed my back soothingly as he held me tightly
     "Just take you're time ok. Just breath"
    "It vas awful.... it vas Samson... I had been chained to the floor.... you vere dead in front of me... he vanted me to have his kid... but the vorst part vas, is that had had given me a forced abortion... I saw a part of our dead babies..." I said. I chocked I couldn't say anything else without breaking down, it got stuck in my throat.
     "Hey its alright beautiful, you'll be ok, it was just a nightmare" Ashley said soothingly as he gently rocked me back and forth. It may have been just a nightmare but I was terrified, I didn't know what was going to happen. I hoped nothing happened. I just clung to Ashley for dear life, he was holding me up from falling down, practically a anchor. But he just sat there and comforted me, slowly rubbing my head and back.

Translations (match the numbers)
    1) that's because Germany is awesome. Germans are the best, we are number one
    2) hello
     3) hello my little jackal. How are you?
     (4) I am good. And you?
    (5) I saw you leave in a bus this morning. I was coming by to say hi. I needed to see and tell you something
    (6) what did you want to tell me?
  7) I cant tell you over the phone its too dangerous. It will put you in danger but its about Samson
    8) what's going on?
   9) I have to tell you face to face. Where are you heading?
    10) San Francisco for warped tour. Dad what's going on? I need to know now so I don't hurt my kids
    11) what?
   12) I'm pregnant
    13) I will see you in a bit. I have to go. Bye little jackal
     (14) why. Why does this always happen to me
    (15) you don't understand

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