Chap 6

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   *Anubis POV*
    Its been three months that I've been here, three. I had lost count of trying to track the time it hadn't seemed worth it because I was locked in a dark room. But dad and Samson had a way of reminding me that I had been gone, always making sure I had known.
     They did keep me well fed though like they had promised, along with letting me stretch my legs where I had found out we were in some sort of factory. Turns out I wasn't pregnant, but I had told them otherwise which had seemed to keep them from hurting me as much. Samson kept trying things one me but he always ended up getting caught by dad which didn't end so well. The odd thing was though was that dad would keep me company and just talk. I think he had liked it and the conversations, especially when it was in German.
     Samson had given me an evil eye about it, I guess because dad hadn't had a conversation like this in years. Every night though I had cried, cried for Ashley in hopes that he would find me and take me from this place. I really did miss him, more then I thought I did, half the time I thought I saw him and heard him talking to me but he wasn't there. And everytime I was alone in this god forsaken pit of a room I did eventually end up talking to myself out of habit. It wasn't the type of talk the crazy people did when they were isolated and separated from the world for to long, it was more of when I would get out, that was if I got out. I sat there and thought about the details of the wedding and perfecting them, when Ashley and I did have kids of our own what would their names be, what new music would be created.
     The chains on my wrists hurt like hell, always rubbing and digging into my skin. My skin had become caked with patches and smears of black dirt, my hair was matted, and I sort of smelled. My last bath was a week ago, they had a rule about bathing once a week seeing this pluming rarely worked. The first time I had bathed I had refused because Samson had been there guarding me and I didn't like that idea at all. And my bathroom, well depending on what it was I had a bucket. I never got new clothes ever since that first, I was still in my underwear and my only friend was that nasty scratchy puke green wool blanket.
    Today dad was sitting in the corner of the room, where all the shadows were. We were talking love today, what it had felt like. That's when the door was thrown open and in walked Samson and a person who I despised most, who shouldn't have been here at all and my skin crawled.
*Ashley POV*
     Its been three months and they haven't found a damn thing to get Anubis back. I was getting more and more frustrated by the second, I know the Agents were doing their best, but Anubis was still gone. I wondered where she was right now was she hurt? Dead? Did someone do something to her? Was she still waiting for me? Or did she give up hope? How long could she last? Where was she?
   One thing I knew for sure was that she was Alive, I could feel it. She was probably giving the people she was with a hard time. But at the same time she was probably scared and lonely. I needed her back, I couldn't deal with the separation any longer, it was already taking its toll on me.
    The girls would come over to help with the house and everything, same with the guys but they would also help with new music to keep my mind occupied. I appreciated the effort but it never seemed to work but I would push through it. I knew Alexandria would be here if she could but the baby had taken mist of her time. She tries apologizing but I told her that it was fine and their was no reason to worry.
     Anubis's kidnapping had been put out in public and that's all the news and press seemed to talk about, they wouldn't leave me alone and only a few times I talked to them. Some of the pop stars and rap stars had said that this was a grab for attention and the kidnapping was all fake. I wanted to crawl through the damn tv and beat the living shit out of them but I couldn't
    "... Maybe Ilsa hired Torsten to get Anubis seeing she was still in jail." Rossi said
    "It makes since. Ilsa cant get Anubis so she calls someone to do it for her, she gets ahold of Torsten and they strike up a deal. But she's in prison so how does she have enough to pay him. Torsten doesn't exactly work for free" Morgen said.
   "Ilsa is a drug dealer she has contacts everywhere she could easily afford what his price is. And her contacts would be able to bust her out" reid said
    "But Ilsa wants Anubis dead, wouldn't her body have come up by now?" JJ asked. That hurt.
  "Unless she hasn't gotten to her yet" Morgen said.
   I walked away from the door and towards the art room. Anubis spent a lot of her time in here when she was frustrated, it brought her comfort. I sat in the middle of the floor staring at a portrait she had done of the guys and us when we were in Germany, visiting one of the castles. I don't remember what one but it was gorgeous.
      "Ashley vhat are you doing?" Anubis asked. I only smirked as I kept carrying her over my shoulder through the woods. The guys and I had wanted to see one of the castles and Anubis was the only one who knew the way 
    "What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked  
    "Besides being a pain in my ass?" She asked
     "I am offended" I said
     "Can you guys not walk any faster?" Jinxx called out
     "Yea we're going to get lost in these woods like hansel and gretel" andy added
    "I can tell you for a fact that their are no vitches and candy houses in these voods" Anubis said "and if Ashley vould set me down maybe, just maybe, valk slower but I dont make promises"
    "Oh so this is all my fault" I said "I get blamed for everything its no fair"
    "You dont get blamed for everything" Anubis chided
    "Yes I do, you and the guys always get me into trouble. Im so nice and innocent" I said laughing
    "Nice yes you're very nice. Innocent not so much" Anubis said
    "I was so innocent before I met you, but once you came along I had not so innocent thoughts" I said
    "Hey I didn't say that I hated your non innocence. I actually enjoy it" she said. I stopped and slid her down into my arms
    "So does that mean we can head back to the hotel or do you want to sneak into one of the castles rooms?" I asked. She smacked my chest, and I laughed
    "No, that is a big no no mister. You do not ruin or touch historical objects and ve are not missing the chance to see this castle. Those are your vords not mine" she said
    "See. You blame things on me" I said
    "You vish" she said, rolling her eyes "that's not even blaming anything on you that's called proof"
     "You're so cute when you her all flustered" I said laughing
    "Stop it" she said burying her face in my jacket
    "You know I can't, you just make it too easy" I said
   "How dare you take advantage of me and my flusteredness" she said
    "Oh you know you enjoy my teasing, it makes me utterly adorable" I say as I kiss her forehead
    "You dont need to tease because you're already so utterly adorable" she said
    "No because I cant be more adorable then you are" I said before I stopped and set her down. She looked up at me as I took her hands and pulled her close to me before I wrapped my arms around her waist. She looked up at me smile on her face and a light pink blush under her beautiful and mystical blue eyes 
     "You-" she started but I cut her off with a kiss. She wrapped her arms around my chest as she kissed back, her lips were soft.
     "You are so freaking cute" I whispered against her lips "so perfect. You are the only one for me"
     "And you are so adorably cheesy. Ich libe dich" she said
    "We love you guys and all but we have a castle to see so stop being so lovey dovey" Jake called as they caught up to us
     "Ugh you guys are jerks. Ruining such a beautiful scene" I said. Anubis just laughed and took my hand as we continued on "but dont worry, ill get payback.... probably sometime tonight" I said
    "Ashley... hey Ashley are you ok?" I heard Garcia ask. I snapped out of the memory and looked back to see Garcia standing in the door way. She reminded me a bit of Anubis in a way.
    "Yea im fine I was just thinking" I said
   "I saw you walk away from the door and saw how upset you were. I just wanted to check up on you and make sure that you were ok" she said. I nodded as I turned and looked back at the painting
    "Im fine" I said. I hear her walk over and it next to me
   "Its a beautiful picture" Garcia said. I gave a small smile
    "Anubis painted this, it took her all day. This was our European tour up in Germany, first time any of us had been to Europe before minus Anubis"
   "She did a great job on it"
    "She spent hours in here, its her favorite room out of the whole house" I said
    "We will find her I promise you that. One thing I know for sure is that Anubis is a strong girl and she will make it. She loves you, the reason she's alive right now is because of you. I have a feeling that she will be back soon" Garcia "and if all how seems lost despite what the team says I will continue to try and get her back, im not giving up on her"
    "Thanks, that really does mean lot. Anubis would really like you, you should stay a bit and meet her"
    "That would be awesome" she said. I sighed as I felt my phone buzz, my notifications going off like crazy. Some of it was fans hoping Anubis others hate and saying it was better she was gone because she was nothing but a waist of time. I turned off my phone angrily before putting it up. I was tired of seeing all those posts, I didn't understand why they thought it was ok to say things like that
    "What was that all about?" Garcia asked
   "Fan hate, the usual saying its better Anubis is gone" I said
    "Well they're stupid" Garcia said
   "Garcia, Hotch needs you to run a set of plates..." Rossi said walking into the room
    "Im on it" Garcia said getting up before they both left the room. I looked back up at the picture, just staring
*Anubis POV*
     "Hello you vorthless maggot Miss me?" Mom asked. She looked the same, but different. Her face was more stern. Her once ratty blond hair was now nice and neat, pinned in a messy bun. Her eyes were stern and her face was caked with make up. She wore a red sleeveless crop top that was way to small for her so it pushed up her breasts, dark purple mini school girl skirt, fishnet stockings, knee high red leather stripper heels, and a old huge fur coat. She had necklaces all around her neck and huge hoop ear rings, as usual a cigarette in her this lips.
    It proved that she only got worse, how over the top can you be. Her eyes from what I could see were a bit red
   "Stay the hell away from me you filthy piece of shit" I growled. She chuckled as she walked towards me tauntingly
   "Tsk tsk tsk, is that anyway to talk to your mother" she said
   "I told you, you aren't a mother and you never vere" I spat. She grabbed me by the throat and picked me up 
    "You vatch your tongue, your my child and I can do whatever the hell I vant vith you" she hissed before she threw me into the wall. I cried out in pain as my back hit one of the corner walls. "You always vere such a baby, pretending to not feel the pain, but you cant hide your tears. You're pathetic."
      "Me, pathetic? I think you should make sure you know vho you're talking to before you start making accusations. You're the pathetic one" I spat
    "Im pathetic? Me? Hahaha you've got that all vrong. Vhats this?" She asked before she yanked the Anubis charm  cord necklace over my head "you still hold onto this piece of garbage. Its you're fault my husband is dead, your father is dead, I never loved you I despise you. You don't deserve to be alive, you don't deserve happiness, you deserve to rot" she hissed as she the the necklace off to the side. I saw dad pick it up quickly, before he stared at it
    "You made that perfectly clear every single time you beat the living shit out of me. The feelings mutual you vhore" I said.
     And that's when the worst happened. For hours she beat me non stop kicking me, punching me, choking me, throwing me into the wall of floor, beating me with a stray piece of wood, burning me. She screamed that I was unloved and worthless, that no one had liked me it was only pity , i was untalented and a waist of space and time, my life just a big joke, the usual stuff that I had gone through during high school.
    But I sat there and took the beating, hell I even fought back physically and mentally. I wasn't going to let her break me and push me into the ground. She couldn't control me anymore and I want going to let her think that she did.
    "You... you cant control me anymore" I said coughing, sputtering up some blood "you can try... but you... can't anymore"
    "Hahaha stupid girl, you cant escape me. No matter vhere you go, no matter vhere you hide I vill always find you. Im that little voice inside your head" Mom sneered bere kicking me hard in the stomach. I flew back and hit the ground, landing on my arm. I bit my lip holding back a cry of pain
    "STOP, THAT IS ENOUGH" Dad suddenly shouted. Everyone looked up startled as dad stepped into the light. Moms eyes widened in shock as she slowly got up
    "B-but h-h-how-w?" Mom asked "you're supposed to be dead, you died years ago"
    "Listen lady, I don't know vho you are or how you know me but I vill not have you kick a girl vhen she's on her knees" he said. He was acting odd.
    "How do you not remember me, im your vife, Ilsa." Mom said stepping closer to him and putting her hand on his cheek eyes watering. Dad backed up and stared at mom like she were insane
     "You are not my vife, I have never been married nor vill I ever get married" Dad hissed "especially to a voman vho beats up their own child. No matter how much you pay me I vill not stand for it"
    Mom backed up and looked at me angrily, with more hate then she ever had before in my entire life. I caught my breath as she slowly stalked towards me, she looked insane
    She lunged forward, grabbing the chains and wrapping them around my neck pulling them tightly. My hands went to my neck trying to pull at the chains as I gasped for air.
     My vision started to fade fast as the cold metal had began to dig into throat. All the sudden I saw dad lunge at mom, tackling her to the ground.
   The chains loosened and I gasped for air as I sat back.
   "Samson, help me now" Dad shouted as he struggled  to hold mom down, as she screamed
   "VHAT ARE YOU DOING LET ME GO, VE HAD A DEAL. SHE NEEDS TO DIE" Mom screamed. Samson raced over to help him
   "Dad what are you doing?" Samson asked
   "YOU HAD ANOTHER SON" Mom screeched. I huddled in the corner, backing away from them
   "Samson stop asking questions and just do it. How many times do I have to tell you that boy" dad said. They got mom up and dragged her out of the room, not even bothering to shut the door. It would have been a good time to escape but I could barely feel my body. Every inch of me hurt and I was to tired, I couldn't do it
    And who knew where dad and Samson went, they could have been around the corner. And what happened if one of them lost their grip and mom got lose? She would have headed for me.
     But why did dad suddenly help me? That made no sense, didn't he say that he didn't care what happened to me when he had taken me. I looked over my bruised body, some spots that had blood on them from where I had gotten cut.
    At this point all hoped seemed lost, I didn't see myself getting out of this place I was most likely going to rot in this place. I really did try to stay optimistic despite my pessimistic views, but it wasn't cutting it anymore and I didn't know how much longer I could hold on 

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