Chap 38

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     Days had passed by and before I knew it thanksgiving was already here. Grandma Purdy and Jake had been here since four this morning trying to get prepared for dinner. Luke,  Isabella,  and Rebecca still weren't here yet along with Marcy. Aries, Jackie, and Mr and Mrs. Ferguson were already here.
     Jackie was doing god knows what as she chased Jackie with a can of whipped cream that she was eating out of.  Aries had her camera and started taking pictures of everyone while Mr and Mrs. Johnson spent time around their grandson. Luke and Rebecca were outside in the pool,  well more like luke in the pool and Rebecca trying to tan, and occasionally making out while Juniper,  Isabella,  Grandma Purdy,  and I were cooking.
      Juniper had done an amazing job on decorating. Instead of eating inside Juniper and I had found a long white foldable table and put it outside. A long light orange table cloth covered it along with silver candle holders decorated in small autumn colored leaves.  All the chairs had been wrapped in Garland made of leaves and small red berries and the turkey name plates sat at each area the chairs were. Above the table was a white pavilion,  the black iron legs were wrapped in a strand of white lights.
      Thousands of aromas filled the air:  turkey,  ham,  sweet potato candy,  mashed potatoes,  broccoli and cheese casserole,  green bean casserole,  pumpkin bread,  stuffing,  pumpkin and apple pies,  and cranberry sauce.
       "Do you know vhen Aunt Mary is getting here? " I asked as I looked at Grandma Purdy who was peeling potatoes over the trashcan. She looked at me
    "She should be here soon,  she had to drop of Joshua and James at their dads for thanksgiving this year" She answered
     "Then vhy is jake here?  Not that I don't love him but vouldnt he also be at his dads? " I asked
      " Jake gets bored over there.  He also threw a huge temper tantrum because he wanted to spend thanksgiving with you and boy when I say temper tantrum I literally mean it.  He threw himself on the floor crying and screaming bloody murder and kicking and he wouldn't stop.  He's got an attachment to you that's for sure
So his dad gave in after a while and now here he is"
     "In a vay it's cute" I said
     "But now his dad wants to meet you" She said as she looked at me " And he isn't someone you want to meet"
       "I'm here and I brought the wineeeeee" Aunt Marcy said,  her voice ringing through the halls,  before she bursted into the kitchen wine bottle in hand with a smile on her face.
     "Speak of the devil" I said causing Grandma Purdy to chuckle.
     "Oh I hope it wasn't anything too bad" Aunt Marcy said as she set the wine and a bag on the counter and leaned over,  a mischievous smile on her face.
      "Nothing bad" Juniper said. Aunt Marcy walked over and gave me a hug
      "Look at you,  you're glowing and bigger then last time" Aunt Marcy said causing everyone to laugh
      "I feel like that's offensive to all big people" Isabella said
      "Heyy that was my lineeeee" Juniper whined
      "I take offense to that,  and I'm  not even big" I said bewildered.
      "You know what I mean.  How are the little rascals? "
      "They're good,  healthy.  And very strong holy crap I swear in dying" I said as Aunt Marcy hugged Grandma Purdy.
       " Haha well that'll happen.  So what can I do? " She asked
       "Can you check the green bean casserole in the oven" Juniper said " It should be done now.  If it is just take it out to the table "
      "Do you need help with anything Mrs. Purdy? " Mrs. Johnson asked as she walked over to grandma Purdy
      "Oh I'm good dear" Grandma Purdy said as Aunt Marcy took the green bean casserole out to the table
       "Jackieeeeeee stoppppp ittttttt" Jake squealed as he his behind my legs,  catching me by surprise and causing me to fall some.  I caught myself on the counter,  the knife in my hand.  I hissed in pain
      "(1) Gott Teufel noch Mal, dass verletzt" I cried.  I set the knife on the counter and grabbed a napkin to stop the bleeding.
      "Jake how many times do I have to tell you the kitchen in not a place to play in " Grandma Purdy scolded as Isabella went to find a bandaid. The cut stretched from the knuckle of my index finger to the middle of the back of my hand
       "It's fine" I said "it vas an accident,  he didn't mean to"
      "I'm sorry" Jake said looking up at me with sad eyes.
      "It's fine.  You just have to be more careful ok.  Here how about you and Jackie go outside and play ok,  just vatch out for the table and make sure your clothes don't get dirty" I said.  He nodded as jake walked over and grabbed Jackie's hand before leading her outside ad Isabella came out and handed me the bandaid. "Thanks"
     "It's not a problem" Isabella said as she grabbed the paper towel from me and threw it away while I put the bandaid on
     "Well at least dinners done" Aries said trying to lighten the mood
     "Trueeee,  cooking all this food made me starving" Juniper said as we all grabbed something and headed outside
      "When aren't you starving" Mrs. Johnson said causing us all to laugh
       "Thanks mom" Juniper said sarcastically
       "What?  You know it's true,  you can't deny it" Mrs. Johnson said.  Juniper groaned
     "Ugh I hate it when your right" Juniper said
      "Hey y'all  it's time to eat" Isabella called out.
     "If they don't hurry up and get here I'm going to start eating without them" Aries said as we all sat down
     "I'm with you there" Juniper said
      "Same" Aunt Marcy said. Jackie and Jake ran up excitedly and sat down,  Jackie had whipped cream all over her face
     "Jackie,  vhat happened? " I asked laughing.  Jackie only grinned and shrugged
     "The can was excited or something because it just randomly exploded" Jackie said
     "I'm sure" Aries said sarcastically as she laughed
     "Shhhhhhh" Jackie said as she sat down just as Luke and Rebecca walked up,  both dry. Luke had the decency to put on his shirt but Rebecca just stayed in her bikini. Everyone just sort of looker at her
     "What? " She asked confused
     "Do your parents allow you to eat a fancy dinner half naked? " Grandma Purdy asked
     "Yea and?  There isn't a problem with it" Rebecca said
     "Excuse me? " I asked completely stunned "you do not talk to someone older than you like that. Just put on a shirt and cover up"
     "Anubis,  (2) sie ernsthaft werde belästigen Rebecca so. ich dachte, sie sagte sie wollten ihr geben eine Chance" Luke said as he looked at me,  almost hurt.
      "(3) ich habe. das war ihre Chance und sie ist nicht nehmen es Ernst dies ist eine Familie Veranstaltung, jeder ist gekleidet. nicht nur, dass es sich auch meine Großmutter in Recht und sie wird rude" I shot back.  Luke gave me those eyes
    "Anubis" He pleaded looking at me with puppy dog eyes "fine. Just tell me vhat you really think of Rebecca,  out in the open just lay it out"
     "You really vant me to say it,  so everyone can hear?" I asked cocking an eyebrow.  He nodded as Rebecca glared at me "fine. Don't get pissy vith me if you don't like vhat I have to say. Rebecca is no good for you at all she's rude and inconsiderate,  she thinks of no one but herself.  Out of all the times I met her she has been nothing but rude to me and others especially grandma Purdy. She didn't even offer to help out vith anything here like everyone else did for dinner, especially at an even like this vhere everyone is dressed nice and not in a bathing suit.  She literally has you vrapped around her finger and she knows I know.  You vant to know vhat I see vhen I look at Rebecca?  A ungrateful,  selfish,  spoiled little brat vho gets vhatever  she vants vhen she vants,  I see Tiffany all over again and I vill not have her disrespecting my family under any circumstances.  So no i don't like Rebecca,  if anything Isabella is more for you then a girl vho is going to make it in life only by doing things she's not "
      Luke's mouth hung open in shock as Isabella tried to hold in a life
     "I feel harassed -" Rebecca started. I cut her off
     "Don't even start.  Oh and by the vay,  that ring on your finger" I started looking at the black band with the oval opal stone on it "that's mine,  I bet you thought that I vouldnt notice that you took it. Ashley gave it to me on our one veek anniversary, it has sentimental value,  I vant it back"
      Rebecca,  recovering from her shock,  slowly gave me the ring back.  I took it and stood up clearing my throat
      "I'm sorry for the interruption,  I'll be right back I have to go get a shirt for someone. Don't vait for me" I said before walking towards the house.  I was a bit agitated with Rebecca and how she acted.  I didn't know what Luke saw in her at all.  Sighing I walked upstairs as I slipped on the ring for safe measures before walking into my room and heading to the closet.  I grabbed one of my old dark purple button up dress shirts and headed back to the table,  shirt in hand.  Rebecca looked at me as I handed her the shirt
      "Here. And keep it,  I have other shirts" I said as I sat back down. Rebecca put it on,  with a slight scowl on her face,  as Aunt Marcy practically poured everyone but me a glass of wine,  for obvious reasons,  and Jake
     "Before we start I have a tradition, a Purdy family tradition.  Anubis I know you know this" Grandma Purdy said standing up as she grabbed her wine glass "everyone has to stand and say what they're thankful for. I'll start,  I'm thankful for the family I have. I originally didn't like Anubis before I met her,  I assumed she was another girl Ashley brought home but I was wrong Anubis you are the best grand daughter in law a grandma could ask for and I appreciate everything you do for others and I'm thankful for how happy you make Ashley "
      And with that she sat down and smiled before Aries cleared her throat and stood up
      "I'm thankful for all the friends that I made senior year.  You guys, even if most of them aren't here,  have made my life amazing,  I don't know what I would do without any of you to help me and do dumb crap with me all the time" Aries said before sitting back down. Jackie stood up
     "I'm thankful for how you guys accepted me as family at warped Tour when I met you all. You're way better then my family and I would still be lost and feeling hopeless if I hadn't met you" Jackie said.  Next was Mr. Johnson
     "I'm thankful for all the friends that Juniper has that make get happy,  especially CC.  Their is nothing more wonderful then seeing your own daughter fall in love and fond her soul mate that makes her truly happy" Mr. Johnson said. Mrs.  Johnson took his place
     "I'm thankful for Juniper creating a family and a game of her own,  and all her gifts she shares with the world.  And I'm also thankful for my husband who has made my life fantastic and provided me with the best daughter in the world" She said.  Juniper smiles with tears in her eyes as Aunt Marcy stood up and smiled
     "I'm thankful for my sons,  who even though can be a huge pain in my ass and annoy the living crap out of anyone,  I love them with all my heart and there is nothing that I wouldn't do for them whatsoever.  They make my life complete,  they're my ray of sunshine" She said. Isabella got up
     "I'm thankful for being shown love,  even if it isn't returned and I'm thankful for meeting the people around me. They're absolutely amazing people and I wish I would have known them sooner because my life would have been a lot more interesting" She said.  A couple people laughed as Luke stood
     "I'm thankful for my sister who gave up everything to raise me and to make me who I am today.  And when she gives me a hard time,  she's doing it because she loves me and she's trying to steer me in the right direction so I can live a good life,  to build my character" Luke said. Then Rebecca stood up
      "I'm thankful for my boyfriend Luke who believes in me when other don't and stand up for me when people put me down" She said,  quickly glancing at me before she sat down.  Juniper got up,  Jared in her arms
      "I'm thankful for the blessing right here in my arms.  Jared is my pride and joy,  my baby and I can't see what the future has in store for him and experience a mother's love. I want what's best for him" She said before she sat and jake stood
      "I'm thankful for the family that I have and all the food they took time to make for everyone" Jake said. Everyone awwed as he blushed in embarrassment and sat back down. I stood back up
      "I'm thankful for a lot of things, a simple life,   my family and friends around me right now and the other num skulls over in Europe right now, but in all honesty I'm thankful for every day that I'm alive, that I'm breathing and spending time with the people vho love and matter. Every day is a gift,  life is short and doesn't last so you have to make the most out of every day and live life to its fullest. Tomorrow is never guaranteed,  look around you the people here are the best people you can ask for and I'm grateful I got to know them and get a chance to show them
       "Each mistake ve make,  all the ups and downs thrown at us make us stronger then ve vere before,  they shape us into vho ve are today even if it seems terrible and ve just vant to give up because it seems impossible.  But people are here to back you up and support and give you tough live because they vant vhats best for you.  You can't get any better then that
       "And I'm thankful for the blessing happening right now,  these two unborn babies vill change my life forever, they mark the beginning milestone of the greatness that's to come soon,  to start a family vith the one you truly love. And that is one of the many things that I am grateful for" I said before sitting down
      "Nice Anubis you just had to shoe off" Juniper said jokingly
      "Well, that was one of the best speeches I've heard you give yet" Aunt Marcy said
      "It was beautiful dear as usual.  You would have made a great philosopher or something along those lines. It was beautiful as usual" Grandma Purdy said
     "Damn Anubis go and make everyone cry" Jackie said as she flashed me a grin
     "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make the great Jackie cry" I said teasingly
     "Hey Anubis,  do you remember that board game you did for physics?" Aries asked.  I nodded
      "Of course I do,  it took me like an hour to make" I said
     "Well I found it" She said happily. I nearly choked on the potatoes I had in my mouth
     "How did you find that?  I thought I threw it away once I vas done with it" I said
    "Well it just so happens I had physics after you and I saw it in the trash can.  So I took it so I could study" Aries replied
     "Oh my god" I groaned
     "Anyone up for a board game? " Aries asked playfully
     "Dude I can't even remember anything from physics" Juniper said 
     "You don't remember?  Please not brain just melted from exhaustion by hearing the word physics" Jackie said
      "So what are you all planning for Christmas? " Aunt Marcy asked.
     "In all honesty I'm just trying to get through thanksgiving first" I said
    "I'm hoping that I can go to Greece" Isabella said "I've been planning a trip there since I was little"
      "Traveling is a good idea. I used to travel when I was younger and before I had kids" Grandma Purdy said
     "I didn't know that" Aunt Marcy stated "why didn't you tell us? "
     "Because you never asked" Grandma Purdy said causing everyone to laugh
     "Ohhh grandma Purdy got some sass going on over there" Juniper said grinning
     "Does anyone ever wonder what life would be like if we couldn't connect with people? " Aries asked
     "Please tell me you aren't going depressing on us" Luke joked.  Aries just cast a glance at him
     "No it's not depressing. " Aries said
    "Life would definitely very boring then" Mr.  Johnson said " Being back in the Navy has reminded me of that.  You depend on one another "
     "Vell thank you for your service and their service and tell them I said thank you too" I said before my face light up "ohh I have an idea,  it'll take a vhile to do but Holy Sin can do a tour to support all the veterans in the service"
      "That's a great idea" Mr. Johnson said "the guys would really appreciate that"
     "The only thing is its going to take a vhile. I'd have to talk my manager into it,  and that's going to take forever because he likes to be a pain in everyone's side" I said 
     "Sounds like someone I know" Aunt Marcy said
      "What did David do this time? " Grandma Purdy asked.
     "Who's David? " Juniper asked curiously
      "My ex husband.  He was still pissed that Jake didn't want to stay at his house for thanksgiving so he threw a hissy fit at me saying that I was spoiling Jake instead of raising him properly,  that I'm trying to turn his son against him, and all this bull crap on how I don't want his kids to see him. He does it every time,  and after dinner I have to take Jake back to his house so he can spend some time with him on thanksgiving "  Aunt Marcy
     "What a prick" Mrs.  Johnson said as she took a sip of her wine
     "I can take him if you vant so you don't have to deal vith him" I said as I looked at Aunt Marcy,  eating a small piece of ham.
     "Are you sure?  I wouldn't want you too miss out on time with your family" She said. I shook my head
     "It's fine,  you're family too.  I don't mind doing it" I said.
     "Thank you.  He has to be at his dads by eight,  I'll text you the address when you leave" Aunt Marcy said smiling
    "Hey how many times have I told you not to thank me" I chided.  She gives me a wicked grin
      "I'm going to say it anyways because you have done more to earn it" She replied

Translation (match the numbers)
     1) god dammit that hurt
      2) you're seriously going to harass Rebecca like that.  I thought you said you were going to give her a chance
     3) I did. this was her chance and she's not taking it seriously this is a family event,  everyone is dressed.  not only that this is also my grandmother in law and she's being rude

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