chap 42

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   Ashley's hair lmao😂😂
       I stood by the Christmas tree that was  tucked in the corner of the living room.  Juniper and I had thought that it would be a good idea if we got a Christmas tree especially for the Christmas party tonight that was once again held at my house.  Not that I minded,  it saved me the trouble of going somewhere and hoping that my water didn't break although it was too soon for that anyways unless it was a premature birth.  You never know.
     I wore a black v neck mid thigh mid sleeve sweater dress,  black sparkly leggings, black ballet flats, a black lipsy crystal cluster rope choker, a black ring with small pearls on the band  that framed the square Ruby,  and  a pair of reddish orange leaf earrings. My hair was pulled into a messy bun and my lips were a dull cherry red color.       
       "The tree looks great" Juniper dad from behind me.  I smiled and turned around before getting blinded by a small camera flash.
    "Thanks" I said,  recovering from the sudden flash.  Once I got my vision back I looked at juniper. She wore a red mid thigh dress with snow flakes on the bottom with a black lace top,  red leggings and heels, a pair of bell earrings bell necklace and bracelet,  and silver reindeer antlers. Jared wore a reindeer onesie "awwww jared looks so cuteeeee. And Vhy did you take a picture? "  
      "I know right.  I thought it would be cute if he dressed up,  it was only three dollars at the store surprisingly.  And I am making a scrap book so I am going to be taking a lot of pictures.  And what better to get one of the practically glowing Anubis" Juniper replied casually as she set the camera down and looked at the tree with me.  It was a tall tree covered with white and multicolored lights,  blue Garland,  and glittery ornaments of every color. At the top was a beautiful snowflake that slowly changed color.
       Along the walls was more Garland and bows as even more Christmas lights hung from the ceiling
      "Man this is the best tree I've seen in my life. Let's hope that CC never ever hears me say that" Juniper said as she sat on the couch,  pulling out a bottle to feed Jared. I walked over to the kitchen and pulled out all the food I ended up making green and red pasta salad,  chocolate covered pretzels,  lots of cheese, ham,  green beans,  banana cream rum pudding , chocolate lava cake,  little square sandwiches,  grapes,  and a few other things I couldn't name off the top of my head. Juniper had insisted on desserts so there was more of that then anything
       "Do you know when Alex is getting here? " Juniper asked. I shook my head as I walked back into the living room
       "I have no idea" I said. As soon as those words left my mouth there was a knock on the door "that might be her"
     "Speak of the devil" Juniper said as I walked towards the door   
      "Vhy are ve bringing my husband into this? " I asked playfully as I opened the door to be greeted with none other then Alex and Kellin.  Alex wore a red dress with long black sleeves and a small corset design the bottom had a print of a small village and trees,  red heels,  and a snowflake necklace.  She had a Braid that wrapped around the top of her head as a dull gold color framed her eyes.  Kellin wore a red button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a black tie and dress pants and shoes. I smiled wide as I hugged Alex,  her briefly kissing my cheek
      "Hey guys,  long time no see" I said as I hugged kellin.
       "It has been a long time since I've seen you" Kellin said "last time I saw you was when you stopped by at one of our concerts before you got pregnant"
       "Yea its been a long time Kells" I said as he broke the hug
       "You're practically glowing,  like damn" Alex said smiling
       "Vell that's vhat pregnancy does" I said "come on in,  their own food. Mainly dessert because juniper and I have a sweet tooth right now "
       "Hey that's fine with me" Kellin said chuckling as they walked inside and I shut the door. I heard Alex squeal
       "Oh my god he's sooooooo adorable" Alex said happily as I walked back in to see Alex looking at a Jared with a sparkle in her eye
        "He is" Kellin said
        "You want to hold him? " Juniper asked Alex. Alex looked at Juniper shocked
        "Um hell yeah,  who do you think I am? " Alex asked almost shocked. Juniper just rolled her eyes as she handed Jared to Alex and Kellin sat down. Alex held Jared close ad he looked at her confused.  I chuckled to myself.
      "I want a baby" Alex said as she looked at kellin. Kellin just looked confused and shocked as someone else knocked on the door.  Kellin went to get up
      "I got it" I said before walking back to the door and opening of to find Jackie, Ronnie,  and Aries. Aries wore a slutty  mid thigh Santa dress with thigh high lace up red heels, and snowflake earrings and necklace.  Her lips were a cherry red and a bronze eyeshadow,  her hair in light waves. Jackie wore a blue bra and mid thigh skirt with rainbow thigh high socks and long sleeves with heels.  Her hair was up in a high pony tail and Ronnie looked exactly like kellin except with a dark purple shirt.
      "Thank god I didn't have my family here" I said "you guts look great,  come on in"
      "Hey I gotta stay sexy looking somehow" Jackie said laughing as she walked in "but you look great too"
      "You really do" Aries said
      "I vonder vhat jinxx vould think if he said you vearing that" I said jokingly as I went to shut the door. Aries shot me a look
      "Probably kill me.  That's why we don't tell him" Aries said
      "Good luck vith that,  juniper had a camera and is taking pictures"
      "Dammit Juniperrrrrr" Aries groaned
      "Wait,  don't close the door " I heard Lexi call out. I peered out to see Lexi run up.  She wore a gold long sleeve crop top with a red silk knee length skirt with sparkly gold heels,  a creme silk scarf,  red bow,  and hooped earrings.
      "Hello slow poke" I said jokingly as she walked inside.  I shut the door as she glared at me
       "Whatever. I had to drop Maria off at the baby sitters,  that's why im late" Lexi said.  
       "Mhmmmm" I said playfully.
        "Anubis,  where's your drinks? " Jackie called out as Lexi and I walked into the living room.
         "Yea they're in the fridge. You better not spike them either because I can't drink,  if you're adding alcohol then add it to yours" I said as I sat on the floor as Berlin came up.  I gently petted her as I kissed the top of her head
     "You're no fun" Jackie said jokingly ad she walked into the kitchen and headed towards the fridge.
      "This place looks great" Ronnie said "I like the lights"
      "Believe me those vere a pain in the ass to put up" I answered
       "Where's Vic and them? " Kellin asked curiously as Aries and Ronnie started eyeballing the food as they slowly moved towards it
        "He said that they were going to be a bit late.  Alexandria also had a meeting to go to I guess" I answered.
        "Hey where's icy? " Alex asked as she looked up at me. 
      "Yea where is my baby? " Juniper asked " I haven't seen her In a while "
      "She died a veek ago.  The freaking neighbor hit her as she was backing out of the drive" I answered sadly.
      "I'm going to kick someone ass " Juniper said.
       " Hey guys,  what games are we playing? " Jackie asked "because it isn't a party without games"
     "What games did you have in mind? " Lexi asked
     "We are not playing Candy Land again" Juniper said with a look of horror on her face "not after last time"
      "What happened last time? "  Kellin asked curiously
    "Juniper lost to me" Jackie said triumphantly
    "Really?  That's hard to believe no need ever beats juniper at a game" Alex said as her mouth dropped
     "Well she did" Aries said stuffing her mouth full with cheese "it was brutal, a absolute horror show, a slaughter-"
      "Ok Aries we get  it,  let's just not talk about this anymore" Juniper said suddenly,  her face red.
       "Awww look she's so red" Jackie pointed out
       "No mistletoe? " Ronnie asked curiously as he grabbed a pretzel and  looked up at the ceiling
      "Didn't have any" I answered as I sat down on the couch, Lexi turning on the Christmas music "that and vith Juniper taking pictures she vould post them and that vould be a lot of explaining to do to Ashley"
        "How does somebody run out of Mistletoe? " Kellin asked
        "Hey where are your glasses? I'm getting everyone eggnog" Ronnie said
       "Next to the fridge is a cabinet.  It's in that one.  I don't know if Jackie got the eggnog out or not"
      "I did" I heard Jackie call out from the kitchen. I smiled "how could of ever forget that especially when I'm going to spike it" She said jokingly  "which by the way where did you put Ashley's drinks? "
      "Vell since you left them out last time and Maria almost got a hold of it I put it up in the pantry on the top shelf" I replied,  yawning slightly
     "You're tired already?  The party hasn't even started yet" Lexi said grinning
     "Hey don't judge. I may just end up passing out on the couch in the middle of this thing" I said as Ronnie came out handing everyone a glass of the eggnog "danke"
       "Well all the Christmas Parties I've been too have had a speech so I have one from myself,  which I think you will all love" Ronnie said smiling as he cleared his throat "here we are,  two years after high school and all of us have changed a lot.  In my book I would say that's a accomplishment especially because we're all bigger assholes then we were before,  or that's probably just me but whatever.  The point is we made it,  we showed all those kids and asses  and everyone who put us down that we would make it in the world and be successful. It's our time,  and with this new year we will show them all over again.  I'm grateful that I got to know each and every one of you,  I'm proud to call you my family. Kellin,  despite you sounding some what like a girl you're awesome to hang out with dude and Alex you know how to get a party started. Lexi in all honesty I barely know you but you're cool,  Aries it's awesome how chill you are about everything it's like alex when she gets stoned. Juniper you are so wild and carefree and strong I wish I had you as my mother jake is a Lucky kid,  Jackie I love you so God damn you don't even understand and you're more then I can ask for. 
       "Anubis what can I say except damn you're amazing and independent and the best person all around and I know you'll be there for those two. Here's to a new year,  with new challenges and new people and to leaving all that petty ass drama behind us"
       "Hell yeah" Juniper said as Jackie pulled out another confetti gun a popped it
      "That wasn't bad" Alex said as Juniper took Jared back.
      "Where the hell do you even keep those things? " Kellin asked as he looked at Jackie who walked back towards the living room and stood next to Ronnie as he wrapped via arm around her shoulders
      "My bra duh.  Where else would I put it? " Jackie asked
     "I just vant to now how many of those you have and vhy you have them" I stated
     "Hey every day is party day for me  I've always have to be prepared she said shrugging.  I just chuckled as I took a sip of my drink. It wasn't to thick like I had thought it was going to be and it was sweet.
       " So what are we going to do first?" Alex asked. Aries looked up and grinned wickedly as she held up a flash drive.
      "First, how about we look at some old and embarrassing Photos of each other starting from high school" Aries suggested. I practically choked on my drink,  my eyes going wide
        "Oh no" I said as I caught my breath
        "And why not?  Are you afraid everyone is going to see your modeling job you had for Ashley's line because those are on here too"
         "Vell that's one reason but I look back in all those pictures and I don't vant to see all my old hideous pictures" I said
     "Too bad" Aries said as she set everything up as everyone sat on the couch. Aries grabbed the  remote and sat back down as I grabbed a blanket and tried to hide myself. This was going to be torture "now who's ready?"
      "Oh hell yeah I get to see all of y'all losers on high school" Jackie said jokingly as she cuddled into Ronnie's said
      "Let the torture begin" Alex said as Aries started the slide show.  For and hour we all laughed at funny pictures or talked about the memory we had associated with the picture like during homecoming,  practices,  art and choir competitions. I hid behind the blanket,  my face completely red from embarrassment as I see all of my old pictures,  from modeling Ashley's line for the first time to me eating because Aries was bored and wanted something to do.  Juniper and kellin tried to pull the blanket from me but I held on like no tomorrow,  I didn't want them to see me all flustered especially after seeing my old high school pictures.
        "Come on Anubis,  you look fantastic in this.  It's nothing to be ashamed of" Lexi said. I shook my head
     "No,  I am not looking" I said definitely
      "Oh whatever,  let's just love on to the best one since Anubis is being such a buzz kill" Alex said.  And it was like that for all my pictures.  After an hour or two of looking at old photos everyone sort of just ate and drank,  the walls echoing with laughter and conversations.  It was as of the house was alive,  everyone was having a wonderful time.  After eating everyone decided that it was time to play a game of charades (?)
      I never played before so I just ended up curling up in a ball on the couch after taking off my shoes as I watched every one get all hyper through my tired eyes.  I was fighting to just stay awake
       Alex was up  moving around like crazy.  She made movements that closely resembled skiing as everyone kept shouting out random answers
      "You're skating" Lexi called out
       "Ice skating? " Juniper asked more then stated really.  Alex shook her head
       "You're swimming in a tank full of sharks" Aries said.
       "No no no.  You're running away from something" Kellin countered.  Alex just shook her head
      " A dead,  well dying,  duck" Jackie said.  Juniper gave her a confused but slightly amused look
      "Skiing" I said
       "Finally" Alex said excitedly as she pointed at me grinning,  acting as if she had held her breath for a long time " You guys seriously suck at this"
      " No you just suck at acting things out" Jackie said back causing us all to laugh
     "I will have you know I took theater through out my entire high school career and I was extremely good at it" Alex replied
      "But not as good as meeeeeee" Juniper said in a single song voice
       "I was as good as you"
       "Nope. Im pretty sure that I was the only best one in the class and that was because I brought her Dunkin donuts and lunch which also made me her favorite" Juniper answered
      "We finally made it" I heard Vic say before Michaela walked in. Michaela wore an outfit similar to Lexi's except the shirt and skirt colors we're swapped and Vic wore the same thing the guys had
       "Heeyyyyyyy long time no see guys how are you? " I asked as Michaela walked over  and gave me a hug along with Vic
        "Good. Look at you,  congrats to you and Ashley this is wonderful" Michaela said
        "Yea. We meant to tell you earlier but things got pretty hectic" Vic said clearing his throat
      " Don't vorry about it.  You're here now and that's all that matters,  enjoy yourself and relax.  Everyone knows you need it,  tour takes energy out of you " I said
       "You got that right" Vic said as he went and greeted everyone else while a wide eyed Michaela eyed the cakes and food hungrily,  slowly stalking towards it like a predator stalking it's prey.  I chuckled as I felt my phone vibrate
      Alexandria: hey I'm sorry to have to do this but my meeting got held up and Oliver is sick. I can't make it
        Me: hey don't worry about it things come up. I understand, but we'll have to hang out next time. I hope Oliver gets better
       Alexandria: thanks
      I buy my phone back on the coffee corner table against the wall 
      "Just so you know Alexandria and Frank can't make it" I said. Juniper looked at me
      "Noooooooo, whhhhyyyyy?" Juniper asked dramatically
       "Hey, Oliver is sick and their isn't anything to do for him except vait it out" I said
       "Man well their goes my plan for a play date with Jared" Juniper pouted " I worked really hard for that side they can grow up together seeing Anubis is taking her time "
       "Hey I can't help when mother nature just randomly like it's not funny " I said back that's when  I heard a knock on the door and I got up  " I got it and opened the front door
       To be continued hahahhaha

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