Chap 18

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  Long behold the girl that had bumped into me was none other then Taylor Swift. I wasn't like I didn't know her and her music, I was aware of it but I just didn't listen to it because it wasn't what I liked at all. It wasn't like I hated her or anything, I barely knew the girl and I didn't read up on celebrity drama between pop and rap stars. I had no interest in them and I was too focused on music for BVB, Holy Sin, Das Zeitlos and upcoming plans for the orphanage that was also supposed to be opening up soon after tour.
     "It's fine" I said, only a slight edge on voice. But she didn't notice at all. She looked at me
     "You're Anubis Armbruster, right? Well Purdy now seeing you got married. But you're in Holy Sin and black veil brides" she said. Well this was new.
    "Yes I am" I said as I looked at her, watching excitement slowly creep on her face exactly like a fan girl.
    "Oh my gosh I cant believe its actually you. Not a lot of people know this but I am a really really huge fan of you. You're practically my idol, you're just so amazing and-"
     "Haha I get it. You don't have to freak out I'm not one for praises at all. But its always nice to meet someone vho finds me as an inspiration" I said. She just grinned wider
      "This is amazing. I've always wanted to meet you I'm person and now that I did... I just.... wow I don't know what to say" she said. I laughed "I was actually wondering if you ever wanted to do a song with me. We could do like a pop rock thing, because your voice, bass and guitar skills are fantastic"
    "That sounds like a great idea. But it vouldnt be now really seeing varped tour is in like four days. Unless we talked online or something of that sort" I answered
    "Oh I could always wait until warped tour is over for you. You don't mind if I walk with you while you shop right?"
     "By all means go ahead" I said. Taylor had seemed pretty chill. I went to grab the cereal from the top shelf before putting it in the cart and walking down the isle.
     "Could you maybe show me what its like to be a rock star at some point? If it isn't asking too much" Taylor asked hesitantly. I looked at her and smiled. This wasn't what I was expecting at all
     "Of course I could. It'll be like a class for Rock Stars in a vay."
     "They should make a school for that, well you should anyways"
    "Hahaha I can't do any of that for a vhile, or for a long long long time. I'm still vaiting for the orphanage I'm opening to open  after tour" I said "although that isnt a bad idea"
      "Oh that's right I had forgot you were also setting up an orphanage. I think that's wonderful of you. I could try to help out when I can"
     "That vould be great. Juniper and I are going to need all the help ve can get. Hell I don't think I have any staff members hired yet.... vhich I need to do tomorrow fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk"
     "Hahaha I know that feeling" Taylor said. All the sudden Juniper walked around the corner, her baby bump already bigger then it was before, she was at least five going on six months pregnant already. Man time had flew. Her eyes widened when she saw me before she had ran over to me and gave me a huge hug. I laughed and hugged back
     "Hey j, how have you been?" I asked as I broke the hug and looked at her. She smiled
     "Oh you know the usual just severe mood swings, weird cravings, and feeling another human being moving around inside of you" Juniper answered. A sarcastic smile gracing her face. I laughed 
     "That sounds like fun. You still think you'll be able to perform at varped tour?" I asked. She looked at me
     "I maybe pregnant but that isn't going to stop me from performing at all whatsoever. I told CC I would take a doctor with me, besides its only a couple of months."
     " I told Ashley the same thing, if I ever got pregnant. I vasnt going to stop touring or performing. Unless my vater broke on stage" 
     "Exactly. Anyways did you find a new drummer yet?" She asked
     "Yea ve did actually. Izekil. He has really great skill and he isn't that egotistical like a majority of them vere" I said  
     "And Ashley is fine with another guy?"
     "Girl technically. But trans boy. His girlfriend vorks at my bar she's a real sweet heart" I said. Juniper made an ahhh face
     "I had a question"
     "So I know the song we're currently working on is going on going in your new Album but, Jasmine said something about me joining in for the photoshoot for the album and just in general so I'm still sort of confused" Juniper said
     "Vell, ve're going to have to get in general ones for other purposes fir merch and online stuff, etc. But you're still joining us for the album pictures for that album because of that song, its for some of the cover art. Ve need to change into both the outfits ve have"
     "Ohhhhh ok I get it now. I just wasn't sure that I had been put into the album besides the song we're doing. I meant to ask you earlier but it slipped my mind and you had left"
      "Sorry I didn't mean to just disappear"
     "I know you had the auditions I get it. Still hurts though" she said. I glared at her playfully "I'm just kidding"
      "Yea, I'm sure you vere. I'm so offended" I said jokingly
     "You can kiss my ass" juniper said causing both of us to laugh. "So when is it going to happen?"
     "Vhen is vhat going to happen?" I asked confused "I literally have no idea vhat you're talking about"
     "When are you going to get pregnant? I want our kids to grow up and be friends and raised together, I want that cliche ass shit"
     "Ve're trying, trust me. Ashley and I vant kids but ve are trying"
      "I'll say it once and I'll say it again with how much you and Ashley fuck I'm surprised you aren't pregnant yet, especially in high school good god"
     "I'm sort of surprised but at the same time I'm not. Its just vhenever the ovulation cycle is" I said shrugging. Juniper looked at me confused
      "... ovulation cycle?" She asked.
     "How do you not remember? You learn it it biology. You have three days before and after your ovulation cycle and during your cycle to actually get pregnant" I said
     "OK I don't even remember half of what I learned in high school, how the fuck do you remember that?" She asked me shocked. I shrugged.
     "Excellent memory. That and I'm very very smart if you remember that. I don't have to have a music career to be successful" 
     "Yea yea miss super genius. But when you take over the world I am helping you with that" juniper said jokingly "but no seriously you and Ashley need to hurry up already and get pregnant. I want my cliche ass dream to happen"
     "You cant rush nature or perfection Juniper. She just glared at me before smirking
     "Oh I can and will. Watch me" she said. I laughed
     "Stalker much" I joked. This time it was Junipers turn to laugh
     "Well I have to hurry up and head over to the doctors yet again.... I'll see you tomorrow for the photoshoot" Juniper said as she walked back to her cart and walked down the isle towards the check out.
     "Well that was pretty interesting" Taylor said letting out a slightly nervous laugh
    "Yea conversations with her and Alex or Alexandria are normally like that but it makes it interesting. Plus that vas more juniper sass because she's pregnant so... but their great people once you get to know them... and not piss them off" I replied.
    "So you and Ashley want kids?" Taylor asked curiously as I began walking down the isle towards the soap. I nodded
    "Ve always vanted to start our own little family. Ash vould make an amazing father he's just so sweet and helpful and kind. Its like a dream for us but its not coming easily" I said
     "I mean it will happen you still have a while too. Especially with tour and all that is coming up. By the way how are you going to do that?"
     "I have no idea. The guys are just going to tour vithout me after I actually give birth, vhen and if I do get pregnant. I don't vant to leave them alone and I do vant them to get an education. I haven't talked about it to them yet mainly because, vell, I'm not pregnant so its still very very debatable"
     "True but I mean you'll always figure it out. Compromise will come into play" she said
     "Very true" I did as I scanned the isle before grabbing a bottle of laundry detergent and putting it in the basket "but I have to talk to them about it probably more so vhen I am carrying"
      Suddenly I felt someone walk up behind me.
    "Don't even think about it" I say. I heard someone sigh
     "So I can't get away with scaring my baby girl anymore?" I hear Ashley ask jokingly. I smile and turned around
     "Didn't say that. Vhat are you doing here?" I asked "I thought you vere going to your store"
     "I did, a hour or two ago. And you were taking too long. So I got lonely and said screw it so I ran over here"
     "Vhy did you run here?" I asked. Ashley shrugged
    "Because I didn't see any sense I  driving here when I knew you also had a car. Plus I needed a good run, so two in one"
     "Mhmmmmmm. Vas I seriously gone for two hours?" I asked confused. Ashley nodded.
    "At least."
    "Damn I thought I vas only  gone for a few minutes."
    "Do you forget how absent-minded you can be?" Ashley asked jokingly. I looked at him and pouted
    "You're so meannnnnnn" I pouted playfully as Ashley just kissed my forehead. Taylor cleared her throat and I looked at her
      "Well I have to go, recording and all, but it was super great to meet you, and I'll call you sometime?" Taylor asked. I just nodded and smiled before grabbing a pen from Ashley's shirt and writing my number on her arm. Taylor smiled brightly
      "Of course you can. I can't guarantee how many times I'll be able to answer but I know that I vill answer you back at some point in time"
     "Thanks again. Bye" she said waving before she had walked off down the isle, a slight bounce in her step. Ashley looked at her, then me, back to her, and finally back to me shock on his face
     "Vhat?" I asked curiously
     "Nothing" Ashley started "its just... did you seriously talk to someone new?"
    "Yes I did, believe it or not. Don't get so shocked you act like I don't talk to people besides she accidently ran into me and ve started talking "
    "No I was just a bit shocked."
    "Thanks for the vote of confederate you ass"
     "I should count myself lucky that you love and married this ass" Ashley said as he grabbed the sponges next to me and threw them in the cart.
     "I just ran into Juniper" I said as I turned around and began pushing the cart. Ashley got on the end of the cart and sat there looking at me, a smirk on his face as I pushed the cart. That lovable ass.
     "Oh yea, and what did she say?" He asked curiously. People began to look at us, well Ashley since he was on the cart, but he didn't seem to care.
     "She vants us to hurry up and get pregnant already" I said
     "But I thought that she didn't want me doing anything with you? Not that I listen to her when it came to that anyway and I definitely don't mind it at all. I'm sort of shocked that she even said that"
      "That's vhat I vas thinking myself. But she vants both our  kids to be raised together"
    "Well I know what we're doing tonight~" Ashley said lowly and he leaned over the basket "and I'm not going easy. But I'm definitely getting pictures this time too"
    "Vouldn't vant it any other vay" I said winking. We continued shopping for a few more minutes before Ashley and I had switched places. He was currently pushing the cart as he ran down the isles like a mad man, half the time not stooping when we needed to stop so we had to loop around. I laughed and held onto the cart as he did.. 
     If I thought I was drawing attention before that was a lie because now even more people had began to stare at us and whisper. Me, being the nice person I was, decided to flip them all off as I passed by. Luckily we had checked and made it out of the store before the manager had kicked us out. Both of us were in a huge laughing fit as we walked out, mocking the managers semi angry expression and making jokes about it.
     I had felt as if I were floating on a cloud, Ashley had seemed to turn another one of my shitty ass day into a beautiful one. We loaded up the car and decided to go and pick out to eat  seeing that we didn't have anything cold in the car.
   After a while if searching we had finally settled on some small cafe called J. J. Johnson. Despite the waitresses constant attempts to flirt with Ashley, he had paid her no mind and kept teasing me which made me a complete blushing mess. We had also ended up playing footies under the table as Ashley had thrown little paper balls at me, made from the straw wrapper
     "Ashleyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" I whined as I threw the ball back at him "stop throwing things at meeeeeeeeeeeee its so meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
     "But that's no fun" Ashley said as he picked up the stray ball and threw it at me again, only this time hitting my neck before landing on the table and bouncing a bit. Ashley git it before I could take it "dammit"
     "Vhat are you trying to do?" I asked curiously, laughing only a bit
    "I'm trying to make it down your shirt but I underestimated my aim. This is a lot harder then I originally thought" Ashley answered as he stuck his tongue out and tried to consentrate (?) but failed miserably. I laughed as I moved my hair out of the way
     "Vell obviously, the average vomans chest is very hard for things to fly into unless they had big boobs" I pointed out as Ashley grabbed the paper and tried again
     "Ughhhh its so unfair, I normally always get this. And I don't look at other girls chests, I only look at yours and half the time its because I'm looking at your heart" Ashley said smoothly me. I laughed again
     "Do you vant me to make the target easier?" I asked jokingly
     "Pleaseeeeeee" Ashley whined "because you love me so much"
     "Nope sorry. You vant the paper in my shirt you have to earn it. No cheating either" I said  he just looked at me poutingly 
    "No fair" he said as he tossed, more like threw, the paper at me. That was when I felt it go down my shirt and I squealed a bit. "Yessssss finally" Ashley said happily
      "Now vhat the hell am I supposed to do" I said "I'm not shoving my hand down my chest in pubic"
    "I guess just leave it there" Ashley said as he sat back with a smirk on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him and flicked him off  "that happens later sweet heart"
    "Its easy for you to say that but you don't have to feel it rubbing against your skin the vrong Vay or bra" I said sassily
     "Hey you teased"
     "And you started this damn paper tossing game. Vas getting it in my hair not enough?" I asked
    "Maybe it was maybe it wasn't. I could always get the paper"
     "No. I might just go in the bathroom and get it out" I said. I watched as a group of preppy ass girls walk in all gossiping and giggling. I shook my head "fuck that, I'm not going in there vith a group of preps in there. Nopety nopety nope I'm good"
     "You confuse me" 
      "Sir if you haven't noticed, I confuse everyone including myself" I said. He just laughed as he took a sip of his drink before he got up
     "True. I'm going to the bathroom, don't steal my food when it comes out" Ashley chided. I laughed and flashed a sweet innocent smile
    "I make no promises" I said winking. He just groaned and walked to the bathroom. I quickly, before anyone noticed, took the paper out of my shirt. I traced light patterns on the light brown wood table as the waitress came back and set our food down before she gave me a nasty look before walking off. I rolled my eyes and stole a few fries off of Ashley's plate. He didn't really mind, especially because I didn't care if he took off my plate.
     I tapped my foot as I ate a fry. It was one of many habits I had... like when I get to excited I tend to speak in German.
      That's when I heard the conversation from the table behind me and I was starting to get pissed, mainly because they were talking shot about Ashley, but they just talked loudly they didn't even bother whispering it. I turned around and faced the middle aged woman and her daughter
     "Uh.... can we help you or something because you're butting into our conversation and its quite rude" the twelve year old girl said. I snorted
     "So I'm being the rude one vhen you are talking shit about my husband   vho in fact is quite talented, amazing, loyal, and the absolute perfect human being you vill ever meet, and you think me butting into your trash talk is rude? Because quite frankly vhat your doing is not only rude but disrespectful. A word of advice is if you're going to shot talk someone, especially in public you keep your voice down but you both lack that common sense
      "Don't ever insult someone again, vhere are your manners or are you too privileged and rich that money changed you. Let me catch you talking shit about my husband again and ill be there to kick your ass" I snapped. They just looked at me stunned before I turned back around and continued to eat before Ashley came back out. Once he did my mood lifted and we continued being us. After a while we left, and I almost strangled the waitress due to the fact she kissed Ashley's cheek and gave him her number.
     Ashley drug me out and we headed home. Once we unloaded and got animals taken care of Ashley led me to the bed room for a long, and really fun night 

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