Chap 8

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Anubis POV*
    i was  in the hospital for a week and I hated it, the rooms would always drive me stir crazy. It made me feel useless because I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. Cops and FBI agents had came and visited me, asking me questions on what happened. I told them everything except the part about my dad I had left that part out. On Top of that reporters had kept coming in and bugging me to no end, normally I would have been patient because they had just been doing their job, but I was tired beyond belief and I couldn't deal with it I had already answered them. And the best news I heard was my mom had gotten caught
     I had met Garcia when the Agents had come, she was like me and I even invited her to our wedding which she had been super excited about. The muscled dark skinned agent from before had tried to keep flirting with me almost as if he were trying to get me away from Ashley.
     And for the first time I held my God child. When everyone had came over Alexandria had brought Oliver. He was such a doll with soft light tan skin and thick short brown hair, and his eyes were an amber color like his mothers when he opened his eyes. I didn't want to ever let him go, babies had been my weakness and they always would be they were just so cute, innocent, and small.
      And seeing that my room had no privacy the reporters had come and taken pictures of everything.  I was currently holding Oliver as Ashley, Juniper, and Alexandria had sat next to the bed
     "So theirs been something I've been meaning to tell you" Juniper said, sitting up as she cleared her throat. I looked up at juniper as Oliver slept in my arms, I was supposed to be going home sometime today.
    "You're pregnant, I know" I said, she looked at me shocked before looking at Ashley and slapping his arm
    "Ashley you ass I was going to tell her it was supposed to be a surprise" Juniper pouted
    "Owwww. I didn't say anything" Ashley said
    "Yea because she's psychic and found out herself"Juniper huffed crossing her arms.
     "The Vay you look is different, your stomach has gotten a bit bigger, your moods have changed constantly, everytime I see you you're eating more then normal. Its sort of obvious that you're pregnant, I am an observer" I said "do you know the gender yet?"
     "No, me and CC want it to be a surprise" Juniper said
    "You know Anubis I'm sort if jealous of you I cant get Oliver to sleep like that" Alexandria said. I laughed quietly
    "Vell Vhat can I say, I'm a naturally calming person" I said
    "Just stay with me and frank" Alexandria said Jokingly "we need the help"
    "Haha, I don't think I vant to be anyvhere else except at home for a vhile" I said
    "That's understandable" Alexandria said 
     "If they let me out of this damn hospital that vould be great" I said
    "You dont like hospitals?" Juniper asked
    "I've been stuck in hospitals for too long. Their too clean and more like a confinement area, I hate it" I explained
    "I love hospitals, I don't know why though. Its always puzzled me"
    "Alright, well I hate to go but i have to take Oliver to the doctors for his shots" Alexandria said getting up
    "Its fine, but I expect to see him soon" I said as I handed Oliver back to Alexandria
   "Of course. Dont forget to visit either" she said as she put Oliver in his seat and carried him out. The only sound heard was the beeps from the heart monitor. Juniper cleared his throat
     "So I know now is not the perfect time to discuss wedding stuff, but I need to know some things" Juniper said
    "Vell you're going to have to add three more seats to the list, Garcia and her plus one is coming." I said
    "Did you get your dress yet?" Juniper asked. I shook my head.
    "No not yet. Have you and the girls gotten theirs yet?" I asked
   "Well I got mine, I don't know about the rest of them. I can call and ask, did you guys decide on your wedding song yet? I'm guessing its a rock song of some sort seeing you guys did a rock/goth theme" Juniper said
     I looked at Ashley. We really hadn't decided on our wedding song yet we always seemed to hit a bump with that. We wanted it to be special
     "We're going to have to take a few more days to decide" Ashley said
    "Yea yea, like I haven't heard that before. I swear you two take forever to pick a song, and me and CC aren't even getting married yet" Juniper said    
     "Well we all aren't Juniper" Ashley said.
    "That's true. I'm to unique to copy"Juniper said "but let me know by the end of the week because I have to send in the list to the DJ before we get to the island"
    "Of course" I said. All the sudden Junipers phone went off and she answered
    "Hello... oh ok... I'll be right there I'm on my way... bye" she said before hanging up "hey I have to go, the studio-"
     "Its fine Juniper dont apologize. Vork is vork you cant drop it, that has priority" I said.
   "Just take the apology" Juniper said as she walked out "I'll see you soon ok. Get better"
     "I vill" I called back before looking at Ashley "ve seriously need to find a song, ve're getting married in a month"
      "I know" Ashley sighed "but I'm sure that we'll find one soon,"
     "Just a question but did you bring me a spare change of clothes? I really don't vant to go home in any hospital gown or clothes"
    "Of course I did. When have I ever ignored a request from my Queen?" Ashley asked as he held up a plastic bag. I took it from him and glared playfully
    "Oh really, Vhat about that time in Salem vhen you disappeared and vent to the vitch museum vithout me, and that time vhen-"
    "Ok I get it. I said I was sorry" Ashley said. I laughed
    "I'm only teasing Ash, I cant be mad at you for that" I said as I got of the bed and headed towards the bathroom in my room
    "I thought you learned your lesson from teasing" Ashley said said. I looked over my shoulder and smirked just to mess with him  
    "Oh buts its so fun, you make it so easy" I said before walking into the bathroom. I took off the hospital gown and slip into a huge lose holey black tank top with the sleeves cut off that said in loving memory of when I cared across it, black ripped skinny jeans, black beanie, and pair of black converse. I brushed my hair and teeth before pulling the beanie on and walking out back into the room seeing Ashley, the bitchy female doctor I got stuck with, and a nurse. 
     Ashley had signed something on the clip board before he looked up at me  
    "You ready to go baby girl?" He asked
    "More then ready" I said as I took his hand
    "Check out at the reception, and don't forget to take your medicine. Its only for a week and it helps numb the pain" the doctor said
    "Alright, and thank you again" Ashley said before he took his hand in mine and he walked us down stairs towards the reception. I got lucky today, I hadn't seen one magazine or news reporter yet but then again it was early in the morning. I watched as Ashley signed the papers and we were out. I was finally free of this prison 
    I had spoken to soon because as soon as I had stepped out the reporters had literally swarmed me.
Ashley held me close as we walked through the crowd.
     "Give her some space" Ashley had said
     "But we have a few more questions" one of the male reporters said as I saw the flashes of cameras. Finally we had reached Ashley's bike and I hoped on behind him wrapping my arms around his waist as he started his bike and left the parking lot.
    It felt good feeling the wind run through my hair and along my skin, despite the slight chill to it. It was better then that small black room I had sat in for three months. I was surprised I haven't caught hypothermia because that room was absolutely freezing.
      After a while we had finally reached the one place I had wanted to be at for weeks. Home. But the odd thing was their was a huge rental SUV sitting in the drive next to my bike and charger, seeing that if Ashley and I were planning on having kids we needed a car.
     "Who's that?" I asked as Ashley shut off his bike.
     "That would be your aunt, uncle and cousins" Ashley said. "They seemed insistent in staying until they met you. They Dont even know what you look like, but they refused pictures"
    "Oh fun. I really hope they didn't get in" I said
    "They shouldn't have unless Alex cane over today and let them in by accident" Ashley said as we walked up to the front door. I opened it and stepped in hearing a mans voice and womans voice
    " (1).... schau dir diesen Ort an, es ist riesig.Anubis ist geladen, sie sollte bei uns hier nicht zu Hause sein. Ist das auch ein Mann." The woman said
    " (2) Ich bezweifle sehr, dass sie mit uns nach Deutschland zurückkommen wird. und ich glaube nicht, dass sie ihren Verlobten auch verlassen wird. Wenn wir wollen, dass sie mit uns kommt, müssen wir ihr Vertrauen verdienen" the man said 
    " (3) gut du weißt, wie überzeugend ich sein kann. sie vertrauen uns ist einfach"  the woman said.
    I walked in to find an older couple near the counter and two kids sitting on the couch, one was a prep you could tell be the clothes and how he held himself as he stared at his sister who seemed to be bordering emo and pop. The mom had short pixie cut brown hair with streaks of gray that had been pinned in a bun. Her light brown eyes were stern against her pale round face. She was short.
     Next to her was what I assumed was her husband. He literally liked identical to dad, they must have been twins. The boy on the couch had all his mothers features but his fads height. The girl was the same way but with her mothers height.
    "Just so you know this is my home now, and I vould vatch Vhat you say both Ashley and I speak German" I said. Everyone looked up before the womans face fell, well everyone except the girl who looked at me in awe.
     "So you're our dear niece" The woman said, recovering front her shock quickly hoping I wouldn't notice. She failed.
     "Don't call me dear, don't try and act like you care. You haven't bothered to reach out before, you probably didn't even know I existed until this vhole situation" I said. I got a bad feeling from them, not the girl but everyone else.
    "Vell you verent Vhat I vas expecting at all, vith all the tattoos and...." the woman said "anyways my name is Christiana and this is my husband Hans. These are your cousins Greta and Thomas"
     "Its so nice to meet you, I'm a huge fan. I didn't think my cousin vould be the Anubis from Black Veil Brides and Holy Sin" Greta said. I smiled.
    "Vell then you're a lucky kid" I said jokingly. She laughed as Thomas looked at me in a sneering way.  
    "You're our cousin. You don't look like much, more of a devil vorshipping ink obsessed emo. You have no idea how to live vith all your money" Thomas said. I looked at him, Ashley growled quietly
    "You're right, I don't know vhat it's like to be raised by money I vas raised in a shit hole vhere half the time the power didn't vork, I starved for the sake of my brother so he could eat, I lived vith a homicidal mother vho beat me everyday. I don't care about money it has no value to me and if you ever, ever Insult some vho has different music taste or how the live I'll be there to give you a dose of reality, this is my house and if you cant seek to respect that you can leave right now. Try me you prick" I growled "and just so you know I'm atheist"
     "Lets all calm down  I'm sure Thomas meant nothing by that. Thomas apologize right now" Christiana said.
    Thomas grumbled before looking up at me with hate in his eyes. I crossed my arms
    "I'm sorry" he said. I rolled my eyes, it was a half assed attempt at an apology.
     "Yea, vhatever" I said before turning around to Ashley "I am going to see Coco and Shadow"
    "I think you should rest baby girl" Ashley said I shook my head
    "Ive done enough resting" I said
    "I'm not letting you go off alone" Ashley said. I looked at him
    "Make me" I said. He only smirked and picked me up. I laughed "Ashley put me down"
    "Nope, sorry baby girl, I cant do that" Ashley said
    "I'm your ass, now you are going to lay down in the couch and we  are having a movie day wether you like to or not" Ashley said before he walked over to the couch and sat down, pulling my into his lap, before grabbing the remote and turning on the tv. I looked at him
    "What?" He asked innocently, giving me the most innocent look I have ever seen in my entire life
    "You cant be serious right now" I said. He only grinned
     "Deadly serious. I told you we're having a movie day and you cant stop that" Ashley said "now shhh and watch the movie"
     I rolled my eyes and focused my attention on the TV screen. After a few hours, which was more of an all day thing, everyone had gone to their rooms except for me and Ashley, we had decided to stay out in the living room. It seemed that my extended family from my dads side had made themselves quite at home, trying to weasel their way into my life like they had known me and been their for me for years. The only normal one was great she didn't try anything.
     It was so funny to see them say things about me and get them wrong, for instance my favorite color was lime green, my favorite food was souercraut (?), my favorite animals were racoons, I used to be obsessed with Barbie dolls and the list continued. I liked all dark and mysterious colors Black being my favorite, I hated souercraut, I loved all animals I didn't have a favorite, I hated barbies in fact I had never owned one in my entire life. Ashley and I were doing cute couple things in the living room as everyone went to bed.
     I had turned the music up and we danced around the house, Ashley occasionally picking me up and running around the the living room. We were currently slow dancing to Warmness on the soul by Avenged Sevenfold, both of us singing along
    " Your hazel-green tint eyes watching every move I make
And that feeling of doubt, it's erased
I'll never feel alone again with you by my side
You're the one and in you I confide more

And we have gone through good and bad times
But your unconditional love was always on my mind
You've been there from the start for me
And your love's always been true as can be

I give my heart to you
I give my heart 'cause nothing
Can compare in this world to you

And we have gone through good and bad times
But your unconditional love was always on my mind
You've been there from the start for me
And your love's always been true as can be

I give my heart to you
I give my heart 'cause nothing
Can compare in this world to you

I give my heart to you
I give my heart 'cause nothing
Can compare in this world to you "
   "Baby girl" Ashley said as my head laid in the crook of his neck, his body close to mine, his hand on the small of my back
    "Yes?" I asked breathing in his scent
    "I think we may have just found our wedding song" he said. I picked my head up and looked at him smiling
    "So I vasnt the only one vho thought that" I said. He laughed before he picked me up and tossed me on the couch, climbing over me his hair falling in my face. I bit my lip as I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.
      "I'm so lucky to have you" he said smiling
      "Oh you're  just saying that"
      "I'm being serious, their are a trillion girls in the world and if I had to chose any of them it would be you. Everytime it would be you"
      "You are such a sweet amazing guy. If anyone is lucky its me, you are the best thing anyone can ask for" I said.
     "You want to know one of the many reasons I love you?" He asked before he leaned down and kissed my chest right where my heart was "you're heart. You literally have a heart of gold its beyond amazing. It suits a beautiful girl like you perfectly"
   I laughed
    "You have one yourself outlaw, you always have" I said. Just as Ashley went  to kiss me I heard something hit the glass door leading outside towards the stables. Ash got up quickly and followed me to the door. In front of it say a rock that said 'meet me by the stables-d' in red paint
     "Dad" I whispered. I grabbed Ashley's hand and drug him outside. The air was chilly and you couldn't hear anything but the sound of crickets as I walked him  to the stables. Nobody was there at all, not until I heard a soft thud. Dad stepped into the stable light "dad" I said as I hugged him
     " (4) hallo, kliene schakal" dad said as he hugged me back  "How are you feeling?"
      "I'm great" I said breaking the hug and stepping back grabbing Ashley's hand "dad this is my fiance Ashley" I said. Dad looked at Ashley and I could tell that Ashley was nervous, extremely nervous
     "Its nice to meet you sir" Ashley said holding out his hand. Dad took it, shaking it as he stared Ashley down
     "Its nice to meet you Ashley. Just know if you hurt my daughter I vill hunt you down and hurt you"
    "Of course sir, but I don't think that will be necessary I wouldn't ever hurt Anubis" Ashley said.
    "Your brother and his family are something" I said. Dad scoffed
    "Don't bother vith him. Hans and his gold digger of a vife are no good, they only care about money, ego, and attention. They'll do anything to be important and care only for their vell being. They'll only take your money, that's the vhy hans has always been that vay" dad said
    "Yea I can tell" I said
   "I'm glad your ok and getting better"
    "Thanks." I said
     "Did you guys pick a place for your honeymoon?" Dad asked. I shook my head
    "No not yet" Ashley answered. Dad smiled
     "Vell. Since your vedding is on a deserted Caribbean island,   if you take a boat only a few miles down there is an unknown island that nobody knows about except for me. I built a house there it is a perfect place to stay and keep. Its my vedding gift to you"
     "Really?" Ashley and I asked at the same time. Dad nodded
    "Of course"
     We talked for a while longer before dad had to go. Ash and I walked inside and turned everything off before we got ready for bed, snuggling next to me.
     "You know he really isn't that bad" Ashley said before he kissed my cheek and went to sleep. I felt myself smile

Translations (match the numbers)
      1)... look at this place, it's huge.Anubis is loaded, she should be back home with us not here with that even a man.
    2) i highly doubt that she is going to come back to Germany with us. and i dont think she will leave her fiancé either. if we want her to come with us we need to earn her trust 
     3) well you know how convincing i can be. making her trust us is easy
    4) small jackal

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