Chap 3

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sorry for the delay, Irma and all that

  I felt great when I woke up this morning, I didn't feel like I had last night which really puzzled me. I had wiggled my way out of Ashley's arm and got ready for the day. I walked down stairs when I had gotten a text from juniper saying that they hoped I felt better and that here and Alex were on their way to get tattoos done. I decided to text Robbie, my tattoo artist friend, to let him know
    Me: hey robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
     Robbiethetattooguy: yes?
    Me: I have like two other girls coming over for tattoos, you think you can do it, ill pay you
     Robbiethetattooguy: any friends of yours are friends of mine. Besides my cousin Justin is coming he's also a tattoo artist so we'll get everyone done. He's as good as me
     Me: thank you
     Robbiethetattooguy: its not a problem, we're loading the truck up right now so we'll be there soon
    Me: okiiiiiiiiiiiiii
   I set my phone down and began to eat before I had gone out and took care of Coco and Shadow before taking care of Berlin and icy and sitting on the couch and turning on the tv. The best part about of Robbie doing tattoos was that no matter the size of the tattoo Robbie would get it done fast and it would still look amazing, he just had a gift. I had only met Justin once but his art work was just as good as Robbie's.
     Suddenly I was tackled to the couch, my arms pinned above my head, and Ashley between my legs hovering over me
    "Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling?" Ashley asked. I smiled, blushing a bit
   "A lot better. I told you it had to have been something I ate because I don't feel sick" I said.
    'That's great " Ashley said
    "Can I ask vhy you have me like this? I don't see how this is-"
    "Because I want to" Ashley said before he kissed me gently " so I was thinking"
    "Ashley thinking? That's a shocker somebody get the news crew or something" I said teasingly
   "You're such a jerk"
    "A fact that you keep pointing out"
    "Anyways since you don't want to hear it..."
   "No I do, I vant to hear vhat the great Ashley Purdy has to say"
    "Well... why don't we get married on the day we met. I mean we don't have to but I figured that it has a lot of meaning to us both you know, its special" Ashley said. I looked into Ashley's sparkling eyes and smiled
  "Ashley... that is a perfect idea. I love it" I said
   "That's it then August nineteenth. We should probably put those on the invites"
   " probably" I said, chuckling. Ashley just stared at me "vhat? Is their something on my face?"
   "No, nothing like that. In fact its the opposite, you're just so beautiful" he said a one of his hands slid down to my thigh before he leaned over and kissed me again. I kissed back, deepening the kiss when I heard someone clear their throat.
    "Are we interrupting something? Because we can always go" I heard Alex say. We both looked up to see Juniper and Alex standing in front of us
    " no you're fine. I have to go anyways and fix some invites" Ashley said getting up "you guys have fun today. Ill be back tonight"
    "Vhere are you going?" I asked as I sat up, adjusting my tank top from when it had rode up   
    "I am getting a surprise for you" Ashley said as he walked into the kitchen "and don't even ask for what occasion, because there is none and I just wanted to get you something"
    "You know how I feel about that" I said
    "Yes I do but I'm doing it anyways so you're just going to have to  get used to it. My baby girl has to get spoiled"
    "Hey be happy you get something, I usually don't get stuff like that because kellin is so busy" Alex said as she flopped down on the couch. Ashley walked upstairs, probably to get changed so he could go do what he needed to do.
    "I brought more Ashy gray hair dye for you, seeing yours is starting to fade" Juniper said as she pulled the box of dye out of her purse and handed it to me. I took it
    " thanks" I said
    "So what time is that guy supposed to be here?" Alex asked curiously as they both pulled out paper, most likely the tattoos that they wanted.
    "Vell Robbie said he vas loading up the truck vhen I texted him so he should be here soon. But he's bringing his cousin Justin, vho's also happens to be a tattoo artist. Justin vill vork on yours vhile Robbie vorks on mine" I answered
    "Well we could always re dye your hair to pass the time. It shouldn't take that long" Alex said.
    "Yea, just let me change into a different shirt" I said, getting up as I walked towards the hall closet and pulled out one of Ashley's old tank tops that had gotten bleach all over it " I knew this vould come in handy on day"
    I took off my shirt and pulled on the large bleach stained tank top that covered my black gym shorts and threw my shirt on the couch, shutting the door.
    "So you just have random shirts laying around the house" Alex said as I sat cross legged on the floor in front of Juniper as she opened the box
    "Yea, I'm still finding clothes in the oddest places. Before ve vent on tour I vas pulling clothes out of the pantry"  I said "I have no idea how they get there"
    "Do you think that your place is haunted?" Juniper asked jokingly
  "Don't say that, casper's already trying to kill me" I said before we all laughed. I felt Juniper's hands on my head as she worked in the dye
   "Casper is such a friendly ghost, what did you do to him?" Alex asked laughing
    "I did nothing he just started attacking me" I said "I'm innocent"
   "Vell it followed me from home then because I own hell" I said
   "Beautiful just beautiful" Alex said sarcastically " what did Ashley mean by fix some invites?"
    "The date for our vedding"
   "And when is that?"
    "The nineteenth of August"
   "Finally, its about time you guys decided. So he went with the day you guys met" Juniper said
   " yea"
   " oh and by the way me and you are getting matching tattoos, you don't have a choice" Juniper said. I laughed
   "Of course. Vhat is it and vhere is it going?"
   "On your right thigh, it isn't huge. One is pooh holding a red balloon that says 'even if we're apart' and the other is piglet holding a blue balloon that says 'I'll always be with you... ' it's whatever you want"
   " I'll take pooh" I said. It was a cute idea, who cared if people thought it was childish
    "Yesssssss" Juniper said, all victory like. Me and Alex laughed
    "Here lets turn on some music, its so dull in here" Alex said " you don't mind if I blue tooth my phone to your tv again do you?"
    "No, but none of that pop crap please" I said
    "Never, I was going to put on our sort of music, like sleeping worked sirens and stuff" Alex said. I grinned
   " that's cool" I said as I watched her hook up her phone before turning the tv up to eighty, music blasting through the speakers. I laughed as Juniper and Alex cheered. Ashley came down before he left. 
     After a while Juniper had finished my hair and we all just danced around the living room before I had walked out front, having a weird feeling that I needed to check outside. I was glad i did because Robbie's slick black truck had pulled up in the drive.
    "Glad you can make it tattoo guy" I called out laughing as Robbie got out of the truck. Robbie was a tall, skinny man with tattoos covering his pale skin from his neck down. He had thick green hair and dark blue eyes. Robbie was around his mid twenties. I had met him at warped tour one year when I was hanging out with Ronnie.
    Ronnie was British, he had moved to America when he attended Harvard for medicine but he decided that he didn't like medicine. Robbie looked at me as I walked over to him and greeted him with a hug a huge smile on his face.
    "Ello, Anubis how have you been?" Robbie asked, his accent noticable.
   "I've been good" I answered as I broke the hug
   "It's been to long, the last time we saw each other was a year ago at least"
    "It has, but you know how tour life is it has you running around constantly" I answered
   "True. I'm glad you called me to do some more tattoos though"
   "Vell I only vanted the best on me. You're the best I know" I said "I hope you didn't have a hard time finding this place"
    "Just a bit, but damn this place is gorgeous..." Robbie said
    "Vait until you see the rest of the house" I said laughing, Robbie had never been to my house before. Just then Justin and a beautiful English bull dog with baby blue eyes and light brown and white fur.  "Awww such a beauty, vhats her name?"
    "Tracy. I hope you don't mind that I brought her along it was sort of unexpected" Robbie said rubbing the back of his neck
    "You're fine, I have two dogs myself" I said as I bent down and petted Tracy
     "What breed?" Robbie asked
      "German shepherd and husky" I answered before I got up "its nice to see you again Justin"
    Justin was as tall and just as skinny as Robbie but with long brown dreads and light brown eyes. He was also covered in tattoos, piercings, and gages. Justin was only nineteen, and his father was American. Ever since his parents died he had been living with Robbie.
    "You to. Man your accent gets me everytime" Justin said. I laughed
     "It trips everyone up, don't vorry. Here I'll help you carry your stuff in and ve can set up in the living room seeing its more convenient"
    "Sweet" Robbie said. He opened the back door and pulled out two suit cases and the tattooing equipment. I grabbed the tattooing equipment and carried it inside, robbie and Justin following me in.
    "Bloody hell" Robbie said as we walked in. I laughed
    "I'll give you a tour first before ve get started" I said as I walked into the living room. Juniper and Alex looked up as Berlin and icy swarmed us before heading straight to Tracy. "Guys these are my friends Juniper and Alex. Juniper is the taller one. Girls this is my Friend Robbie, he has green hair and his cousin Justin"
    "Its nice to meet you" Juniper said as I set the tattoo stuff down.
    "Its nice to meet you too. I've only heard stories from Anubis" Robbie said 
    "Oh my god I love your Accent" Alex said, fangirling over Robbie's accent causing him to chuckle.
    "No I didn't tell him about our high school moments" I said "now lets get you guys settled in. I lead them to their room first before giving them a tour off the house passing the music studio, library, art room, computer room, work out/ training room etc. I showed them the garden and the back including Coco and Shadow. Robbie had freaked because, like me, horses we're his favorite animals and I promised him that we would go for a ride before he left. Once we had gone back inside we set up, bringing out two lounge chairs.
   Juniper was getting hers done last, I could tell she was nervous. Alex had gotten half of a human head with planets bursting out where the brain should be on her right thigh, a stitch mark that said  'I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions' on her left thigh,  a small kitten curled up in a ball behind her left ear, a weed symbol made of sea weed and shells under her breasts on the lower half of her ribs, a swimming mermaid on her foot which she most likely hated the placing do to the pain, the eight planets on the right side of the small of her back, and a small weed peace sign on the back of her neck.
    Juniper had gotten a Native American chief skull on her upper left arm, a dream catcher on her left calf near her ankle, piglet on her right thigh, a orchid down her left forearm, and for some odd reason Dan Howell on her ass. I wondered what CC would think when he saw that but juniper didn't seem to care.
    I had gotten pooh on my left thigh for juniper, his baby girl written along the side in a German Gothic font of my hand seeing Ashley was going to get Her Outlaw in the side of his hand, a small pocket watch with a ribbon that said 'respect the past, create the future' on my upper left arm above my Ashley tattoo, and a sleeve made of Grays and blacks and whites. Towards the bottom we're snowflakes and a heart shaped locket with a blue heart gem in the locket but as it went up their was with a large watch with Roman numerals, two black and blue birds flying above it holding the watch in front of a cloudy moon, next to a skull and rose.
   "damn Anubis that's a beautiful sleeve" Juniper said as she carefully walked over to me
    "Thanks" I said, hissing a bit as Robbie went over part of my shoulder.
    "Looks like your enjoying the pain" she joked
    "Unlike you I can handle the pain, but you on the other hand may not be able to sit for a veek" I said. 
    "Oh whatever you jerk" she said teasingly. I looked over to see Alex helping Justin pack up his stuff
    "Look Alex is something productive for once" I teased. Alex looked at us and flipped us off
    "Oh whatever I am a very productive person" Alex defended.
    "Only when your getting stoned" Juniper said laughing
    "Not to embarrass you or anything, but have you and Kellin even done it yet?" I asked. Alex glared at me as her face blushed a bright red as juniper gasped.
   "YOU AND KELLIN HAVEN'T HAD SEX?" Juniper shouted
   "JUNIPER" Alex shouted back
    "That vas not on me" I said
   "Ugh I hate you both" Alex said as we laughed
    "Oh but you love us" Juniper said sighing
    "Their you go all done. You know all that boring stuff you have to do for tattoos. Just moisturize the small ones for four or five days. Your sleeve and the one on your upper arm will be about two weeks" Robbie said as he turned off the tattoo gun
    "Thanks again" I said as he wiped off my arm.
    "Its not a problem love" Robbie said "I was bored out of my mind anyways before you called"
    "I'm home baby girl" Ashley said as he walked into the living room, bag in hand. "Damn I love the sleeve it looks amazing on you" he said. He walked over and kissed me
    "Vhy thank you" I said 
    "Hey Robbie, long time no see, how's life been treating you?" Ashley asked 
     "Like a bitch" Robbie said "what about you?"
   "I got the lucky end of life" Ashley joked just as Juniper practically jumped on Ashley's back. 
    "What did you get Anubis?" Juniper asked curiously.. 
    "That is none of your business" Ashley said "you are a nosy person"
   "Of course I am, and I want to make sure that whatever you got is appropriate" Juniper said reaching for the bag. Ashley held it out
   "Nope. That's private, only for me and Anubis's eyes not yours" Ashley said. I watched as Juniper tried to get the bag but failed. Once Ashley got Juniper off of him he ran towards the bed room
    "I think he's hiding something" she stated 
    "No really, like that wasn't completely obvious" I said rolling my eyes
    "He probably got something for the bed room" Alex said "and don't even get on me about that, you decided to spill my sex life"
   "Yea yea" Juniper said.
*????? POV*
    I sat outside this home for hours, watching as everyone inside laughed and talked, getting more tattoos or just getting them. I stayed to the shadows staying unseen.
      My subject, a twenty year old rock star named Anubis Armbruster. Her parents did good naming her. I didn't understand why my client had reached out to me to get rid of a simple girl when they knew that I had much more important people to kidnap or kill, kidnap in this case because whoever this person was wanted to finish the job seeing they had history, it what sounded like they did anyways.
      My reasoning behind this was because the girl was famous, and famous people had made a lot of enemies.
    As it got later the two girls left, while the other two guys had gone to bed. I watched as Anubis and her fiance went into their bedroom
      She walked over to the bed, him following her as he placed his hands on her hips. From what I could see it was a lingerie set. She turned around, smacking him playfully on the chest. He only laughed and kissed her, deep down it didn't sit right with me, not one bit. I watched as the kiss deepened before he turned her and picked her up by her thighs before tossing her on the bed and crawling on top of her, hands running all over her body
      "Dad..  dad did you hear me?"
   My fifteen year old son asked. I sighed and turned around
     "Yes?" I asked agitated. He was just like his mother, some girl I had a fling with. He was tall and fit, with long shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes. Like me, had had tattoos covering his body one to represent each kill and accomplishment.
    "You're clients on the phone" Samson said handing me the phone.
    "Seriously, I'm in the middle of something, tell them to hold on" I said
     "They want to talk to you now" he said. I grabbed the phone from him, he may have been my son and I did love him but he never used his head and he kept disappointing me.
    "Keep an eye on them if anything changes" I said "I'm in the middle of something"
    "Did you get her yet?" The voice asked. It was always hard to hear  weather the voice was male of female
   "No n-"
   "You still don't have her. I hired you to because you are skillful and useful and you still cant get a girl I told you to get months ago I'm tired of this game. You better hurry because I'm getting out soo-" the voice said angrily before I cut it off 
    "You need to be careful on how you speak to me, because I can always drop this and come after you and god knows you don't need me coming after you, ill make you regret it. You know exactly how dangerous I am and can be, don't push it, that's my only advice. You are going to get the girl but like I said it is on my terms however long that may be but now is not the time. I do things on my terms" I growled
    "Just hurry up" they said before the line went dead. I shoved the phone in my pocket before returning to my position next  samson. Who ever this person was annoying me to no end and they were going to regret it.
    "Mmmm, damn I wish I could get some of that ass" Samson said as he eyed a half naked Anubis. I smacked the back of his head
       "Get your head in the game, this is business. Their is no time for you to be sleeping around" I said. Samson always slept around, screwing everything with a pair of tits
      "Yes sir"

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