Chap 26

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Sorry if its a bit short I got home late last night and the other night with the haunted house I help at but I promise it will be better

A couple of days after the guys apologized I began to talk to them, returning things to normal. No more awkward silences or looks, and they still hadn't found out about Herrin, who was surprisingly quiet for being raven and left in the dark all the time. But my appointment with dr. May had gotten rescheduled to today so I needed to be careful with my time
I was currently hanging out with Jinxx, just walking around and enjoying the music.
"So I'm curious" jinxx started as he cleared his throat "what are you going to do when you get left at home after our break?"
"I'm going to be bored out of my fucking mind, that's vhats going to happen because of you shit heads" I said as I glared at him playfully. The guy had decided that once we get done with warped tour and have a month or so of break that it was better for me to stay home and relax, and maybe stay off my feet if I could. I argued that even if I was four months along, which I would be, I could still do things but they ended up winning and I was told to stay home, their was no trying to get out of it.
"Oh I doubt it will be that bad" jinxx said as he rolled his eyes and nudged me playfully.
"Oh it vill, I may just have Juniper stay over with me" I said "at least she vont leave" jinxx just laughed as Bryan stars, one of my friends, came over with a grin on his face.
"Hey Anubis, jinxx. Do you guys want to do an interview with me?" Bryan asked. Jinxx and I looked at each other and nodded
"Sure, we have nothing better to do" Jinxx said. Bryan smiled
"You may not have each plans but I did and it Involved the couch, a tub of ice cream and binge vatching Tim Burton and Johnny Depp movies thank you very much"I said back sassily as we followed Bryan back to his trailer, his camera man and camera already set up along with the awning.
"Don't get sassy with me missy" Jinxx said back. I looked him dead in the eye
"Try me little man" I challenged, a grin gracing my lips. He just marrowed his eyes "exactly vhat I thought, you're to much of a chicken to do anything"
"Ready to get started?" Bryan asked as he handed us both the papers "and please don't eat the papers I need those" Jinxx and I laughed
"No ve aren't going to pull and Andy and eat the paper" I said
"You're paper will be fine" Jinxx added
"Thank god. Alright here we go." Bryan said before turning to the camera "hello and I'm Bryan stars. Today I'm here with guitarist Jinxx from black veil brides and Anubis Purdy bassist for black veil brides and singer and guitarist for Holy Sin"
"What's up" Jinxx said as he flipped his hair out of his eye. I just laughed
"Hallo, kinder" I said. Bryan looked at me
"What does that mean?" Bryan asked
"Hello kids, vell hello children but you get the idea" I said.
"Alright so lets start off with how has the warped tour been for you so far?" Bryan asked
"Well... it was a bit rough from the beginning when warped tour actually started but we got over our issues and, you know, just made up and put it behind us but its definitely going to get better" Jinxx said.
"I think that a lot of people noticed all the tension between you guys towards Ashley and Anubis, what was that about?"
"In all honesty that vas a very stupid argument that shouldn't have necessarily happened the vay it should have but it could have been a lot vorse but I'm glad that its behind me now" I said. Bryan nodded
"So their is a rumor going around that you're pregnant, is that true?" Bryan asked. I nodded
"Yup, that's true, it isn't a rumor. I am having twins" I said. Bryan smiled
"Well congratulations, that must very be exciting. Do you have any god parents?"
"Yes ve do. Andy is the god mother and Juniper is the god father, Jinxx and the guys are Aunts and the girls are Uncles" I said
"Why am I am aunt?" Jinxx asked
"Because one I said so, two all the guys are taking the girls titles and same for the girls, and three you could pass for a girl. No offense"
"None taken but I am going to kick Andy and Junipers ass now for that" Jinxx said. I just laughed
"I vould so love to see that" I said rolling my eyes. Bryan cleared his throat
"So I have a little game. Basically I have a thing of random sentences written on this paper, all in different languages and we all have to guess what each one says-" bryan started before I cut him off
"Just to let you know, all of you vatching this know, I am fluent in all languages that exists so it vould be vise for me to even attempt this because you vill all look like complete idiot not trying to be offensive just stating a fact" I pointed out
"Is this true?" Bryan asked Jinxx. Jinxx nodded
"Oh yea, some days she'll curse us out in German, some days it'll be Spanish, Russian, african, scottish. Basically anything, depends on what's she on the mood for" Jinxx answered as he scratched the back of his head.
"Well damn their goes that idea. But you don't mind teaching me Japanese do you?" Bryan asked. I chuckled
"Of course not. And I vont go easy either" I said
"Where do you see yourself in the near future?" Bryan asked. Jinxx shrugged
"In all honesty I have no idea, maybe sitting at home and eating... I don't plan that far ahead" Jinxx said
"Shame" I said shaking my head "I don't know, I'm still talking my college classes so I hope to get my degrees soon"
"What are you going to college for?" Bryan asked curiously
"Astronomy and Egyptology" I answered " my family has a long line of famous Egyptologists and Astronomers and I picked up on it. My brother on the other hand was more on the sporty side"
"Those are both great careers. For some odd reason I didn't think that you would be interested in anything like that"
"Looks are deceiving. Vhen I'm by myself I always turn on Ancient Egyptian instrumentals it always calms me down"
"This is turning into a what we didn't know about Anubis interview" bryan said jokingly "so lets move on. If you were kidnapped by anyone in the world, who would it be and why?"
"Oh man I don't know..." Jinxx started "maybe Mozart or Beethoven, just to really experience their works and the expression in them. It be like a learning kidnapping situation. Just to rephrase though I do not want to be kidnapped at all, not even if you are in a Beethoven or Mozart costume" bryan and I both laughed
"What about you Anubis?"
"God" I stated
"Why god?"
"Because through vant to see if he can actually get away vith kidnapping. No offense to any religious believers out there. And honestly I don't even know vhy the hell I said that, I'm freaking atheist"
"Sweetheart what drugs are you taking?" Jinxx asked as he set his hand on my shoulder. I laughed again
"Vell its not drugs. But its like drugs, Ashley's lips are very intoxicating" I answered playfully.
"Funniest childhood memories?" Bryan asked.
"I have no childhood memories, so I'm going to have to pass on that" I said. Bryan looked at Jinxx
"I want to say around elementary school or like the beginning of middle school, my brother and I were just playing around with this... what do you call it, its like this tall metal bat like thing but it wasn't a bat. Anyways, my brother had the smart idea to take the pole and try to use it to jump over the fence that lead to the back yard.
"Ten minutes straight I'm yelling at him, because he's at the top of the roof about to vault over the fence. He didn't listen and he missed the jump, he had been to far above it Instead of going over he ended up stuck in a tree" I couldn't help but laugh and neither could bryan. For ten minutes straight we just sat there and just laughed before we finally caught out breath
"Alright.... finish the sentence. When I was seven i... " bryan started
"Used carrots as darts" I replied casually as I leaned back all on the trailer. Bryan looked at Jinxx
"Started bon fires" Jinxx answered
"The first thing I do when I get home is..." bryan started
"Fall asleep on the door" Jinxx said
"Go to my secret stash of chocolates in the pantry, eat at least five, and lock them back up so nobody can steal them" I said
"I sometimes get scared when..."
"I see CC's hair in the morning" Jinxx said clearing his throat. I gently nudged Jinxx to the side as he looked at me and pouted
"I see dead people" I said grinning before everyone laughed again "its a secret talent of mine. I can see dead people,"
"My source of comfort is..."
"Taco bell" Jinxx replied
"Vatching a horrorthon" I said. They both looked at me
"We're going to either need a anger management class or a doctor, just some type of professional help" Bryan and Jinxx said jokingly at the same time. I just flipped them off
"Says the one vho eats out of the trash can vhen their drunk" I pointed out
"You said you wouldn't ever soak of that again" Jinxx stated, gasping
"And you said that I needed mental help so one ve ate even" I chided
"I ate a spoiled cookie and..." Bryan said as he recovered from his laughing fit
"Continued to eat the cookie" I said
"Burn that mother fucker with a blue torch" Jinxx said. I looked at him
"Yeah and I'm the one that needs help" I said sarcastically
"I like to put peanut butter on...."
"Jinxx's clothes"
"Bread" Jinxx said. All the sudden I heard some one shouting my name and I looked over to see Ashley running over towards me
"Hey outlaw" I said smiling as I kissed his cheek "vhats up?"
"You do realize what time it is right?" Ashley asked. I shook my head and pulled out my phone before my eyes widened
"Holy shit, ve have to get going. Peace out vorld until the next time, I love you all" I said as I handed bryan his paper back. Ashley grabbed my hand and began dragging me through the crowd "Super grip much?"
"this is a rough crowd for pregnant women" Ashley pointed out before we made out way through the gates and into one of the rentable trucks that was waiting out front. Ashley helped me into the passenger seat before he climbed up into the drivers seat and started the ignition.
"You know I'll be fine" I said as I rolled my eyes and looked out the window
"I'm sure you are but its still a precaution that we have to take wether you like it or not. Juniper hates it too but it has to happen"
"There is no reason that I cant tour vith you guys" I stated
"Baby as much as I want you there, you'll be at least eight months and ready to burst. I don't want you to get hurt" Ash said almost quietly "and you'll be at home where I know you will be safe"
"I love that you care but how many times do I have to tell you, you're my home and always vill be. Vhen im stuck at the house I feel useless..." I said glumly.
"You are not useless baby girl, you're extremely helpful don't think so low of yourself ever" Ashley said as we stopped at a red light. He looked up at me and put a hand on my cheek, holding my chin so I looked up into his big Brown eyes.
" I can't help it...." I admitted.
"Doll if it makes you feel any better we can face time so that you won't feel like that. Do you think that it would help?"
"A little bit. It vont be the same as if you vere here, holding me" I said sighing
"Then I'll make sure that tour hurries up so I can be by your side"
"Now I feel bad, you should enjoy meeting new friends and spending time vith them and traveling. I vant you to enjoy it not rush it" I said
"Hey the only way I could ever enjoy something is if the woman I lived was beside me. So it wont be fun or the same with out you there" Ashley said comfortingly as his thumbs had rubbed over my knuckles as he held my hand. I gave only a half smile as I held Ashley's hand and squeezed it a bit.
     "Vhy do you make everything so easy? Its like you have an answer for everything" I asked curiously as I looked at him curiously, his face concentrated on the road. He quickly glanced at me, a small smile on his face
     "Because I have to keep up with you all the time" he said half joking
     "Very funny" i said. I turned on the radio and laid my head back and closed my eyes.
*Ashley POV *
    As I drove to the place where we were meeting the doctor Anubis had turned on the radio and fell asleep. She needed it, she either slept in now or she didn't get any at all it was always in between.
     This in a way was exciting, I had never been a parent before. Would be be a good father? I was nervous beyond belief but I had to put that feeling aside. I was starting a family with the woman I loved and I was going to do  everything I could to be there for her.

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