Chap 20

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I pulled the blankets closer to me, trying to block the sunlight that peeked through the window. I groaned in annoyance.
     "You're fine baby girl, its just sunlight" Ashley groaned as he placed his  arm over my waist and pulled me closer to him, burying his face in the crook of my neck
    " (1) Sonnenlicht, das meinen Schlaf stört" I grumbled. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't, I didn't understand why. This was going to annoy me, I needed sleep. Then my phone rang and I heard Ashley groan a bit
    "Its to early for that, come back to sleep" Ashley whined. I sighed and sat up a bit, Ashley's arm still around my waist, propping myself up on my arm as I grabbed my phone to see Dr. Mari calling. I had almost forgot that she was going to call, I wasn't expecting six in the morning though. I never told Ashley I had gone to the doctors I didn't want him to worry about anything until I knew for sure.
      "Hello?" I asked groggily
      "Good morning Anubis, I hope I didn't wake you" Dr. Mari said.
     "No I vas already awake" I said before yawning. She just laughed.
    "Well I got the results back from your blood test and I have some news"
   "Vhat is it?" I asked, suddenly whispering so Ashley wouldn't hear.
     "Its nothing to worry about, actually its rather fantastic news. Congratulations Mrs. Purdy, you and Mr. Purdy are going to be the proud parents of twins"
     I sat up quickly, my eyes widening and mouth falling open in shock. I was surprised Ashley didn't wake up. I was pregnant. How did I pass off all the signs.
    "Hello? Anubis are you still there?" Dr. Mari asked  
     "Yea... sorry, hold on a second" I said. I got up carefully so that I didn't wake Ashley up and walked  out onto the balcony. I shut the arched French doors to the balcony behind me quietly. The birds chirped and the breeze blew gently, causing Ashley's over sized shirt to brush against my thighs 
     "You good now?" Dr. Mari asked. I took a deep breath in to calm my nerves
    "Yea yea sorry"
   "Its not a problem, most people when they receive news like this they tend to freak out its totally normal. I would recommend going to a OBGYN sometime soon to check on the babies growth and develop, the gender, stuff like that"
    "That's the problem, ve go on  tour in two days" I said as I bit my lip
    "Actually, I have a friend. She's a OBGYN and she actually also travels around so you would be able to take her with you until you guys got home" Dr. Mari said "I can get you her number  and see if I can set up an appointment for you"
     "Please I vould appreciate it very much" I said. She laughed as I grabbed a piece of paper and pencil off the table
    "Its not a problem. Alright her name is May Romana, her number is xxx-xxx-xxxx" Dr. Mari said. I quickly wrote it down 
     "Thank you so much" I said
     "It isn't a problem and congratulations" she said before she hung up. Now I needed a way to tell Ashley and Everyone else and soon so I could also let the guys know we were being accompanied by a nurse. I quickly put in Mays number.
     "Hello?" A young women answered
     "Hello, is this May Romana?" I asked
    "This is she. May I ask who's calling?" 
    "My name is Anubis Purdy. My doctor, Dr. Mari, gave me this number. She said you vere a traveling OBGYN" I said
     "Yes I am. Glad to see Mari directed you to the right place. What can I do you for?"
     "Vell, I just found out I'm pregnant vith twins and I'm supposed to make a appointment but I'm leaving for your in two days"
      "So you need a traveling nurse. Well you come to the right place, how soon are you leaving for your again?" She asked as I heard shuffling
    "Ve leave on Friday, the bus gets here at six am" I said.
    "Ok. How long are you supposed to be gone?"
     "Three or four months. I know ve have a month of after before ve starting touring again for another three"
     "Alright. Just send me a list of the places your going and I'll find hotels close to the area. A lot of the equipment is hard to get and usually found in hospitals or rather large but I can set it up in the hotels so their is room on the bus. The appointments don't take long either"
      "Thank you so much. I appreciate it" I said. She just laughed
  "Not a problem. Any friend of Mari's is a friend of mine" she said before hanging up. I sighed quietly as I set my phone down and leaned on the railing, watching the sun rise over the trees and vibrant green field
    I walked back inside quietly and got ready for the day before going downstairs and feeding the animals. I grabbed myself a pop tart and headed out the door. I already had a way of telling Ashley but I needed to get to Opals, seeing we had become friends, so I pulled out my phone and called her. It didn't take long
     "Hello?" I heard a quite voice ask as I reached the car.
     "Hey opal, its Anubis. I hope I didn't vake you" I said.
    "No you didn't I was already awake. What can I do you for? Do you need me to go in today? "
     "No nothing like that. Remember how you offered to make me a few shirts a vhile back?"
      "Vell I sort of need for of them, two are going to be baby onesies. Do you mind if I come over to get them done?" I asked
     "No, of course not. What materials do you need?" She asked
     "Two black foot ball jerseys, two black newborn onesies and like gold and silver, not embroidery but like a print. Ill tell you more about it vhen I get there"
    "Alright. Ill see you then" I said before opal hung up and I got in my car, pulling out of the drive and getting on the road after texting everyone to come over for dinner which none of them had complained about. I was surprised a majority of them were up I had figured that they would sleep in later. These people had confused me to no end. After a while I arrived at a decent looking apartment complex. It was about twenty stories high with a light green exterior. I pulled into the parking lot and got out before walking inside. I was I instantly hit with the smell of old lady perfume. To the left was elevators and to the right was a flight of stairs and straight forward was a huge maple desk with four or five computers on it, all accompanied by a man or woman usually on  the phone or throwing paper balls, gossiping about drama that happened. I shook my head and walked up the stairs to the third floor. The open lobby had quickly changed into narrow halls and thousands of dark green doors  lined the walls. The carpets had been a soft white. Finally I reached the last door and knocked. I heard shuffling before the door opened and Opal peeked through the crack before fully opening the door.
    "Hey. I'm sorry about the mess, Izekil and I haven't been home enough to clean in" opal apologized as I stepped in,  shutting the door behind me.
    "Don't vorry its fine"
    " so follow me into the living room. I have all the stuff you needed" opal said. I followed her to a large low shabby gray couch that sat in from of a low, dark brown coffee table that had papers pushed to the side and all the materials we needed to make the shirts, along with the press off to the side of the room. Diagonal from the couch was a small flat screen TV that sat on a medium sized entertainment center. I sat down on the couch next to opal as she cleared her throat
     "So tell me what do you want to do?" She asked. And I explained it to her my idea. Ashley loved sports, he loved football, what was a better way to say that we were starting a family with something that he loved. Opal listened intently as I explained.
     Eventually we got to work, decorating the shirts until my phone rang. I looked down to see Ashley calling
    "Excuse me, I have to take this" I said, wiping my semi silver colored hands on a napkin. She nodded and I got up, answering my phone
     "Where are youuuuuuuu" Ashley whined. His voice had been deep with sleep, he must have just woken up.
      "I had something important to do and it couldn't vait" I said biting my lip
    "And you couldn't give me a goodbye kiss I feel so hurt" Ashley pouted playfully. I laughed "don't laugh, this is a very sensitive matter I cant get through the day without my baby girls kisses" 
     "Is this what this is about?" I asked chuckling
      "Yes yes it is. I woke up to you not here"
    "Awwww I'm sorry, my poor baby" I said " I would have but I vas in a rush and I didn't vant to vake you up you're adorable vhen you sleep"
     "So what are you working on that couldn't wait?" Ashley asked
     "Just some things for the orphanage, you know all the rooms and fun stuff like that" I said a bit nervously, hoping I wouldn't slip up
     "Mhmmmm" Ashley said "and how long will this take? I want to spend time with you because you're always so busy"
     "I shouldn't be long, at least I don't think so anyways. Vorst case of get home around three"I said. Ashley groaned
    "That's such a long time"
    "It isn't that long" I pointed out
     "Yes it is. Being separated from you always feels like eternity"
   "It isn't that long. Its only three four hours away"
    "Fine meanie, ill just hang out with CC then"
     "Then hang out vith CC. you guys haven't hung out in a vhile"
    "Low blow princess"
    "Call me princess again and I swear you vill lose your balls"
    "Hey you aren't here I'm safe until then. Besides you sort of need them for kids so..."
     "Asshole. Don't vorry, I'll get you back"
    "Mhmmm. We'll see about that"
    "And vhats that supposed to mean?"    
      "I think you know exactly what I mean. Lets face it, I do make you feel as if you fall over and pass out. I make all the ladies legs weak. And you always end up pleasing daddy anyways" he said lowly. I felt a shiver run down my back and he laughed "see, your thinking about it now"
    "Vhatever. I have to go, ill see you in a couple of hours, Ich leibe dich"
     "I love you to baby girl. See you when I get home" Ashley said.
    "Alright. Tchüss"
     "Bye beautiful" Ashley said one last time before I hung up and say back down "sorry about that"
     "Its not a problem" Opal said
  *Ashley POV*
    After Anubis hung up I looked at CC and he just shrugged
     "I honestly have no idea" he said as he looked at me. I sighed. Something was up, I had felt Anubis get up to answer her phone before she went out on the balcony. She never went out there unless she was talking to Dr. Mari. What was up with Anubis that had made her leave?
     "Are you sure that it isn't the orphanage stuff?" I asked. He shook his head
    "If it were Juniper would be helping but she's asleep" CC said. I sighed again "hey don't worry about ok. I'm sure that Anubis is fine and she'll tell you whatever she has to tell you when she's ready"
    "I know that" I said rubbing my knuckles before I looked down at my wedding ring, a small smile forming on my face before it faltered "I'm just worried. That's all, I don't want anything to happen to her.... again"
    "She's a hell of a strong girl, I'm sure she'll be fine" CC said
    "You're right."
   "Of course I am. Now lets go do some dumb shit" CC said. I laughed and got up off the couch
    "Hold on man, let me get dressed first. Its not like I can run around LA in my boxers"
     "You could but Anubis would kick your ass. Besides you didn't it all the time freshman year"
     "It wasn't all of LA, it was some of downtown LA and I was getting paid to do it" I said back
     "Just hurry up and get ready, I want to go try out that new arcade that opened up" CC said. I just shook my head and headed upstairs before I got ready and headed back down, CC and I leaving towards that arcade he wanted to try. Old habits never died for him.
*Anubis POV*
     we had finally finished the shirts and I was happy. Making shirts was a lot harder them it looked, we had both screwed up plenty of times during the process due to the fact we were cracking jokes and just talking. But they had come out amazingly well. Opal had gotten a black semi wrapped box and placed the two ones on the bottom before placing the mommy to shirt above those and the daddy shirt on the top before putting the lid on it and tying it shut with a  thin red ribbon.
     "Thank you again, and thank you for offering to take care of the Animals vhen I'm gone" I said as I walked to the door. Opal just smiled.
    " no need to thank me, it was a pleasure to help you. I love to help out when I can" Opal said.
    "Vell I really, truly appreciate this so much. I cant thank you enough"
     "Like I said no need. Ill see you when you get back from tour" Opal said as I opened the door and stepped back out into the hallway.
    "You too. Take care" I said before I headed back downstairs and to the car. All I had to do now really was get some pregnancy books so I could know what was going on with me and what I would experience so I could somewhat prepared for my situation and not flip the fuck out.
     Questions had raced through my mind, the typical self doubting ones and I did try to push them out of my mind for a bit but it didn't necessarily work. I finally reached the bookstore and or an hour or two I had searched through the shelves before I found the books I needed. After I left I picked up a shit ton of Apple sauce because I was craving it.
    I had changed into sweatpants and a tank top, went into the art room, and laid on the couch in their, Berlin curling up next to me and Icy slept  on the ground next to the couch. I red an ate  before of looked at the shirts
    I smiled as I looked at the four Jerseys, they had come out great. In silver it had spelled out Daddy 01, mommy 02, baby 01 and baby 02, in a silverish bronze front and back. I had a feeling Ashley Would love this, it was super cute. I was already tearing up in joy, we were finally going to start our own family. Words couldn't describe how happy I am. Ashley was going to be the first to find out anything before I told everyone else at dinner tonight.
    "Baby girl I'm home. Where are you?" I heard Ashley called out. I smiled happily before darting out of the room, after putting a lid on the black wrapped box, and into the living room. As soon as I had saw Ashley I had jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms wrapping around his neck as I peppered his face with kisses. Ashley laughed as he stumbled back and fell onto the couch
    "I missed you too baby girl" Ashley said, as I had ended up straddling him
    " (2) Ich habe die schönsten Neuigkeiten. Kommen Sie, ich muss Ihnen etwas zeigen und es kann nicht warten" I said excitedly " (3) Komm lass uns gehen. Eile"
    "Woah, OK calm down I'm coming" Ashley said chuckling. I got up and grabbed his had before dragging him down the hall
   " (4) es kann nicht warten"
    "What's got you so excited?" Ashley asked
     " (5) shhh wirst du bald herausfinden" I said sassily. We finally reached the art room before I pulled him in, set him on the shabby couch, grabbed the gift and handed it to him as I sat down next to him. He looked at me suspiciously before opening it. One by one he pulled out each shirt as I grinned, his eyes widening and jaw dropping when he saw the two onesies. I watched as his eyes filled with tears before looking at me.
     "You're.... you're pregnant?" He asked, his voice a whisper. I nodded beaming as his smile widened, second to the grin at our wedding
     "Ve're having twins" I said. Ashley suddenly set the box aside, got up, and picked me up spinning me around happily. I laughed as he did, grabbing onto his shoulders. His arms wrapped around my waist as he kissed me, deeply, his other hand on the nape of my neck
     "We're going to be a family" Ashley said happily against my lips "I'm going to be a dad"
    "I couldn't believe it either" I said as I watched Ashley's eyes sparkle
    "I love you so fucking much" Ashley said before he kissed me again " I cant express how much I love you"
    "Ich leibe dich" I said back. Ashley couldn't stop smiling
    "This is the best news I've heard all damn day" Ashley said softly "have you told anyone else yet?"
    "No. Just you  everyone else is going to find out at dinner tonight" I said "they should be here soon"
     "This is absolutely amazing. I'm so happy right now" Ashley said. I smiled as I saw tears of happiness streak down his face, along with mine. He pulled me into a tight hug and I hugged back, feeling his muscular arms hold me protectively and lovingly. I felt safe as I took a deep breath in, smelling the sweet cologne he wore, as I buried my head in the crook of his neck. I had never felt more happy in my life then I had now, Ashley holding me with our kids on the way
    "I should have known you were pregnant" Ashley said quietly
    "And vhy is that?" I asked curiously
    "I noticed your boobs were a bit bigger then they normally were"
    I couldn't help but laugh at that

Translation (match the number)
     1) sunlight that is disrupting my sleep
    2)   I have the most wonderful news.Come on I have to show you something and it can't wait
    3) come on, lets go. hurry
    4) it can not wait
     5) shhh  you will find out soon

 the shirts

 the shirts

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