Chap 4

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    It's been a month since Juniper came back. Ashley and I had been working on new songs before we had remembered to send out our wedding invitations. For some reason I had been feeling watched this past month, I sort of noticed it before but it became really noticable. I had told Ashley about it, so every night he had always checked the house making sure everything was locked and we kept a bat next to the bed. I remember one night he held me close, trying to talk me to sleep
      "Don't worry baby girl I won't let anything happen to you, I'll always protect you no matter what. And if someone ever took you they would have to pry you out of my arms and have to deal with me" He said as he kissed my head and held him protectively
   I was currently home alone cleaning the living room and blasting Metallica. I had just sent out and advertisement and sign up sheet, also letting CC know to talk to some of his drummer friends, for drumming auditions. Our last drummer, Mike, had quit on us for no reason. He claimed that we were treating him poorly but we didn't, we treated him like he mattered because he did, he was our drummer but he went off.
     All we were doing now was waiting. Me being me, I danced around in nothing but one of Ashley's shirts and sleeping shorts. Not once had I taken out the bow Ashley gave me and the necklace my dad gave me.
     Singing along to battery I had headbanged as I finished whipping off the glass coffee table. I threw away the napkin and pulled out one of the pregnancy tests I had bought today at the store. I had been feeling off all week, almost sick. I didn't think I was pregnant but I didn't want to take that chance, I wanted to make sure. Yea Ashley and I wanted to start a family, more then wanted to have our own, but we had wanted to wait until after we were married to have kids. I went to the bathroom and peed, all I had to do know was wait. As I did, I felt that feeling of being watched again but I brushed it off and looked at the test, but I never got the chance when I heard something shatter in the kitchen. I dropped the test and ran into the kitchen to see a figure, a bit taller then Ashley maybe five nine, dressed in all black. Just the posture gave away that they had to be older, at least in their  early fourties, late thirties. Definitely male 
    The figure looked at me and I looked at it, my heart racing in my chest. I needed to get to my phone, which had been on the counter behind him next to the fridge. All the sudden the man had lunged forwards quickly, jumping over the couch grabbing me before I could even blink. Panic set in and I began thrashing and kicking. After a few minutes I kicked something soft and his grip loosened. Taking the opportunity I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder, slamming him into the coffee table as it shattered into a thousand tiny pieces and the man. I looked up finding a dog toy, it was better then nothing.
   I went to run forward when the man grabbed my feet and I tripped. I screamed in pain as my elbows and side of my face slammed into the ground. Jolts of pain raced through my body and I gritted my teeth as blood trickled down my face
    "You're a lot tougher than you look" the guy said quickly and gruffly as he turned me around, sitting on me. For some reason his voice, though barely audible, sounded familiar
    "You aren't going to take me anywhere you creep, I vill beat your fucking ass" I growled
    " this vill be easier if you stopped struggling" the guy snapped
    " like hell" I spat. I found my strength and threw him into the wall. He groaned as I got up quickly and ran, more like limping into the kitchen. I grabbed one of the stools and threw it at him before it shattered into three pieces
    " you bitch" he snapped 
    "You're the one breaking into my house and attacking me" I screeched. The man moved quickly, tackling me to the ground the again as a black cloth was shoved in my mouth and I was pinned. All the sudden another guy dressed in black, leaner and smaller possibly younger, ran in holding a syringe full of liquid
     "It tool you about time boy. Give it to me" the man said as he took the syringe and plunged it into my neck. I screamed into the cloth as I felt the liquid race through my body. Slowly I felt my body shut down, betraying me as my vision slowly went black. No matter how hard I tried to fight back I couldn't, my body wouldn't let me
     " (1) guten nacht. Ruhe jetzt kleine schakale" the first guy said. A wave of realization hit me. Only one person I know had ever said that to me, only one person ever said that and no wonder he sounded familiar. But how could that be? Last I knew he was dead? How was my dad still alive? And that was when my world went completely black. 
  *Ashley POV*
  I had just got back from picking up the Chinese food Anubis had wanted for dinner
    "Hey baby girl I'm back" I called out as soon as I stepped through the doors. No answer and certainly no dogs. It was quiet "baby girl are you here?"
     Anubis would have never gone out for a walk this late and she would always text me if she went somewhere. She certainly wasn't asleep because she was a light sleeper, everything she heard at night woke her up. I started to panic, my heart racing as I stepped into the living room. My jaw dropped at the mess, glass was shattered all along the floor, the coffee table was gone, a bar stool laid in three pieces on the ground the kitchen window was broken. I set the food on the counter and ran around, calling out for Anubis hoping she was here and un hurt. Please hope she's here  please tell me she's un harmed and is here I thought.
     I ran around for twenty minutes calling out for her, my eyes lining with tears. I couldn't find her anywhere. My heart felt heavy along with my throat. This was my fault.  
    "No" I said my voice barley above a whisper, tears starting to race down my cheeks "no no no no" I cried.  She can't be gone  I thought she just can't
     I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and called 911.
    "Hell 911 what's your emergency?" A male asked
    "I just got home and the living room is wrecked, their is blood on the floor and my fiancee is missing, she's gone" I said hysterically
  " sir I'm going to need you to calm down"
    "Calm down, no I can't fucking calm down my fiancee is missing"
    "Sir just please calm down. What is your address?"
    "1192 Wilmington road" I said my voice shaky
    "The police are on their way" the man said. As soon as the line dropped I called juniper
    "Hey Ash, what's up? we're heading out over to your house" Juniper asked cheerfully, laughing a bit. I heard everyone in the background all having fun. I stayed silent as I sat in the couch tears still running down my cheeks, thats when I heard the music get turned down and everyone go silent "Ashley what's wrong?"
   "Anubis... she's gone" I said, my voice cracking
    "What do you mean gone?" 
   "I don't know when I got here the place was wrecked... I looked for Anubis everywhere but I couldn't find her anywhere... she's missing"
    "Oh my god, we'll be right over, CC I'm going to need you to break about a thousand laws and get to Ashley's now its a emergency " and with that Juniper hung up. I threw my phone down and grabbed a pillow, crying into it. How could I have let this happen?
    I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer, I was doing what I knew best. What I had promised Anubis I wouldn't do so much of, to mend mt broken heart. I couldn't deal with the pain and I knew I was going to regret it later before I made my way back to the couch. No sooner then I had everyone busted through, before the cops even came, and Juniper tackled me in a huge bear hug.
  "  Ashley I am so sorry " she said as everyone stared at the mess of the living room
    "This is just awful" Alex said
     "This place is an absolute mess" Eva stated as juniper broke the hug and we all sat down
    "When did this happen? What happened?" Jake asked
     "I don't know... I just got home because Anubis had asked to get Chinese and when I came home.... the place was a mess, I haven't seen the dogs. I looked around for twenty minutes and still couldn't find her" I said as I cried even more. 
     Alex and Aries pulled me into a tight hug and tried comforting me. Finally the cops had gotten here and did their investigation, asking me questions and repeating what I told them. I sat on the couch, watching the TV with all the film Anubis was on, from interviews, to pictures, to small videos I had taken of her being her. I was maybe on my tenth beer when I heard a knock on the door.
    "I got it" Alex said
    "Its fine, I've got it" I said  setting my beer down and getting up before walking towards the door and opening it. I saw six people at the door. One was a tall slightly older man with black hair, the next one was a older man with some Italian in him. The next man was tall and lanky, like a toothpick, compared to the black muscled man next to him. Then their were two girls, one was tall with blond hair and the other was shorter and more on the chunky side with blond hair.
    "Hello?" I asked.
    "Hello Mr. Purdy. I'm special agent Hotchner and this is my team, agent Rossi" the dark haired man said pointing to the Italian "dr. Reid" he said pointing to the skinny boy "agent morgen" pointing to the muscled man "agent JJ" pointing to the tall blond " and our tech analyst Penelope Garcia" pointing to the shorter blond "we understand that your fiancee Anubis Armbruster had been kidnapped and in serious danger. Do you mind if we ask a few questions and take a look around?"
     "Of course not, come in. Everyone is in the living room and just call me Ashley" I said as I stepped out of the way to let them in. Shutting the door I lead them into the living room. I sat down on the couch and introduced everyone to each other before I took another sip of my beer 
    "So how long have you guys known Anubis?" Reid asked
    "Senior year, two years ago. She had just moved here from Florida. She's family to us" Andy said
    "All that time you spent together, did anyone notice any changes in her mood it behavior? Did she do anything out of the ordinary, maybe someone she was talking too or hung out with?" Hotchner asked
    "She was happier when her and Ashley started going out and when her mom was gone, but I don't know anything after that I had gone to college" Juniper said
    "Nothing was off about her except for when that thing hit for girls. She got along with a lot of the fans, their were some who went ballistic over her and Ashley's relationship or were obsessed with her. But she didn't really hang out with anyone new besides us because she's shy" Jinxx said
     " do you know of any enemies?" JJ asked. I shrugged
    "Like I said some of the fans, they send hate mail almost on a daily basis along with the online stuff. Her mom was an enemy but she had gotten arrested in senior year, along with Tiffany Marin but she's also in jail" I answered
    "Then you guys have those stalkers" Lexi added
    " I don't understand why any one would want to harm Anubis though. She was such a sweet smart girl" Jake said as he shook his head and rubbed lexi's back
    "Do you know of any visiting family members?" Hotchner asked. I shook my head
   " her brother luke is off at college at USC he doesn't come home until Thanksgiving" I said "she never talked about any other family except her brother, dead dad and mom"
    "She has a Aunt and two cousins in Germany. Their supposed to be visiting LA this week" Morgen said
    "We never knew she had any other family" Aries said
    "She probably didn't even know she did, considering she came to America at five" CC said
     "Hotch" Rossi said walking into the room, holding what looked like tranquilizing darts before Berlin and Icy came running into the room, jumping on the couch and licking me. I only gave a small smile "whoever it was tranked (?) The dogs, they must have been stalking this place out for a while"
     "Anubis did say she had the feeling of being watched for a while" I said
    "And how long ago did that start?" Reid asked
    "Well a month ago, but she said she felt it a little bit before that" I answered. I felt a surge of anger rush through me "I'm getting another beer" I grumbled quietly getting up. But CC saw through me and grabbed my arn stopping me "let go"
   "Dude you have to slow down, that's like your tenth beer" CC said
   "So, your point being?"
    "You shouldn't do it. You promised"
    "Why are you telling me to stop, you can't control me I can do whatever I want" I snapped. The room went silent as everyone looked at me shocked
   "Ashley" Juniper said agitated
    "Why are you acting this way man, this isn't like you" CC said his voice raising. That was when I broke broke down and the tears raced down my cheek again
     "Because it's my fault, don't you get it, it's my fault Anubis is who knows where, probably hurt and I wasn't here to protect you. I broke my promise, I told her that I wouldn't let anything happen to her I told her I would protect her but I wasn't here to do something as simple as that. Whatever is happening to her is on me, its my fault, and I cant forgive myself for that I lost her, before I could tell I loved her one more time" I yelled. The tears just streamed down my cheek.
     Suddenly Juniper got up and gave me a big hug, before setting me down on the couch
   "Ashley it isn't your fault, you didn't know that this was going to happen. Don't beat yourself up, she loves you and she knows you love her. She wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Right now she's probably thinking that your safe and you'll come get her" Juniper said.
     "Ashley, we will get Anubis back safely I can promise you that. We wont rest until we get her back. The man who did this will go away for a long long time" JJ said reassuringly.
     "Man? How do you know its a man?" Jinxx asked "what do you know? I think all of us here deserve to know what's happening"
    "Hotch...." Morgen said.
   "Its alright morgen, he's right they should know. A few months ago we picked up a trend. Girls that looked like Anubis had been taken but always released them. We think that whoever this person is was working their way up to Anubis. From what the girls described their were two men, one in his early fourties, with a German accent. The other was a younger boy, but an American accent The man they were talking about was Torsten Jörg Heinz, a world wide assassin after his supposed death in Egypt a while back, this Guy is extremely dangerous but he only takes out important figures in higher political places" Hotchner said.    
     "We will keep you guys updated." JJ said. I watched as Reid and Rossi were talking to one of the few police officers left  
    "Do you think that whoever this is will come after the rest of us?" Eva asked
    "Eva, this isn't about you. We're trying to find Anubis. If they wanted you they would have taken you instead" Juniper snapped Angrily
    "It was just a question" Eva snapped back
     "We have a problem, Ilsa Armbruster has just broken out of prison" Reid said. My blood froze, Anubis's mom had to be apart of this, their was no doubt about it.
     "We'll check it out in the morning, right now we need to go back to the hotel-" Hotchner said
    "You guys can stay here if you want, you are more then welcome to. Anubis would say I'm being rude if I didn't offer. We have enough room for you to set up and a computer room if needed" I said 
    "Oh please Hotch we have to" Penelope said. Hotch sighed
    "Alright. But we are going to need all footage and pictures with Anubis, access to phone-"  
     "Anything you need" Juniper said, "we just want our friend back"
    " we'll do a brief walk through" Hotchner said as everyone went to walk around. JJ Just looked at Juniper
   "You're pregnant, aren't you?" JJ said     
    "How did you know?" Juniper asked shocked.
    "You're mood swings, the way you're getting defensive. You're tired" JJ said before she went to join the rest of the team "you should probably rest, don't stress yourself"
    "You're pregnant?" CC asked, his eyes watering in joy. Juniper nodded 
    "Yea, I found out a couple of nights ago. I was going to tell everyone tonight but this happened" Juniper said. CC got up happily and kissed her as everyone awwed. I smiled but deep down I was hurting,
    I showed the agents their rooms, as I listened to Garcia talk about how much of a huge fan she was of Holy sin and how Anubis was absolutely amazing.
    I had gone into the hall bathroom when I noticed something on the floor. Bending over I picked it up  see it was a pregnancy test, it was negative but still. Did Anubis get the chance to see it before she was taken? For all she knew she was scared and possibly pregnant. I threw it away and headed towards our room, Berlin and Icy following close behind.
    I climbed into bed and grabbed Anubis's pillow, holding it close as I breathed in her scent like it was the last thing I owned. I hoped that she was safe and ok. I wouldn't stop until she was back in my arms as I thought of our happy moments together. Something about the Morgen guy didn't sit right with me at all. 
  *Morgen POV*
   I settled into one of the guests rooms that Ashley had given us. I told hotch that I would review the videos and photos with Garcia's help. Something about Anubis had drawn me to her, besides her sexiness, I didn't know what it was. I didn't understand why someone would want to hurt her. How could she have dated someone like Ashley, one thing was for sure, I was going to try to make her mine once she got back safely
    "Ahh this is amazing, I cant believe I'm in my idols home. I wish it were under different circumstances but still" Garcia said as I walked into the computer room
    "I didn't know you listened to-" I started
    "Rock. I know but Ashley and her make such great music. Plus their music videos and interviews are amazing" Garcia said pulling up videos "besides their is a lot you don't know about me"
   "I can tell" 
    "One being my small fangirl crush on Ashley" Garcia said "opps, did I just say that out loud?"
    "Yea you did" I said, chuckling as we watched the first video

translations (match the numbers)
    1) good night. Rest now little jackel

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