Chap 21

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     I was currently sitting on the couch, holding little Oliver in my arms close to my chest. I watched as he slept peacefully in my arms. He was just so adorable and tiny. I couldn't believe that Ashley and I were about to have our own.
     I sat on Ashley's lap, Ashley had one arm around me, his thumb slowly rubbing my arm and the other resting on my stomach. His head had gently rested against mine as he kept kissing my head and temple. Everyone had sat around us on the couch just laughing and talking, we finished dinner few hours ago and now we were just relaxing.
     "You would make an amazing mother" Jake said. I looked up to see him smiling.
    "Thank you. That means a lot" I said returning the smile
    "Seriously I may just have to kidnap you" Alexandria said. I chuckled. Ashley kissed my cheek, before his lips grazed my ear. I shivered
    "Do you want to tell them or should?" Ashley whispered in my ear before he kissed my jaw gently. I turned and looked at him, his eyes still held that same sparkle, my lips grazing his 
     "I don't care, its vhatever you vant to do" I whispered back
    "I just want you to be happy with it" 
     "Outlaw, ve're starting a future, I could honestly care less who says it. But ve could always do it together"
     "Together" Ashley said "that sounds great"
     "And what are you too whispering about over there? This is supposed to be a friend get together, not 'lets whisper things into my wifes ear that may or may not be appropriate'" juniper said sassily. Everyone laughed.
     "I like how you assume that Juniper" Ashley said back
     "We all know I'm right"
     "In sorry to I form you juniper but you are vrong this time. Ashley and I have something to tell you all" I said 
     "Juniper? Wrong? Oh this is going to be fun I wonder what juniper is wrong about" Lexi said jokingly. Juniper just flipped her off and more laughing erupted.
      "Anyways. I vent to the doctors the other day and I got some news"
      "Anubis and I are expecting two little ones on the way" Ashley said beaming. Everyone's face dropped in shock before a look of happiness and cheerfulness crossed their faces.
    "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE HAVING A KID, THIS IS AMAZING" Alex shouted excitedly.
     "Well now I don't have to hear you to go at it all the time" Jinxx said jokingly "congratulations you two"
    "This is absolutely amazing" Alexandria beamed. Everyone had looked happy, Andy had too but their was something else mixed in it he looked as if he weren't as happy as the others.
     "Wait a second... did you just say you're having two new additions?" Jake asked. I nodded
    "Ve're having twins" I said happily.
     "Double the fun" Lexi shouted in joy "this is amazing. You guys are going to be amazing parents"
     "I swear if were having a girl I am not letting any guy near her at all" Ashley said. Everyone laughed
    "That's a bit hypocritical don't you think? It didn't stop you at all" CC said laughing.
     "I know. But still, nothing is going to happen to any of my babies" Ashley said protectively as he held me closer and set his head on my shoulder as best as he could. The girls awwed as I blushed.
    "So are you having god parents?" Lexi asked curiously. I nodded.
     "Oh I call god mother" Juniper said excitedly
     "Why do you always get the good stuff? First its bridesmaid and now its this, it's no fair" Andy pouted
    "That's because I'm awesome and Anubis is my bestest friend and she is mine" Juniper said back sassily.
     "Um excuse me she's my bestest friend and she likes me better. I think that I should have the title of god mother"
    "Bitch you thought" Juniper shot back  
     "Um excuse me I knew Anubis longer then any of yall" Lexi said
     "Um excuse me, but its obviously me" Eva said as she flipped her hair
     "No its going to be me because I walked her down the isle." Alex said. Everyone watched as  Andy and the girls started arguing.
     "Look at what you started" Jake said jokingly. I glared at him  
     "Hey I didn't start anything, they took this upon themselves. But I do have a OBGYN checking in to hotels for me so I may have to miss a few performances" I said
    "We figured as much" Jinxx said "I think its much safer if you just stayed home, especially because you're having twins. That's going to put a lot of stress on your body"
    "Im fine. As long as my vater doesn't break vhile performing im fine. Im perfectly capable of doing things vhile pregnant" I said
    "Oh no, if you thought I was going to let you wander around and overwork yourself you are wrong. I am going to make sure that you stay still" Ashley said. I looked at him 
     "You cant make me do that, I am a independent voman vho can do vhatever I please." I said 
     "Yes but you also happen to be pregnant with more then of with child sooooo that means you need to relax more" Ashley said back
     "You cant make me" I said poutingly
      "Oh yes I will"
      "He does have a point. You're going to need to relax as much as possible" CC said "trust me, juniper isn't having twins like you guys but I already now the pain she's going through so it'll be double with you"
     "I thought you had my back you jerk" I said jokingly
     "Anubis can you just please choose who the god mother is already?" Lexi, more like started. I sighed and nodded before everyone shut up instantly
     "The god father is Juniper and Andy is the god mother" I said. Andy and juniper cheered
     "Man, how come I never get to be apart of something big in your life" Eva pouted
      "Because you haven't really been involved in Anubis's life as the rest of us have" Alex pointed out. Eva just sort of glared at her before letting out a little scoff. Oh boy not this again.
     "Anyways, have you guys thought of any names yet? I know its too early for the gender and all" Alexandria asked
      "We thought of a few" Ashley said 
      "Well can we hear them?" Lexi and Alex asked curiously. We both shook our heads
       "Nope. Thats a surprise for vhen the babies are born. You guys are not allowed to find out before then" I said
       "Ugh but that's no fun" Alex whined 
     "Well that's sort of retarded" Eva said. Alex smacked her upside the head  "what? If just were pregnant I'd give off ideas"
     "Well it isn't your baby and you aren't pregnant" Alex said
     "Exactly, and not only that but it is Anubis and Ashley's choice. They obviously want to keep it a surprise and that is their choice, not yours to make. They are allowed to do things how they want, not everyone is like you" Juniper said sassily.
     "No need to get rude" Eva said as she got up and sat on  Andy's lap. Andy wrapped his arm around her waist
     "Want to say that a little bit louder?" Juniper sassed back.
     "Guys lets just calm down" Ashley said "Juniper and Anubis are pregnant  they don't need to be dealing with this"
     "Finally someone gets it" Alexandria said. I got up slowly and and handed Oliver back to Alexandria    
      "Done already?" She asked curiously as she took the baby back
       "I vould hold him longer but I'm super tired, like I'm literally on the verge of passing out" I said. I walked over to Ashley and kissed him softly "you guys can stay longer if you vuys vant. Im just heading to bed"
    "Do you want me to come with you?" Ashley asked
    "No its fine, you stay and have fun" I said. He gave me those big mushy eyes that sent my heart into little flips
    "Alright. Keep the bed warm for me?" He asked, getting used to and enjoying his little question
     "Vhen don't I?" I asked before the walked down the halls to our room. Before I even got changed into my PJ's I had realized that I hadn't put shadow and Coco up at all. I threw on the closest thing, which had coincidentally been Ashley's Hustler hoodie  that reached just beneath my ass and a pair of white with black stripe thigh high socks. I absolutely loved thigh high socks, and so did Ashley, which was why I had tried to wear them as much as I could.
      Without thinking, or putting on any  bottoms, I walked back down through the living room. I felt Ashley's eyes on me along with another persons. Ashley whistled as I opened up the door  
     "Damn sexy, look at you" Ashley said laughing. I just smiled and flipped him off as I walked outside. The sky was pitch black and the only light was from the porch light and stables. The only noise was a the soft sound of crickets and the occasional rustle of bushes from the breeze that passed by.
     I held myself tightly as I got chills from the cold air around me. You would think that by now I would be used to it, but I wasn't. Still got cold easily, still hated the cold. Not much about me had changed really, at least not that I knew of anyways.
     After a while of walking I finally reached the two beautiful horses grazing in the pasture.
  *Ashley POV*
     I watched as Anubis walked away, she was so freaking gorgeous. I was beyond happy to find out that we were going to have kids, our own kids, running around. The thought brought a smile to my face.
     "So you never told us what you were doing for Anubis's birthday" Jinxx stated "because I know somebody kept asking about what was happening"
     "Hey don't judge me" Aries said pouting as she buried herself into Jinxx's side.  I just chuckled.
     "Yea. We're just having a lazy day around the house and then a midnight picnic with Juniper and CC. Are you still bringing the blackforest cake? " i asked. Juniper added. The sucky part was we had to take out the alcohol from it because the pregnancies.
     "Why do I get excluded from everything?" Eva asked. Juniper was starting to get agitated and shot Eva a look
     "Well lets see you always end up making it about you, you're full of too much drama, you and Anubis don't really have a lot in common so its hard to compromise. Should I go on?" Juniper snapped
     "Guys lets just chill out" Jake said as tension filled the room.
     "Just chill ok, I'm on my period" Eva said rolling her eyes.
    "And, so what? Im pregnant. And besides that fact, being on your period or not, you don't act like that" Juniper said back
     "I wasn't using it as an excuse" Eva said back
    "Hey lets just stop and talk about something else. Lets change the subject, this isn't worth fighting over" Andy said
     "I wasn't even the one who said anything to continue it on" Eva said. I stood up suddenly and cleared my throat
     "You know what, I'm going to go take a shower and head off to bed, today was an exhausting day. You guys can stay until whenever just lock the door you" I said before I walked to the bedroom. I grabbed my pajamas and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I wondered if Anubis had worn her thigh highs on purpose, she knew that when she had those on I was literally at her will. They brought me to my knees because they had looked amazing on her, I bit my lip just thinking about it. After a whole I finished my shower, drying off and putting on my sweat pants before walking into the room. I smiled when I saw Anubis laying on her side on the bed.
     I walked over to the bed and crawled behind her. Pulling the covers over us I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
    "I thought you vere going to stay down stairs vith everyone" Anubis said ad she turned around to look at me, her leg over mine. She traced light patterns on my chest with her fingers.  I shivered a bit, no matter how many times she had done it it still made me shiver.
     "I was, but then Juniper and Eva started to get into a argument or whatever. I decided I wanted to be with you instead and Listening to them argue did not sound like any fun and I didn't want to sit through that"
     "And vhat are they arguing about?"    She asked. I shook my head
    "I have no idea. I guess its hormones and they're arguing over some petty shit. I mean with Eva on her period and Juniper pregnant..."
     "Ahhhh. So eva gets petty on her period. I'm not going to stop those two"
    "You shouldn't have too baby girl, especially with you one being pregnant. You don't need the unnecessary stress" I said. I felt Anubis wiggle closet, placing her head on my chest  before letting out a content sigh
      "You vant to know vhat I love about sleeping next to you" Anubis said quietly. I hummed in response

     "And what's that?"
     "You're heart. I love listening your heart beat. It lets me know that this isn't all a dream, and its real. It lets me know that you are alive and its soothing" Anubis said as she kissed my cheek, taking my had in hers.
    "How did I find someone as amazing as you?" I asked as I kissed her knuckles
      "I could ask the same for you. Things happen and I'm grateful that you happened to show up in my life. Imagine what it would be like if ve had never met" she said as she looked up at me, her eyes shimmering. How could they have shined so bright with very little light. I froze.
     "Life would probably absolutely suck if I didn't have you by my side. I'd still be stuck in my old ways, living life carelessly and trying to fill in the whole you filled. But sooner or later I would run into you, and I would know its you because from the moment I looked into your eyes I saw my whole future, my whole world" I said. She smiled
     "Vell, if I hadn't met you I vould probably be all alone just vorring about myself and Luke. I'd probably still be dealing vith mom and not knowing that dad vas alive. I'd be farther along in my studies and not my musical career. Life vould probably suck" Anubis said as she nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck and got closer to me, looking for warmth.
     "You wouldn't be alone, guys look at you all the time. You would just be with an asshole who would hurt you" I said "but in the end I would save you, after all I am your knight and shining armor"
    "No you aren't" she said, giggling softly "you're my king and you always vill be"
     "Every king needs his queen. And his prince and princesses"
     "And you say you aren't going to be a great father. You vill be an amazing dad"
    "Yea well I'm going to be the best I can be, just like you who will be an amazing mother" I said
    "Can you sing me to sleep?" Anubis asked, her voice starting to get more sleepier by the minute
     "Of course baby doll"  I said sweetly "anything in particular"
    "Surprise me"
   "Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby, when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts, I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby, you surround me
Touch every place in my heart
And it feels like the first time every time
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do, oh
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you " I sang
     I looked down to see Anubis already passed out, her mouth open slightly. She looked so cute and innocent. It sent  my heart into flutters. I carefully kissed the top of her forehead
     "I love you so much baby girl" I said quietly. I thought of tomorrow, and I had decided that I was going make Anubis breakfast in bed. All I needed to do was get up early enough not to wake her up Anubis. I didn't want her to know I wanted her to be surprised. She did so much for everyone and expected nothing at all whatsoever. I just hoped that she would like it, I had never attempted to make a German Breakfast so I was going to see if Greta could help me get it done before she had left for school. This was going to be interesting that was for sure

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