Chap 10

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*Anubis POV*
     Its been two days since I last saw Ashley and learned the whole truth about Ashley and Eva. Last I heard Andy had found out, and he had been upset about it too but he and Eva worked things out. I honestly didn't know what to do, I stilled loved Ashley and I always would but I didn't know If I  should forgive just yet. The whole time I stayed with CC and juniper I had helped out around the house and tried to work on my stuff, like music, but I couldn't. It was me and Ashley's work, I couldn't do that by myself it just didn't feel right. And it reminded me of him.
   Juniper and CC were out, both at the doctors for the ultrasound and check up. I was at their house alone just minding my own business. I was in my pajamas, sitting cross legged on the couch eating a tub of ice cream I bought, watching supernatural. More like binge watching. Not once when I was gone did Ashley try to call or text. Had he been trying to give me space? Did he care about me anymore? Did he move on and forgot about me? I know I had been jumping to conclusions but I was confused, I didn't know what to feel, what to think. All I had felt was heart ache, hence why I had the ice cream.
     I watched as Dean had just sold his soul to a crossroads demon to save sam. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. Odd. Juniper and CC weren't expecting anyone today and they rarely had people knocking on there doors and dad wasn't supposed to be around for a while . I paused the show and got up  setting my ice cream on the coffee table and throwing the blanket off of me before walking to the door and opening it just a crack and peeked out. I saw Ashley stand there with a bouquet of black and red roses, he looked awful
     "Vhat do you vant?" I asked a bit harshly. I didn't mean to, it just sort if happened and I felt my throat swell up again.
    "Look, before you shut the door on me or do whatever your about to do let me explain myself, I owe you that" Ashley said. I sighed and opened the door up a bit more before leaning on the door frame. "I know what I did was wrong, very very wrong I should have told you before but I was being stupid. I never wanted to hurt you, it wasnt my intention. And if you hate me I understand, I probably deserve a lot worse and you had a huge right to be upset. But being without you and knowing that I did something to hurt you and push you away kills me inside, I couldn't forgive myself if I lost you. Their are no words to describe how sorry I am. I cant go another day without you, I've cried myself to sleep, I almost drank but I told myself not to. You probably won't believe me but Anubis I am really sorry for everything, you are my happiness my everything I will do anything to get you back even if it means begging right here right now-"
     "Ashley I forgive you" I said. He looked at me, a glimmer in his eyes.    
     "Really?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, my eyes starting to tear up
     "I should be the one apologizing" I said "I over reacted to the vhole thing and I never gave you a chance to explain, I know you didn't mean  hurt me-"
     "Baby girl, you have nothing to apologize for. You were right, if the roles had been switched I would have been upset myself" Ashley said before he handed me the roses. I took them and smiled  
     "Come here" I said. I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him close to me, slamming my lips to his. God I missed his lips, I missed him. Instantly he kissed back, wrapping his arms around my waist
     "Lets promise to never fight again, it kills me inside when we do" Ashley said against my lips. I grin
    "Of course. Three fights out of the vhole time ve have been together, I think vere doing great" I said
       "Lets not fight again, under any circumstances"
       "Agreed. I cant take the fighting"
    "You have no idea how much I've missed you" Ashley murmured before kissing me
    "Lets go home"
    "Home sounds good" I said "just let me get my stuff"
   I walked back inside and shut off the TV and cleaned up my mess before going upstairs and packing my stuff before writing juniper a note
     Sorry to panic you if you cant find me but me and Ashley made up and I'm heading home now. We'll see you when we get to the islands before heading to Isla Iguana in Panama for our wedding. I cleaned the house while you were gone, the dishes are clean and put up and your laundry is done. Thank you again for letting me stay with you while this blew over I owe you big time
    I left the note on the counter here Juniper would see it before grabbing my ice cream also and walking out
     "Do you need help with anything?" Ashley asked, offering to take something my bag. I shook my head
     "I'm good. You know vhat sounds good right now?"
     "What does?"
      "Sitting on the couch binge vatching supernatural. That's vhat ve are doing vhen ve get home" Ashley laughed.
     "Of course" he said. I didn't realize how late it was, the sun had already set, it was maybe eight already. I walked to my car and put my stuff inside, Ashley sitting in the passenger seat 
      "Did you valk all the vay here?" I asked as I started the car and pulled out the drive. Ashley nodded
      "Yea, I didn't think about it. I couldn't really take me bike over with the roses they would have been destroyed... and I figured walking three miles was worth it for you. Besides it isn't the first time that we haven't done anything like that"
     "Like the camping trip the first veek I got here" I said as i looked at him. He smiled
     "That was a great weekend, especially when I sort of taught you how to dance next to that river"
     "Or that time you threw me into the river" I said, laughing slightly
     "You cant still be holding a grudge against me for that, can you?"
     "Maybe I can, maybe I can't" I said smiling "but just so you know ve have a big ass pool outback, so I vould vatch your back if I vere you"
     "Why would I when I can just let you have your revenge or payback or whatever you call it" Ashley said
     "Vell that's no fun, I live for the thrill and mystery. Suspense only" I said. Ashley just laughed  after a while we finally got home and I let out a small sigh of relief. I really did miss this place. I grabbed my stuff and walked inside Ashley close behind me but when I walked inside their was a large reaper stuffed animal, in its arms was a large read heart that read Im sorry in cursive. I looked at Ashley
     "I didn't really expect the roses to work" he said. Throwing my stuff on the ground I gave Ashley a big hug
     "Its amazing" I said into the crook of his neck. He hugged me back tightly      
     "Im just glad that I got you back" Ashley murmured. I laughed and broke the hug  
    "I'll be right back" I said as I grabbed my stuff and the huge reaper "I swear if you touched my ice cream I vill kick your ass"
    "I would dream of it" he said. I headed off to the be room and put my stuff up. Truth was I really did miss this place, I had been homesick despite the short time I was away. Don't get me wrong, I loved juniper and I loved staying with her but it wasn't where my home was, my heart was.
     My heart was with Ashley, despite all the pain that happened and the pain to come, I still loved him and I always would. Where ever he was, I was, he is my home. 
     I walked back down stairs to see Ashley sitting in the couch. Just as I was about to sit down some one knocked on the door and I groaned
    "Every time it never fails" I said as I walked over to the door. I opened it and saw Eva standing there. Sighing I stepped outside shutting the door behind me "yes?"
     "I have some apologizing and explaining to do" Eva said sadly. I crossed my arms
    "You think" I said. She looked up at me and sighed
   "I know what Ashley and I did was wrong. I shouldn't have his from you that we had dated, I should have let you known especially because you guys started dating you had a huge huge right to know. You're my best friend and I made  stupid mistake. I panicked and I was so frozen in fear that you would hate me and we would ruin our friendship. And after seeing the fight between you and Tiffany, and how you kicked her ass I got worried. I thought I was protecting you and thinking was it was better if you didn't know but I see I was wrong"
     "You thought that not telling me vas protecting me? That is literally the most stupid thing I've ever heard of in my entire life that sort of thing only gets people hurt and it only actually vorks in movies, not real life. I still cant believe that you didn't come and tell me, those years we've been friends or Ashley and I have been together and you didn't once bother to say anything to me. Stuff like that is important, how am I supposed to sleep now knowing that you and Ashley slept vith each other and I'm supposed to pretend that its ok because ve're friends? I can't brush something like that off ever
      "And not telling me this only brings friendships apart. How am I supposed to trust you to tell me something important vhen you couldn't have told me something like this, a simple truth, that's all I vanted. Sure I vould have been a bit upset and veird about the vhole thing but its better then being lied to. And that vouldn't make me beat your ass."
     "I know" Eva said quietly
     "I am going to forgive you-"
     "Really?" She asked looking up at me shocked "sorry"
      "Im going to forgive you, but I don't know how if or vhen Im going to fully trust you again. This hurt more then you could have imagined, I mean keeping this from me vas sort of huge. I vill see you and Andy on the nineteenth at Isla Iguana"
     "Wait you and Ashley are still getting married?"
    "Of course ve are. I still love him and I always vill" I said.
    "Thank you again. I just wanted to make things right" Eva said before walking off back into the night. I gave a small smile before I turned around and walked back I side before shutting the door and sitting on the couch, snuggling into Ashley's side as he wrapped his arm around me.
     "You're always so comfy" I said "and varm"
    "I've been told that I can be a pillow" Ashley said. Suddenly Aunt Christiana walked out. I sighed. I almost forgot that they had been here
    "Is their something I can help you vith?" I asked as I looked at her
   "Oh nothing... I just over heard that you vere going to that one island in the Caribbean... Isla Iguana I believe its called. May I ask vhy you are going and vhen?" She asked
    "Our vedding if you must know, one you aren't invited to seeing you've only been here to get my money and have been extremely rude" I snapped "and it doesn't matter vhen ve go because you vill be out of my house"
    "Vere going to a Caribbean island?" Thomas asked "that sounds exciting" Thomas said as he walked out if nowhere, Greta following behind
    "No dear" Aunt Christiana said snobbishly as she liked at her kids " your cousin is to selfish to invite us to her vedding. She doesn't vant family around, they aren't important to her"
     "That's it" Ashley snapped "we are both fed up with your complete bullshit. Just because your Anubis's family doesn't mean you get an all access pass to her life. You didn't know she existed or bother to reach out to her especially when she was abused and nearly killed. She does value family but you guys haven't earned the right to be called family and its my wedding too and I sure as hell don't want you there because you are rude, selfish, ignorant people. I want you out of my house now I will not have you talking to my wife like that at all"
    "And if I vere you, how about you make sure that you give up all your parenting rights to us for Greta because I am not letting you take her back so you can abuse her again. Dont think I don't know about vhat you've done to her and you sure as hell vont vant me to fight you for it" I said. Greta looked at me happily as I stood up and got in Aunt Christiana's face
    "You are a disgrace to your family, to Germany. You are disowned" she spat. I only smirked.
    "I vas never part of your family to be disowned. And another thing my family vas already fucked up. Last thing I checked if I vere such a disgrace to Germany then vhy dies have of Germany, hell the vhole vorld, knows my name, they love me. I don't need you in my life so do me a favor and lose all contact vith me, but Greta stays vith me"
    "Fine. You'll gladly get all rights to my disgrace of a daughter" aunt Christiana said. She turned around and walked back to her room
    "I officially hate my family. Their all assholes" I said 
    "Hey" Greta said  
    "Sorry, not you, just everyone else. You do realize this means now that you vill have duel citizenship like me and have to take tour citizenship vhen your eighteen, unless you move back to Germany after eighteen" I said. She nodded
     "I do. Im not sure vhat I vant to do yet" she said. I nodded
    "Vell its been a long day, so tonight I am going to relax and tomorrow ve vill look for a flower girl dress for you tomorrow morning and get everything all situated" I said. I sat back down and laid across Ashley, throwing the blanket over me and putting on supernatural as I ate my ice cream.
    Greta and Thomas had gone back to their rooms but not before Thomas had given me a death glare as he did. I seriously wanted to beat the living shit out if that snobby ass kid just to teach him a lesson of two.
    I don't know how long I had been watching TV but I know that Ashley had passed out. I had looked up to see his sleeping face and his steady breathing had almost out me to sleep but I forced myself to stay awake, I couldn't miss when castiel made his grand entrance that was the best part.       
     But despite how much I fought to stay awake, even after finishing a while tub of ice cream, I still couldn't help but have that feeling of falling asleep at all. I caved. I turned off the TV and, without waking Ashley, got up throwing away my mess before laying myself back on him and falling asleep. Today had drained me totally, mentally and physically. I want the week to be over with, I wanted to speed up the days so Ashley and I could finally get married, we waited to long and I didn't want anything else to happen again before we did get married. Please just let the weeks past by fast

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