2. I'll Do Her For You

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Hearing that the show would be back hit me harder than I expected. For the next two weeks, Val wouldn't leave my mind. It didn't help that whenever a friend, or family member, or even a fan brought the show up, they'd also talk about her since our characters were romantically involved.

The good news was that those two weeks passed smoothly, with no harassing from paparazzi or crazy people in my garbage. I was even able to go out with some of my old friends from high school and be in peace for once. Surprisingly, most of them were already married and had families, so they had no common interests with me anymore. I kept zoning out during the whole thing until someone said my name, dragging me out of my bored daze.

"... By the way, Ash, I'm following this season. You're a badass!" Sebastian said.

"Dude! Spoiler alert!" my cousin Jakup said. "I'm only halfway through season three."

"Fine! Fine! I won't say anything." Sebastian rolled his eyes. "I'm just saying... What the fuck?"

"I know... Thanks," I said. 

I knew he wasn't talking about just me. I was wondering how long until one of them would bring that up.

"Are you and that chic for real?"


"What chick?" I pretended not to know.

"The one who plays the witch."

"Valentina Chiatti!" 

"That's the one."

"No. She's just a friend from work," I said. "We're good friends, actually."

"Yeah, sure!" 

"I'm serious! Guys, I don't sleep with every woman I know."

"Well, if that isn't the biggest bullshit I've ever heard". Noah sat right next to me, shaking everybody's hands. "If that tree wore a skirt, you'd be humping it already."

"Noah, you can probably tell us the truth," said Sebastian. "Did he hit that cute actress who plays the witch or not?"

"Oh, I know who you're talking about." Noah gave him a devious smile. "Come on, Ash. Just tell them. You know these guys live through you."

I sighed in defeat. Noah had the worst timing ever. "Fine, I slept with her."

They erupted in a cheer. At this point, I was just glad Noah didn't refute my demeaning answer and told everyone I had been desperately in love with Val only to get dumped.

"I knew it!" Jakub said. "There was too much chemistry there!"

Oh, you have no idea, pal...

"I knew you still had it in you," Sebastian said. "That blond hottie is looking at our table ever since you came in."

I looked over my shoulder and was met by a pair of beautiful hazel eyes, framed by a set of cute freckles. The girl waved at me with a naughty smile I knew exactly what meant, and I was surprised to reciprocate.

"I see what you mean." I smirked at them proudly.

"Go talk to her!"

"You have to!" Jakub said.

"You guys are really living through me, aren't you?" I asked.

"Of course!"


"Get your famous ass over there and get her number!" Noah said. "This should be easy. Besides, her friend is hot. You could hook me up."

"Since when do you need my help with that?"

"I don't. But why do it myself when you can do it for me?"

"Really, Noah?"

"I feel nostalgic. Indulge me."

I was about to get up when Sebastian stopped me. I turned to see the beautiful girl coming in my direction, swaying her perfect hips like a Guinea pig ready to mate.

"You're Ash Müller, right?" she said in a very heavy and southern American accent.

"I am."

"May I have your autograph, mister?"

"Sure..." I said, and Noah elbowed me in the ribs. "If I may have your number."

"Why, of course!" She let out a flirtatious giggled and wrote down her number on a napkin. I handed her another one with what she wanted. "I'll be in town until Sunday... call me."

Until Sunday... If that wasn't code for booty call, I didn't know what was anymore. I wasn't going to call her, though. No, I only got her number so my friends would leave me alone. Back in the day, I would have banged this girl's brains out until she had a concussion or something, and that would be right there, in the restroom. But not anymore. Ash Müller was tired of the game. I wanted something serious... Except 'something serious' didn't want anything to do with me.

My sister, Ada, came to visit that evening. She brought food, which was good, because the only thing I knew how to cook was rice, and I couldn't live off takeout forever. We chatted for a while, of which 80% of the time was dedicated to checking if I was in a good place, no matter how much I reassured her. She was about to leave when she saw Blondie's number on the sideboard close to the door.

"What's this?" She inspected the napkin.

"Something called none of your business". I tried to get it back, but she jerked her hand back.

"Have a date, huh?"

"No, I only got her number so the guys would shut up."

"So she's not pretty?"

"I never said that."

"Then call her."

"Stop doing this, Ada. I'm serious."

"Ash, you've been pining over Val for too long now."

"I have not--"

"You have to give other girls a chance, you know." She waved the napkin around.

Aside from Noah, Ada was the only person to whom I openly talked about Val and everything that happened between us. She was my twin, after all. We've always shared everything. But she had to let that go. I was still bumped, of course, but I was perfectly fine. I was almost completely recovered from my first ever heartbreak. Cross my heart.

"I'm not pining over her, and I've been doing fine in the sack, thank you very much." I finally snagged the piece of paper from her hands.

"Ew! No! Too much info."

"You started it."

"Ash, look at me. Seriously. I know you still go out and meet girls... in an intimate way..." Ada pretended to gag. "But you're not yourself anymore, so don't give up--"

"Ada, please..."

"Don't give up. Because a certain number of girls will bring you to your normal self, and this one might be it."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. I'm your twin! I know this stuff! You don't smile as much anymore, don't joke anymore, and you also don't go out as much anymore. And it pains me to see your cheerful personality disappear like that." She got my phone from that same sideboard and put it forcefully in my hand. "So, can you please just sleep with this one more girl, so our lives can go back to normal?"

"Fine!" I raised my hands in annoyance. "I'll do her for you."


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