13. Like A Moth To A Flame

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Noah yelled at my TV, banging a bowl of snacks out of place.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I said as the soccer game we were watching came to an end. "I'll get us more beers. Maybe not for you, Noah... You've had enough for the day."

"Fuck you..."

"Hey, do you mind if I Skype Zoey for a bit?" Ethan opened my laptop on the coffee table.

"Don't you have a phone or something? It's 2018," Noah said.

"My phone died, smart-ass. May I do it or what, Ash?"

"Sure. Go ahead." I headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Hey, you got some good porn here, mate."

"What are you talking about? I don't have porn on my computer. I watch everything online."

"Oh yeh? Then why is there a video of a tattooed babe sitting on a hunk--"

I ran back to them and jumped in front of Ethan, closing the lid. He and Noah stared at each other in understanding.

"No way! You have a sex tape with Val?" Noah yelled.

"Apparently I do!" I turned to Ethan, moving away from him. "What were you doing sniffing my stuff anyway?"

"The folder was open right at my face an' I clicked on what I thought was a video of a guy playing guitar!"

"Hang on. You didn't know this was here?" Noah asked.

"No! I have no idea how..." My hand came to my face. "Wait, I think I know. Val went to visit me in Copenhagen once and spent the weekend..."

"She seems comfortable indeed," said Noah. Ethan gave him a high five.

"Anyway... I was playing guitar and recording it when she woke up and came to the living room. As you can see, things heated up, and I completely forgot it was even shooting."

"I have to say, I had no idea Val had such a fine ass," Ethan said.

"What are you talking about? You guys surfed all the time in California."

"Well, if you must know, I refrain from looking, 'cause she's a bro."

"You were staring at the damn screen like a hawk a minute ago."

"I was drawn to the flame like a moth, okay? Leave me alone." He raised his hands. "Besides, I miss Zoey an' I haven't had sex in over a month."

"Please stop." I pushed away the thought of him being attracted to my ex.

"You know, Ash, I didn't really have the chance to check how fine this booty is..." Noah reached for the laptop.

I closed the lid back, nearly smashing his fingers. Our eyes met, and I stared at him coldly. "I will kill you."

"Hey! No need to mangle me, possessive much." He rubbed his fingers.

"Alright, get the hell out of here, you two."

"Don't you think you're overreacting a little bit?" Noah asked as I pushed them to the door. "We were just teasing."

"Leave him, Noah. He's gonna watch the video."

I slammed the door in their faces, hearing their laughter resonate through the hall and fade as they walked away. I looked back at my laptop, pondering.

I should just delete it.

What are you talking about? Go watch it, you moron!

My inner voices started to bicker, and I thought I was going crazy. I sat down and opened the lid again, resolute to delete the video and end that madness at once. When my eyes met the frozen screen, though, I have to say I was caught by the flame, much like Ethan. I could see Val's round ass staring at me as my digital half buried its fingers on her soft flesh.

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