4. The Weirdest Dinner Ever

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Val looked better than the last I had seen of her if that was even possible. Her curtain bangs had grown a long way down, making her ever-disheveled hair look heavy and healthy, carelessly thrown to the side. Both of her arms were covered in tattoos now, as well as her chest and part of her neck. Her piercings still sat on her face, daring me to kiss them. 

That had never been my type of beauty, but I had caught myself loving all that a long time ago. My mind was suddenly overtaken with the image of me taking her against the kitchen counter, but I shushed the growing bulge in my pants.

"Don't be rude! I raised you better!" my mother said. She slapped the back of my head to get me out of my daze.

I groaned from the pain and greeted Val from the other end of the room, still not moving. It was like I was going to get burned if I ever touched her again. 

"Long time no see, huh?" I said.

"Half a year... Your hair's so big now."

"Yeah... I'm thinking about getting it cut."

Her face fell, so I instantly dropped the idea. I shot a suspicious glance at my mother, who started to explain.

"I ran into Val downtown! I instantly recognized her from the show, and I had to invite her over! I was dying to meet her!"

"I see..."

I rubbed my neck, still unable to look away from the Sun. This was great. Just great, really. The last person I wanted to see was not only in town but bonding with my mother over tea.

Val shifted her weight uncomfortably. "I should go..."

"Please don't--" I closed my eyes, instantly regretting my hastened words.

"No, I really should. Thank you for the tea, Mrs. Müller."

"Oh no, honey! Don't go," my mother said. "You haven't met my husband yet. You must stay for dinner. Ada is coming too, with Marco."

"Shit! Ada is coming too?" I said.

"Language!" my mother said then turned back to Val. "Please, sweetie, tell me you'll stay for dinner."

Val looked from my mother to me as if she didn't know what to say. I already knew the answer. There was no denying Grace Müller what she wanted. Sooner or later, she would find a way to drag you to that Celine Dion concert; to take your Christmas picture with those ridiculous elf ears, or to meet the ex you never wanted to see again. She was determined like that.

"Sure..." Val gave in. "Of course, I'll stay. Thank you"

"Yes!" Mom clapped her hands together. "Val, how do you like pork?"

"I love it."

"Great! You kids go get me some of the ingredients while I get started! Take my car, Ashley." She threw me the keys. "Girl! I'll make you a mørbradbøffer you will never forget!"

She handed me a list of everything she needed. The sneaky woman had planned this the moment she set eyes on Val. 


"Well, mom's right about one thing," I said as I strolled through the isles of the grocery store with my ex. "We will never forget this meal." 

"Look, I'm sorry. I figured maybe you wouldn't want to see me, but she was so..."

"Imposing? She can be like that." 

"No! On the contrary. She was so sweet. That's why I couldn't say no to her."

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