17. Everybody Loves The Fucking Drummer

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I groaned in pain. Val nearly mangled me from the startle. She stopped blowing me in a flash and looked at me in horror.

"Yes! She's gonna be over the moon!" Noah yelled again, clearly trying to give us a heads up.

She cleaned her mouth, gave me a wary look, then headed to the living room. I zipped myself up dangerously quickly and went to the bathroom, to pretend I was coming from there. I tried my best to hide my frustrated erection. My dick was furious at me. Furious! It just didn't get that sometimes we can't have what we want.

I flushed the toilet to make a convincing case and washed my face with the cold water, in hopes it would wake me up from this nightmare. It had to be a nightmare. I had gone from cloud nine to hell on Earth in the drop of a name.

When I came out, the world seemed to go into slow motion as I was confronted with the image of my girl in the arms of another man. Yeah, you heard me right. My girl. Val was fucking mine. After everything we'd been through, I couldn't help but see Gunner as an inconvenience, but that shit was about to be settled.

"Come on, babe. You know how I feel about PDAs." Val untangled from him, giving me a look. "Gun, you met Noah. This is Ash."

"Nice to meet you, man," I lied to his face.

"Good to finally meet the man." He shook my hand with confidence.

The guy was a character. From his disheveled black hair to the eyeliner and combat boots, he looked like a fucking rockstar. My eyes trailed over his ink-covered forearms and the piercings on his face, and I couldn't help thinking he looked... He looked like he was meant for her. I could practically hear my ego crying from the pain.

"Heard a lot about me?'' I asked.

"You bet I did... Though I'm glad she's not your bitch anymore."


"Chill, man. I'm talkin' about the bet," he said without a hint of care in his North Carolina accent. "Should've seen your face."

"Oh... Yeah, the bet."

"Anyway. Y'all will have to excuse us. I have to catch up with the Mrs." He nuzzled Val's neck.

"It's alright," Noah said. "We have lunch with Ethan and Misha now. You two go ahead."

"Sweet guy," Gunner mumbled as Val took him down the hall.

She threw me one last apologetic glance by the door, and that second when we held each other's gazes dragged itself torturously until she mouthed the words, "I'm so sorry" and went inside.

I had lost my ground. I suddenly felt like I was hit by a truck and every single bone of mine had been broken.

"Come on, man." Noah patted my back. "They're waiting."

I finally looked away from where Val had disappeared. "What are you talking about? We don't have lunch with Ethan and Misha."

"I do, and now you do too." He looked at his watch. "Let's go. You look like you need a shoulder to cry on."


"So you met Mr. Rockstar," Ethan said as we waited for our orders.

"Yup... And it was not pretty."

"At one point I thought Ash was gonna puke. I swear to God," Noah added, making Ethan chuckle.

"Don't lose hope. There's still time." I palmed my stomach.

"Stay strong, my friend." Misha rubbed my shoulder. "How is he, though?"

"I thought... I think he's weird."

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