23. Valentina (And Gunner)

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Me: I'm in the city

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Me: I'm in the city

we need to talk

Gun: sounds serious

that cant be good

Me: its not, baby

I put my phone away and headed to the shop as fast as I could. I decided to text Gunner so I wouldn't chicken out when I saw him. There was this feeling of impending doom surrounding me, making me constantly gasp for air. I might not be a well of calm, but I've never been anxious in my life. Angry? Short-tempered? Sure. But never anxious, and I couldn't decide if it was from the upcoming confrontation with my boyfriend or what might come after.

I sure as hell wasn't looking forward to coming clean with him; hell, I was still deciding if I was going to tell him what I'd been doing in his absence. Was it worth it to risk hurting him just so my conscience would feel lighter? What would he do in my place? Would he want to know?

I hadn't slept properly since making this decision, tossing and turning in bed with the idea of setting myself free from yet another failed relationship.

We were doing so great, even though I never wanted to be someone's girlfriend in the first place, and the sole reason I had done it was to try and make it impossible for me to be with Ash.

Great effort, Val. Great effort.

Even with all this, I had to admit Gunner and I were great together. Not Ash and I great, but still pretty good. He made me laugh, cared about me, and he was the second-best sex I've ever had. Then why couldn't I love him back? Why couldn't he make me get over Ash?

As soon as I set foot on the shop, I was greeted by Megan.

"Boss!" she came to hug me tightly. ''I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, cara!" I replied from the heart. "Is Gun here?"

"Yeah, boss number two is in the procedure room. He's got a client on the table." 

The shop line rang. I let her do her job and came in, greeting all the artists before I stopped by Gunner's table and took a good look at his work. He was doing a fullback; the guy in the table was huge. The design was a trash polka of a WWII soldier with a few elements following the theme. The style was Gunner's specialty. He was so good at this shit, and I couldn't help thinking of how much he had taught me.

Don't chicken out, Val.

"Hey... My love." He quickly got up and pecked my lips, then sat back down and resumed his work. "How was the flight?"

"It was okay. God! I missed this place," I said, relishing the buzzing of the coil machines.

"Wanna help me here?" he offered with a smile, and my heart was filled with happiness.

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