15. Promise

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Noah jumped at me, shutting me up with his hand. "Okay, you got me. Carla and I are hooking up. She's the girl I've been texting. And remember when I skipped your mom's birthday to go to Sweden? Well, I wasn't in Sweden, I was in Italy."

I squawked under his hand, so he tightened his grip.

"Ash, I know this is big. I know I've been hiding this from you, but please do not yell, because I really like this girl, and I don't want you to ruin my first night alone with her this week... I'm gonna let you go now, okay?"

I frowned at him and nodded. His hand came off my mouth, and I stared at him in shock. "This is huge!" I whispered.

"I know! But please don't tell anyone."

"How long is this happening?"

"That time she came to visit. We really hit it off at your birthday party, but nothing happened. We just talked and had a great connection. Then we got back in touch a while ago, and when I went to Italy... Well, you figure."

I looked back at Val's room.

"She was in Seattle back when I visited Carla. She doesn't know anything. No one knows. Please don't tell."

"Why not?"

"Because we knew everybody would freak out... I mean, look at yourself right now, man!"

"Damn it, Noah... I hate keeping these secrets. You remember how bad I felt back when you hooked up with Lena, and I had to keep your stupid secret from everyone."

"I know, man. I'm so sorry. But we will tell... when we're ready."

"Yeah, sure..."

"Seriously, we will.''

''Fine, Noah, I won't tell."

"Thank you so much!" He clasped his hands together. "Hey, what were you doing in my room?"

"Looking for a condom." I pinched the bridge of my nose.


"Yeah. You gonna lecture me?"

"Hell no. We both have better stuff to do right now." He went into his room to get what we wanted. "Here. Have a safe ride."

"Just one? What do you think I am? Give me more."

"What do you think I am? A drugstore? Get outta here!"

When I came back to Val's room, she was pacing back and forth, hands fiddling with the hem of her top, which was back on.

"Please don't tell me you're changing your mind," I said.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Come on, skat. You're the one who's always so sure about everything."

"I know. This isn't about me. It's about you, amore. I don't want you to get mad at me again."

I rubbed my eyes, realizing she had a great point. "Okay, we don't have to do this if you're not sure... I'll just have to take a cold shower."

"Oh, I'm definitely sure. This is just for your sake."

"Really? Don't you have any remorse?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Of course, all the time... Well, except when you're standing in front of me... shirtless... with your hair down like this..." She shook her head, like trying to break off a trance. "But I wanna be strong for you. I know you have better morals than I do."

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