11. Vicious Fights And Mended Friendships

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I didn't actually believe Val would keep sucking up to me, but to my surprise -- and everyone else's amusement -- she went for it. She must have been really desperate to prove she was sorry... or maybe she just liked being my little bitch. Either way, this was too much fun to pass, and I kept making her work for my forgiveness.

"Can I please be your bitch now?" she asked after kissing my cheek.

"Why, thank you for the kind words, baby..." I smiled at her. "But nah."

Our friends were laughing, except for Lena. That night we went to see a boxing match, and Val had just yelled for everyone at the venue to hear that I was a sexy, handsome devil and she couldn't handle herself around me. For the last two weeks, I'd been the king of the world, best actor and lover that ever lived as well as owner of the sweetest, hottest ass she'd ever bitten, among many other embarrassing things.

"Come on! I've done and said everything you asked. I've humiliated myself in front of the whole Dublin population. One guy even shot everything with his phone and posted online."

"Oh, dear." Ethan kissed her temple, struggling to breathe. "I'm so sorry you're going through this but I hope he never forgives you."

"Wow... Nice to know you guys got my back."

"How's Gunner dealing with all this?" Lena asked, not the least amused.

"He's fine!" I waved dismissively.

"I'm not talking to you," she said. She had literally refused to talk to me 'until that nonsense was over'.

"He's having even more fun than this asshole right here." Val pointed at me.

"Now that can't be true," I said. "No one is having a better time than I am." 

"Hang on a second," Noah said. "Your boyfriend, who lives with you, who owns a business with you... That boyfriend, he's okay with you climbing atop of chairs and screaming you can't live without Ash's dick?"

"He doesn't care. I had to tell him I'd lost a bet to Ash and this was pay-time. He said it was my own damn fault for being a bad gambler."

"Always loved that guy," Ethan said.

Val rolled her eyes dramatically before turning to him. "I've been meaning to ask. How are preparations for the wedding going so far?"

"We still can't decide where the wedding will be."

"Thank God we won't be going through this," said Misha.

"Excuse me?" Lena stepped away from him.

Misha's face was one of a scared woodland creature. He looked at us for help, but Noah was already sneaking his arm into Carla's and quietly leaving us.

"I-I just meant... we won't have to worry about this kind of thing--"

"Because we're never gonna get married?" Lena said, and Ethan too sneaked away from us, taking Kiara with him.

"Is this really a conversation you wanna have in front of our friends?" He stole a begging glance at me.

"That's, my cue. Wanna get out of here?" I asked Val, and she immediately took my arm before we could be dragged into that mess.

"How about we grab a beer before the fight?" she asked. "It's on me."

"Like hell it's on you," I told her as we headed to the hotel bar, arguing about who would pay.

"Look at them," she said. "I guess we dodged a bullet there."

We watched from a distance as Lena and Misha had the relationship talk of the century. If Val and I ever got this serious, we too would face the problem of where to have the wedding and where to live, etc.

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