10. Can I Please Be Your Bitch Again?

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"Please talk to me," Valentina asked. As if using me for sex wasn't enough, she had to annoy the shit out of me now too.

She had been following me around everywhere we went, asking for forgiveness at every chance she got. That particular weekend, we were checking out a local beer festival, but I felt like no amount of alcohol would make it easier to stand her.

"Are you still seriously trying?" Misha said. "Forget it, girl. Give him some space."

It was almost as if she was trying to humiliate herself to try and make up for her mistakes. It had been a week or so since we'd had sex on that tub, and I had to admit I had been tempted to keep fucking her, no strings attached, using her like she had done to me. But I dropped the idea. It was probably for the best. Given my luck, I would probably end up being the one who got screwed.

I hadn't wanted to cause distress in our group, so I bottled up my feelings, which meant that Val and I still hung out all the time. I never meant for this whole thing to escalate so badly, but in the end, it was all my fault. I knew how she was. I knew I was falling for her, and that I should have fled as soon as I realized it, but no. I had to dive in, head first, just because I was inexperienced because I was addicted to the rush of adrenaline that came with falling in love for the first time.

Now I was stuck with this annoying, short witch, begging for my forgiveness at every second of every day.

"Ash, please," her voice cut through my thoughts.

"What? What, Val?" I snapped.

"I told you this would work!" She playfully slapped Misha's arm. "Come on, bambino. You know I never meant to hurt you."

"Leave me alone. I said I forgive you."

"And I said I don't believe you. You keep giving me the cold shoulder. Let me at least explain myself."

"Fine." I stopped in my tracks, and that made everyone else pay attention to us. "You've got sixty seconds before I lose interest in your next bullshit excuse."

"What? Just six--"

"Fifty-nine, fifty-eight--"

"Okay, okay! Look, I'm really sorry."

"Oh, you're gonna have to do better than that, kid," Lena said, and I saw sheer panic light up Val's red-brown irises. 

This was actually fun.

"Right! Look, you're right," Val said. "I should never have omitted my boyfriend from you. I should have told you the minute we kissed at your apartment..."

I threw her a disapproving glance while the others whistled.

"No! Before! At your parents' place!" she rambled on. "But if you come to think about it, it was your fault too. I never forced you to do anything, and I did try to tell you during the read-through."

''Oh, shit...'' Kiara said, and I could feel everyone tense up along with me.

"Are you seriously trying to turn this on me?" I asked.

"Look, I was selfish and a complete bitch, but I do not regret it, 'cause you're the best thing that ever happened in my life, and my only regret ever is that I hurt you and made you feel used."

She panted like she had run a marathon, ignoring our friends' looks. Carla looked at me and brought her hands to her chest, carrying a silence plead in her eyes.

"Please, don't hate me. I can't have that." Val fell to her knees.

"Holy shit," I said.

"Ah! Now you have to forgive her, chum!" Ethan said.

"Not just yet," I said, resolute to make her suffer. "First, you'll have to do something for me."

"Anything! You name it!" She shot to her feet.

"I want you to scream, for everybody in this fair to listen, just how much you're sorry."

"I can do that."

"Not so fast." I went to whisper the rest of the message on her ear. I saw her skin get goosebumps for just a second before she processed what I'd just told her, and her eyes got wide with fear. "Do this, and I'll think about it," I said as I stepped back.

"I can't say that!" she said, and our friends leaned closer. "What if Gunner gets word of it?"

I put my hands in my pockets and looked at the void, sighing. "Yeah, you're right... But it's fine. I guess you're not so sorry about what you've done."

"Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," she whispered to herself. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Tell us already!" Noah yelled, nearly spilling his beer.

We headed to the center of the square, where people sat with all kinds of beer and food. Valentina climbed up a bench, eyes nervously scanning the crowd. She eyed me with something close to despair, but that only made me look forward to that next moment. Out friends braced themselves when she started to yell.

"I'm so sorry, Ash Müller!!!" she screamed, attracting everybody's attention. "I am such a jerk, who doesn't deserve you. Please, I can't live without you..."

Our friends started laughing louder and louder as she progressed through the rest of the apology.

"Aaand?" I signaled for her to keep going.

"And you're the hottest man alive, and no one..." She sighed. "I said NO ONE can make me cum like you can!"

Kiara spat all her beer as everyone erupted in laughter. Val came down, looking humbled, and stood by my side. I bent my knees a little bit, and she stretched on her toes to peck my cheek.

"Can I please be your bitch again?" she asked.


"What?" She balled her fists in anger.

"I said I would think about it, and I'm not satisfied yet."

Noah bumped my fist. We resumed our walk with Val fuming. She didn't say a word to me for the rest of the day, and that only proved this little prank was worth it. At least I would have some peace for a while.

Before we entered the rows of booths again, Lena threw me a nasty, judging look, and I knew she thought I had gone too far, and she was probably right about that.

I just couldn't care the least.


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