7. Beggars Can't Be Choosers

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Noah braced himself and recoiled in pain as I threw the basketball on his stomach.

"Earth to Noah. Come on, head on the game."

"Sorry." He positioned himself back to try and block me.

"You've been so distracted lately."

"I said I'm sorry." He stole the ball from me and scored a three-point shot. "Is this good enough for you?"

"It's definitely better."

We played some more, but he was too distracted, so we just shot hoops for the rest of the afternoon. He kept skipping his turn to text God-knows-who, and it pissed me off. I had seen this behavior before and I did not like it.

"Dude, are you even listening?" I asked in annoyance after my thousandth shot against his fifth or something.

"Yeah, yeah. Val's a bitch, you miss her, whatever."

"What? No! My mom's birthday! She's been asking if you'll show up."

"Oh, no. Sorry." He looked up from his phone. "I'll be in Sweden next week, visiting my grandparents."

"Noah, what the fuck? You've been glued to this thing for the last two weeks."

"Sorry, it's this chick I met a while ago, and we just got back in touch."

"Oh, really? Is she hot? Let me see her."

he pulled the phone out of my reach. "I really rather not."

"What? Why can't I see her?"

"Because... I... Look, you didn't rush to show me a picture of Val when you guys hooked up. Why do I have to show you this chick?"

"You met Val before I did!"

"So what? Look, if we meet again and everything goes well, I'll introduce the two of you."

"Noah... Are you in love with her or something?"

"No! We just hit it off really well."

"Cause you can go down that road pretty fast."

"Look who's talking. You were in love with Val the minute you realized she wasn't interested."

"But that was one time in my life. You've done it a lot."

"Whatever. You're the one who has been whining about a girl non-stop like a little bitch."

"I haven't even mentioned her in months!"

"Oh... Then I really haven't been paying attention..." Noah put his phone away. "Sorry about that."

We gathered our things in silence. Worst basketball game ever. I was about to leave when it hit me, like a crumbling brick wall.

"Oh, my God! Is it Lena?" I asked. "Are you hooking up with her again?"

"What? No, man! She's with Misha. Why would I do that?"

"Then why are you hiding this from me?"

"Ash. Let. Go. I didn't even hook up with this girl. We just like to talk."

"It's just... You're never this secretive unless when it comes to girls you like."

"Damn, you do know me too well..." He stared at me. "I do like this chick. I just don't wanna jinx it. That's why I need you to give me space."

"Fine... I guess it's fair."

"Look, I've been a shitty friend lately. How are you hanging?"

"I'm fine, really. That shit with Val was really confusing..." I hopped on my bike. "But there's not much I can do, right? Besides, it was like two months ago."

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