3. The King Of The Fucking Game

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I kept my promise to Ada and called the girl from the restaurant. She asked me to bring someone for her friend, so in the end, Noah's plan worked. We decided to meet them at a club, so the conversations could be kept at a minimum.

The girls weren't so bad, but still, I made a point of being so drunk that night that I wouldn't even remember my own name until the next day. My girl -- whose name I had a hard time remembering -- was basically throwing herself at me, and I hated it. And to think I used to like that kind of thing, but now it seemed to piss me off out of my mind.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Noah asked in Danish, so they wouldn't understand us.

"What are you talking about?"

"We have two hot chicks who will be out of the country tomorrow, so we don't even have to spend the night..."


"And you're blocking my dick! Why did you even call me if you're going to blow this for me?"

"I'm sorry. Look, they're so interested, it doesn't even make a difference if we're princes or jerks."

"Are you serious, right now? God! You used to have way more game than I ever had and now--"

"Do not say I don't have game". I glared at him. "I am the king of the fucking game."

"Then prove me wrong and take that girl home". Noah tugged at my collar. I looked down at it then back at him, and he let it go. "We cool?"

"Yeah... we cool."

I decided to pretend I liked her the best I could in my inebriated state, so I switched to water for the rest of the night. God forbade me to perform badly because I had too much to drink. I probably did a good job with the pretending, because the girls decided to take us to the inn they were staying at.

When we got there, I knew I wasn't nearly enough drunk for what was awaiting me. The said "inn" was a shitty motel, to put it mildly, and they were sharing the same room. No, you didn't misread. It was only one room, and I couldn't possibly expect Noah to go for this. It wasn't my first time doing it in front of other people -- let's leave it at that -- but Noah wasn't just people.

To my surprise, however, the horny son of a bitch went for it. He looked at me, eyes begging me not to ruin this for him. Blondie was already unzipping my pants, and Not So Blondie was pulling Noah to the bed, leaving us with the couch.

"Should I turn off the lights?" I reached out to the switch.

"No way!" Blondie yanked me to her. "I'm about to fuck Ash Müller, an' I wanna see everything."

Great. Just great. I looked at Noah, in panic. He only waved for me to stop looking at him while some random girl gave him head.

Blondie didn't waste a second; she had already taken my pants off, then my shirt. I took off her dress to disguise my hesitation. She wasn't wearing any underwear. Thank God that alone made my dick come to life. It wasn't a throbbing erection, but it was hard enough. Blondie fell back on the couch, pulling me along. She grabbed my length, guiding it to her entrance, and I froze.

"What?" she said a little too aggressively for my taste.

"Hold your horses, sweetheart". I backed away to get a condom Noah had slipped into my pocket earlier.

I tore the foil, then slid the rubber down my shaft, giving it a last reassuring squeeze. Blondie winced in what I hopped my drunken mind had mistakenly perceived as disappointment. I heard Noah cum inside Not So Blondie's mouth and begged my not-so-little guy not to go soft.

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