28. Seven Times In A Row

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"Pregnant," I repeated, rolling that word in my tongue like it was alien. I frowned at Valentina, still unable to pick up my chin from the ground. "How do you know?"

"I took a pharmacy test. I'm still not sure, but I'm only telling you this because I'm really freaked out, Ash." She started pacing around her living room. "It's a suspicion, but I'm really late."

"How late?"

"Over a week... and that never happens. Plus, my body has been giving me all the signs. The constant hunger, the nausea, and I've been so tired and sensitive all the time."

"How could this have happened?"

"That condom..."

I rubbed my face. "You didn't feel sick that time... Do you think your body got used to the pill?"

"I've heard that can happen... I've taken some of those throughout my sex life, so it's possible."

"This is huge!" I got up. "What do we do?"

"I've got more pregnancy tests..." She bit her lower lip. "But I didn't wanna do this by myself."

"Don't worry, I'll stay with you."

I texted some fake excuse to my girlfriend, and Val went to the bathroom, carrying a big paper bag. I nervously waited while she took the tests, and all of them gave us the same result.

"What about this one?" I asked as she came out with yet another pink, piss-covered stick.


"How many so far?"

"Seven... I have to see a doctor. I don't trust these things. I've had false positives before."

"Did you have seven in a row?"

"Shut up..."

Her breath started to pick up. She was about to cry. I promptly took her in my arms and sighed deeply, stroking her dark brown hair.

"I know it's hard to believe right now, but everything will be alright. I promise."

"How can you be so sure?" she said without moving her face from my chest.

"Because I can. If you really are pregnant, I'll help you, okay? No way you're going through this on your own."

"Thank you so much... You're amazing."

"It's the least I can do after I knocked you up." I kissed the top of her head, and then it hit me. I pulled away to look her in the eyes when I asked this. "I did knock you up, right?"

She stiffened up then untangled herself from me. "Gunner..."

"It could be his."

"Shit..." Val touched her forehead, eyes closed. "Let's not talk about this now, okay?"

"You sure? I think the timing is perfect, 'cause you might be pregnant with my child."

"If... And that is a big if I'm really pregnant, then we can discuss this. But not until I confirm it."

"Come on. Seven times in a row, skat."

"Ash, please. I'm scared enough already. We don't need to get any more stressed than we already are." She went to sit on the couch, and I followed her, aware of the dark clouds I was summoning.

"I'm not stressed," I said.

"What are you saying?"

"I was at first, but... I'm actually happy that you might be carrying my baby."

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