35. The Proverbial Storm

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Carla's big day was upon us. She had worked so hard, and now was her time to shine. We all went to see her exhibit at Dublin's most hyped gallery, and the place was packed, both with people psyched up from the show and curious about her promising art.

I strolled through the gallery, admiring the huge collection of backstage shots of the crew, of the actors, so many emotions captured, until I saw us. Val and I were playing with prop swords between takes, laughing like two school children. After that, I started spotting every picture of us among the hundreds, like needles in a haystack. There was me, taking a stray hair away from her face; Val covering my eyes from behind; me piggybacking her around; Val and I racing, playing, stage-kissing.

"That's my favorite among the show's couples. You can see the kiss is real," Carla said from behind me. I spun around and swept her off her feet.

"I am so proud of you!" I put her back on the ground. "And jealous! These are great."

"Grazzie," she said, then her smile died. "I'm guessing you heard the news, given that you and Val didn't arrive together... and that your hair is up."

"What's that about my hair?"

"Whenever you and Val aren't on great terms, you pull your hair up on that stylish man bun."

"Oh..." I touched said bum.

"Don't get me wrong, it's cute, but it's got nothing on your glorious locks, which you only let loose when you two are fine."


"Sorry... Sometimes the fangirl in me resurfaces." She blushed but quickly recovered. "As I was saying--"

"This is your big night, Carla. Let's not talk about that for now."

"But we must. Have you talked to her?"

"Not really."

"Why not? You have to, Ash. If someone can make her stay is you."

"I don't think there's anything we can do about it. It's decided. We'll shoot her final scene in three days. The writers won't go back now."

"But you could still convince her to stay in Dublin."


I trailed off, gaping at her. I had been avoiding Val ever since I found out she was leaving, throwing my plans of proposing out the window. Not that it was set in stone or anything. I would probably chicken out, but that certainly had put out the fire for good.

Val popped up by my side as if I had summoned her with my thoughts. She hugged and congratulated Carla, and after a brief exchange of I-couldn't-have-done-this-without-you's and no-this-was-your-merit's, she turned to me. "Can we talk?"

"I'll give you two some privacy." Carla turned on her heel and went to mingle with the attendees.

"Now?" I waved at the people around us.

"If not now, then when, Ash? I've been trying to discuss this with you, but you keep dodging it."

"I know, it's just... I guess I'm trying to postpone this for as long as I can."

"But it won't change anything, amore mio. I'll still be leaving, and we won't have solved our situation."

She looked me in the eye like she was hunting for my soul, but I looked away, especially because she was wearing red. That would make it really hard for me to think straight.

"I really don't wanna do this," I said. "But I guess you have a point. So... what are our options?"

"Well, you could go to Seattle with me."

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