33. Coniglietto

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"Ash, are you awake?"

Val was calling me from the door, and I seriously contemplated pretending to be asleep.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Grace wanted me to bring you this." She gave me a plate of sandwiches.

"Thanks." I put it over my nightstand, not the least inclined to eat.

"I'll leave you alone."

"Wait." I signaled for her to come closer. "I want to talk to you."

She walked hesitantly to my bed, sitting at a reasonable distance from me. "Okay..."

"How's Ada? She still won't talk to me."

"Everyone has their own way to deal with loss. I guess she needs someone to channel the anger."

"Like I did with you?"

She just smiled bitterly, cringing a little bit. "Yeah... But don't worry about that. I get it."

"Look, I wanted to thank you for taking care of my sister."

"It's okay. I love Ada... and you. I could never leave you in a time like this."

"You really didn't have to go through the trouble, so thanks."

"No problem."

"So... Where's everyone?"

"Marco took Ada home this morning. Noah left too, to see his parents, and Grace went to get stuff for dinner." She suddenly looked uncomfortable. "I offered to help, but she insisted I stayed here with you... I think she wants us to be alone or something."

"Damn it, mom... Sorry about that."

"It's okay. How are you holding up?"

"Right now I'm just worried about them."

"Amore, you don't have to be a rock right now."

"I know, but I do. I have to be strong for them, so they know everything will be okay. My dad used to be this person for us, you know. Now, honestly, I don't think we're gonna be okay, because I'm a mess, and they're relying on me... But at the same time, what about me, you know?"

I trailed off and took a deep, calming breath before I started crying in front of her.

"I'll be your rock, Ash." She leaned I  and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "You can rely on me, I'm right here."


She leaned back, and we sat there in silence.

"Remember the first time we talked?" she asked.

"What about it?"

"I had just lost someone too. And after making me laugh with that cringe-worthy joke, you sat with me and told me everything was going to be fine..."

"Because it always does," I finished her thought.

"And you said we never forget the ones we love."

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