9. Not Some Sissy Made Of Jelly

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"Zoe, am not ready to let you go again." Ethan got on one knee at the airport and everyone, including Zoey, gasped in shock. "Am sorry I don't have a ring, love. I didn'y plan this, but I know I don't wanna spend one more day apart from you. Zoey Turner... Will you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?"

My eyes were wide now. Lena had her hands to her mouth, and Noah's chin had dropped.

"Oh my God, yes! Of course, I wanna marry you!" Zoey yelled.

Ethan got up and hugged her. The whole group came to embrace them, overwhelmed by their happiness. Lena even shed a single tear. Misha couldn't stop smiling, and Val... Well, she was something else. She looked almost unaffected. How could she be so cold? Everything was always so meaningless to her. It only added to my suspicion that she had ruthlessly used me.

We took Ethan out for a small celebration at our favorite bar after Zoey took off. She wanted to stay, but Ethan insisted her job was important and that they would have time to celebrate later. As for us: we could never pass the opportunity to get wasted.

"I am so happy for you, man!" I threw an arm over Ethan's shoulder. "I have to say, I've had my fair share of women, but you... You are truly living the dream."

"Aw... Thanks, chum. I never thought I'd be hearing this from you. From Noah, perhaps, he's the sissy one."

"Hey!" Noah whined.

"I know, I know... Who would have thought that I'd become such a pussy?" I raised my glass. "Let's drink to that."

"No, mate. Not a pussy. See that lass over there?" He pointed at Val, who was dancing with the other girls. "She's crazy 'bout you, trust me. She just doesn't know how to handle it. Don't give up, she'll learn."

I snorted.

"No, no, he's got a point." Misha hugged me sideways. "Remember when we met her? No man could ever hold her interest for long... until Ashley Müller came into the picture."

"Ash... Not Ashley."

"Shut up, I'm talking. What I'm saying is: how many men did we see fall before the mighty fury of Val Chiatti?"

"But you stand strong," Ethan said. "She might be stubborn, but she always comes through, doesn't she?"

I pondered for a moment. Maybe I was too drunk, but they made some sense.

"I just say forget about that bitch," Noah said in his typically loud drunk voice.

"You sound like you hold a grudge against her," Misha said.

"You bet your pretty Russian ass that I hold a grudge! I don't like seeing my best bud since I was five get hurt."

"That's my man!" I bumped heads with my childhood friend for that show of loyalty.

"How do you know his ass is pretty?" Ethan raised a brow.

"I have my ways. Don't be jealous," he said, and we toasted to Ethan and Zoey's happiness.

The evening wore off wonderfully. There was an amazing vibe going on, everyone was happy, drinking and dancing like it was our last night on earth. I took a minute to catch my breath, flopping by Val's side on a booth. It was only natural that my inebriated brain would take me to her. "How can you not be happy for them?" I said.

"Are you serious? I'm ecstatic!" she slurred.

"Could have fooled me."

"Um... sorry if I'm not some sissy made of jelly."

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