20. The Trick

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I came out of the dressing room in the New York photo studio and saw nothing less than Valentina leaning against a piece of furniture on a back wall. I can't even remember what the set looked like because she was topless.

Yeah, topless.

As I came to where she was standing, my eyes trailed all over her beautiful tattooed body. Her arms were crossed against her chest in an attempt to hide it.

"Wow," was all I could bring myself to say.

"Yeah, wow. It's unbelievable how I keep putting myself in these situations with you. How could I let you convince me to do this?"

"Calm down. It's just an ad campaign. You're gonna make big bucks, and it's not like you're doing this with some random stranger, like most models."

"We're half-naked, Ash!" She uncrossed her arms in her rage.

I was smacked in the face by the image of her perky, round breasts, framed by intricate black lines. From then on I simply stopped listening to whatever rant she had going on.

I was a fucking animal.

"What were they thinking?" she finally snapped me out of my perverted daze.

"I think they're going with rough and sexy."

"Do not get cute with me."

"If you really think about it, who's better for the job than you and I?"

Her eyes turned into murderous slits. If those two dark pits of hate could kill, I'd be a dead man long, long ago. I took a step back, actually fearing for my life. Someone told us it was showtime, and we got into position. The first thirty minutes were very problematic because she wouldn't relax.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you, you son of a bitch?" she asked me, feeling stiff and uncomfortable.

"I'm not feeling it, I need you to loosen up," said Sidney, the photographer.

"I'm not, I swear. I'm just used to this kind of thing. This isn't my first photoshoot, you know." I tried to inch closer, but she pressed herself against the long cabinet as if running from the devil. "It's just pictures, Val. Relax."

"I am trying, but we're too close, half-naked, and there's a bunch of people looking at us."

"They're just doing their job... and so are we." I reached for her face, but it kind of felt like I was about to rape her, so I stopped.

"Come on, guys! I can't work with that shit. I wanna see the chemistry!" Sid told us.

"Always the fucking chemistry," Val said between her teeth. "I swear to God I'll be doomed because of this thing."

"This is a disaster," I heard someone say.

I heaved a long sigh. "I'm about to do something to make you loosen up, so I apologize in advance."

"Why? What are you--''

I cut her in with a kiss, pressing my body against hers. Her arms instantly came around me, and she took a deep breath. It never failed. She relaxed at once, bracing my torso while letting me fuck her mouth with my tongue. I heard a little fuss on the studio and saw the flashlights frantically explode behind my lids. As soon as the moment passed, I knew Valentina would kill me and hang my guts on her doorway to serve as an example because the result of this session would be mainly composed of pictures of us dry-humping shirtless.

But I was too far gone into the moment to dwell on that. I just seized the day and ran my hand up her belly to squeeze her exposed breast and slid a thumb over the pierced nipple. She was so going to murder me by the end of the day.

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