22. Valentina

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This chapter makes reference to my short story The Worst Hangover Ever. You don't have to read it to understand this book, but it's short and worth a good laugh. Have a good read!

"Here's the emergency light as I promised," Ash said, putting the thing over the sideboard table

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"Here's the emergency light as I promised," Ash said, putting the thing over the sideboard table.

"You sure it works?" I said from the couch. "It looks pretty old."

"Well, my landlord said it's saved his life many times, so..."

He shrugged instead of finishing his sentence. Another weekend had come, bringing with it the thick drops of cold Dublin rain. The dark clouds setting above the city were almost otherworldly and most certainly ominous. It was the biggest storm in the history of Ireland, setting upon us. We stocked food, candles, and reinforced the windows. Lena and Misha came to stay with us, as well as Ethan. Ash came too, to lend us an emergency light he wouldn't be needing because Bree had one.

"Sure you don't wanna stay with us?" Lena asked from the floor.

"Nah, I'll stay with Bree. Nothing like rough sex to distract you in the event of a blackout." He winked at me.

I didn't reciprocate his smirk because I was nauseated. I was completely divided. On one side, I hated that Ash had a girlfriend. But there was still this part of me that thought he deserved his happiness, especially after everything I had put him through, so that's why I set him up with Bree.

"You should split, then, " Misha said as we heard yet another monstrous sound coming from the sky. "It's gonna be raining cats and dogs any moment."

"Yeah, I'll be gone in a second." Ash raised a finger distractedly, coming to sit next to me on the couch.

"What are you doing? Get the hell out of here."

"I just wanted to check on you. Will you be okay?"

"I'm a big girl, Ash. I'm not afraid of the thunder. Don't worry." 

He chuckled. "I know, asshole. I'm just worried."

He wasn't the only one. Gunner had been calling non-stop to check if I was okay. But the one person I wanted to care was already checking, so I ignored it. I was such a bitch.

"Look, if anything happens tonight, I just want you to know..." He trailed off, taking a shallow breath.

"I know, me too... We'll be fine."


He hugged me, taking a little too long to let go, and I heard one more scary-loud thunder.

"Seriously, Ash. You should go before it's too late."

"In a minute."

And the lights went off.

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