24. No one

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Bree was laid down by my side like she was in a fucking bed-sheets commercial

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Bree was laid down by my side like she was in a fucking bed-sheets commercial. There wasn't one flaw in her perfect body or her perfect face. She didn't have a bad angle, and even sleeping soundly after I had just given her the climax of her life, she looked like an alabaster statue. So peaceful... so beautiful, I thought, smiling to myself as I watched her sleep, unfazed by the occasional roars of thunder.

I was dragged from my daze by the sound of my bell ringing. I put on my sweatpants and shuffled into the living room. Who the hell was ringing at this time of night?

I opened the front door to find the last person I expected to be standing there. Valentina looked paler than ever, at least where the ink wasn't covering her skin. Her hair was drenched from the rain that battered outside. Lazy droplets ran down her body, hiding in the right creases. Her white top was soaked wet, showing her hard, bra-less nipples through. She was breathing hard. I mentally cursed my dick for getting hard at every sight of her. I mean, I had just had sex.

However, I couldn't just tell her to go home like that; she must have been freezing. For better or worse, I was still her friend. I told her to come in, and she did, taking her jet-black raincoat off her shoulders instead of trying to cover her lightly exposed body, but that didn't surprise me. We were way past modesty around each other, and I had a guess of what she might be doing there so late.

"How was your flight?" I turned to the kitchen, an excuse to hide my inconvenient erection from her.

"Not so bad. I couldn't sleep though, thinking of you."

I stood behind the counter. Her soaked body was a glistening vision; it did things to my head and body, and I had to avert my eyes not to stare at her perky, round breasts through the white, transparent fabric. For my life, I didn't want to look at her. At this ungodly hour, those eyes of hers were like two black holes ready to suck my soul in. This would be much harder than I expected. Pun not intended.

"Can I get you anything?"

"No, grazzie."

"Is everything okay?" I turned to my fridge to get water for myself.

I heard her response come from way too close behind me. "It will be in a minute."

She turned me to face her, and of course, I let her. Not because it would be weird to talk with my back turned to her, but because her fucking voice was like the one of a siren calling me, singing her way into my pants. Our lips collided, and it was like she owned me. Just like that, I was hers. I kissed her, feeling the shock of her ice-cold body against the burning heat of mine. I pulled her closer to relieve the fever until there wasn't a bit of my exposed skin not touching her. I sighed into her mouth like a relapsing junkie, grateful for the relief I didn't know I needed.

Val slipped her fingers through my hair and grabbed a handful of it, like she always did, tugging it to make me open my mouth. Not only I did, but fucked her mouth with my tongue, did what I wanted to do to her with my dick, which I pressed against her to soothe the pain. She moaned that sweet moan of hers; I loved that sound so much. I was capable of everything to hear her make that sound. My hands roamed her soft skin, sliding on the humidity caused by the rain. She reached down and undid the knot of my pants, letting them fall around my ankles.

"Wait," I said. "Bree's in my room."

"Then bring her in, because I'm not stopping."

Valentina unceremoniously grabbed my cock, and that alone made me lose sight of everything. She massaged it, cupped my balls with her other hand, and I completely forgot why I had been so worried just a second ago. I was caught between heaven and hell, literally out of breath.

"Oooooh... fuck, baby. You're killing me."

She hummed in approval. "I bet you want to slam that cock inside me, huh?"

"Oh yeah."

"You wanna play with my sweet, delicious cunt, don't you?"

"God, I do."

"Will you beg for it?"

"I'll do anything you want," I whispered, reaching between her legs, but she pushed my hand away.

"Beg, baby. I wanna hear you beg. It's driving me crazy." She played with me like I was her favorite toy. Well, I guess that's exactly what I was.

But I was getting sick of that shit.


"Sì, amore mio?"

"I can't do this."

"What?" She lost her grip for a second, and I backed away, pulling my pants back up. If that hard-on didn't kill me, nothing else in the world would.

"Sorry, I can't," I told her, and my dick twitched in rebellion.

My body felt suddenly cold from the humidity she left on me. She blinked those giant, disoriented lashes of hers like fucking Bamby, and for some twisted reason, that drove me crazy.

"But I--"

"No, I do not want to hear this." I marched to the living room with her on my tail. "No more excuses. Enough with the cheating. I had enough. I have a girlfriend. I'm done. Please, leave."

I blurted out an endless string of mechanical sentences so she wouldn't have the chance to talk. It was the only way to keep her from convincing me to jump headfirst into this madness again, which had never been hard for her. I'd never regretted something in my life the way I did kissing her during that storm days ago. And I was tired of falling into my own traps. I knew she was never going to be mine, and I didn't want to be the cheating jerk I had turned into.

"You don't understand, Ash. I--"

"What I understand is that my girlfriend is in the other room, and you're trying to suck my dick. You're fucking crazy, and I'm not doing this shit with you anymore."

"But I--"

"You have to leave, sorry." I gave her the raincoat and her travel backpack and basically pushed her out.

She held the door, looking pissed and surprised. "Ash! You won't even listen to what I have to say?"


And with that, I shut the door.

It was over. I was free. She would hate me after treating her like this. I didn't want to lose her friendship, but that was absolutely necessary if there was even a real friendship to salvage. I would try to make it up to her later in some non-sexual way.

I let out a breath I had been holding for ages, ambling back to my bed. Thank God we didn't make much noise; It'd be so weird if Bree had woken up and found me naked in the kitchen with another woman wrapping her hand around my cock. Like it had heard me, Ash Jr twitched in torturous pain. Shut up! I mentally commanded, hating him more than he hated me because we both knew only one person could take care of such painful throb, and it wasn't me or my girlfriend.

"Is everything okay? Who was at the door at this hour?" Bree asked in a slumber voice.

"No one..." I said, pointlessly trying to get comfortable under the sheets. "It was no one."


AN: I feel so tense right now. What about you?

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