29. All I Want For Christmas

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"Bree, wait!" 

"Go after her!" Val said.

I chased my girlfriend before she could leave. She was fast, though. I could only grab a hold of her when she was already out of the venue.

"Come on, babe, let me explain--"


"How could you do this to me?" she screamed, while I rubbed that same side of my face for the second time in less than ten minutes, and I suddenly saw a flashlight blink on my direction.

Oh, great! This graceful moment is going public.

"Will you please let me explain?" I said.

"Explain? There's nothing to explain, Ash! Oh, my God! Is this why you've been so distant lately?"

I hesitated but ended up nodding 8n confirmation, and she started pacing around, begging to God that this wasn't truth. I took her back inside, to the gardens.

She braced herself. "God, Ash! Please, tell me you didn't do this to me." 

"It was right before I met you! I swear!" I came to hold her, but she flinched like I was leprous, choosing to be in the ice-cold weather by herself.

"So she really is with your child?"

"She might... I'm still not sure if it's mine or Gunner's."

She snorted. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Careful with your next words, Bree."

"Are you seriously going to defend that slut right now?"

Oh, how I wished you hadn't said that.

"Don't call her that! You don't know shit about Valentina!"

"Oh, good God, you are defending her!" 

"I'll defend any of my friends."

She laughed at my face. "Friends? Do you really think you're her friend? You're nothing to her but a toy. All she does is let you run loose to later pull the leash!"

I regained my composure, trying to be the rational person in this conversation. "Bree... I'm telling you this shit went down before I met you. And that this child might not even be mine. Now, I get why you're angry. And I'm willing to let all the shit you just said to me slide if you just calm down and give me some credit."

"No, Ash. I don't care if it was before me or not." She wiped the wet streams that ran down her face. "I don't care if you didn't cheat. I told you I didn't want to get caught up in your drama with this girl, and that's exactly what happened! I've become someone I'm not. Someone jealous, obsessive, and bitter..."

"Babe, please."

"I can't do this, Ash. I'm sorry." She stepped away. "Good luck with your baby."

She held her skirt and ran away crying, leaving me with an ache in my heart and a burning on my face.

I dragged my sorry ass back to the party, wondering when my perfect bachelor life had gotten so complicated. I saw Val talking to her date on top of the huge set of stairs that led to the main hall. She said something to him, and he went back inside. She came down a few steps, and I walked up to meet her halfway.

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