31. Her Fucking Toy

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Val parted her lips for me, and I teased her tongue with mine, relishing her sweet, sexy scent, which I breathed in with all my lustful will. I confess I was a little caught up in the moment and once again became her fucking toy.

Losing balance, I sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her close. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I know I killed the mood."

She lifted my chin up and cast her hauntingly deep eyes on my own. How was I supposed to resist those dark pools of desire, when they told me so clearly of the unspeakable things she wanted me to do to her?

"Shh..." She stroked my hair fondly. "I never wanted anything in my life as badly as I want you, Ash."

Val gently pushed me to lie on my back before taking her bottoms off and climbing on top of me. I closed my eyes, and she kissed down my neck, leaving goosebumps behind. Her hands ran down my torso, pulling my t-shirt up and tossing it. She leaned in to give me a loving kiss on the curve above my nose -- right between my eyebrows -- then the tip, then my lips, my chin. She made her way down my body like that, unhurriedly. I had to bite my tongue when she passed my navel, getting dangerously close to my most sensitive spot, but she didn't go there yet. She made her way back up with her tongue, my groans of frustration making her smirk. Just look at me: the panty-ripper of Dublin turned into a moaning mess under her mercy.

Valentina unbuttoned my jeans, getting a nervous laugh from me, and I watched my cock disappear inside her mouth. She licked me up and down, savoring every drop of pre-cum, taking her sweet time to tease me. She looked up to meet my eyes, going a little faster. I reached out to her hair, but not to make her go deeper. It was to make her stop..?

"Please, I don't wanna come yet," I said.

She took her mouth off me and gave me one last lick, making me spit every single curse known in both English and Danish languages. I brought her back to me, capturing her lips. My fingers reached down between her legs to feel an already wet pussy. She hissed, taking her top off to show me her soft, small breasts. God, how I'd missed those. The heat was becoming unbearable.

"Fuck, Ash, I'm screwed..." She said between kisses. "I can't stay away from you."

"Then don't."

"But I don't want to hurt you."

"Then don't."

"I don't want to fight this anymore."

"Thank God..."

I sat up to play with her breasts, sucking and pinching the nipples, giving them little bites. She let out a strangled moan, rubbed her swollen clit against the head of my cock, and that alone made me lose my shit.

She panted against my ear. "Come on, baby, fuck me. Please. I can't take it anymore."

I snapped at hearing her beg, lying on my back again. From under her, I reached for my nightstand to get a condom. It was a miracle I was still lucid enough to think about it. Once I was properly dressed, Val slid down on me, sighing. I moved under her, impatient. She rocked her hips on top of me like a fucking goddess, telling me of how much she had missed me, how much she missed my cock.

This might sound like a cliché, but sex with Valentina was never like anyone else. No one played me like that, drove me crazy like that. My skin didn't crawl like that for anyone else.

I touched her everywhere, watching her lose her mind, gasp for air, and scream my name. She didn't care if people outside would hear us, so I didn't either. I cursed, and I called her names. It was always like that with her: savage, careless, loud. She bounced quicker and quicker. My hand went to her face, and her pretty, red lips closed around one finger. The vision of her sucking and mewling in despair brought me closer to the peak. My wet finger ran down her body, back to her swollen clit.

"Tell me you love me again, Ash."

"I love you... God! I love you so much... Fuck, Valentina!"

As soon as I said it, she came undone, convulsing in top of me, making my lower abs a slippery mess. My hand came behind her head to bring her close. Her hips tilted up, and I took control, bucking my hips from under her as fast as I could manage. She kissed me with breathless passion as I drove us to a mind-blowing orgasm. I screwed my face involuntarily, losing control of my own body. It tensed up and stiffened with the explosion of endorphins that came along. And suddenly, I just felt happy. I had the woman of my dreams coming on top of me like I was the best sex she'd ever had, telling me I was the shit. It was the best feeling in the world. I wanted to feel like this forever.

Val grabbed my hair and neck, biting my lip. We spasmed against each other, taken with lasting pleasure until she collapsed by my side. The noise from the party slowly made itself present again as I recovered from the best climax of my life.

"I love you," I said once again. Fuck what she might think.

"I love you too."

"Stop messing with me..."

"I'm serious."

I didn't have the energy to bicker, no matter how hard it was to believe her. I had given up on understanding her a long time ago. My phone rang from the dresser across the room. I just groaned, deciding I'd deal with whatever it was later.

"Aren't you going to answer?" she said.


As soon as the sound died, her phone started to ring. She gave me a look. "Can you get my purse? It's right there on the floor."

"Sure, sure."

I untangled myself from her and leaned to the opposite side to get what she wanted. In my mixed state of intoxication and post-coital numbness, I dropped her purse, scattering her things on the ground.

"Shit. Sorry, I'll get this."

"No, Ash..."

I came across a wrinkled piece of paper, and I wouldn't even have paid attention to it if I hadn't seen what I recognized as a hospital clinic logo. My eyes trailed over the result of her test. It said...

"Give me that!" She tried to reach, but I stretched my arm away from her.

"Positive? Val, what the fuck?"

"You're not supposed to see this."

"You said it was negative!"

"Give it to me!" She kept trying to get the paper to no avail.

"My God! I can't believe you right now! Why did you lie to me like that?"

"Because I'm not keeping it!"

The shock of what she said made me jerk away from her. She finally managed to get the test result from me.

"I really shouldn't have told you about this pregnancy." She rubbed her face.

"No..." I said in defeat. "You really shouldn't."

Both our phones kept ringing in turn. It was driving me crazy, so I put on my underwear and went to pick up mine before I broke another one. Val started dressing up behind me, and I threw her a warning look. This was far from over.

But what I heard on the other line completely shattered me. I never thought I'd feel this lost and disoriented so quickly. I dropped my phone to the floor, feeling like I was about to fall too.

"Ash?" Val came to me as I stumbled back against the dresser. "Oh, my God! What happened, amore?"

I blinked at her and gulped, trying to find the words. "My father's dead."


AN: I think some twisted part of me likes to make Ash suffer... or you guys. Sorry about that.

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