39. Funny Business

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Val was looking at me as if I was insane. But she was the one talking crazy.

"You didn't write me a letter," I said.

"Yes, I did!"

"I think I would have remembered it!"

"I slipped it inside that photo album I got you."

"There was no letter. Just the birthday note telling me to stop leaving my shit lying around."

"Oh, my God!" She stepped away. "I poured my heart out to you on that thing, and you never even read it?!"

I was silent for a moment. "That's a shitty-ass way to tell me you love me, Val."

"That's beside the point."

"You must have forgotten."

"I didn't. I perfectly remember slipping it inside, then I put a ribbon on the album and gave it to Kiara so..."

She stopped mid-sentence, eyes shining with murderous rage.


"That fucking bitch!"

She untangled herself from me and marched away, spitting flames. I had to sprint to keep up; she was so fast for a pregnant woman.


Kiara jumped at hearing her name. Her gigantic green eyes shifted with recognition. "I'm so sorry!"

Val tried to reach for her neck, but I held her, remembering her not to make a scene at our friends' wedding and to calm down because that shit might make Emil nervous.

"I'm okay! I'm okay." She shrugged me off and smoothed her dress.

"I swear I didn't mean to read the letter, but it fell off the album!" Kiara said.

"That is no excuse!"

"I know! I know! I'm so sorry! Back then, I thought if I got rid of it, I could have a real shot with you."

"You what?"

"But I swear I gave up after you broke up with me!" She raised her hands. "I saw how crazy you were about Ash, so I gave up. No more funny business after that!"

"I can't believe you, Kiara!" Val said. "Why didn't you tell me this after we broke up?"

"I never had the chance... I swear it wasn't because I liked you. You have to believe me. It was an honest mistake."

"I don't know, Kiara..." I ran a hand through my hair. "I suffered a whole deal because you kept this from us."

"I thought you guys were dating again and that it didn't matter anymore. I mean, come on! You two are always together, and I don't spend as much time with this group."

It was true. If the tabloids and the fans kept thinking we were together, why not assume Kiara thought so too?

I sighed deeply. "I believe her."

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