38. The Wedding

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"Ethan, for God's sake! You're getting married in half an hour!" Noah called out.

"I can't do this, man! I'm too young for that shit!"

"You're like thirty! Stop being ridiculous and come out already!" Misha kicked the door.

"Calm down," I said. "You'll scare him."

I had known of Ethan's doubts, but when he failed to talk to Zoey about it, I assumed he had decided to go forward, that he was over whatever was giving him the cold feet. Sure, they had postponed the wedding to a few months after the season was over, but I'd just assumed they needed more time for preparations. Now Ethan was locked inside an en-suite bathroom, refusing to come out.

"Ethan! Come on!" I said. "It's Zoey, man! You love Zoey. Don't do this. Let me at least get in there so we can talk about this like two grown men, not through a door."

"No! I don't trust you! The minute I open this door, you'll have your henchman drag me out!"

I gave Misha a look, and he just rolled his eyes.

"Where's Val? I want to talk to her!" Ethan said.

"Are you kidding me?" Misha barked.

Hendry came closer. "Why Val?"

"I won't leave this goddamned room until I talk to Valentina. Now bring me her!"

Hendry turned on his heel and went to look for his girlfriend right away.

"Ethan, why didn't you talk to Zoey?" I asked, but all I got was uneasy, frustrating silence.

Soon enough Val came in, quite a vision in her deep green dress and fancy makeup. I made room for her at the door. She leaned against it by my side, bringing a trail of that sweet perfume that made my cock twitch.

Not the time for that.

"I'm here, unicorn. What's wrong?" she said.

"I made a mistake, Val. I rushed into this. Now I feel trapped, and I don't know what to do."

"Hey, take a deep breath, okay? Come on, in and out... Now tell me something. Why did you propose?"

"Because... Because I'd missed her. Those months we'd been apart were so hard. I felt so lost."

"I know the feeling." She gave me a look as she kept talking to him. "You feel like there's something missing."

"Exactly! And we never know how they are, if they're okay."

"Or if they're gonna meet someone interesting and forget all about us."

"That's the worse..."

I had to give Val the credit for knowing exactly what to say in that situation because Ethan sounded a lot calmer, and I knew she didn't give two fucks if the person with her was banging the whole town behind her back. She had always been the most detatched person I'd ever known.

"We don't have time for this!" Misha muttered behind me.

"But that's not why you proposed, right?" Val went on. "You did it because not a day goes by without you thinking about her."

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