8. Revelations

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The large conference room of the Dublin hotel was filled with my friends and co-workers. All of them. I hugged everyone and caught up with the news as long as I could to postpone my reunion with Val.

Misha was back for another season, so Lena was over the moon because they would get to live together in Dublin. Kiara had been in a couple of successful movies, and I heard that Val's shop was a big hit in Seattle; apparently, she was the go-to tattoo artist for hockey players in the state area or something.

I could see she was avoiding me too, as we exchanged worried glances through the crowd. That was the last thing I would want for us, to be weird. At this point, if I'm being honest, I just missed the simpler times. We used to be partners in crime, but I had to be greedy and let my dick get in the way. What a surprise.

"Zoey! You came too!" I hugged her.

"Yeah! But only until Sunday." She cast me a bittersweet look. "I got a new job on TV. I'll have to be away for a while."

"Aw... I'm happy for you though. But I'm gonna miss you."

"I know, me too... Ethan's been dealing with it pretty hard." She stole a glance at her boyfriend. "He's been acting weird the whole week."

"Ethan is a tough guy, he's gonna be okay. Give him time."

"I guess there's not much else I can do, right?"

"I guess not. How are things with his father?"

"Well, we spent a week in the castle with his family a couple of months ago," she said. "They didn't talk to each other, but I guess it's still progress."

"Wow... That's tough."

"What's tough?" Ethan came to her side, throwing an arm around her shoulder.

"That Zoey has to go back to the US." I promptly lied. She gave me a commanding look for quick thinking.

"Aye, that sucks. Can't believe I'm gonna be this whole season away from my Zoey." He kissed her temple.

"Aw, baby. I promise I'll come to visit whenever I take time off."

I looked away and saw Val, Carla, and Noah jumping around in a group hug, screaming like a bunch of school girls. Valentina had arranged for Carla to work on the show this season as a stage photographer, so she'd be tagging along. Look at my girl, influential as fuck.

When I came closer, Carla untangled from the others and held me like a lifesaver. I reciprocated from the heart.

"What's all the fuss about, gorgeous?"

"Noah, Val and I are going to live together for the season!" she said, like a kid that got their favorite toy for their birthday. "Didn't he tell you?"

"Oh yeah... He told me."

I had completely forgotten about this annoying detail. I would be seeing a lot more of Valentina than I had anticipated.

At least she's not staying with Aedan again.

"I've heard you'll be working with us this season. Congratulations!" I gave Carla a sincere grin.

"Sì! Grazzie! Val was such an angel for getting me this opportunity."

"Angel, huh? Interesting choice of words." I said to myself. "Are you nervous about this gig?"

"I'm so excited! And the best part is that by the end of the season, I'll showcase all my work in a gallery here in Dublin."

"Wow! Val really went all out for you huh? I'm so happy for you. So jealous, but so happy."

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